Coral Slime Hidden Taxon | Ceratiomyxa | porioides | | 0 | Slime Molds | Ceratiomyxaceae | Ceratiomyxales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ceratiomyxa | sp. | | 0 | Slime Molds | Ceratiomyxaceae | Ceratiomyxales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
Wolf's Milk | Lycogala | epidendrum | | 0 | Slime Molds | Lycogalaceae | Liceales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
Silver Hand | Reticularia | lycoperdon | | 0 | Slime Molds | Lycogalaceae | Liceales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
No Common Name | Reticularia | splendens | | 0 | Slime Molds | Lycogalaceae | Liceales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
Red Raspberry Slime | Tubifera | ferruginosa ferruginosa | | 0 | Slime Molds | Lycogalaceae | Liceales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
No Common Name | Dictydiaethalium | plumbeum | | 0 | Slime Molds | Reticulariaceae | Liceales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
No Common Name | Fuligo | septica | | 0 | Slime Molds | Physaraceae | Physarales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
Chocolate Tube Slimes | Stemonitis | sp. | | 0 | Slime Molds | Stemonitidaceae | Stemonitales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
No Common Name | Arcyria | cinerea | | 0 | Slime Molds | Arcyriaceae | Trichiales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
Multigoblet Slime Mold | Metatrichia | vesparia | | 0 | Slime Molds | Trichiaceae | Trichiales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
American Eel | Anguilla | rostrata | | 0 | Fish | Anguillidae | Anguilliformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Common Carp | Cyprinus | carpio | | 0 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Amur Carp | Cyprinus | rubrofuscus | | 0 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
American Toad | Anaxyrus | americanus americanus | | 0 | Amphibians | Bufonidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Fowler's Toad | Anaxyrus | fowleri | | 0 | Amphibians | Bufonidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Anaxyrus | sp. | | 0 | Amphibians | Bufonidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Eastern Cricket Frog | Acris | crepitans crepitans | | 0 | Amphibians | Hylidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Green Treefrog | Hyla | cinerea | | 0 | Amphibians | Hylidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Gray/Cope's Gray Treefrog Hidden Taxon | Hyla | versicolor/chrysoscelis | | 0 | Amphibians | Hylidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Spring Peeper | Pseudacris | crucifer crucifer | | 0 | Amphibians | Hylidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
American Bullfrog | Lithobates | catesbeianus | | 0 | Amphibians | Ranidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Green Frog | Lithobates | clamitans | | 0 | Amphibians | Ranidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Pickerel Frog | Lithobates | palustris | | 0 | Amphibians | Ranidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Southern Leopard Frog | Lithobates | sphenocephalus utricularius | | 0 | Amphibians | Ranidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Wood Frog | Lithobates | sylvaticus | | 0 | Amphibians | Ranidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Eastern Newt | Notophthalmus | viridescens | | 0 | Amphibians | Salamandridae | Caudata | Amphibia | Animalia |
Yellow Garden Spider | Argiope | aurantia | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Spinybacked Orbweaver | Gasteracantha | cancriformis | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Larinioides | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Arrowhead Spider | Verrucosa | arenata | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Trochosa | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Lycosidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Nursery Web Spider | Pisaurina | mira | | 0 | Spiders | Pisauridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Whitman Jumper | Phidippus | whitmani | | 0 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Tetragnatha | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Tetragnathidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Parasteatoda | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Steatoda | borealis | | 0 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Black-legged Tick | Ixodes | scapularis | | 0 | Ticks | Ixodidae | Ixodida | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leiobunum | verrucosum | | 0 | Harvestmen | Sclerosomatidae | Opiliones | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aceria | caulis | | 0 | Mites | Eriophyidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aceria | cephalanthi | | 0 | Mites | Eriophyidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aceria | negundi | | 0 | Mites | Eriophyidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aceria | nyssae | | 0 | Mites | Eriophyidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Black Cherry Leaf Gall Mite | Eriophyes | cerasicrumena | | 0 | Mites | Eriophyidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Maple Spindlegall Mite | Vasates | aceriscrumena | | 0 | Mites | Eriophyidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Maple Bladdergall Mite | Vasates | quadripedes | | 0 | Mites | Eriophyidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Trombidium | sp. | | 0 | Mites | Trombidiidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Cooper's Hawk | Astur | cooperii | | 0 | Birds | Accipitridae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Red-shouldered Hawk | Buteo | lineatus | | 0 | Birds | Accipitridae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Bald Eagle | Haliaeetus | leucocephalus | | 0 | Birds | Accipitridae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Turkey Vulture | Cathartes | aura | | 0 | Birds | Cathartidae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Black Vulture | Coragyps | atratus | | 0 | Birds | Cathartidae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Osprey | Pandion | haliaetus | | 0 | Birds | Pandioidae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Northern Pintail | Anas | acuta | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Green-winged Teal | Anas | crecca | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Mallard | Anas | platyrhynchos | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Lesser Scaup | Aythya | affinis | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Ring-necked Duck | Aythya | collaris | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Greater Scaup | Aythya | marila | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Canvasback | Aythya | valisineria | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Canada Goose | Branta | canadensis | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Bufflehead | Bucephala | albeola | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Long-tailed Duck | Clangula | hyemalis | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Tundra Swan | Cygnus | columbianus | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Hooded Merganser | Lophodytes | cucullatus | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
American Wigeon | Mareca | americana | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Gadwall | Mareca | strepera | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Ring-billed Gull | Larus | delawarensis | | 0 | Birds | Laridae | Charadriiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Heermann's Gull | Larus | heermanni | | 0 | Birds | Laridae | Charadriiformes | Aves | Animalia |
American Herring Gull | Larus | smithsonianus | | 0 | Birds | Laridae | Charadriiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria | interpres | | 0 | Birds | Scolopacidae | Charadriiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Sanderling | Calidris | alba | | 0 | Birds | Scolopacidae | Charadriiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Greater Yellowlegs | Tringa | melanoleuca | | 0 | Birds | Scolopacidae | Charadriiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Rock Pigeon | Columba | livia | | 0 | Birds | Columbidae | Columbiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Mourning Dove | Zenaida | macroura | | 0 | Birds | Columbidae | Columbiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Wild Turkey | Meleagris | gallopavo | | 0 | Birds | Phasianidae | Galliformes | Aves | Animalia |
Common Loon | Gavia | immer | | 0 | Birds | Gaviidae | Gaviiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Northern Cardinal | Cardinalis | cardinalis | | 0 | Birds | Cardinalidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
American Crow | Corvus | brachyrhynchos | | 0 | Birds | Corvidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Blue Jay | Cyanocitta | cristata | | 0 | Birds | Corvidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) | Junco | hyemalis | | 0 | Birds | Emberizidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Song Sparrow | Melospiza | melodia | | 0 | Birds | Emberizidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Chipping Sparrow | Spizella | passerina | | 0 | Birds | Emberizidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
White-throated Sparrow | Zonotrichia | albicollis | | 0 | Birds | Emberizidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
House Finch | Haemorhous | mexicanus | | 0 | Birds | Fringillidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
American Goldfinch | Spinus | tristis | | 0 | Birds | Fringillidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo | rustica | | 0 | Birds | Hirundinidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Red-winged Blackbird | Agelaius | phoeniceus | | 0 | Birds | Icteridae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Brown-headed Cowbird | Molothrus | ater | | 0 | Birds | Icteridae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Common Grackle | Quiscalus | quiscula | | 0 | Birds | Icteridae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Northern Mockingbird | Mimus | polyglottos | | 0 | Birds | Mimidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Tufted Titmouse | Baeolophus | bicolor | | 0 | Birds | Paridae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Carolina Chickadee | Poecile | carolinensis | | 0 | Birds | Paridae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Myrtle Warbler | Setophaga | coronata coronata | | 0 | Birds | Parulidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Pine Warbler | Setophaga | pinus | | 0 | Birds | Parulidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
House Sparrow | Passer | domesticus | | 0 | Birds | Passeridae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Sitta | carolinensis | | 0 | Birds | Sittidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
European Starling | Sturnus | vulgaris | | 0 | Birds | Sturnidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Carolina Wren | Thryothorus | ludovicianus | | 0 | Birds | Troglodytidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Eastern Bluebird | Sialia | sialis | | 0 | Birds | Turdidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
American Robin | Turdus | migratorius | | 0 | Birds | Turdidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Great Egret | Ardea | alba | | 0 | Birds | Ardeidae | Pelecaniformes | Aves | Animalia |
Great Blue Heron | Ardea | herodias | | 0 | Birds | Ardeidae | Pelecaniformes | Aves | Animalia |
Green Heron | Butorides | virescens | | 0 | Birds | Ardeidae | Pelecaniformes | Aves | Animalia |
Downy Woodpecker | Dryobates | pubescens | | 0 | Birds | Picidae | Piciformes | Aves | Animalia |
Pileated Woodpecker | Dryocopus | pileatus | | 0 | Birds | Picidae | Piciformes | Aves | Animalia |
Red-bellied Woodpecker | Melanerpes | carolinus | | 0 | Birds | Picidae | Piciformes | Aves | Animalia |
Pied-billed Grebe | Podilymbus | podiceps | | 0 | Birds | Podicipedidae | Podicipediformes | Aves | Animalia |
Snowy Owl | Bubo | scandiacus | | 0 | Birds | Strigidae | Strigiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Barred Owl | Strix | varia | | 0 | Birds | Strigidae | Strigiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Double-crested Cormorant | Nannopterum | auritum | | 0 | Birds | Phalacrocoracidae | Suliformes | Aves | Animalia |
Hooked Mussel | Ischadium | recurvum | | 0 | Saltwater Bivalves | Mytilidae | Mytiloida | Bivalvia | Animalia |
Eastern Oyster | Crassostrea | virginica | | 0 | Saltwater Bivalves | Ostreidae | Ostreoida | Bivalvia | Animalia |
Asian Clam | Corbicula | fluminea | | 0 | Freshwater Bivalves | Corbinculidae | Veneroida | Bivalvia | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lithobius | sp. | | 0 | Centipedes | Lithobiidae | Lithobiomorpha | Chilopoda | Animalia |
Lake Sponge | Spongilla | lacustris | | 0 | Freshwater Sponges | Spongillidae | Haplosclerida | Demospongiae | Animalia |
No Common Name | Apheloria | virginiensis | | 0 | Millipedes | Xystodesmidae | Polydesmida | Diplopoda | Animalia |
No Common Name | Narceus | americanus-annularis | | 0 | Millipedes | Spirobolidae | Spirobolida | Diplopoda | Animalia |
Pointed Campeloma | Campeloma | decisum | | 0 | Freshwater Snails | Viviparidae | Architaenioglossa | Gastropoda | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Cipangopaludina | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Snails | Viviparidae | Architaenioglossa | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Marsh Periwinkle | Littorina | irrorata | | 0 | Marine Snails | Littorinidae | Neotaenioglossa | Gastropoda | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Arion | sp. | | 0 | Slugs | Arionidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Leopard Slug | Limax | maximus | | 0 | Slugs | Limacidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Changeable Mantleslug | Megapallifera | mutabilis | | 0 | Land Snails | Philomycidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Foster Mantleslug | Pallifera | fosteri | | 0 | Land Snails | Philomycidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Green Hydra | Chlorohydra | viridissima | | 0 | Hydrozoans | Hydridae | Anthoathecatae | Hydrozoa | Animalia |
Wood Cockroach sp. Hidden Taxon | Parcoblatta | sp. | | 0 | Cockroaches | Ectobiidae | Blattodea | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-shouldered Bostrichid | Xylobiops | basilaris | | 0 | Horned Powder-post Beetles | Bostrichidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Margined Leatherwing | Chauliognathus | marginatus | | 0 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Goldenrod Soldier Beetle | Chauliognathus | pensylvanicus | | 0 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Podabrus | sp. | | 0 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Caterpillar Hunter | Calosoma | sayi | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chlaenius | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle | Cicindela | sexguttata | | 0 | Tiger Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Punctured Tiger Beetle | Cicindelidia | punctulata punctulata | | 0 | Tiger Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Scarites | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Stenolophus | lineola | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Heavy Ochre Harp Ground Beetle | Stenolophus | ochropezus | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Stenolophus | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Analeptura | lineola | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Monochamus | sp. | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Strangalia | sp. | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red Milkweed Beetle | Tetraopes | tetrophthalmus | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Typocerus | sp. | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dogbane Beetle | Chrysochus | auratus | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Cucumber Beetle | Diabrotica | undecimpunctata | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
False Potato Beetle | Leptinotarsa | juncta | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Leptinotarsa | sp. | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle | Coccinella | septempunctata | | 0 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle | Harmonia | axyridis | | 0 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray Persimmon Weevil | Brachystylus | sayi | | 0 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eyed Click Beetle | Alaus | oculatus | | 0 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neopristilophus | aethiops | | 0 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Berosus | sp. | | 0 | Water Scavenger Beetles | Hydrophilidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Winter Firefly | Ellychnia | corrusca | | 0 | Fireflies | Lampyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Photinus | sp. | | 0 | Fireflies | Lampyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Photuris | sp. | | 0 | Fireflies | Lampyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Striped Blister Beetle | Epicauta | vittata | | 0 | Blister Beetles | Meloidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oil Beetle sp. Hidden Taxon | Meloe | sp. | | 0 | Blister Beetles | Meloidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Patent Leather Beetle | Odontotaenius | disjunctus | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Passalidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oriental Beetle | Anomala | orientalis | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anomala | undulata | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green June Beetle | Cotinis | nitida | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Masked Chafer species Hidden Taxon | Cyclocephala | sp. | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Dichelonyx | sp. | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Diplotaxis | sp. | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Macrodactylus | sp. | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grapevine Beetle | Pelidnota | punctata | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Beetle | Popillia | japonica | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rhinoceros Beetle | Xyloryctes | jamaicensis | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Carrion Beetle | Necrophila | americana | | 0 | Carrion Beetles | Silphidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Nicrophorus | pustulatus | | 0 | Carrion Beetles | Silphidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nicrophorus | sp. | | 0 | Carrion Beetles | Silphidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Margined Carrion Beetle | Oiceoptoma | noveboracense | | 0 | Carrion Beetles | Silphidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pinophilus | sp. | | 0 | Rove Beetles | Staphylinidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Agromyza | vockerothi | | 0 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Native Holly Leafminer | Phytomyza | ilicicola | | 0 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phytomyza | opacae | | 0 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Diogmites | sp. | | 0 | Robber Flies | Asilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Bibio | sp. | | 0 | March Flies | Bibionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greater Bee Fly | Bombylius | major | | 0 | Bee Flies | Bombyliidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tiger Bee Fly | Xenox | tigrinus | | 0 | Bee Flies | Bombyliidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ocellate Gall Midge | Acericecis | ocellaris | | 0 | Gall and Wood Midges | Cecidomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grape Filbert Gall | Ampelomyia | vitiscoryloides | | 0 | Gall and Wood Midges | Cecidomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Caryomyia | sp. | | 0 | Gall and Wood Midges | Cecidomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Boxelder Gall Midge | Contarinia | negundinis | | 0 | Gall and Wood Midges | Cecidomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Linden Wart Gall Midge | Contarinia | verrucicola | | 0 | Gall and Wood Midges | Cecidomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chironomus | sp. | | 0 | Common Midges | Chironomidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Condylostylus | sp. | | 0 | Longlegged Flies | Dolichopodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Nephrocerus | sp. | | 0 | Big-headed Flies | Pipunculidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Sphecomyiella | sp. | | 0 | Pyrgotid Flies | Pyrgotidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chrysopilus | sp. | | 0 | Snipe Flies | Rhagionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Golden-backed Snipe Fly | Chrysopilus | thoracicus | | 0 | Snipe Flies | Rhagionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Snipe Fly | Rhagio | mystaceus | | 0 | Snipe Flies | Rhagionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Stratiomys | sp. | | 0 | Soldier Flies | Stratiomyidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Microdon | sp. | | 0 | | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Spur Fly | Teuchocnemis | lituratus | | 0 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Toxomerus | sp. | | 0 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chrysops | sp. | | 0 | Deer and Horse Flies | Tabanidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Tabanus | sp. | | 0 | Deer and Horse Flies | Tabanidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Archytas | sp. | | 0 | Tachinid Flies | Tachinidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Walnut Husk Fly | Rhagoletis | suavis | | 0 | Fruit Flies | Tephritidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nephrotoma | sp. | | 0 | Crane Flies | Tipulidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sooty Crane Fly | Tipula | fuliginosa | | 0 | Crane Flies | Tipulidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tipula | longiventris | | 0 | Crane Flies | Tipulidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Delphinia | picta | | 0 | Picture-winged Flies | Ulidiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Maccaffertium | sp. | | 0 | Mayflies | Heptageniidae | Ephemeroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Acanalonia | sp. | | 0 | Planthoppers | Acanaloniidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid | Adelges | tsugae | | 0 | Plant-parasitic Hemipterans | Adelgidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hackberry Nipplegall Maker | Pachypsylla | celtidismamma | | 0 | Aphalaridae | Aphalaridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hackberry Petiole Gall Psyllid | Pachypsylla | venusta | | 0 | Aphalaridae | Aphalaridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oleander Aphid | Aphis | nerii | | 0 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Beech Blight Aphid | Grylloprociphilus | imbricator | | 0 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spiny Witch Hazel Gall Aphid | Hamamelistes | spinosus | | 0 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Witch Hazel Cone Gall Aphid | Hormaphis | hamamelidis | | 0 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elm Sack Gall Aphid | Tetraneura | ulmi | | 0 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Two-lined Spittlebug | Prosapia | bicincta | | 0 | Spittlebugs | Cercopidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Alebra | bicincta | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Balclutha | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chlorotettix | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Saddleback Leafhopper | Colladonus | clitellarius | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Draeculacephala | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Empoa | gillettei | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Eratoneura | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Erythridula | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Erythroneura | integra | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Three-banded Leafhopper | Erythroneura | tricincta | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Graminella | fitchii | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-banded Leafhopper | Graphocephala | coccinea | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Broad-headed Sharpshooter | Oncometopia | orbona | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Leafhopper | Orientus | ishidae | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ossiannilssonola | tunicarubra | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Paraphlepsius | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Texananus | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Tylozygus | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cassin's 17-Year Cicada | Magicicada | cassinii | | 0 | Cicadas | Cicadidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pharaoh Cicada | Magicicada | septendecim | | 0 | Cicadas | Cicadidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Periodical Cicada species Hidden Taxon | Magicicada | sp. | | 0 | Cicadas | Cicadidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Linne's Cicada | Neotibicen | linnei | | 0 | Cicadas | Cicadidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melanoliarus | placitus | | 0 | Planthoppers | Cixiidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acanthocephala | terminalis | | 0 | Leaf-footed Bugs | Coreidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Flatid Planthopper | Flatormenis | proxima | | 0 | Planthoppers | Flatidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Citrus Flatid Planthopper | Metcalfa | pruinosa | | 0 | Planthoppers | Flatidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Lanternfly | Lycorma | delicatula | | 0 | Planthoppers | Fulgoridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Metrobates | hesperius | | 0 | Water Striders | Gerridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lygaeus | sp. | | 0 | Seed Bugs | Lygaeidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
False Milkweed Bug | Lygaeus | turcicus | | 0 | Seed Bugs | Lygaeidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-crossed Seed Bug | Neacoryphus | bicrucis | | 0 | Seed Bugs | Lygaeidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Milkweed Bug | Oncopeltus | fasciatus | | 0 | Seed Bugs | Lygaeidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Archasia | pallida | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Treehopper | Platycotis | vittata | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ranatra | sp. | | 0 | Waterscorpions | Nepidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Juniper Stink Bug | Banasa | euchlora | | 0 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Banasa | sp. | | 0 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Twice-stabbed Stink Bug | Cosmopepla | lintneriana | | 0 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Euschistus | sp. | | 0 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Florida Predatory Stink Bug | Euthyrhynchus | floridanus | | 0 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug | Halyomorpha | halys | | 0 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phylloxera | caryaecaulis | | 0 | Plant-parasitic Hemipterans | Phylloxeridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wheel Bug | Arilus | cristatus | | 0 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pnirontis | sp. | | 0 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Green Assassin Bug | Zelus | luridus | | 0 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Boxelder Bug | Boisea | trivittata | | 0 | Scentless Plant Bugs | Rhopalidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sycamore Lace Bug | Corythucha | ciliata | | 0 | Lace Bugs | Tingidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Andrena | dunningi | | 0 | Bees | Andrenidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Andrena | sp. | | 0 | Bees | Andrenidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Honey Bee | Apis | mellifera | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Two-spotted Bumble Bee | Bombus | bimaculatus | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Eastern Bumble Bee | Bombus | impatiens | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Bumble Bee | Bombus | pensylvanicus | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Bombus | sp. | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Nomada | maculata | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Carpenter Bee | Xylocopa | virginica | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mummy-wasp sp. Hidden Taxon | Aleiodes | sp. | | 0 | Braconid Wasps | Braconidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Cicada Killer | Sphecius | speciosus | | 0 | Sand Wasps | Crabronidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pipe Organ Mud Dauber | Trypoxylon | politum | | 0 | Sand Wasps | Crabronidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spongy Oak Apple Gall Wasp | Amphibolips | confluenta | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Larger Empty Oak Apple Wasp | Amphibolips | quercusinanis | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Amphibolips Gall Wasp sp. Hidden Taxon | Amphibolips | sp. | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Andricus | quercusstrobilanus | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Horned Oak Gall Wasp | Callirhytis | quercuscornigera | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gouty Oak Gall Wasp | Callirhytis | quercuspunctata | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wool Sower | Callirhytis | seminator | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Blackberry Seed Gall Wasp | Diastrophus | cuscutaeformis | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Blackberry Knot Gall Wasp | Diastrophus | nebulosus | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spiny Rose Gall Wasp | Diplolepis | bicolor | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Round Bullet Gall Wasp | Disholcaspis | quercusglobulus | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dryocosmus | quercuslaurifoliae | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Camponotus | sp. | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pure Green Augochlora | Augochlora | pura | | 0 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Coelichneumon | sp. | | 0 | Ichneumonid Wasps | Ichneumonidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Enicospilus | sp. | | 0 | Ichneumonid Wasps | Ichneumonidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudomethoca | simillima | | 0 | Velvet Ants | Mutillidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Rhopalosoma | nearcticum | | 0 | Rhopalosomatid Wasps | Rhopalosomatidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Blue-winged Wasp | Scolia | dubia | | 0 | Scoliid Wasps | Scoliidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bald-faced Hornet | Dolichovespula | maculata | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-toothed Mason Wasp | Monobia | quadridens | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Polistes | sp. | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Hornet | Vespa | crabro | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Vespula | sp. | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Arcane Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | arcanella | | 0 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Panama Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | panamae | | 0 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | popeanella | | 0 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Carpenterworm Moth | Prionoxystus | robiniae | | 0 | Moths | Cossidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth | Anageshna | primordialis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Checkered Apogeshna Moth | Apogeshna | stenialis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix Moth | Blepharomastix | ranalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rice Stalk Borer Moth | Chilo | plejadellus | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Double-banded Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | agitatellus | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pasture Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | saltuellus | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Crambus | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale-winged Crocidophora Moth | Crocidophora | tuberculalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Desmia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Darker Diacme Moth | Diacme | adipaloides | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Waterlily Leafcutter Moth | Elophila | obliteralis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eudonia | heterosalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Changeable Grass-veneer Moth | Fissicrambus | mutabilis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Beet Webworm Moth | Hymenia | perspectalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elegant Grass-veneer Moth | Microcrambus | elegans | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Microcrambus | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lucerne Moth | Nomophila | nearctica | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Basswood Leafroller Moth | Pantographa | limata | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bluegrass Webworm Moth | Parapediasia | teterrellus | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Feather-edged Petrophila | Petrophila | fulicalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Variable Reddish Pyrausta Moth | Pyrausta | rubricalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pyrausta | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Coffee-loving Pyrausta Moth | Pyrausta | tyralis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth | Saucrobotys | futilalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Many-spotted Scoparia Moth | Scoparia | basalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Celery Leaftier Moth | Udea | rubigalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Snowy Urola Moth | Urola | nivalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Curve-lined Vaxi Moth | Vaxi | auratellus | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Gray Bird-dropping Moth | Antaeotricha | leucillana | | 0 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Scythropiodes | issikii | | 0 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Arched Hooktip Moth | Drepana | arcuata | | 0 | Moths | Drepanidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Apantesis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Short-lined Chocolate Moth | Argyrostrotis | anilis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morbid Owlet Moth | Chytolita | morbidalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lead-colored Lichen Moth | Cisthene | plumbea | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Little White Lichen Moth | Clemensia | albata | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Delicate Cycnia Moth | Cycnia | tenera | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Dasychira | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Milkweed Tussock Moth | Euchaetes | egle | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sycamore Tussock Moth | Halysidota | harrisii | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Banded/Sycamore Tussock Moth Hidden Taxon | Halysidota | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Banded Tussock Moth | Halysidota | tessellaris | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Leconte's Haploa Moth | Haploa | lecontei | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | madefactalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Flowing-line Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | manalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Cloverworm Moth | Hypena | scabra | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hypena | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Giant Leopard Moth | Hypercompe | scribonia | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Idia Moth | Idia | aemula | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Idia Moth | Idia | americalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Idia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hickory Tussock Moth | Lophocampa | caryae | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spongy Moth | Lymantria | dispar | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Texas Mocis Moth | Mocis | texana | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Thin-winged Owlet Moth | Nigetia | formosalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dark-spotted Palthis Moth | Palthis | angulalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Faint-spotted Palthis Moth | Palthis | asopialis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Decorated Owlet Moth | Pangrapta | decoralis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Panopoda Moth | Panopoda | carneicosta | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-lined Panopoda Moth | Panopoda | rufimargo | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maple Looper Moth | Parallelia | bistriaris | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Curve-lined Owlet Moth | Phyprosopus | callitrichoides | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Isabella Tiger Moth | Pyrrharctia | isabella | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speckled Renia Moth | Renia | adspergillus | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Renia | salusalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Renia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Deadwood Borer Moth | Scolecocampa | liburna | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Spilosoma | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Smoky Tetanolita Moth | Tetanolita | mynesalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange Holomelina Moth | Virbia | aurantiaca | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Virbia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Horrid Zale Moth | Zale | horrida | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lunate Zale Moth | Zale | lunata | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Zale | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Early Zanclognatha Moth | Zanclognatha | cruralis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eyed Paectes Moth | Paectes | oculatrix | | 0 | Moths | Euteliidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Coverdale's Anacampsis Moth | Anacampsis | coverdalella | | 0 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Aroga | trialbamaculella/epigaeella/argutiola | | 0 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Stripe-backed Moth | Arogalea | cristifasciella | | 0 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chionodes | fondella | | 0 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-smudged Chionodes Moth | Chionodes | mediofuscella | | 0 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Gray Moth | Anavitrinella | pampinaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Peppered Moth | Biston | betularia | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Beauty Moth | Campaea | perlata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scallop Moth | Cepphis | armataria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bent-line Carpet Moth | Costaconvexa | centrostrigaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Packard's Wave Moth | Cyclophora | packardi | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Badwing Moth | Dyspteris | abortivaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tulip-tree Beauty Moth | Epimecis | hortaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Beggar Moth | Eubaphe | mendica | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Obtuse Euchlaena Moth | Euchlaena | obtusaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dimorphic Eulithis Moth | Eulithis | molliculata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grapevine Looper Moth species | Eulithis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Pine Looper Moth | Eupithecia | palpata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Eupithecia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Confused Eusarca Moth | Eusarca | confusaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Curve-toothed Geometer Moth | Eutrapela | clemataria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Texas Gray Moth | Glenoides | texanaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Chickweed Geometer Moth | Haematopis | grataria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Spring Moth | Heliomata | cycladata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Homochlodes Moth | Homochlodes | fritillaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Unadorned Carpet Moth | Hydrelia | inornata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hydriomena | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hypagyrtis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
One-spotted Variant Moth | Hypagyrtis | unipunctata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-bordered Wave Moth | Idaea | demissaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown-shaded Gray Moth | Iridopsis | defectaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Iridopsis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Curve-lined Looper Moth | Lambdina | fervidaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bluish Spring Moth | Lomographa | semiclarata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White Spring Moth | Lomographa | vestaliata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Woody Angle Moth | Macaria | aequiferaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bicolored Angle Moth | Macaria | bicolorata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-headed Inchworm Moth | Macaria | bisignata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hemlock Angle Moth | Macaria | fissinotata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Granite Moth | Macaria | granitata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Many-lined Angle Moth | Macaria | multilineata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth | Macaria | pustularia | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Macaria | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Canadian Melanolophia Moth | Melanolophia | canadaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Melanolophia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Angled Metarranthis Moth | Metarranthis | angularia | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Horned Spanworm Moth | Nematocampa | resistaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-bordered Emerald Moth | Nemoria | lixaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-fringed Emerald Moth | Nemoria | mimosaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nemoria | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gem Moth | Orthonama | obstipata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Juniper Geometer Moth | Patalene | olyzonaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Beauty Moth | Phaeoura | quernaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lemon Plagodis Moth | Plagodis | serinaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Tan Wave Moth | Pleuroprucha | insulsaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Probole | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Maple Spanworm Moth | Prochoerodes | lineola | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Porcelain Gray Moth | Protoboarmia | porcelaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ferguson's Scallop Shell Moth | Rheumaptera | prunivorata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Lace-bordered Moth | Scopula | limboundata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red Twin-spot Moth | Xanthorhoe | ferrugata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Xanthotype | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Caloptilia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sachem | Atalopedes | huron | | 0 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Silver-spotted Skipper | Epargyreus | clarus | | 0 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dreamy Duskywing | Erynnis | icelus | | 0 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Erynnis | sp. | | 0 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Zabulon Skipper | Lon | zabulon | | 0 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Peck's Skipper | Polites | peckius | | 0 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth | Malacosoma | americana | | 0 | Moths | Lasiocampidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth | Malacosoma | disstria | | 0 | Moths | Lasiocampidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Tolype Moth | Tolype | notialis | | 0 | Moths | Lasiocampidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Saddleback Caterpillar Moth | Acharia | stimulea | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Shagreened Slug Moth | Apoda | biguttata | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spiny Oak-slug Moth | Euclea | delphinii | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth | Lithacodes | fasciola | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-banded Hairstreak | Calycopis | cecrops | | 0 | Butterflies | Lycaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Azure sp. Hidden Taxon | Celastrina | sp. | | 0 | Butterflies | Lycaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Tailed-Blue | Cupido | comyntas orientalis | | 0 | Butterflies | Lycaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Silvery Blue | Glaucopsyche | lygdamus | | 0 | Butterflies | Lycaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Megalopyge | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Megalopygidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mompha | sp. 4 aff. stellella | | 0 | Moths | Momphidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Dagger Moth | Acronicta | americana | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Birch Dagger Moth | Acronicta | betulae | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Oak Moth | Acronicta | increta | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Retarded Dagger Moth | Acronicta | retardata | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Acronicta | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sad Dagger Moth | Acronicta | tristis | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ipsilon Dart Moth | Agrotis | ipsilon | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Copper Underwing Moth | Amphipyra | pyramidoides | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Cutworm Moth | Anicla | infecta | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Slowpoke Moth | Athetis | tarda | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Soybean Looper Moth | Chrysodeixis | includens | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-dotted Groundling Moth | Condica | videns | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Dun-bar Moth | Cosmia | calami | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Variegated Midget Moth | Elaphria | versicolor | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Beautiful Wood-nymph Moth | Eudryas | grata | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Corn Earworm Moth | Helicoverpa | zea | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Wedge-spot Moth | Homophoberia | apicosa | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Explicit Arches Moth | Lacinipolia | explicata | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bristly Cutworm Moth | Lacinipolia | renigera | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Linda Wainscot Moth | Leucania | linda | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Leucania | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Leuconycta Moth | Leuconycta | diphteroides | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-dotted Lithacodia Moth | Maliattha | synochitis | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-bordered Lemon Moth | Marimatha | nigrofimbria | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Meropleon | ambifusca | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Armyworm Moth | Mythimna | unipuncta | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Yellow Underwing Moth | Noctua | pronuba | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Zigzag Moth | Panthea | acronyctoides | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Panthea Moth | Panthea | furcilla | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Turbulent Phosphila Moth | Phosphila | turbulenta | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hebrew Moth | Polygrammate | hebraeicum | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink-barred Lithacodia Moth | Pseudeustrotia | carneola | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Arcigera Flower Moth | Schinia | arcigera | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Goldenrod Flower Moth | Schinia | nundina | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fall Armyworm Moth | Spodoptera | frugiperda | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth | Spodoptera | ornithogalli | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Spragueia Moth | Spragueia | leo | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bicolored Sallow Moth | Sunira | bicolorago | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eyed Baileya Moth | Baileya | ophthalmica | | 0 | Moths | Nolidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wavy-lined Prominent Moth | Cecrita | biundata | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Angus's Datana Moth | Datana | angusii | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Drexel's Datana Moth/Major Datana Moth Hidden Taxon | Datana | drexelii/major | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Datana | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oblique Heterocampa Moth | Heterocampa | obliqua | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-streaked Prominent Moth | Ianassa | lignicolor | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-dotted Prominent Moth | Nadata | gibbosa | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Symmerista | albifrons group | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Great Spangled Fritillary | Argynnis | cybele | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Wood-Nymph | Cercyonis | pegala | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Monarch | Danaus | plexippus | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Buckeye | Junonia | coenia | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-spotted Purple | Limenitis | arthemis astyanax | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pearl Crescent | Phyciodes | tharos | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Comma | Polygonia | comma | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Question Mark | Polygonia | interrogationis | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red Admiral | Vanessa | atalanta | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Lady | Vanessa | virginiensis | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Antaeotricha | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-banded Epicallima Moth | Callima | argenticinctella | | 0 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mathildana | flipria | | 0 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Suzuki's Promalactis Moth | Promalactis | suzukiella | | 0 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pipevine Swallowtail | Battus | philenor | | 0 | Butterflies | Papilionidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Zebra Swallowtail | Eurytides | marcellus | | 0 | Butterflies | Papilionidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Swallowtail | Papilio | polyxenes | | 0 | Butterflies | Papilionidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail | Pterourus | glaucus | | 0 | Butterflies | Papilionidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spicebush Swallowtail | Pterourus | troilus | | 0 | Butterflies | Papilionidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cabbage White | Pieris | rapae | | 0 | Butterflies | Pieridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Diamondback Moth | Plutella | xylostella | | 0 | Moths | Plutellidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Evergreen Bagworm Moth | Thyridopteryx | ephemeraeformis | | 0 | Moths | Psychidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morning-glory Plume Moth | Emmelina | monodactyla | | 0 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Geina | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hellinsia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Drab Condylolomia Moth | Condylolomia | participialis | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pine Webworm Moth | Pococera | robustella | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pococera | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sweetgum Leafroller Moth | Sciota | uvinella | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tallula | atrifascialis | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Luna Moth | Actias | luna | | 0 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Anisota | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Polyphemus Moth | Antheraea | polyphemus | | 0 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Io Moth | Automeris | io | | 0 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rosy Maple Moth | Dryocampa | rubicunda | | 0 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Imperial Moth | Eacles | imperialis | | 0 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bisected Honey Locust Moth | Sphingicampa | bisecta | | 0 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Waved Sphinx | Ceratomia | undulosa | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Virginia Creeper Sphinx | Darapsa | myron | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pawpaw Sphinx | Dolba | hyloeus | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Banded Sphinx | Eumorpha | fasciatus | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Snowberry Clearwing | Hemaris | diffinis | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small-eyed Sphinx | Paonias | myops | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Abbott's Sphinx | Sphecodina | abbottii | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mournful Thyris Moth | Thyris | sepulchralis | | 0 | Moths | Thyrididae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-spotted Leafroller Moth | Argyrotaenia | alisellana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-winged Oak Leafroller Moth | Argyrotaenia | quercifoliana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Argyrotaenia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-banded Leafroller Moth | Argyrotaenia | velutinana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth | Choristoneura | rosaceana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Choristoneura | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Clepsis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
The Batman Moth | Coelostathma | discopunctana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Filbertworm Moth | Cydia | latiferreana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Locust Twig Borer Moth | Ecdytolopha | insiticiana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White Pinecone Borer Moth | Eucopina | tocullionana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eucosma | parmatana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Banded Olethreutes | Olethreutes | fasciatana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Olethreutes | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Three-lined Leafroller Moth | Pandemis | limitata | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-shaded Platynota Moth | Platynota | flavedana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tufted Apple Budmoth | Platynota | idaeusalis | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Platynota | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pitch Twig Moth | Retinia | comstockiana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth | Sparganothis | sulfureana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Scallopwing Moth | Calledapteryx | dryopterata | | 0 | Moths | Uraniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ailanthus Webworm Moth | Atteva | aurea | | 0 | Moths | Yponomeutidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Ermine Moth | Yponomeuta | multipunctella | | 0 | Moths | Yponomeutidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth | Harrisina | americana | | 0 | Moths | Zygaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-patched Smoky Moth | Pyromorpha | dimidiata | | 0 | Moths | Zygaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Tenodera | sp. | | 0 | Mantids | Mantidae | Mantodea | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Panorpa | sp. | | 0 | Scorpionflies Hangingflies and Snowflies | Panorpidae | Mecoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Summer Fishfly | Chauliodes | pectinicornis | | 0 | Alderflies Dobsonflies and Fishflies | Corydalidae | Megaloptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Mantisfly | Zeugomantispa | minuta | | 0 | Mantidflies | Mantispidae | Neuroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bellied Antlion | Brachynemurus | abdominalis | | 0 | Antlions | Myrmeleontidae | Neuroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-spotted Owlfly | Ululodes | quadripunctatus | | 0 | Owlflies | Myrmeleontidae | Neuroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ebony Jewelwing | Calopteryx | maculata | | 0 | Damselflies | Calopterygidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Big Bluet | Enallagma | durum | | 0 | Damselflies | Coenagrionidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Fragile Forktail | Ischnura | posita | | 0 | Damselflies | Coenagrionidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Phanogomphus | sp. | | 0 | Dragonflies | Gomphidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Pondhawk | Erythemis | simplicicollis | | 0 | Dragonflies | Libellulidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Seaside Dragonlet | Erythrodiplax | berenice | | 0 | Dragonflies | Libellulidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Bar-winged Skimmer | Libellula | axilena | | 0 | Dragonflies | Libellulidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Needham's Skimmer | Libellula | needhami | | 0 | Dragonflies | Libellulidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Painted Skimmer | Libellula | semifasciata | | 0 | Dragonflies | Libellulidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Blue Dasher | Pachydiplax | longipennis | | 0 | Dragonflies | Libellulidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Amberwing | Perithemis | tenera | | 0 | Dragonflies | Libellulidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Whitetail | Plathemis | lydia | | 0 | Dragonflies | Libellulidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Green-striped Grasshopper | Chortophaga | viridifasciata viridifasciata | | 0 | Grasshoppers | Acrididae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-winged Grasshopper | Pardalophora | phoenicoptera | | 0 | Grasshoppers | Acrididae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Olive-green Swamp Grasshopper | Paroxya | clavuliger | | 0 | Grasshoppers | Acrididae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Obscure Bird Grasshopper | Schistocerca | obscura | | 1 | Grasshoppers | Acrididae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Allonemobius | sp. | | 0 | Crickets | Gryllidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Trig sp. Hidden Taxon | Anaxipha | sp. | | 0 | Crickets | Gryllidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spring Trig | Anaxipha | vernalis | | 0 | Crickets | Gryllidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Handsome Trig | Phyllopalpus | pulchellus | | 0 | Crickets | Gryllidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-sided Pygmy Grasshopper | Tettigidea | laterale | | 0 | Grasshoppers | Tetrigidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lesser Anglewing | Microcentrum | retinerve | | 0 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Handsome Meadow Katydid | Orchelimum | pulchellum | | 0 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nectopsyche | sp. | | 0 | Caddisflies | Leptoceridae | Trichoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Oecetis | sp. | | 0 | Caddisflies | Leptoceridae | Trichoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Triaenodes | sp. | | 0 | Caddisflies | Leptoceridae | Trichoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Great Cream Pattern-Wing Sedge | Hydatophylax | argus | | 0 | Caddisflies | Limnephilidae | Trichoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ptilostomis | sp. | | 0 | Caddisflies | Phryganeidae | Trichoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Neophylax | sp. | | 0 | Caddisflies | Uenoidae | Trichoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Crayfish | Cambarus | bartonii | | 0 | Crayfish | Cambaridae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Wharf Roach | Ligia | exotica | | 0 | Isopods | Ligiidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
No Common Name | Philoscia | muscorum | | 0 | Isopods | Philosciidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
White-tailed Deer | Odocoileus | virginianus | | 0 | Mammals | Cervidae | Artiodactyla | Mammalia | Animalia |
Red Fox | Vulpes | vulpes | | 0 | Mammals | Canidae | Carnivora | Mammalia | Animalia |
Northern River Otter | Lontra | canadensis | | 0 | Mammals | Mustelidae | Carnivora | Mammalia | Animalia |
Common Raccoon | Procyon | lotor | | 0 | Mammals | Procyonidae | Carnivora | Mammalia | Animalia |
Eastern Cottontail | Sylvilagus | floridanus | | 0 | Mammals | Leporidae | Lagomorpha | Mammalia | Animalia |
Human | Homo | sapiens | | 0 | Mammals | Hominidae | Primates | Mammalia | Animalia |
American Beaver | Castor | canadensis | | 0 | Mammals | Castoridae | Rodentia | Mammalia | Animalia |
North American Porcupine | Erethizon | dorsatus | | 0 | Mammals | Erethizontidae | Rodentia | Mammalia | Animalia |
Woodchuck | Marmota | monax | | 0 | Mammals | Sciuridae | Rodentia | Mammalia | Animalia |
Eastern Gray Squirrel | Sciurus | carolinensis | | 0 | Mammals | Sciuridae | Rodentia | Mammalia | Animalia |
Eastern Chipmunk | Tamias | striatus | | 0 | Mammals | Sciuridae | Rodentia | Mammalia | Animalia |
Red Squirrel | Tamiasciurus | hudsonicus | | 0 | Mammals | Sciuridae | Rodentia | Mammalia | Animalia |
Northern Short-tailed Shrew | Blarina | brevicauda | | 0 | Mammals | Soricidae | Soricomorpha | Mammalia | Animalia |
Horseshoe Crab | Limulus | polyphemus | | 0 | Horseshoe Crabs | Limulidae | Xiphosura | Merostomata | Animalia |
Eastern Wormsnake | Carphophis | amoenus amoenus | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Northern Black Racer | Coluber | constrictor constrictor | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Ring-necked Snake | Diadophis | punctatus | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake | Heterodon | platirhinos | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Northern Watersnake | Nerodia | sipedon sipedon | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Rough Greensnake | Opheodrys | aestivus | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Ratsnake | Pantherophis | alleghaniensis | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Queen Snake | Regina | septemvittata | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Dekay's Brownsnake | Storeria | dekayi | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Common Gartersnake | Thamnophis | sirtalis | | 0 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Copperhead | Agkistrodon | contortrix | | 0 | Reptiles | Crotalidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Fence Lizard | Sceloporus | undulatus | | 0 | Reptiles | Phrynosomatidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Common Five-lined Skink | Plestiodon | fasciatus | | 0 | Reptiles | Scincidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Plestiodon | sp. | | 0 | Reptiles | Scincidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Snapping Turtle | Chelydra | serpentina | | 0 | Reptiles | Chelydridae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Painted Turtle | Chrysemys | picta picta | | 0 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Diamond-backed Terrapin | Malaclemys | terrapin | | 0 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Northern Red-bellied Turtle | Pseudemys | rubriventris | | 0 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Box Turtle | Terrapene | carolina carolina | | 0 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Red-eared Slider | Trachemys | scripta elegans | | 0 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Atlantic Bay Nettle | Chrysaora | chesapeakei | | 0 | Jellyfish | Pelagiidae | Semaeostomeae | Scyphozoa | Animalia |
Mosquito Fern Cyanobacterium | Trichormus | azollae | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Aphanizomenonaceae | Nostocales | Cyanophyceae | Bacteria |
Star Jelly | Nostoc | commune | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Nostocaceae | Nostocales | Cyanophyceae | Bacteria |
No Common Name | Woronichinia | naegeliana | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Coelosphaeriaceae | Synechococcales | Cyanophyceae | Bacteria |
No Common Name | Fragilaria | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Fragilariaceae | Fragilariales | Bacillariophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Meridion | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Fragilariaceae | Fragilariales | Bacillariophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Melosira | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Melosiraceae | Melosirales | Bacillariophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Melosira | varians | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Melosiraceae | Melosirales | Bacillariophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Bicosoeca | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Bicosoecaceae | Bicoecida | Bikosea | Chromista |
No Common Name | Dinobryon | sertularia | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Dinobryaceae | Chromulinales | Chrysophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Phaeosphaera | gelatinosa | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Chrysosaccaceae | Chrysosaccales | Chrysophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Phaeoplaca | thallosa | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Phaeoplacaceae | Phaeoplacales | Chrysophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Akashiwo | sanguinea | | 0 | Marine Microalgae | Gymnodiniaceae | Gymnodiniales | Dinophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Gymnodinium | fuscum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Gymnodiniaceae | Gymnodiniales | Dinophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Nusuttodinium | aeruginosum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Gymnodiniaceae | Gymnodiniales | Dinophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Fusiperidinium | wisconsinense | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Peridiniaceae | Peridiniales | Dinophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Parvodinium | umbonatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Peridiniaceae | Peridiniales | Dinophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Peridiniopsis | polonica | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Peridiniopsidaceae | Peridiniales | Dinophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Cystodinium | bataviense | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Phytodiniaceae | Phytodiniales | Dinophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Cystodinium | cornifax | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Phytodiniaceae | Phytodiniales | Dinophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Stylodinium | globosum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Phytodiniaceae | Phytodiniales | Dinophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Tetraedriella | regularis | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Goniochloridaceae | Goniochloridales | Eustigmatophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Punctaria | tenuissima | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Chordariaceae | Dictyosiphonales | Phaeophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Ectocarpus | fasciculatus | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Ectocarpaceae | Ectocarpales | Phaeophyceae | Chromista |
Knotted Wrack | Ascophyllum | nodosum | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Fucaceae | Fucales | Phaeophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Fucus | vesiculosus | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Fucaceae | Fucales | Phaeophyceae | Chromista |
Broad-leaved Gulfweed | Sargassum | fluitans | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Sargassaceae | Fucales | Phaeophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Gonyostomum | semen | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Vacuolariaceae | Chattonellales | Raphidophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Ophiocytium | capitatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Sciadiaceae | Mischococcales | Xanthophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Ophiocytium | cochleare | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Sciadiaceae | Mischococcales | Xanthophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Stipitococcus | vasiformis | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Stipitococcaceae | Rhizochloridales | Xanthophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Vaucheria | bursata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Vaucheriaceae | Vaucheriales | Xanthophyceae | Chromista |
No Common Name | Vaucheria | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Vaucheriaceae | Vaucheriales | Xanthophyceae | Chromista |
Inky Mushroom | Agaricus | placomyces | | 0 | Fungi | Agaricaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Pear-shaped Puffball | Apioperdon | pyriforme | | 0 | Fungi | Agaricaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Brain-like Puffball | Calvatia | craniiformis | | 0 | Fungi | Agaricaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Purple-spored Puffball | Calvatia | cyathiformis | | 0 | Fungi | Agaricaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Zoned Crinipellis | Crinipellis | zonata | | 0 | Fungi | Agaricaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Streaked Bird's Nest | Cyathus | striatus | | 0 | Fungi | Agaricaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lepiota | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Agaricaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Parasol Mushroom | Macrolepiota | macilenta | | 0 | Fungi | Agaricaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Coker's Amanita | Amanita | cokeri | | 0 | Fungi | Amanitaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Carrot-foot Amanita | Amanita | daucipes | | 0 | Fungi | Amanitaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Yellow Patches | Amanita | flavoconia | | 0 | Fungi | Amanitaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Fly Amanita | Amanita | muscaria | | 0 | Fungi | Amanitaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Amanita | polypyramis | | 0 | Fungi | Amanitaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Amanita | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Amanitaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Golden Fairy Spindle | Clavulinopsis | fusiformis | | 0 | Fungi | Clavariaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
White Coral Fungus | Ramariopsis | kunzei | | 0 | Fungi | Clavariaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Shaggy Mane | Coprinus | comatus | | 0 | Fungi | Coprinaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Pleated Inky Cap | Parasola | plicatilis | | 0 | Fungi | Coprinaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Viscid Violet Cort | Cortinarius | iodes | | 0 | Fungi | Cortinariaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Flat Crep | Crepidotus | applanatus | | 0 | Fungi | Crepidotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Crepidotus | crocophyllus | | 0 | Fungi | Crepidotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Silver Leaf Fungus | Chondrostereum | purpureum | | 0 | Fungi | Cyphellaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Abortive Entoloma | Entoloma | abortivum | | 0 | Fungi | Entolomataceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Entoloma | quadratum | | 0 | Fungi | Entolomataceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Fistulina | americana | | 0 | Fungi | Fistulinaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Beefsteak Fungus | Fistulina | hepatica | | 0 | Fungi | Fistulinaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Bicoloured Deceiver | Laccaria | bicolor | | 0 | Fungi | Hydnangiaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Common Laccaria | Laccaria | laccata | | 0 | Fungi | Hydnangiaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Sandy Laccaria | Laccaria | trullisata | | 0 | Fungi | Hydnangiaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Snow White Waxcap | Cuphophyllus | virgineus | | 0 | Fungi | Hygrophoraceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hygrocybe | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Hygrophoraceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Gemmed Puffball | Lycoperdon | perlatum | | 0 | Fungi | Lycoperdaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Orange Pinwheel Mushroom | Marasmius | siccus | | 0 | Fungi | Marasmiaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Bleeding Mycena | Mycena | haematopus | | 0 | Fungi | Mycenaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Orange Mycena | Mycena | leaiana | | 0 | Fungi | Mycenaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Bonnets Hidden Taxon | Mycena | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Mycenaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Luminescent Panellus | Panellus | stipticus | | 0 | Fungi | Mycenaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Late Fall Oyster | Sarcomyxa | serotina | | 0 | Fungi | Mycenaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Oak-loving Collybia | Gymnopus | dryophilus | | 0 | Fungi | Omphalotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
White Marasmius | Marasmiellus | candidus | | 0 | Fungi | Omphalotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Jack O' Lantern Mushroom | Omphalotus | illudens | | 0 | Fungi | Omphalotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Mock Oyster | Phyllotopsis | nidulans | | 0 | Fungi | Phyllotopsidaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Armillaria | gallica | | 0 | Fungi | Physalacriaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Honey Mushroom | Armillaria | mellea | | 0 | Fungi | Physalacriaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Ringless Honey Mushroom | Desarmillaria | tabescens | | 0 | Fungi | Physalacriaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Velvet Shank | Flammulina | velutipes | | 0 | Fungi | Physalacriaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Rooted Collybia | Oudemansiella | furfuracea | | 0 | Fungi | Physalacriaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Oyster Mushroom | Pleurotus | ostreatus | | 0 | Fungi | Pleurotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Aspen Oyster Mushroom | Pleurotus | populinus | | 0 | Fungi | Pleurotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Summer Oyster Mushroom | Pleurotus | pulmonarius | | 0 | Fungi | Pleurotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Resupinatus | applicatus | | 0 | Fungi | Pleurotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Black Jelly Oyster | Resupinatus | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Pleurotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Hairy Oysterling | Resupinatus | trichotis | | 0 | Fungi | Pleurotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Fawn Mushroom | Pluteus | cervinus | | 0 | Fungi | Pluteaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Deer Mushrooms Hidden Taxon | Pluteus | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Pluteaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Coprinellus | flocculosus | | 0 | Fungi | Psathyrellaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Glistening Inkcap | Coprinellus | micaceus | | 0 | Fungi | Psathyrellaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Velvety Psathyrella | Lacrymaria | lacrymabunda | | 0 | Fungi | Psathyrellaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Mower's Mushroom | Panaeolus | foenisecii | | 0 | Fungi | Psathyrellaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Wrinkled-cap Psathyrella | Psathyrella | delineata | | 0 | Fungi | Psathyrellaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Asian Beauty | Radulomyces | copelandii | | 0 | Fungi | Pterulaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Common Split Gill | Schizophyllum | commune | | 0 | Fungi | Schizophyllaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Deadly Galerina | Galerina | marginata | | 0 | Fungi | Strophariaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Brick Cap | Hypholoma | lateritium | | 0 | Fungi | Strophariaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hypholoma | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Strophariaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Fat-footed Clitocybe | Ampulloclitocybe | clavipes | | 0 | Fungi | Tricholomataceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Train Wrecker | Neolentinus | lepideus | | 0 | Fungi | Tricholomataceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Tree Ear | Auricularia | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Auriculariaceae | Auriculariales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Warlocks's Butter | Exidia | nigricans | | 0 | Fungi | Auriculariaceae | Auriculariales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Crystal Brain Fungus | Myxarium | nucleatum | | 0 | Fungi | Hyaloriaceae | Auriculariales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Gold-pored Bolete | Aureoboletus | auriporus | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Aureoboletus | projectellus | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Graceful Bolete | Austroboletus | gracilis | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Boletus | chromipes | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Boletus | oliveisporus | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Boletus | patrioticus | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Ruby Bolete | Hortiboletus | rubellus | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Leccinellum | albellum | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Leccinum | longicurvipes | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Common Scaber Stalk | Leccinum | scabrum | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Snell's Leccinum | Leccinum | snellii | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Foxy Bolete | Leccinum | vulpinum | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Whitey's Bolete | Pulchroboletus | sclerotiorum | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Pulveroboletus | curtisii | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Gray Bolete | Retiboletus | griseus | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Ornate-stalked Bolete | Retiboletus | ornatipes | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Old Man of the Woods sp. Hidden Taxon | Strobilomyces | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Violet-gray Bolete | Tylopilus | plumbeoviolaceus | | 0 | Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Calostoma | lutescens | | 0 | Fungi | Calostomataceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Calostoma | ravenelii | | 0 | Fungi | Calostomataceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Astraeus | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Diplocystaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Chroogomphus | ochraceus | | 0 | Fungi | Gomphidiaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Chestnut Bolete | Gyroporus | castaneus | | 0 | Fungi | Gyroporaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
False Chanterelle | Hygrophoropsis | aurantiaca | | 0 | Fungi | Hygrophoropsidaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Common Earthball | Scleroderma | citrinum | | 0 | Fungi | Sclerodermataceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Earthstar Puffball | Scleroderma | polyrhizum | | 0 | Fungi | Sclerodermataceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Dry Rot | Serpula | himantioides | | 0 | Fungi | Serpulaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
American Slippery Jack | Suillus | americanus | | 0 | Fungi | Suillaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Suillus | decipiens | | 0 | Fungi | Suillaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Suillus | granulatus | | 0 | Fungi | Suillaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Suillus | hirtellus | | 0 | Fungi | Suillaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Slippery Jill | Suillus | salmonicolor | | 0 | Fungi | Suillaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Painted Bolete | Suillus | spraguei | | 0 | Fungi | Suillaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Velvet Paxillus | Tapinella | atrotomentosa | | 0 | Fungi | Tapinellaceae | Boletales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Botryobasidium | simile | | 0 | Fungi | Botryobasidiaceae | Cantharellales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Botryobasidium | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Botryobasidiaceae | Cantharellales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Red Chanterelle | Cantharellus | cinnabarinus | | 0 | Fungi | Cantharellaceae | Cantharellales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Cantharellus | flavolateritius | | 0 | Fungi | Cantharellaceae | Cantharellales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Cantharellus | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Cantharellaceae | Cantharellales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Black Trumpets | Craterellus | fallax | | 0 | Fungi | Cantharellaceae | Cantharellales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Crested Coral | Clavulina | coralloides | | 0 | Fungi | Clavulinaceae | Cantharellales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
White Green-algae Coral | Multiclavula | mucida | | 0 | Fungi | Clavulinaceae | Cantharellales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Ochre-spreading Tooth | Steccherinum | ochraceum | | 0 | Fungi | Hydnaceae | Cantharellales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Yellow-red Gill Polypore | Gloeophyllum | sepiarium | | 0 | Fungi | Gloeophyllaceae | Gloeophyllales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Phaeoclavulina | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Gomphaceae | Gomphales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Shiny Cinnamon Polypore | Coltricia | cinnamomea | | 0 | Fungi | Hymenochaetaceae | Hymenochaetales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Brown-toothed Crust Fungus | Hydnoporia | olivacea | | 0 | Fungi | Hymenochaetaceae | Hymenochaetales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Hydnoporia | tabacina | | 0 | Fungi | Hymenochaetaceae | Hymenochaetales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Oak Curtain Crust | Hymenochaete | rubiginosa | | 0 | Fungi | Hymenochaetaceae | Hymenochaetales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Shaggy Bracket | Inonotus | hispidus | | 0 | Fungi | Hymenochaetaceae | Hymenochaetales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Phellinus | everhartii | | 0 | Fungi | Hymenochaetaceae | Hymenochaetales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Pine Bracket | Porodaedalea | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Hymenochaetaceae | Hymenochaetales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Mutinus | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Phallaceae | Phallales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Phallus | rubicundus/rugulosus | | 0 | Fungi | Phallaceae | Phallales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Oak Polypore | Buglossoporus | quercinus | | 0 | Fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Thick-maze Oak Polypore | Daedalea | quercina | | 0 | Fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Birch Polypore | Fomitopsis | betulina | | 0 | Fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Hen of the Woods | Grifola | frondosa | | 0 | Fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Neoantrodia | serialiformis | | 0 | Fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Serried Porecrust | Neoantrodia | serrata | | 0 | Fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Green Cheese Polypore | Niveoporofomes | spraguei | | 0 | Fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Pilatoporus | durescens | | 0 | Fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Rosy Polypore | Rhodofomes | cajanderi | | 0 | Fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Smoky Polypore | Bjerkandera | adusta | | 0 | Fungi | Hapalopilaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Netted Crust | Byssomerulius | corium | | 0 | Fungi | Irpicaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Coral-pink Merulius | Byssomerulius | incarnatus | | 0 | Fungi | Irpicaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Gloeoporus | taxicola | | 0 | Fungi | Irpicaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Milk-white Toothed Polypore | Irpex | lacteus | | 0 | Fungi | Irpicaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Trametopsis | cervina | | 0 | Fungi | Irpicaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Benzoin Bracket | Ischnoderma | benzoinum | | 0 | Fungi | Ischnodermataceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Resinous Polypore | Ischnoderma | resinosum | | 0 | Fungi | Ischnodermataceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Berkcurtia | persicina | | 0 | Fungi | Laetiporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
White Chicken of the Woods | Laetiporus | cincinnatus | | 0 | Fungi | Laetiporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Sulfur Shelf | Laetiporus | sulphureus | | 0 | Fungi | Laetiporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Dye Polypore | Phaeolus | schweinitzii | | 0 | Fungi | Laetiporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Black-staining Polypore | Meripilus | sumstinei | | 0 | Fungi | Meripilaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Marshmallow Polypore | Irpiciporus | pachyodon | | 0 | Fungi | Meruliaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Wrinkled Crust | Phlebia | radiata | | 0 | Fungi | Meruliaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Jelly Rot Fungus | Phlebia | tremellosa | | 0 | Fungi | Meruliaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Hairy Panus | Panus | neostrigosus | | 0 | Fungi | Panaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Tender Nesting Polypore | Hapalopilus | rutilans | | 0 | Fungi | Phanerochaetaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Phlebiopsis | crassa | | 0 | Fungi | Phanerochaetaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Velvet Blue Spread | Terana | caerulea | | 0 | Fungi | Phanerochaetaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Dryad's Saddle | Cerioporus | squamosus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Blackfoot Polypore | Cerioporus | varius | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Veiled Polypore | Cryptoporus | volvatus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Thin-maze Flat Polypore | Daedaleopsis | confragosa | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Tinder Polypore | Fomes | fomentarius | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Artist's Conk | Ganoderma | applanatum | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Lacquered Polypore | Ganoderma | lucidum sensu-lato | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Ganoderma | sessile | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ganoderma | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Varnished Shelf | Ganoderma | tsugae | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Leiotrametes | lactinea | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Tiger Sawgill | Lentinus | tigrinus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Gilled Bracket | Lenzites | betulinus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Hexagonal-pored Polypore | Neofavolus | alveolaris | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Neofavolus | americanus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Mustard-yellow Polypore | Phellinus | gilvus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Cracked Cap Polypore | Phellinus | robiniae | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Bay-brown Polypore | Picipes | badius | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Rooting Polypore | Polyporus | radicatus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Cinnabar Red Polypore | Pycnoporus | cinnabarinus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Cinnabar Bracket | Pycnoporus | sanguineus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Little Nest Polypore | Trametes | conchifer | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Lumpy Bracket | Trametes | gibbosa | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Hairy Bracket | Trametes | hirsuta | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Trametes | pubescens | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Trametes | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Turkey Tail | Trametes | versicolor | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Purplepore Bracket | Trichaptum | abietinum | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Violet Tooth | Trichaptum | biforme | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Brown Purplepore Bracket | Trichaptum | fuscoviolaceum | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
White Cheese Polypore | Tyromyces | chioneus | | 0 | Fungi | Polyporaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Cauliflower Mushroom | Sparassis | spathulata | | 0 | Fungi | Sparassidaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Mycorrhaphium | adustum | | 0 | Fungi | Steccherinaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Nigroporus | vinosus | | 0 | Fungi | Steccherinaceae | Polyporales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Crown-tipped Coral | Artomyces | pyxidatus | | 0 | Fungi | Auriscalpiaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Bear Lentinus | Lentinellus | ursinus | | 0 | Fungi | Auriscalpiaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Satyr's Beard | Hericium | erinaceus | | 0 | Fungi | Hericiaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Laxitextum | bicolor | | 0 | Fungi | Hericiaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Giraffe Spots | Peniophora | albobadia | | 0 | Fungi | Peniophoraceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Chocolate Milky | Lactarius | lignyotus | | 0 | Fungi | Russulaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Yellow-latex Milky | Lactarius | vinaceorufescens | | 0 | Fungi | Russulaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Corrugated-cap Milky | Lactifluus | corrugis | | 0 | Fungi | Russulaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Peppery Milkcap | Lactifluus | piperatus | | 0 | Fungi | Russulaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Short-stemmed Russula | Russula | brevipes | | 0 | Fungi | Russulaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Russula | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Russulaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Crowded Parchment | Stereum | complicatum | | 0 | Fungi | Stereaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Stereum | fasciatum | | 0 | Fungi | Stereaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Stereum | lobatum | | 0 | Fungi | Stereaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Stereum | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Stereaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Silky Parchment | Stereum | striatum | | 0 | Fungi | Stereaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Yellowing Curtain Crust | Stereum | subtomentosum | | 0 | Fungi | Stereaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Ceramic Parchment | Xylobolus | frustulatus | | 0 | Fungi | Stereaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Bacon of the Woods | Xylobolus | subpileatus | | 0 | Fungi | Stereaceae | Russulales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Spongy Foot | Hydnellum | spongiosipes | | 0 | Fungi | Bankeraceae | Thelephorales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Thelephora | terrestris | | 0 | Fungi | Thelephoraceae | Thelephorales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Vase Thelephora | Thelephora | vialis | | 0 | Fungi | Thelephoraceae | Thelephorales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Fenugreek Stalkball | Phleogena | faginea | | 0 | Fungi | Phleogenaceae | Atractiellales | Atractiellomycetes | Fungi |
Small Stagshorn | Calocera | cornea | | 0 | Fungi | Dacrymycetaceae | Dacrymycetales | Dacrymycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Calocera | furcata | | 0 | Fungi | Dacrymycetaceae | Dacrymycetales | Dacrymycetes | Fungi |
Orange Jelly | Dacrymyces | chrysospermus | | 0 | Fungi | Dacrymycetaceae | Dacrymycetales | Dacrymycetes | Fungi |
Fan-shaped Jelly Fungus | Dacryopinax | spathularia | | 0 | Fungi | Dacrymycetaceae | Dacrymycetales | Dacrymycetes | Fungi |
Honeydew Eater | Scorias | spongiosa | | 0 | Fungi | Capnodiaceae | Capnodiales | Dothideomycetes | Fungi |
Mountain Laurel Leaf Spot | Mycosphaerella | colorata | | 0 | Fungi | Mycosphaerellaceae | Capnodiales | Dothideomycetes | Fungi |
Cherry Knot Gall | Apiosporina | morbosa | | 0 | Fungi | Venturiaceae | Pleosporales | Dothideomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Trypethelium | virens | | 0 | Lichens | Trypetheliaceae | Trypetheliales | Dothideomycetes | Fungi |
Fairy Pins | Phaeocalicium | polyporaeum | | 0 | Lichens | Mycocaliciaceae | Mycocaliciales | Eurotiomycetes | Fungi |
Azalea Gall | Exobasidium | azaleae | | 0 | Fungi | Exobasidiaceae | Exobasidiales | Exobasidiomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Exobasidium | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Exobasidiaceae | Exobasidiales | Exobasidiomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Geoglossum | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Geoglossaceae | Geoglossales | Geoglossomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Hesperomyces | harmoniae | | 0 | Fungi | Laboulbeniaceae | Laboulbeniales | Laboulbeniomycetes | Fungi |
Common Powderhorn | Cladonia | coniocraea | | 0 | Lichens | Cladoniaceae | Lecanorales | Lecanoromycetes | Fungi |
Common Antler Lichen | Pseudevernia | consocians | | 0 | Lichens | Parmeliaceae | Lecanorales | Lecanoromycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Usnea | sp. | | 0 | Lichens | Parmeliaceae | Lecanorales | Lecanoromycetes | Fungi |
Strigose Beard Lichen | Usnea | strigosa | | 0 | Lichens | Parmeliaceae | Lecanorales | Lecanoromycetes | Fungi |
Bony Beard Lichen | Usnea | trichodea | | 0 | Lichens | Parmeliaceae | Lecanorales | Lecanoromycetes | Fungi |
Common Toadskin | Lasallia | papulosa | | 0 | Lichens | Umbilicariaceae | Umbilicariales | Lecanoromycetes | Fungi |
Pennsylvania Blistered Naval Lichen | Lasallia | pensylvanica | | 0 | Lichens | Umbilicariaceae | Umbilicariales | Lecanoromycetes | Fungi |
Smooth Rock Tripe | Umbilicaria | mammulata | | 0 | Lichens | Umbilicariaceae | Umbilicariales | Lecanoromycetes | Fungi |
Black Jelly Drops | Bulgaria | inquinans | | 0 | Fungi | Bulgariaceae | Helotiales | Leotiomycetes | Fungi |
Yellow Fairy Cups | Bisporella | citrina | | 0 | Fungi | Helotiaceae | Helotiales | Leotiomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Arachnopeziza | aurelia | | 0 | Fungi | Hyaloscyphaceae | Helotiales | Leotiomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Holwaya | mucida | | 0 | Fungi | Incertae sedis | Incertae sedis | Leotiomycetes | Fungi |
Tar Spot of Holly | Macroderma | curtisii | | 0 | Fungi | Rhytidiaceae | Rhytidiales | Leotiomycetes | Fungi |
Tar Spot of Maple | Rhytisma | americanum | | 0 | Fungi | Rhytismataceae | Rhytismatales | Leotiomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Phycomyces | blakesleeanus | | 0 | Fungi | Phycomycetaceae | Mucorales | Mucoromycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Phycomyces | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Phycomycetaceae | Mucorales | Mucoromycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Chromelosporiopsis | coerulescens | | 0 | Fungi | Pezizaceae | Pezizales | Pezizomycetes | Fungi |
Common Brown Cup | Phylloscypha | phyllogena | | 0 | Fungi | Pezizaceae | Pezizales | Pezizomycetes | Fungi |
Eyelash Cup | Scutellinia | scutellata | | 0 | Fungi | Pyronemataceae | Pezizales | Pezizomycetes | Fungi |
Stalked Scarlet Cup | Sarcoscypha | occidentalis | | 0 | Fungi | Sarcoscyphaceae | Pezizales | Pezizomycetes | Fungi |
Hairy Rubber Cup | Galiella | rufa | | 0 | Fungi | Sarcosomataceae | Pezizales | Pezizomycetes | Fungi |
Ebony Cup | Pseudoplectania | nigrella | | 0 | Fungi | Sarcosomataceae | Pezizales | Pezizomycetes | Fungi |
Devil's Urn | Urnula | craterium | | 0 | Fungi | Sarcosomataceae | Pezizales | Pezizomycetes | Fungi |
Eastern Pine Gall Rust | Cronartium | quercuum | | 0 | Fungi | Cronartiaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Blackberry Orange Rust (peckianus) | Arthuriomyces | peckianus | | 0 | Fungi | Phragmidiaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Orange Rust (nitens) | Gymnoconia | nitens | | 0 | Fungi | Phragmidiaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Multiflora Rose Rust | Phragmidium | rosae-multiflorae | | 0 | Fungi | Phragmidiaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Mayapple Rust | Allodus | podophylli | | 0 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Cedar Quince Rust | Gymnosporangium | clavipes | | 0 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Cedar Apple Rust | Gymnosporangium | juniperi-virginianae | | 0 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Puccinia | circaeae | | 0 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Iris Rust | Puccinia | iridis | | 0 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Mallow Rust | Puccinia | malvacearum | | 0 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Spring Beauty Rust | Puccinia | mariae-wilsoniae | | 0 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Puccinia | smilacis | | 0 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Puccinia | violae | | 0 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Paspalum Ergot | Claviceps | paspali | | 0 | Fungi | Clavicipitaceae | Hypocreales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
Trooping Cordyceps | Cordyceps | militaris | | 0 | Fungi | Clavicipitaceae | Hypocreales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Helicogloea | compressa | | 0 | Fungi | Nectriaceae | Hypocreales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
Snaketongue Truffleclub | Tolypocladium | ophioglossoides | | 0 | Fungi | Ophiocordycipitaceae | Hypocreales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Trichoderma | alutaceum | | 0 | Fungi | Hypocreaceae | Hypocreals | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Diatrype | stigma | | 0 | Fungi | Diatrypaceae | Xylariales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Biscogniauxia | atropunctata | | 0 | Fungi | Xylariaceae | Xylariales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
Carbon Ball Fungus | Daldinia | childiae group | | 0 | Fungi | Xylariaceae | Xylariales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Daldinia | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Xylariaceae | Xylariales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
Carbon Cushion | Kretzschmaria | deusta | | 0 | Fungi | Xylariaceae | Xylariales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Xylaria | flabelliformis | | 0 | Fungi | Xylariaceae | Xylariales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
Dead Man's Fingers | Xylaria | polymorpha | | 0 | Fungi | Xylariaceae | Xylariales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Xylaria | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Xylariaceae | Xylariales | Sordariomycetes | Fungi |
Oak Leaf Blister | Taphrina | caerulescens | | 0 | Fungi | Taphrinaceae | Taphrinales | Taphrinomycetes | Fungi |
Christmas Fern Leaf Curl | Taphrina | polystichi | | 0 | Fungi | Taphrinaceae | Taphrinales | Taphrinomycetes | Fungi |
Alder Tongues | Taphrina | robinsoniana | | 0 | Fungi | Taphrinaceae | Taphrinales | Taphrinomycetes | Fungi |
White Jelly Fungus | Exidia | alba | | 0 | Fungi | Exidiaceae | Tremellales | Tremellomycetes | Fungi |
Amber Jelly Roll | Exidia | crenata | | 0 | Fungi | Exidiaceae | Tremellales | Tremellomycetes | Fungi |
Black Witch's Butter | Exidia | glandulosa | | 0 | Fungi | Exidiaceae | Tremellales | Tremellomycetes | Fungi |
Jellied False Coral | Sebacina | schweinitzii | | 0 | Fungi | Exidiaceae | Tremellales | Tremellomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Phaeotremella | frondosa | | 0 | Fungi | Tremellaceae | Tremellales | Tremellomycetes | Fungi |
Golden Ear | Tremella | aurantia | | 0 | Fungi | Tremellaceae | Tremellales | Tremellomycetes | Fungi |
Snow Fungus | Tremella | fuciformis | | 0 | Fungi | Tremellaceae | Tremellales | Tremellomycetes | Fungi |
Witches Butter | Tremella | mesenterica | | 0 | Fungi | Tremellaceae | Tremellales | Tremellomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Tulasnella | aurantiaca | | 0 | Fungi | Tremellaceae | Tremellales | Tremellomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Massospora | cicadina | | 0 | Fungi | Entomophthoraceae | Entomophthorales | Zygomycetes | Fungi |
Roth's Andreaea Moss | Andreaea | rothii | | 0 | Mosses | Andreaeaceae | Andreaeales | Andreaeopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Hornwort | Phaeoceros | carolinianus | | 0 | Hornworts | Notothyladaceae | Notothyladales | Anthocerotopsida | Plantae |
Toothed Plagiomnium Moss | Plagiomnium | cuspidatum | | 0 | Mosses | Mniaceae | Bryales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Fine Hair Moss | Dicranella | heteromalla | | 0 | Mosses | Dicranaceae | Dicranales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Windswept Broom Moss | Dicranum | scoparium | | 0 | Mosses | Dicranaceae | Dicranales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
White Moss | Leucobryum | albidum | | 0 | Mosses | Dicranaceae | Dicranales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Pincushion Moss | Leucobryum | glaucum | | 0 | Mosses | Dicranaceae | Dicranales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Water Pocket Moss | Fissidens | fontanus | | 0 | Mosses | Fissidentaceae | Dicranales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Common Pocket-Moss | Fissidens | taxifolius | | 0 | Mosses | Fissidentaceae | Dicranales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Goblet Moss | Physcomitrium | pyriforme | | 0 | Mosses | Funariaceae | Funariales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Ciliate Hedwigia Moss | Hedwigia | ciliata | | 0 | Mosses | Hedwigiaceae | Hedwigiales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Tangled Thread Moss | Hygroamblystegium | varium var. varium | | 0 | Mosses | Amblystegiaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Worm Moss | Bryoandersonia | illecebra | | 0 | Mosses | Brachytheciaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Lobe-leaved Tree Moss | Climacium | americanum | | 0 | Mosses | Climaciaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Seductive Entodon Moss | Entodon | seductrix | | 0 | Mosses | Entodontaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Plait Moss | Jochenia | pallescens | | 0 | Mosses | Entodontaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Fontinalis | sphagnifolia | | 0 | Mosses | Fontinalaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Brocade Moss | Callicladium | imponens | | 0 | Mosses | Hypnaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Elegant Pseudotaxiphyllum Moss | Pseudotaxiphyllum | elegans | | 0 | Mosses | Hypnaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Knights Plume Moss | Ptilium | crista-castrensis | | 0 | Mosses | Hypnaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Fan Moss | Forsstroemia | trichomitria | | 0 | Mosses | Leptodontaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Train Tracks Moss | Thelia | hirtella | | 0 | Mosses | Theliaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Yarn Moss | Claopodium | rostratum | | 0 | Mosses | Thuidiaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Delicate Thuidium Moss | Thuidium | delicatulum | | 0 | Mosses | Thuidiaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Kilt Fern Moss | Thuidium | recognitum | | 0 | Mosses | Thuidiaceae | Hypnales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Chara | braunii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Characeae | Charales | Charophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Nitella | flexilis | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Characeae | Charales | Charophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Nitella | tenuissima | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Characeae | Charales | Charophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Draparnaldia | glomerata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Chaetophoraceae | Chaetophorales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Tetraspora | lubrica | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Tetrasporaceae | Chlamydomonadales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Pandorina | morum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Volvocaceae | Chlamydomonadales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Bulbochaete | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Oedogoniaceae | Oedogoniales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Hydrodictyon | reticulatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Hydrodictyaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Lancunastrum | gracillimum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Hydrodictyaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Monactinus | simplex | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Hydrodictyaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Parapediastrum | biradiatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Hydrodictyaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Pediastrum | angulosum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Hydrodictyaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Pediastrum | duplex | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Hydrodictyaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Pseudopediastrum | boryanum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Hydrodictyaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Sorastrum | spinulosum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Hydrodictyaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Stauridium | tetras | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Hydrodictyaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Microspora | stagnorum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Microsporaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Palmodictyon | varium | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Radiococcaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Coelastrum | cambricum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Scenedesmaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Dimorphococcus | lunatus | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Scenedesmaceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Monoraphidium | mirabile | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Selenastraceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Selenastrum | bibraianum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Selenastraceae | Sphaeropleales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Volvox | globator | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Volvocaceae | Volvocales | Chlorophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Coleochaete | scutata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Coleochaetaceae | Coleochaetales | Coleochaetophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | acerosum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | baillyanum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | braunii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | costatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | ehrenbergii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | gracile ssp. substrigosum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | kuetzingii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | moniliferum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | navicula | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | setaceum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | striolatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Closterium | rostratum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Closteriiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Bambusina | borreri | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Cosmarium | botrytis var. subtumidum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Cosmarium | entochondrum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Cosmarium | granatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Cosmarium | ovale | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Cosmarium | porrectum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Cosmarium | pseudoconnatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Cosmarium | regnesi | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Desmidium | aptogonum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Desmidium | baileyi | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Desmidium | swartzii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Didymoprium | grevillei | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Euastrum | ansatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Euastrum | evolutum var. integrius | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Euastrum | evolutum var. evolutum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Euastrum | humerosum var. affine | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Euastrum | oblongum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Euastrum | verrucosum var. alatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Euastrum | verrucosum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Haplotaenium | minutum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Hyalotheca | dissiliens | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Micrasterias | apiculata var. fimbriata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Micrasterias | furcata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Micrasterias | laticeps | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Micrasterias | radiosa | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Micrasterias | truncata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Pleurotaenium | annulare | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Pleurotaenium | ehrenbergii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Pleurotaenium | maximum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Pleurotaenium | trabecula | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Sphaerozosma | laeve var. micracanthum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Staurastrum | alternans | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Staurastrum | arctiscon | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Staurastrum | comptum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Staurastrum | furcigerum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Staurastrum | hystrix | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Staurastrum | iotanum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Staurastrum | punctulatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Staurodesmus | cuspidatus | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Tetmemorus | brebissonii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Xanthidium | antilopaeum var. polymazum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Xanthidium | antilopaeum var. planum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Xanthidium | antilopaeum var. minneapoliense | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Xanthidium | cristatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Xanthidium | scrobiculatum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Desmidiaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Gonatozygon | brebissonii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Gonatozygaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Gonatozygon | monotaenium | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Gonatozygaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Penium | exiguum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Peniaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Penium | margaritaceum var. margaritaceum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Peniaceae | Desmidiales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Tortitaenia | obscura | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Mesoataeniaceae | Zygnematales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Mesotaenium | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Mesotaeniaceae | Zygnematales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Netrium | digitus | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Mesotaeniaceae | Zygnematales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Spirotaenia | condensata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Mesotaeniaceae | Zygnematales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Mougeotia | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Zygnemataceae | Zygnematales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Spirogyra | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Zygnemataceae | Zygnematales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Zygnema | collinsianum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Zygnemataceae | Zygnematales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Zygnema | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Zygnemataceae | Zygnematales | Conjugatophyceae | Plantae |
Field Horsetail | Equisetum | arvense | | 0 | Horsetail Family | Equisetaceae | Equisetales | Equisetopsida | Plantae |
Common Scouring Rush | Equisetum | hyemale ssp. affine | | 0 | Horsetail Family | Equisetaceae | Equisetales | Equisetopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Batrachospermum | gelatinosum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Batrachospermaceae | Batrachospermales | Florideophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Sirodotia | suecica | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Batrachospermaceae | Batrachospermales | Florideophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Paralemanea | annulata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Lemaneaceae | Batrachospermales | Florideophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Dasya | baillouviana | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Dasyaceae | Ceramiales | Florideophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Agardhiella | subulata | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Solieriaceae | Gigartinales | Florideophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Glaucocystis | nostochinearum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Glaucocystaceae | Glaucocystales | Glaucophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Asperifolia | sullivantii | | 0 | Liverworts | Calypogeiaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Chain Pincerwort | Fuscocephaloziopsis | catenulata | | 0 | Liverworts | Cephaloziaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Rustwort | Nowellia | curvifolia | | 0 | Liverworts | Cephaloziaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Matchstick Flapwort | Odontoschisma | denudatum | | 0 | Liverworts | Cephaloziaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Whipwort | Bazzania | tricrenata | | 0 | Liverworts | Lepidoziaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Three-lobed Bazzania | Bazzania | trilobata | | 0 | Liverworts | Lepidoziaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Wood Fingerwort | Kurzia | sylvatica | | 0 | Liverworts | Lepidoziaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Irish Threadwort | Telaranea | nematodes | | 0 | Liverworts | Lepidoziaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Various-leaved Crestwort | Lophocolea | heterophylla | | 0 | Liverworts | Lophocoleaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Crestwort | Lophocolea | minor | | 0 | Liverworts | Lophocoleaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Featherwort | Plagiochila | porelloides | | 0 | Liverworts | Plagiochilaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Grove Earwort | Scapania | nemorea | | 0 | Liverworts | Scapaniaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Crenulated Flapwort | Solenostoma | gracillimum | | 0 | Liverworts | Solenostomataceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Handsome Woolywort | Trichocolea | tomentella | | 0 | Liverworts | Trichocoleaceae | Jungermanniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Greasewort | Aneura | pinguis | | 0 | Liverworts | Aneuraceae | Metzgeriales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Rock Veilwort | Metzgeria | conjugata | | 0 | Liverworts | Metgeriaceae | Metzgeriales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Forked Veilwort | Metzgeria | furcata | | 0 | Liverworts | Metzgeriaceae | Metzgeriales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Veilwort | Pallavicinia | lyellii | | 0 | Liverworts | Pallaviciniaceae | Pallaviciniales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Common Pellia | Pellia | epiphylla | | 0 | Liverworts | Pelliaceae | Pelliales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Frullania | appalachiana | | 0 | Liverworts | Frullaniaceae | Porellales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Asa Gray's Scalewort | Frullania | asagrayana | | 0 | Liverworts | Frullaniaceae | Porellales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
New York Scalewort | Frullania | eboracensis | | 0 | Liverworts | Frullaniaceae | Porellales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Inflated Scalewort | Frullania | inflata | | 0 | Liverworts | Frullaniaceae | Porellales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Shield Liverwort | Cheilolejeunea | clypeata | | 0 | Liverworts | Lejeuneaceae | Porellales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Pinnate Scalewort | Porella | pinnata | | 0 | Liverworts | Porellaceae | Porellales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Porella | platyphylla | | 0 | Liverworts | Porellaceae | Porellales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Flat-leaved Scalewort | Radula | complanata | | 0 | Liverworts | Radulaceae | Porellales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Radula | obconica | | 0 | Liverworts | Radulaceae | Porellales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Tree Fringewort | Ptilidium | pulcherrimum | | 0 | Liverworts | Ptilidiaceae | Ptilidiales | Jungermanniopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Tree Clubmoss | Dendrolycopodium | dendroideum | | 0 | Clubmoss Family | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodiales | Lycopodiopsida | Plantae |
Hickey's Tree Clubmoss | Dendrolycopodium | hickeyi | | 0 | Clubmoss Family | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodiales | Lycopodiopsida | Plantae |
Flat-branched Tree Clubmoss | Dendrolycopodium | obscurum | | 0 | Clubmoss Family | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodiales | Lycopodiopsida | Plantae |
Southern Ground Cedar | Diphasiastrum | digitatum | | 0 | Clubmoss Family | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodiales | Lycopodiopsida | Plantae |
Blue Ground Cedar | Diphasiastrum | tristachyum | | 0 | Clubmoss Family | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodiales | Lycopodiopsida | Plantae |
Shining Clubmoss | Huperzia | lucidula | | 0 | Clubmoss Family | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodiales | Lycopodiopsida | Plantae |
Common Clubmoss | Lycopodium | clavatum | | 0 | Clubmoss Family | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodiales | Lycopodiopsida | Plantae |
Bristly Clubmoss | Spinulum | annotinum | | 0 | Clubmoss Family | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodiales | Lycopodiopsida | Plantae |
Sweetflag | Acorus | calamus | | 0 | Sweetflag Family | Acoraceae | Acorales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Water Plantain | Alisma | subcordatum | | 0 | Water-plantain Family | Alismataceae | Alismatales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Burhead | Echinodorus | cordifolius ssp. cordifolius | | 0 | Water-plantain Family | Alismataceae | Alismatales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bulltongue Arrowhead | Sagittaria | lancifolia ssp. media | | 0 | Water-plantain Family | Alismataceae | Alismatales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broadleaf Arrowhead | Sagittaria | latifolia | | 0 | Water-plantain Family | Alismataceae | Alismatales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Arrowheads Hidden Taxon | Sagittaria | sp. | | 0 | Water-plantain Family | Alismataceae | Alismatales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Three-rib Arrowgrass | Triglochin | striata | | 0 | Arrow-grass Family | Juncaginaceae | Alismatales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy-fruited Chervil | Chaerophyllum | tainturieri | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spotted Water Hemlock | Cicuta | maculata var. maculata | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Poison Hemlock | Conium | maculatum | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canadian Honewort | Cryptotaenia | canadensis | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Queen Anne's Lace | Daucus | carota | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Harbinger of Spring | Erigenia | bulbosa | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Cow-parsnip | Heracleum | maximum | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Grasswort | Lilaeopsis | chinensis | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Cicely | Osmorhiza | claytonii | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Aniseroot | Osmorhiza | longistylis | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stiff Cowbane | Oxypolis | rigidior | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Parsnip | Pastinaca | sativa | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canadian Blacksnakeroot | Sanicula | canadensis var. canadensis | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hemlock Water-parsnip | Sium | suave | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mountain Pimpernel | Taenidia | montana | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy-jointed Meadow-parnsip | Thaspium | barbinode | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Heart-leaved Alexanders | Zizia | aptera | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Alexanders | Zizia | aurea | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Sarsaparilla | Aralia | nudicaulis | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Spikenard | Aralia | racemosa | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Devil's Walkingstick | Aralia | spinosa | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
English Ivy | Hedera | helix | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hedera | sp. | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Floating Marsh Pennywort | Hydrocotyle | ranunculoides | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lawn Marsh Pennywort | Hydrocotyle | sibthorpioides | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Many-flowered Marsh Pennywort | Hydrocotyle | umbellata | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Saltpond Marsh Pennywort | Hydrocotyle | verticillata | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Castor Oil Tree | Kalopanax | septemlobus | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dwarf Ginseng | Panax | trifolius | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Jack in the Pulpit | Arisaema | triphyllum | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dotted Duckmeat | Landoltia | punctata | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Duckweed | Lemna | minor | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Club | Orontium | aquaticum | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Green Arrow Arum | Peltandra | virginica | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crow Dipper | Pinellia | ternata | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Duckmeat | Spirodela | polyrhiza | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Skunk Cabbage | Symplocarpus | foetidus | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Watermeal Hidden Taxon | Wolffia | borealis | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Florida Mudmidget | Wolffiella | gladiata | | 0 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nodding Onion | Allium | cernuum | | 0 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Garlic | Allium | vineale | | 0 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Snowdrop | Galanthus | nivalis | | 0 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Daffodil | Narcissus | pseudonarcissus | | 0 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Narcissus | sp. | | 0 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Asparagus | Asparagus | officinalis | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Hosta | Hosta | ventricosa | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Lilyturf | Liriope | spicata | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canada Mayflower | Maianthemum | canadense | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
False Solomon's-seal | Maianthemum | racemosum | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Grape Hyacinth | Muscari | botryoides | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Drooping Star of Bethlehem | Ornithogalum | nutans | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Star of Bethlehem | Ornithogalum | umbellatum | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Solomon's-seal | Polygonatum | biflorum var. biflorum | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Solomon's Seal | Polygonatum | biflorum | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Solomon's-seal | Polygonatum | pubescens | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Adam's Needle | Yucca | filamentosa | | 0 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Yarrow | Achillea | borealis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Snakeroot | Ageratina | altissima var. altissima | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Ragweed | Ambrosia | artemisiifolia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Great Ragweed | Ambrosia | trifida var. trifida | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Howell's Pussytoes | Antennaria | howellii | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Pussytoes | Antennaria | neglecta | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Parlin's Pussytoes | Antennaria | parlinii | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Plantain-leaved Pussytoes | Antennaria | plantaginifolia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Single-head Pussytoes | Antennaria | solitaria | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Corn Chamomile | Anthemis | arvensis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greater Burdock | Arctium | lappa | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Burdock | Arctium | minus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Wormwood | Artemisia | vulgaris | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Baccharis | Baccharis | halimifolia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lawn Daisy | Bellis | perennis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Midwestern Beggarticks | Bidens | aristosa | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spanish Needles | Bidens | bipinnata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Leafy-bracted Beggarticks | Bidens | comosa | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Beggarticks | Bidens | discoidea | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Devil's Beggarticks | Bidens | frondosa | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bearded Beggarticks | Bidens | polylepis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spiny Plumeless Thistle | Carduus | acanthoides | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nodding Plumeless Thistle | Carduus | nutans ssp. macrolepis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brown-rayed Knapweed | Centaurea | jacea | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spotted Knapweed | Centaurea | stoebe ssp. micranthos | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rush Skeletonweed | Chondrilla | juncea | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Maryland Golden-aster | Chrysopsis | mariana | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chicory | Cichorium | intybus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canada Thistle | Cirsium | arvense | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Thistle | Cirsium | discolor | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Thistle | Cirsium | horridulum var. horridulum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bull Thistle | Cirsium | vulgare | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Mistflower | Conoclinium | coelestinum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canadian Horseweed | Conyza | canadensis var. canadensis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pink Tickseed | Coreopsis | rosea | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Tickseed | Coreopsis | tinctoria | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Flat-topped White Aster | Doellingeria | umbellata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Purple Coneflower | Echinacea | purpurea | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
False Daisy | Eclipta | prostrata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Elephant's-foot | Elephantopus | carolinianus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Elephant's-foot | Elephantopus | nudatus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Elephant's-foot | Elephantopus | tomentosus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Burnweed | Erechtites | hieraciifolius | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Fleabane | Erigeron | annuus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Fleabane | Erigeron | philadelphicus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dog Fennel | Eupatorium | capillifolium | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hyssop-leaved Thoroughwort | Eupatorium | hyssopifolium var. hyssopifolium | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Boneset | Eupatorium | perfoliatum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Boneset | Eupatorium | pilosum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Round-leaved Thoroughwort (ovatum) | Eupatorium | rotundifolium var. ovatum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Round-leaved Thoroughwort | Eupatorium | rotundifolium | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Late-flowering Thoroughwort | Eupatorium | serotinum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Torrey's Thoroughwort | Eupatorium | torreyanum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Wood Aster | Eurybia | divaricata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Flat-topped Goldenrod | Euthamia | graminifolia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coastal Plain Joe Pye Weed | Eutrochium | dubium | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hollow Joe Pye Weed | Eutrochium | fistulosum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet-scented Joe Pye Weed | Eutrochium | purpureum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Blanket | Gaillardia | pulchella var. pulchella | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shaggy Soldier | Galinsoga | quadriradiata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spoon-leaved Purple Everlasting | Gamochaeta | purpurea | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Cudweed | Gnaphalium | uliginosum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Sneezeweed | Helenium | autumnale var. autumnale | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Sunflower | Helianthus | annuus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thin-leaved Sunflower | Helianthus | decapetalus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jerusalem Artichoke | Helianthus | tuberosus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow Hawkweed | Hieracium | caespitosum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Hawkweed | Hieracium | gronovii | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Allegheny Hawkweed | Hieracium | paniculatum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Hawkweed | Hieracium | scabrum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rattlesnake Weed | Hieracium | venosum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Cat's-ear | Hypochaeris | radicata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Flax-leaved Whitetop Aster | Ionactis | linariifolia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sumpweed | Iva | annua | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Elder | Iva | frutescens ssp. frutescens | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Dwarf Dandelion | Krigia | virginica | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canada Lettuce | Lactuca | canadensis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Woodland Lettuce | Lactuca | floridana | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Lettuce | Lactuca | serriola | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Nipplewort | Lapsana | communis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oxeye Daisy | Leucanthemum | vulgare | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shaggy Blazing Star | Liatris | pilosa | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Climbing Hempvine | Mikania | scandens | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Rattlesnake Root | Nabalus | albus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Rattlesnake Root | Nabalus | altissimus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cankerweed | Nabalus | serpentarius | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Whorled Wood Aster | Oclemena | acuminata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small's Ragwort | Packera | anonyma | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shale Barren Ragwort | Packera | antennariifolia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Ragwort | Packera | aurea | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Round-leaved Ragwort | Packera | obovata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Woolly Ragwort | Packera | tomentosa | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Silkgrass | Pityopsis | graminifolia var. latifolia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stinking Fleabane | Pluchea | foetida var. foetida | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Fleabane | Pluchea | odorata var. odorata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rabbit-tobacco | Pseudognaphalium | obtusifolium | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina False Dandelion | Pyrrhopappus | carolinianus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black-eyed Susan | Rudbeckia | hirta | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cut-leaved Coneflower | Rudbeckia | laciniata | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Groundsel | Senecio | vulgaris | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Leafcup | Smallanthus | uvedalia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Goldenrod | Solidago | bicolor | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wreath Goldenrod | Solidago | caesia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Zigzag Goldenrod | Solidago | flexicaulis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wrinkle-leaved Goldenrod | Solidago | rugosa | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seaside Goldenrod | Solidago | sempervirens | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spiny Sow-thistle | Sonchus | asper | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Blue Wood Aster | Symphyotrichum | cordifolium | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Heath Aster | Symphyotrichum | ericoides | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Panicle Aster | Symphyotrichum | lanceolatum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Calico Aster | Symphyotrichum | lateriflorum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
New England Aster | Symphyotrichum | novae-angliae | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Late Purple Aster | Symphyotrichum | patens | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crooked-stemmed Aster | Symphyotrichum | prenanthoides | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Symphyotrichum | sp. | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Perennial Saltmarsh Aster | Symphyotrichum | tenuifolium | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Tansy | Tanacetum | vulgare | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red-seeded Dandelion | Taraxacum | erythrospermum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Dandelion | Taraxacum | officinale ssp. officinale | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Salsify | Tragopogon | dubius | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow Salsify | Tragopogon | pratensis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coltsfoot | Tussilago | farfara | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wingstem | Verbesina | alternifolia | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Crownbeard | Verbesina | occidentalis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Giant Ironweed Hidden Taxon | Vernonia | gigantea | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
New York Ironweed | Vernonia | noveboracensis | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Cocklebur | Xanthium | strumarium | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oriental False Hawkweed | Youngia | japonica | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall False Hawkweed | Youngia | thunbergiana | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Bellflower | Campanula | americana | | 0 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cardinal Flower | Lobelia | cardinalis | | 0 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian-tobacco | Lobelia | inflata | | 0 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nuttall's Lobelia | Lobelia | nuttallii | | 0 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Downy Lobelia | Lobelia | puberula | | 0 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Great Blue Lobelia | Lobelia | siphilitica | | 0 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pale-spiked Lobelia | Lobelia | spicata | | 0 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clasping Venus Looking-glass | Triodanis | perfoliata | | 0 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garlic Mustard | Alliaria | petiolata | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lyrate Rockcress | Arabidopsis | lyrata ssp. lyrata | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mouse-eared Cress | Arabidopsis | thaliana | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Early Yellowrocket | Barbarea | verna | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Yellowrocket | Barbarea | vulgaris | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Rockcress | Boechera | laevigata | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rapeseed | Brassica | napus | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Searocket | Cakile | edentula | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shepherd's Purse | Capsella | bursa-pastoris | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Toothwort | Cardamine | angustata | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bulbous Toothwort | Cardamine | bulbosa | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cut-leaved Toothwort | Cardamine | concatenata | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broad-leaved Toothwort | Cardamine | diphylla | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Bittercress | Cardamine | hirsuta | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrowleaf Bittercress | Cardamine | impatiens | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hidden Bittercress | Cardamine | occulta | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pennsylvania Bittercress | Cardamine | pensylvanica | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Whitlow Grass | Draba | verna | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dames Rocket | Hesperis | matronalis | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Pepperweed | Lepidium | campestre | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Pepperweed | Lepidium | densiflorum var. densiflorum | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Pepperweed | Lepidium | virginicum | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Honesty | Lunaria | annua | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clasp-leaved Pennycress | Microthlaspi | perfoliatum | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Watercress | Nasturtium | officinale | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cultivated Radish | Raphanus | sativus | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bare-stemmed Teesdalia | Teesdalia | nudicaulis | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Roadside Pennycress | Thlaspi | alliaceum | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Pennycress | Thlaspi | arvense | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Alligator Weed | Alternanthera | philoxeroides | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tidal Marsh Amaranth | Amaranthus | cannabinus | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spear Saltbush | Atriplex | patula | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Triangle Orache | Atriplex | prostrata | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Missouri Lambsquarters | Chenopodium | album | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Plains Snakecotton | Froelichia | floridana var. floridana | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Salicornia | sp. | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Glasswort | Salicornia | virginica | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Saltwort | Salsola | kali | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Pricklypear | Opuntia | humifusa var. humifusa | | 0 | Cactus Family | Cactaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Pricklypear | Opuntia | mesacantha ssp. mesacantha | | 0 | Cactus Family | Cactaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pricklypear species Hidden Taxon | Opuntia | sp. | | 0 | Cactus Family | Cactaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thyme-leaved Sandwort | Arenaria | serpyllifolia | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sticky Chickweed | Cerastium | glomeratum | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large Field Chickweed | Cerastium | velutinum | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Deptford Pink | Dianthus | armeria | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jagged Chickweed | Holosteum | umbellatum | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blunt-leaved Sandwort | Moehringia | lateriflora | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Giant Chickweed | Myosoton | aquaticum | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Forked Nailwort | Paronychia | canadensis | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Childing Pink | Petrorhagia | prolifera | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bouncing Bet | Saponaria | officinalis | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
German Knotgrass | Scleranthus | annuus | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Pink | Silene | caroliniana ssp. pensylvanica | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bladder Campion | Silene | latifolia | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Widowsfrill | Silene | stellata | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Maiden's-tears | Silene | vulgaris | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Salt Sandspurry | Spergularia | marina | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bog Chickweed | Stellaria | alsine | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Grass-like Starwort | Stellaria | graminea | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Long-leaved Starwort | Stellaria | longifolia | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Chickweed | Stellaria | media | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Star Chickweed | Stellaria | pubera | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spatula-leaved Sundew | Drosera | intermedia | | 0 | Carnivorous Plants | Droseraceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Round-leaved Sundew | Drosera | rotundifolia | | 0 | Carnivorous Plants | Droseraceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Green Carpetweed | Mollugo | verticillata | | 0 | Carpet-weed Family | Molluginaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Springbeauty | Claytonia | caroliniana | | 0 | Montia Family | Montiaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Springbeauty | Claytonia | virginica | | 0 | Montia Family | Montiaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Four o'clock | Mirabilis | jalapa | | 0 | Four o'clock Family | Nyctaginaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Pokeweed | Phytolacca | americana | | 0 | Pokeweed Family | Phytolaccaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Climbing False Buckwheat | Fallopia | scandens | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Halberd-leaved Tearthumb | Persicaria | arifolia | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Asian Jumpseed | Persicaria | filiformis | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Knotweed | Persicaria | glabra | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oriental Smartweed | Persicaria | longiseta | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Asiatic Tearthumb | Persicaria | perfoliata | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Asian Lady's Thumb Hidden Taxon | Persicaria | posumbu | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dotted Smartweed | Persicaria | punctata | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Arrow-leaved Tearthumb | Persicaria | sagittata | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jumpseed | Persicaria | virginiana | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prostrate Knotweed | Polygonum | aviculare | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Erect Knotweed | Polygonum | erectum | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pleat-leaved Knotweed | Polygonum | tenue | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Knotweed | Reynoutria | japonica | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Giant Knotweed | Reynoutria | sachalinense | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Sheep Sorrel | Rumex | acetosella | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pale Dock | Rumex | altissimus | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Curly Dock | Rumex | crispus | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bitter Dock | Rumex | obtusifolius | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swamp Dock | Rumex | verticillatus | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Little Hogweed | Portulaca | oleracea | | 0 | Purslane Family | Portulacaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Quill Fameflower | Phemeranthus | teretifolius | | 0 | Fameflower Family | Talinaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Holly Hidden Taxon | Ilex | cornuta | | 0 | Holly Family | Aquifoliaceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Holly | Ilex | crenata | | 0 | Holly Family | Aquifoliaceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Holly | Ilex | opaca | | 0 | Holly Family | Aquifoliaceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Winterberry | Ilex | verticillata | | 0 | Holly Family | Aquifoliaceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oriental Bittersweet | Celastrus | orbiculatus | | 0 | Bittersweet Family | Celastraceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winged Euonymus | Euonymus | alatus | | 0 | Bittersweet Family | Celastraceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Strawberry Bush | Euonymus | americanus | | 0 | Bittersweet Family | Celastraceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winter Creeper | Euonymus | fortunei var. radicans | | 0 | Bittersweet Family | Celastraceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Asiatic Dayflower | Commelina | communis | | 0 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White-mouthed Dayflower | Commelina | erecta | | 0 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Dayflower | Commelina | virginica | | 0 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wart-removing Herb | Murdannia | keisak | | 0 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Spiderwort | Tradescantia | virginiana | | 0 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Alternate-leaved Dogwood | Cornus | alternifolia | | 0 | Dogwood Family | Cornaceae | Cornales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Silky Dogwood | Cornus | amomum | | 0 | Dogwood Family | Cornaceae | Cornales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Flowering Dogwood | Cornus | florida | | 0 | Dogwood Family | Cornaceae | Cornales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Gum | Nyssa | sylvatica | | 0 | Tupelo Family | Nyssaceae | Cornales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Colicroot | Aletris | farinosa | | 0 | Bog-asphodel Family | Nartheciaceae | Dioscoreales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Elderberry | Sambucus | canadensis | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Elderberry | Sambucus | racemosa var. pubens | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Maple-leaved Viburnum | Viburnum | acerifolium | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Arrowwood | Viburnum | dentatum | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Linden Arrowwood | Viburnum | dilatatum | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hobblebush | Viburnum | lantanoides | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Snowball | Viburnum | plicatum | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blackhaw | Viburnum | prunifolium | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Leatherleaf Viburnum Hidden Taxon | Viburnum | rhytidophyllum | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tea Viburnum | Viburnum | setigerum | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fuller's Teasel | Dipsacus | fullonum | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cut-leaved Teasel | Dipsacus | laciniatus | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Limber Honeysuckle | Lonicera | dioica | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Honeysuckle | Lonicera | japonica | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Amur Honeysuckle | Lonicera | maackii | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Morrow's Honeysuckle | Lonicera | morrowii | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Standish's Honeysuckle | Lonicera | standishii | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coralberry | Symphoricarpos | orbiculatus | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lewiston Cornsalad | Valerianella | locusta | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Valerianella | sp. | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Persimmon | Diospyros | virginiana | | 0 | Ebony Family | Ebenaceae | Ebenales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coastal Sweet Pepperbush | Clethra | alnifolia | | 0 | Pepperbush Family | Clethraceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spotted Wintergreen | Chimaphila | maculata | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Trailing Arbutus | Epigaea | repens | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fetterbush | Eubotrys | racemosa | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Teaberry | Gaultheria | procumbens | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Huckleberry | Gaylussacia | baccata | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Huckleberry | Gaylussacia | frondosa | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mountain Laurel | Kalmia | latifolia | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Maleberry | Lyonia | ligustrina | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pinesap | Monotropa | hypopitys | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Pipe | Monotropa | uniflora | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Wintergreen | Pyrola | americana | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Waxflower Shinleaf | Pyrola | elliptica | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Great Rhododendron | Rhododendron | maximum | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pinxter Flower | Rhododendron | periclymenoides | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swamp Azalea | Rhododendron | viscosum | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Highbush Blueberry | Vaccinium | corymbosum | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Highbush Blueberry | Vaccinium | fuscatum | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Velvetleaf Blueberry | Vaccinium | myrtilloides | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Highbush Blueberry sp. Hidden Taxon | Vaccinium | sp. | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Deerberry | Vaccinium | stamineum | | 0 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Pachysandra | Pachysandra | terminalis | | 0 | Boxwood Family | Buxaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Three-seeded Mercury | Acalypha | rhomboidea | | 0 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Croton | Croton | glandulosus var. septentrionalis | | 0 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tinted Woodland Spurge | Euphorbia | commutata | | 0 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Flowering Spurge | Euphorbia | corollata | | 0 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Ipecac | Euphorbia | ipecacuanhae | | 0 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spotted Sandmat | Euphorbia | maculata | | 0 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eyebane | Euphorbia | nutans | | 0 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Leaf-flower | Phyllanthus | caroliniensis ssp. caroliniensis | | 0 | Leaf-flower Family | Phyllanthaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Silktree | Albizia | julibrissin | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
False Indigo Bush | Amorpha | fruticosa | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Hog Peanut | Amphicarpaea | bracteata | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Groundnut | Apios | americana | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Peanut | Arachis | hypogaea | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Wild indigo | Baptisia | australis | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Indigo | Baptisia | tinctoria | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Redbud | Cercis | canadensis | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Partridge Pea | Chamaecrista | fasciculata var. fasciculata | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sensitive Pea | Chamaecrista | nictitans | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hoary Tick-trefoil | Desmodium | canescens | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nuttall's Tick-trefoil | Desmodium | nuttallii | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Panicledleaf Tick-trefoil | Desmodium | paniculatum var. paniculatum | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Velvetleaf Tick-trefoil | Desmodium | viridiflorum | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Honeylocust | Gleditsia | triacanthos | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nakedflower Tick-trefoil | Hylodesmum | nudiflorum | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Korean Clover | Kummerowia | stipulacea | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Clover | Kummerowia | striata | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Perennial Pea | Lathyrus | latifolius | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Veiny Pea | Lathyrus | venosus | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shrub Lespedeza | Lespedeza | bicolor | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sericea Lespedeza | Lespedeza | cuneata | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wand Lespedeza | Lespedeza | violacea | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Lespedeza | Lespedeza | virginica | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bird's-foot Trefoil | Lotus | corniculatus | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrowleaf Bird's-foot Trefoil | Lotus | tenuis | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Medick | Medicago | lupulina | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Alfalfa | Medicago | sativa | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Sweetclover | Melilotus | albus | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Sweetclover | Melilotus | officinalis | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Kudzu | Pueraria | montana var. lobata | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Locust | Robinia | pseudoacacia | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crownvetch | Securigera | varia | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Amberique-bean | Strophostyles | helvola | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pink Fuzzybean | Strophostyles | umbellata | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sidebeak Pencilflower | Stylosanthes | biflora | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Pagoda Tree | Styphnolobium | japonicum | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Goat's-rue | Tephrosia | virginiana | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rabbitfoot Clover | Trifolium | arvense | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Clover | Trifolium | campestre | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Suckling Clover | Trifolium | dubium | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Clover | Trifolium | pratense | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Clover | Trifolium | repens | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Kate's Mountain Clover | Trifolium | virginicum | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Vetch | Vicia | caroliniana | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Big-flowered Vetch | Vicia | grandiflora | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tiny Vetch | Vicia | hirsuta | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spring Vetch | Vicia | lathyroides | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Vetch | Vicia | sativa ssp. sativa | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lentil Vetch | Vicia | tetrasperma | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shaggy Vetch | Vicia | villosa | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winter Vetch | Vicia | villosa var. varia | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Wisteria | Wisteria | floribunda | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Wisteria | Wisteria | frutescens | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Gray Alder | Alnus | incana var. rugosa | | 0 | Birch Family | Betulaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seaside Alder | Alnus | maritima ssp. maritima | | 0 | Birch Family | Betulaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Alder | Alnus | serrulata | | 0 | Birch Family | Betulaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Birch | Betula | alleghaniensis | | 0 | Birch Family | Betulaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
River Birch | Betula | nigra | | 0 | Birch Family | Betulaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Hornbeam | Carpinus | caroliniana | | 0 | Birch Family | Betulaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Hazelnut | Corylus | americana | | 0 | Birch Family | Betulaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hophornbeam | Ostrya | virginiana | | 0 | Birch Family | Betulaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Chestnut | Castanea | dentata | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinkapin | Castanea | pumila | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Beech | Fagus | grandifolia | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Oak | Quercus | alba | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scarlet Oak | Quercus | coccinea | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Red Oak | Quercus | falcata | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bear Oak | Quercus | ilicifolia | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shingle Oak | Quercus | imbricaria | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blackjack Oak | Quercus | marilandica | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chestnut Oak | Quercus | montana | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Water Oak | Quercus | nigra | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cherrybark Oak | Quercus | pagoda | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Willow Oak | Quercus | phellos | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Red Oak | Quercus | rubra | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Post Oak | Quercus | stellata | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Oak | Quercus | velutina | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spreading Dogbane | Apocynum | androsaemifolium | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Hemp | Apocynum | cannabinum | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Poke Milkweed | Asclepias | exaltata | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swamp Milkweed | Asclepias | incarnata | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Milkweed | Asclepias | syriaca | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Butterfly Weed | Asclepias | tuberosa ssp. tuberosa | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Green Milkweed | Asclepias | viridiflora | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Honey Vine | Cynanchum | laeve | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Angularfruit Milkvine | Gonolobus | suberosus var. suberosus | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Milkvine | Matelea | carolinensis | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bigleaf Periwinkle | Vinca | major | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Periwinkle | Vinca | minor | | 0 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Screwstem | Bartonia | virginica | | 0 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Branched Centaury | Centaurium | pulchellum | | 0 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Catesby's Gentian | Gentiana | catesbaei | | 0 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bottle Gentian | Gentiana | clausa | | 0 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Pennywort | Obolaria | virginica | | 0 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rosepink | Sabatia | angularis | | 0 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seapink | Sabatia | stellaris | | 0 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orange Jewelweed | Impatiens | capensis | | 0 | Touch-me-not Family | Balsaminaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Jewelweed | Impatiens | pallida | | 0 | Touch-me-not Family | Balsaminaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red-stemmed Storksbill | Erodium | cicutarium | | 0 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Cranesbill | Geranium | carolinianum | | 0 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cut-leaved Cranesbill | Geranium | dissectum | | 0 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Geranium | Geranium | maculatum | | 0 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dove's-foot Cranesbill | Geranium | molle | | 0 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
False Mermaidweed | Floerkea | proserpinacoides | | 0 | Meadow-Foam Family | Limnanthaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mountain Woodsorrel | Oxalis | montana | | 0 | Wood-sorrel Family | Oxalidaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Violet Woodsorrel | Oxalis | violacea | | 0 | Wood-sorrel Family | Oxalidaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Parrot Feather Watermilfoil | Myriophyllum | aquaticum | | 0 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Two-leaved Watermilfoil | Myriophyllum | heterophyllum | | 0 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Low Watermilfoil | Myriophyllum | humile | | 0 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cutleaf Watermilfoil | Myriophyllum | pinnatum | | 0 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Myriophyllum | sp. | | 0 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eurasian Watermilfoil | Myriophyllum | spicatum | | 0 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Mermaidweed | Proserpinaca | palustris | | 0 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Comb-leaved Mermaidweed | Proserpinaca | pectinata | | 0 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Gum | Liquidambar | styraciflua | | 0 | Sweet Gum Family | Altingiaceae | Hamamelidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Witch-hazel | Hamamelis | virginiana | | 0 | Witch-hazel Family | Hamamelidaceae | Hamamelidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Sycamore | Platanus | occidentalis | | 0 | Plane-tree Family | Platanaceae | Hamamelidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canadian Waterweed | Elodea | canadensis | | 0 | Tape-grass Family | Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hydrilla | Hydrilla | verticillata | | 0 | Tape-grass Family | Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nodding Waternymph | Najas | flexilis | | 0 | Tape-grass Family | Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Waternymph | Najas | guadalupensis ssp. guadalupensis | | 0 | Tape-grass Family | Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brittle Waternymph | Najas | minor | | 0 | Tape-grass Family | Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Eelgrass | Vallisneria | americana | | 0 | Tape-grass Family | Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bitternut Hickory | Carya | cordiformis | | 0 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Hickory | Carya | ovalis | | 0 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shagbark Hickory | Carya | ovata | | 0 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sand Hickory | Carya | pallida | | 0 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mockernut Hickory | Carya | tomentosa | | 0 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Butternut | Juglans | cinerea | | 0 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Walnut | Juglans | nigra | | 0 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Water-willow | Justicia | americana | | 0 | Acanthus Family | Acanthaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Wild Petunia | Ruellia | caroliniensis | | 0 | Acanthus Family | Acanthaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Limestone Wild Petunia | Ruellia | strepens | | 0 | Acanthus Family | Acanthaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crossvine | Bignonia | capreolata | | 0 | Trumpet-creeper Family | Bignoniaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Trumpet Creeper | Campsis | radicans | | 0 | Trumpet-creeper Family | Bignoniaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Catalpa | Catalpa | speciosa | | 0 | Trumpet-creeper Family | Bignoniaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Comfrey | Andersonglossum | virginianum | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Siberian Bugloss | Brunnera | macrophylla | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Corn Gromwell | Buglossoides | arvensis | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Viper's Bugloss | Echium | vulgare | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Beggarslice | Hackelia | virginiana | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blunt-leaved Waterleaf | Hydrophyllum | canadense | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Waterleaf | Hydrophyllum | virginianum | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Bluebells | Mertensia | virginica | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Largeseed Forget-me-not | Myosotis | macrosperma | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
True Forget-me-not | Myosotis | scorpioides | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Strict Forget-me-not | Myosotis | stricta | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small-flowered Baby Blue Eyes | Nemophila | aphylla | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small-flowered Phacelia | Phacelia | dubia | | 0 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Bugle | Ajuga | reptans | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Beautyberry | Callicarpa | dichotoma | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Basil | Clinopodium | vulgare | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Richweed | Collinsonia | canadensis | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Dittany | Cunila | origanoides | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brittle-stemmed Hempnettle | Galeopsis | tetrahit | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ground Ivy | Glechoma | hederacea | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American False Pennyroyal | Hedeoma | pulegioides | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Archangel | Lamiastrum | galeobdolon | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Henbit | Lamium | amplexicaule | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Deadnettle | Lamium | purpureum | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Motherwort | Leonurus | cardiaca | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Water Horehound | Lycopus | americanus | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lemon Balm | Melissa | officinalis | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Water Mint | Mentha | aquatica | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Wild Mint | Mentha | canadensis | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Bergamot | Monarda | clinopodia | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scarlet Bergamot | Monarda | didyma | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Bergamot | Monarda | fistulosa | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spotted Beebalm | Monarda | punctata | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Catnip | Nepeta | cataria | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Beefsteak Plant | Perilla | frutescens | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Selfheal (lanceolata) | Prunella | vulgaris ssp. lanceolata | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Selfheal | Prunella | vulgaris | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clustered Mountain-mint | Pycnanthemum | muticum | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Awned Mountain-mint | Pycnanthemum | setosum | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Mountain-mint | Pycnanthemum | tenuifolium | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lyre-leaved Sage | Salvia | lyrata | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Skullcap | Scutellaria | elliptica var. elliptica | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Helmet Flower | Scutellaria | integrifolia | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mad-dog Skullcap | Scutellaria | lateriflora | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Heart-leaved Skullcap | Scutellaria | ovata ssp. rugosa | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canada Germander | Teucrium | canadense | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Forked Bluecurls | Trichostema | dichotomum | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
False Pimpernel | Lindernia | dubia | | 0 | False Pimpernel Family | Linderniaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Mazus | Mazus | pumilus | | 0 | Mazus Family | Mazaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Saltmarsh Gerardia | Agalinis | maritima var. maritima | | 0 | Broom-rape Family | Orobanchaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Gerardia | Agalinis | purpurea | | 0 | Broom-rape Family | Orobanchaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
One-flowered Broomrape | Aphyllon | uniflorum | | 0 | Broom-rape Family | Orobanchaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bear Corn | Conopholis | americana | | 0 | Broom-rape Family | Orobanchaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Beechdrops | Epifagus | virginiana | | 0 | Broom-rape Family | Orobanchaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Cow-wheat | Melampyrum | lineare | | 0 | Broom-rape Family | Orobanchaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canadian Lousewort | Pedicularis | canadensis | | 0 | Broom-rape Family | Orobanchaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Princess Tree | Paulownia | tomentosa | | 0 | Paulownia Family | Paulowniaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sharp-winged Monkeyflower | Mimulus | alatus | | 0 | Phrymas Family | Phrymaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Allegheny Monkeyflower | Mimulus | ringens var. ringens | | 0 | Phrymas Family | Phrymaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Lopseed | Phryma | leptostachya | | 0 | Phrymas Family | Phrymaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Two-headed Water-starwort | Callitriche | heterophylla | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Terrestrial Water-starwort | Callitriche | terrestris | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Turtlehead | Chelone | glabra | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Kenilworth Ivy | Cymbalaria | muralis | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Round-fruited Hedgehyssop | Gratiola | virginiana | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Toadflax | Linaria | canadensis | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Butter and Eggs | Linaria | vulgaris | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Gray Beardtongue | Penstemon | canescens | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Foxglove Penstemon | Penstemon | digitalis | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large-bracted Plantain | Plantago | aristata | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Plantain | Plantago | lanceolata | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blackseed Plantain | Plantago | rugelii | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Plantain | Plantago | virginica | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Water Speedwell | Veronica | anagallis-aquatica | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Germander Speedwell | Veronica | chamaedrys | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ivy-leaved Speedwell | Veronica | hederifolia | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Speedwell | Veronica | officinalis | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bird's-eye Speedwell | Veronica | persica | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thyme-leaved Speedwell | Veronica | serpyllifolia var. serpyllifolia | | 0 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rustweed | Polypremum | procumbens | | 0 | Rustweed Family | Tetrachondraceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lance-leaved Frogfruit | Phyla | lanceolata | | 0 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swamp Verbena | Verbena | hastata | | 0 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Vervain | Verbena | urticifolia | | 0 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Spicebush | Lindera | benzoin | | 0 | Laurel Family | Lauraceae | Laureles | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sassafras | Sassafras | albidum | | 0 | Laurel Family | Lauraceae | Laureles | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orange Day Lily | Hemerocallis | fulva | | 0 | Asphodel Family | Asphodelaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Perfoliate Bellwort | Uvularia | perfoliata | | 0 | Meadow Saffron Family | Colchicaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mountain Bellwort | Uvularia | puberula | | 0 | Meadow Saffron Family | Colchicaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sessile-leaved Bellwort | Uvularia | sessilifolia | | 0 | Meadow Saffron Family | Colchicaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Yam | Dioscorea | polystachya | | 0 | Yam Family | Dioscoreaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Yam | Dioscorea | villosa | | 0 | Yam Family | Dioscoreaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Star Grass | Hypoxis | hirsuta | | 0 | Hypoxidaceae | Hypoxidaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blackberry Lily | Iris | domestica | | 0 | Iris Family | Iridaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pale Yellow Iris | Iris | pseudacorus | | 0 | Iris Family | Iridaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Harlequin Blueflag | Iris | versicolor | | 0 | Iris Family | Iridaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrowleaf Blue-eyed Grass | Sisyrinchium | angustifolium | | 0 | Iris Family | Iridaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Trout Lily | Erythronium | americanum ssp. americanum | | 0 | Lily Family | Liliaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Turk's-cap Lily | Lilium | superbum | | 0 | Lily Family | Liliaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Cucumber | Medeola | virginiana | | 0 | Lily Family | Liliaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Fairybells | Prosartes | lanuginosa | | 0 | Lily Family | Liliaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Tulip | Tulipa | sylvestris | | 0 | Lily Family | Liliaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cuneate Trillium | Trillium | cuneatum | | 0 | Bunchflower Family | Melanthiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Trillium | Trillium | erectum | | 0 | Bunchflower Family | Melanthiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sessile Trillium | Trillium | sessile | | 0 | Bunchflower Family | Melanthiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Painted Trillium | Trillium | undulatum | | 0 | Bunchflower Family | Melanthiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Green False Hellebore | Veratrum | viride | | 0 | Bunchflower Family | Melanthiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Grass-leaved Mudplantain | Heteranthera | dubia | | 0 | Water-Hyacinth Family | Pontederiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pickerelweed | Pontederia | cordata | | 0 | Water-Hyacinth Family | Pontederiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Saw Greenbrier | Smilax | bona-nox | | 0 | Greenbrier Family | Smilacaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Glaucous Greenbrier | Smilax | glauca | | 0 | Greenbrier Family | Smilacaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Carrionflower | Smilax | herbacea | | 0 | Greenbrier Family | Smilacaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Greenbrier | Smilax | rotundifolia | | 0 | Greenbrier Family | Smilacaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bristly Greenbrier | Smilax | tamnoides | | 0 | Greenbrier Family | Smilacaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pawpaw | Asimina | triloba | | 0 | Custard-apple Family | Annonaceae | Magnoliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tulip Poplar | Liriodendron | tulipifera | | 0 | Magnolia Family | Magnoliaceae | Magnoliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cucumber Tree | Magnolia | acuminata | | 0 | Magnolia Family | Magnoliaceae | Magnoliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Magnolia | Magnolia | grandiflora | | 0 | Magnolia Family | Magnoliaceae | Magnoliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweetbay | Magnolia | virginiana | | 0 | Magnolia Family | Magnoliaceae | Magnoliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Velvetleaf | Abutilon | theophrasti | | 0 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crimson-eyed Rosemallow | Hibiscus | moscheutos | | 0 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rose of Sharon | Hibiscus | syriacus | | 0 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow | Kosteletzkya | pentacarpos | | 1 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Musk Mallow | Malva | moschata | | 0 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Mallow | Malva | neglecta | | 0 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Basswood | Tilia | americana | | 0 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Fern | Comptonia | peregrina | | 0 | Bayberry Family | Myricaceae | Myricales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wax Myrtle | Morella | cerifera | | 0 | Bayberry Family | Myricaceae | Myricales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Bayberry | Morella | pensylvanica | | 0 | Bayberry Family | Myricaceae | Myricales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swamp Loosestrife | Decodon | verticillatus | | 0 | Loosestrife Family | Lythraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wand Loosestrife | Lythrum | lineare | | 0 | Loosestrife Family | Lythraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Loosestrife | Lythrum | salicaria | | 0 | Loosestrife Family | Lythraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lowland Rotala | Rotala | ramosior | | 0 | Loosestrife Family | Lythraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Trapa | bispinosa | | 0 | Loosestrife Family | Lythraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Maryland Meadowbeauty | Rhexia | mariana var. mariana | | 0 | Meadowbeauty Family | Melastomataceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swollen Meadowbeauty | Rhexia | ventricosa | | 0 | Meadowbeauty Family | Melastomataceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Meadowbeauty | Rhexia | virginica | | 0 | Meadowbeauty Family | Melastomataceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade | Circaea | alpina | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broad-leaved Enchanter's Nightshade | Circaea | canadensis ssp. canadensis | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fringed Willowherb | Epilobium | ciliatum | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple-leaved Willowherb | Epilobium | coloratum | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Biennial Beeblossom | Gaura | biennis | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seedbox | Ludwigia | alternifolia | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Seedbox | Ludwigia | palustris | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Floating Primrose-willow | Ludwigia | peploides var. glabrescens | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Evening Primrose | Oenothera | biennis | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Evening Primrose | Oenothera | fruticosa | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cut-leaved Evening Primrose | Oenothera | laciniata | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Evening Primrose sp. Hidden Taxon | Oenothera | sp. | | 0 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large-leaved Pondweed | Potamogeton | amplifolius | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Curly Pondweed | Potamogeton | crispus | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Waterthread Pondweed | Potamogeton | diversifolius | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ribbon-leaved Pondweed | Potamogeton | epihydrus | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Leafy Pondweed | Potamogeton | foliosus | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Illinois Pondweed | Potamogeton | illinoensis | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Long-leaved Pondweed | Potamogeton | nodosus | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Claspingleaf Pondweed | Potamogeton | perfoliatus | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sago Pondweed | Stuckenia | pectinata | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Horned Pondweed | Zannichellia | palustris | | 0 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Widgeon-grass | Ruppia | maritima | | 0 | Ditch-grass Family | Ruppiaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Watershield | Brasenia | schreberi | | 0 | Water-shield Family | Cabombaceae | Nymphaeales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coon's Tail | Ceratophyllum | demersum | | 0 | Hornwort Family | Ceratophyllaceae | Nymphaeales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spineless Hornwort | Ceratophyllum | echinatum | | 0 | Hornwort Family | Ceratophyllaceae | Nymphaeales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Lotus | Nelumbo | lutea | | 0 | Lotus-lily Family | Nelumbonaceae | Nymphaeales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spatterdock | Nuphar | advena | | 0 | Water-lily Family | Nymphaeaceae | Nymphaeales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Variegated Pond-lily | Nuphar | variegata | | 0 | Water-lily Family | Nymphaeaceae | Nymphaeales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American White Water-lily | Nymphaea | odorata ssp. odorata | | 0 | Water-lily Family | Nymphaeaceae | Nymphaeales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Puttyroot | Aplectrum | hyemale | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pink Lady's Slipper | Cypripedium | acaule | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Lady's Slipper | Cypripedium | parviflorum var. parviflorum | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Showy Orchid | Galearis | spectabilis | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Downy Rattlesnake Plantain | Goodyera | pubescens | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Twayblade | Neottia | bifolia | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Green Wood Orchid | Platanthera | clavellata | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Appalachian Lady's Tresses | Spiranthes | arcisepala | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nodding Lady's Tresses | Spiranthes | cernua | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Slender Lady's Tresses (gracilis) | Spiranthes | lacera var. gracilis | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spring Lady's Tresses | Spiranthes | vernalis | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cranefly Orchid | Tipularia | discolor | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pink Corydalis | Capnoides | sempervirens | | 0 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greater Celandine | Chelidonium | majus | | 0 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Corydalis | Corydalis | flavula | | 0 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Incised Fumewort | Corydalis | incisa | | 0 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Squirrel Corn | Dicentra | canadensis | | 0 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dutchman's Breeches | Dicentra | cucullaria | | 0 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Corn Poppy | Papaver | rhoeas | | 0 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bloodroot | Sanguinaria | canadensis | | 0 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Ginger | Asarum | canadense | | 0 | Birthwort Family | Aristolochiaceae | Piperales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Reflexed Wild Ginger Hidden Taxon | Asarum | reflexum | | 0 | Birthwort Family | Aristolochiaceae | Piperales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Snakeroot | Endodeca | serpentaria | | 0 | Birthwort Family | Aristolochiaceae | Piperales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lizard's-tail | Saururus | cernuus | | 0 | Lizard's-tail Family | Saururaceae | Piperales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lavender Thrift | Limonium | carolinianum | | 0 | Leadwort Family | Plumbaginaceae | Plumbaginales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sturdy Bulrush | Bolboschoenus | robustus | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fringed Sedge | Carex | crinita | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Long Sedge | Carex | folliculata | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Frank's Sedge | Carex | frankii | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greater Bladder Sedge | Carex | intumescens | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Long Sedge | Carex | lonchocarpa | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hop Sedge | Carex | lupulina | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sallow Sedge | Carex | lurida | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broad-leaved Sedge | Carex | platyphylla | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Star Sedge | Carex | radiata | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Carex | sp. | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Squarrose Sedge | Carex | squarrosa | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swan's Sedge | Carex | swanii | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cattail Sedge | Carex | typhina | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pasture Spikesedge | Cyperus | brevifolioides | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Redroot Flatsedge | Cyperus | erythrorhizos | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Nutsedge | Cyperus | esculentus var. leptostachyus | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ricefield Flatsedge | Cyperus | iria | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Flatsedge | Cyperus | pseudovegetus | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Three-way Sedge | Dulichium | arundinaceum | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Needle Spikerush | Eleocharis | acicularis | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Forked Fimbry | Fimbristylis | annua | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Threesquare | Schoenoplectus | pungens var. pungens | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Soft-stemmed Bulrush | Schoenoplectus | tabernaemontani | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Woolgrass | Scirpus | cyperinus | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Georgia Bulrush | Scirpus | georgianus | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Leafy Bulrush | Scirpus | polyphyllus | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Low Nutrush | Scleria | verticillata | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bog Rush | Juncus | biflorus | | 0 | Rush Family | Juncaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Leathery Rush | Juncus | coriaceus | | 0 | Rush Family | Juncaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Poverty Rush | Juncus | tenuis | | 0 | Rush Family | Juncaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Round-headed Rush | Juncus | validus | | 0 | Rush Family | Juncaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Woodrush | Luzula | acuminata | | 0 | Rush Family | Juncaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hedgehog Woodrush | Luzula | echinata | | 0 | Rush Family | Juncaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Woodrush sp. Hidden Taxon | Luzula | sp. | | 0 | Rush Family | Juncaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bushy Bluestem | Andropogon | glomeratus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Andropogon | sp. | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broomsedge Bluestem | Andropogon | virginicus var. virginicus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Vernalgrass | Anthoxanthum | odoratum | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Carpgrass | Arthraxon | hispidus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Brome | Bromus | inermis | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bald Brome | Bromus | racemosus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mat Sandbur | Cenchrus | longispinus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Fountain Grass | Cenchrus | purpurascens | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sanddune Sandbur | Cenchrus | tribuloides | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Woodoats | Chasmanthium | latifolium | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Woodoats | Chasmanthium | laxum | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Beaked Panicgrass | Coleataenia | anceps ssp. anceps | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orchard Grass | Dactylis | glomerata | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Poverty Oatgrass | Danthonia | spicata | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Deertongue | Dichanthelium | clandestinum | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seashore Saltgrass | Distichlis | spicata | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Barnyard Grass | Echinochloa | muricata | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Goosegrass | Eleusine | indica | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Bottlebrush Grass | Elymus | hystrix | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Wildrye | Elymus | villosus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Wildrye | Elymus | virginicus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Lovegrass | Eragrostis | spectabilis | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sugarcane Plumegrass | Erianthus | giganteus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fowl Mannagrass | Glyceria | striata | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Velvetgrass | Holcus | lanatus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rice Cutgrass | Leersia | oryzoides | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Grass | Leersia | virginica | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow Ryegrass | Lolium | pratense | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Stiltgrass | Microstegium | vimineum | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Silvergrass | Miscanthus | sinensis | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nimblewill | Muhlenbergia | schreberi | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wavy-leaved Basketgrass | Oplismenus | undulatifolius | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Switchgrass | Panicum | virgatum | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Paspalum | Paspalum | laeve | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thin Paspalum (setaceum) | Paspalum | setaceum var. setaceum | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Reed Canarygrass | Phalaris | arundinacea | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Timothy | Phleum | pratense | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Reed | Phragmites | australis ssp. australis | | 1 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Reed Hidden Taxon | Phragmites | australis | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Bamboo | Phyllostachys | aurea | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Groove Bamboo | Phyllostachys | aureosulcata | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Bluegrass | Poa | annua | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Rabbitsfoot Grass | Polypogon | monspeliensis | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Arrow Bamboo | Pseudosasa | japonica | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Little Bluestem | Schizachyrium | scoparium var. scoparium | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Bristlegrass | Setaria | faberi | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Bristlegrass | Setaria | parviflora | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Foxtail | Setaria | pumila | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indiangrass | Sorghastrum | nutans | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sorghum | Sorghum | bicolor ssp. bicolor | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Johnsongrass | Sorghum | halepense | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prairie Wedgescale | Sphenopholis | obtusata | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Big Cordgrass | Sporobolus | cynosuroides | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purpletop Tridens | Tridens | flavus | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Gamagrass | Tripsacum | dactyloides | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Bur-reed | Sparganium | americanum | | 0 | Cattail Family | Typhaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broadfruit Bur-reed | Sparganium | eurycarpum | | 0 | Cattail Family | Typhaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Horn-leaved Riverweed | Podostemum | ceratophyllum | | 0 | River-weed Family | Podostemaceae | Podostemales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Maryland Milkwort | Polygala | mariana | | 0 | Milkwort Family | Polygalaceae | Polygalales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Racemed Milkwort | Polygala | polygama | | 0 | Milkwort Family | Polygalaceae | Polygalales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seneca Snakeroot | Polygala | senega | | 0 | Milkwort Family | Polygalaceae | Polygalales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fringed Polygala | Polygaloides | paucifolia | | 0 | Milkwort Family | Polygalaceae | Polygalales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scarlet Pimpernel | Lysimachia | arvensis | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Starflower | Lysimachia | borealis | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fringed Loosestrife | Lysimachia | ciliata | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Jenny | Lysimachia | nummularia | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Whorled Yellow Loosestrife | Lysimachia | quadrifolia | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swamp Candles | Lysimachia | terrestris | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Shootingstar | Primula | meadia | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seaside Brookweed | Samolus | valerandi | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wintergreen Barberry Hidden Taxon | Berberis | julianae | | 0 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Barberry | Berberis | thunbergii | | 0 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Cohosh | Caulophyllum | thalictroides | | 0 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Twinleaf | Jeffersonia | diphylla | | 0 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Leatherleaf Mahonia | Mahonia | bealei | | 0 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Heavenly Bamboo | Nandina | domestica | | 0 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mayapple | Podophyllum | peltatum | | 0 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chocolate Vine | Akebia | quinata | | 0 | Lardizabala Family | Lardizabalaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Moonseed | Menispermum | canadense | | 0 | Moonseed Family | Menispermaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Blue Monkshood | Aconitum | uncinatum | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Baneberry | Actaea | pachypoda | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Baneberry | Actaea | racemosa | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Round-lobed Hepatica | Anemone | americana | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wood Anemone | Anemone | quinquefolia | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Thimbleweed | Anemone | virginiana var. virginiana | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Columbine | Aquilegia | canadensis var. canadensis | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Columbine | Aquilegia | vulgaris | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Autumn Virginsbower | Clematis | terniflora | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Vasevine | Clematis | viorna | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Devil's Darning Needles | Clematis | virginiana | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dwarf Larkspur | Delphinium | tricorne | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Celandine | Ficaria | verna | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Helleborus | x hybridus | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Little-leaved Buttercup | Ranunculus | abortivus | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bulbous Buttercup | Ranunculus | bulbosus | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Low Spearwort | Ranunculus | pusillus | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hooked Buttercup | Ranunculus | recurvatus | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cursed Buttercup | Ranunculus | sceleratus var. sceleratus | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Early Meadow-rue | Thalictrum | dioicum | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Meadow-rue | Thalictrum | pubescens | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rue Anemone | Thalictrum | thalictroides | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Bugbane | Trautvetteria | caroliniensis | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Allegheny Stonecrop | Hylotelephium | telephioides | | 0 | Stonecrop Family | Crassulaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Goldmoss Stonecrop | Sedum | acre | | 0 | Stonecrop Family | Crassulaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stringy Stonecrop | Sedum | sarmentosum | | 0 | Stonecrop Family | Crassulaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Woodland Stonecrop | Sedum | ternatum | | 0 | Stonecrop Family | Crassulaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Autumn Olive | Elaeagnus | umbellata | | 0 | Oleaster Family | Elaeagnaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Hydrangea | Hydrangea | arborescens | | 0 | Hydrangea Family | Hydrangeaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Mock-orange | Philadelphus | coronarius | | 0 | Hydrangea Family | Hydrangeaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ditch Stonecrop | Penthorum | sedoides | | 0 | Ditch Stonecrop Family | Penthoraceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Glossy Buckthorn | Frangula | alnus | | 0 | Buckthorn Family | Rhamnaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Soft Agrimony | Agrimonia | pubescens | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Serviceberry | Amelanchier | arborea | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canadian Serviceberry | Amelanchier | canadensis | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Parsley Piert | Aphanes | australis | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Chokeberry | Aronia | arbutifolia | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Chokeberry | Aronia | melanocarpa | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Goat's Beard | Aruncus | dioicus | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scarlet Hawthorn | Crataegus | coccinea var. coccinea | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hawthorn sp. Hidden Taxon | Crataegus | sp. | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Strawberry | Fragaria | virginiana | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Avens | Geum | canadense | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spring Avens | Geum | vernum | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bowman's Root | Gillenia | trifoliata | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Siberian Crab Apple Hidden Taxon | Malus | baccata | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Crab Apple | Malus | coronaria | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oriental Photinia | Photinia | villosa | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Ninebark | Physocarpus | opulifolius | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dwarf Cinquefoil | Potentilla | canadensis var. canadensis | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Strawberry | Potentilla | indica | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Norwegian Cinquefoil | Potentilla | norvegica | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sulphur Cinquefoil | Potentilla | recta | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Cinquefoil | Potentilla | simplex | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Cherry | Prunus | serotina | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bradford Pear | Pyrus | calleryana | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Pear | Pyrus | communis | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jetbead | Rhodotypos | scandens | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Rose | Rosa | carolina var. carolina | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Multiflora Rose | Rosa | multiflora | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swamp Rose | Rosa | palustris | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Allegheny Blackberry | Rubus | allegheniensis | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sand Blackberry | Rubus | cuneifolius | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Dewberry | Rubus | flagellaris | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bristly Blackberry | Rubus | hispidus | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Red Raspberry | Rubus | idaeus var. strigosus | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Raspberry | Rubus | occidentalis | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple-flowering Raspberry | Rubus | odoratus | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chesapeake Blackberry | Rubus | pascuus | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pennsylvania Blackberry | Rubus | pensilvanicus | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wineberry | Rubus | phoenicolasius | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Mountain Ash | Sorbus | americana | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Meadowsweet | Spiraea | alba | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Spiraea | Spiraea | japonica | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bridalwreath Spiraea | Spiraea | prunifolia | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Golden Saxifrage | Chrysosplenium | americanum | | 0 | Saxifrage Family | Saxifragaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Alumroot | Heuchera | americana | | 0 | Saxifrage Family | Saxifragaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lettuce-leaved Saxifrage | Micranthes | micranthidifolia | | 0 | Saxifrage Family | Saxifragaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Early Saxifrage | Micranthes | virginiensis | | 0 | Saxifrage Family | Saxifragaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Two-leaved Miterwort | Mitella | diphylla | | 0 | Saxifrage Family | Saxifragaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Heart-leaved Foamflower | Tiarella | cordifolia | | 0 | Saxifrage Family | Saxifragaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Foamflower | Tiarella | stolonifera | | 0 | Saxifrage Family | Saxifragaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Buttonbush | Cephalanthus | occidentalis | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Poorjoe | Diodia | teres | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Buttonweed | Diodia | virginiana | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cleavers | Galium | aparine | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Licorice Bedstraw | Galium | circaezans | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hedge Bedstraw | Galium | mollugo | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blunt-leaved Bedstraw | Galium | obtusum | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Piedmont Bedstraw | Galium | pedemontanum | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Bedstraw | Galium | pilosum | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stiff Marsh Bedstraw | Galium | tinctorium | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fragrant Bedstraw | Galium | triflorum | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Azure Bluets | Houstonia | caerulea | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Long-leaved Bluet | Houstonia | longifolia var. compacta | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Bluets | Houstonia | micrantha | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Bluet | Houstonia | purpurea var. purpurea | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Bluet | Houstonia | pusilla | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Bluet | Houstonia | serpyllifolia | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Partridgeberry | Mitchella | repens | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Fieldmadder | Sherardia | arvensis | | 0 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Poplar | Populus | alba | | 0 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Cottonwood | Populus | deltoides | | 0 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bigtooth Aspen | Populus | grandidentata | | 0 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Willow | Salix | nigra | | 0 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bastard Toadflax | Comandra | umbellata | | 0 | Sandalwood Family | Santalaceae | Santalales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Mistletoe | Phoradendron | leucarpum | | 0 | Sandalwood Family | Santalaceae | Santalales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fragrant Sumac | Rhus | aromatica var. aromatica | | 0 | Sumac Family | Anacardiaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winged Sumac | Rhus | copallinum var. copallinum | | 0 | Sumac Family | Anacardiaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Sumac | Rhus | glabra | | 0 | Sumac Family | Anacardiaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Staghorn Sumac | Rhus | typhina | | 0 | Sumac Family | Anacardiaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Poison Ivy | Toxicodendron | radicans | | 0 | Sumac Family | Anacardiaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Box Elder | Acer | negundo | | 0 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Striped Maple | Acer | pensylvanicum | | 0 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Norway Maple | Acer | platanoides | | 0 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Maple | Acer | rubrum | | 0 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Silver Maple | Acer | saccharinum | | 0 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sugar Maple | Acer | saccharum var. saccharum | | 0 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mountain Maple | Acer | spicatum | | 0 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Buckeye | Aesculus | flava | | 0 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Goldenrain Tree | Koelreuteria | paniculata | | 0 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tree of Heaven | Ailanthus | altissima | | 0 | Quassia Family | Simaroubaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Bladdernut | Staphylea | trifolia | | 0 | Bladdernut Family | Staphyleaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Appalachian Gooseberry | Ribes | rotundifolium | | 0 | Gooseberry Family | Grossulariaceae | Saxifragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Sweetspire | Itea | virginica | | 0 | Sweetspire Family | Iteaceae | Saxifragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Privet sp. Hidden Taxon | Ligustrum | sp. | | 0 | Trees and Shrubs | Oleaceae | Scophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Humped Bladderwort | Utricularia | gibba | | 0 | Carnivorous Plants | Lentibulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swollen Bladderwort | Utricularia | inflata | | 0 | Carnivorous Plants | Lentibulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Bladderwort | Utricularia | macrorhiza | | 0 | Carnivorous Plants | Lentibulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Fringetree | Chionanthus | virginicus | | 0 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Weeping Forsythia | Forsythia | suspensa | | 0 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greenstem Forsythia | Forsythia | viridissima | | 0 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Ash | Fraxinus | americana | | 0 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Border Privet | Ligustrum | obtusifolium var. obtusifolium | | 0 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Privet | Ligustrum | sinense | | 0 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Privet | Ligustrum | vulgare | | 0 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Holly Osmanthus | Osmanthus | heterophyllus | | 0 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orange-eye Butterfly-bush | Buddleja | davidii | | 0 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lance-leaved Figwort | Scrophularia | lanceolata | | 0 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carpenter's Square | Scrophularia | marilandica | | 0 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Moth Mullein | Verbascum | blattaria | | 0 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Mullein | Verbascum | thapsus | | 0 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hedge False Bindweed | Calystegia | sepium | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Low False Bindweed | Calystegia | spithamaea var. spithamaea | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Bindweed | Convolvulus | arvensis | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Compact Dodder | Cuscuta | compacta var. compacta | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scaldweed | Cuscuta | gronovii | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bigseed Alfalfa Dodder | Cuscuta | indecora var. indecora | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dodder sp. Hidden Taxon | Cuscuta | sp. | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Ponysfoot Hidden Taxon | Dichondra | carolinensis | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Redstar | Ipomoea | coccinea | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ivy-leaved Morning-glory | Ipomoea | hederacea | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small White Morning-glory | Ipomoea | lacunosa | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Potato-vine | Ipomoea | pandurata | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Blue Phlox | Phlox | divaricata var. divaricata | | 0 | Phlox Family | Polemoniaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fall Phlox | Phlox | paniculata | | 0 | Phlox Family | Polemoniaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Phlox | Phlox | stolonifera | | 0 | Phlox Family | Polemoniaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Moss Phlox | Phlox | subulata | | 0 | Phlox Family | Polemoniaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greek Valerian | Polemonium | reptans var. reptans | | 0 | Phlox Family | Polemoniaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jimsonweed | Datura | stramonium | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Horsenettle | Solanum | carolinense | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Solanum | chacoense | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Climbing Nightshade | Solanum | dulcamara | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tomato | Solanum | lycopersicum | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Black Nightshade | Solanum | ptychanthum | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
St. Peterswort | Hypericum | crux-andreae | | 0 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bushy St. Johnswort | Hypericum | densiflorum | | 0 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orangegrass | Hypericum | gentianoides | | 0 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clasping-leaved St. Johnswort | Hypericum | gymnanthum | | 0 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
St. Andrew's Cross | Hypericum | hypericoides | | 0 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dwarf St. Johnswort | Hypericum | mutilum | | 0 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spotted St. Johnswort | Hypericum | punctatum | | 0 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hypericum | sp. | | 0 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Marsh St. Johnswort | Hypericum | virginicum | | 0 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Cattail | Typha | angustifolia | | 0 | Cattail Family | Typhaceae | Typhales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broad-leaved Cattail | Typha | latifolia | | 0 | Cattail Family | Typhaceae | Typhales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Hackberry | Celtis | occidentalis | | 0 | Hemp Family | Cannabaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dwarf Hackberry | Celtis | tenuifolia | | 0 | Hemp Family | Cannabaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Hops | Humulus | japonicus | | 0 | Hemp Family | Cannabaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Hops | Humulus | lupulus | | 0 | Hemp Family | Cannabaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Paper Mulberry | Broussonetia | papyrifera | | 0 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Crabweed | Fatoua | villosa | | 0 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Osage Orange | Maclura | pomifera | | 0 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Mulberry | Morus | alba | | 0 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Korean Mulberry Hidden Taxon | Morus | indica | | 0 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Mulberry | Morus | rubra | | 0 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Elm | Ulmus | americana | | 0 | Elm Family | Ulmaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Siberian Elm | Ulmus | pumila | | 0 | Elm Family | Ulmaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slippery Elm | Ulmus | rubra | | 0 | Elm Family | Ulmaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small-spiked False Nettle | Boehmeria | cylindrica | | 0 | Nettle Family | Urticaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canadian Wood Nettle | Laportea | canadensis | | 0 | Nettle Family | Urticaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canadian Clearweed | Pilea | pumila | | 0 | Nettle Family | Urticaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stinging Nettle | Urtica | dioica | | 0 | Nettle Family | Urticaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canadian Frostweed | Crocanthemum | canadense | | 0 | Rock-rose Family | Cistaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Cucumber | Melothria | pendula | | 0 | Cucumber Family | Cucurbitaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oneseed Cucumber | Sicyos | angulatus | | 0 | Cucumber Family | Cucurbitaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Passionflower | Passiflora | incarnata | | 1 | Passionflower Family | Passifloraceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Passionflower | Passiflora | lutea | | 0 | Passionflower Family | Passifloraceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Pansy | Viola | bicolor | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Coastal Violet | Viola | brittoniana | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Blue Violet | Viola | cucullata | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Halberd-leaved Yellow Violet | Viola | hastata | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lance-leaved Violet | Viola | lanceolata | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small White Violet | Viola | macloskeyi ssp. pallens | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Early Blue Violet | Viola | palmata | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bird's-foot Violet | Viola | pedata | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Primrose-leaved Violet | Viola | primulifolia | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Downy Yellow Violet (pubescens) | Viola | pubescens var. pubescens | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Arrow-leaved Violet | Viola | sagittata | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Blue Violet | Viola | sororia | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Striped White Violet | Viola | striata | | 0 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Porcelain Berry | Ampelopsis | glandulosa | | 0 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Creeper | Parthenocissus | quinquefolia | | 0 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Summer Grape | Vitis | aestivalis | | 0 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Graybark Grape | Vitis | cinerea var. floridana | | 0 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fox Grape | Vitis | labrusca | | 0 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Riverbank Grape | Vitis | riparia | | 0 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Muscadine | Vitis | rotundifolia var. rotundifolia | | 0 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Frost Grape | Vitis | vulpina | | 0 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Kettlewort | Blasia | pusilla | | 0 | Liverworts | Blasiaceae | Blasiales | Marchantiopsida | Plantae |
Snake-skin Liverwort | Conocephalum | salebrosum | | 0 | Liverworts | Conocephalaceae | Marchantiales | Marchantiopsida | Plantae |
Purple Crystalwort | Riccia | beyrichiana | | 0 | Liverworts | Ricciaceae | Marchantiales | Marchantiopsida | Plantae |
Floating Crystalwort | Riccia | fluitans | | 0 | Liverworts | Ricciaceae | Marchantiales | Marchantiopsida | Plantae |
Sullivant's Crystalwort | Riccia | huebeneriana ssp. sullivantii | | 0 | Liverworts | Ricciaceae | Marchantiales | Marchantiopsida | Plantae |
Common Crystalwort | Riccia | sorocarpa | | 0 | Liverworts | Ricciaceae | Marchantiales | Marchantiopsida | Plantae |
Fringed Heartwort | Ricciocarpos | natans | | 0 | Liverworts | Ricciaceae | Marchantiales | Marchantiopsida | Plantae |
Atlantic White Cedar | Chamaecyparis | thyoides | | 0 | Cypress Family | Cupressaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Red Cedar | Juniperus | virginiana var. virginiana | | 0 | Cypress Family | Cupressaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Bald Cypress | Taxodium | distichum | | 0 | Cypress Family | Cupressaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Northern White Cedar | Thuja | occidentalis | | 0 | Cypress Family | Cupressaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Red Spruce | Picea | rubens | | 0 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Pitch Pine | Pinus | rigida | | 0 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Pond Pine | Pinus | serotina | | 0 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Eastern White Pine | Pinus | strobus | | 0 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Loblolly Pine | Pinus | taeda | | 0 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Pine | Pinus | virginiana | | 0 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Hemlock | Tsuga | canadensis | | 0 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
American Yew | Taxus | canadensis | | 0 | Yew Family | Taxaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Interrupted Fern | Claytosmunda | claytoniana | | 0 | Ferns | Osmundaceae | Osmundales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Royal Fern | Osmunda | regalis var. spectabilis | | 0 | Ferns | Osmundaceae | Osmundales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Cinnamon Fern | Osmundastrum | cinnamomeum | | 0 | Ferns | Osmundaceae | Osmundales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Mountain Spleenwort | Asplenium | montanum | | 0 | Ferns | Aspleniaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Ebony Spleenwort | Asplenium | platyneuron | | 0 | Ferns | Aspleniaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Walking Fern | Asplenium | rhizophyllum | | 0 | Ferns | Aspleniaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Maidenhair Spleenwort | Asplenium | trichomanes ssp. trichomanes | | 0 | Ferns | Aspleniaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Northern Ladyfern | Athyrium | angustum | | 0 | Ferns | Athyriaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Southern Ladyfern | Athyrium | asplenioides | | 0 | Ferns | Athyriaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Ladyfern species Hidden Taxon | Athyrium | sp. | | 0 | Ferns | Athyriaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Silvery Glade Fern | Deparia | acrostichoides | | 0 | Ferns | Athyriaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Chainfern | Anchistea | virginica | | 0 | Ferns | Blechnaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Netted Chainfern | Lorinseria | areolata | | 0 | Ferns | Blechnaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Bulblet Bladderfern | Cystopteris | bulbifera | | 0 | Ferns | Cystopteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Lowland Bladderfern | Cystopteris | protrusa | | 0 | Ferns | Cystopteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Hayscented Fern | Dennstaedtia | punctilobula | | 0 | Ferns | Dennstaedtiaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Brackenfern | Pteridium | aquilinum var. latiusculum | | 0 | Ferns | Dennstaedtiaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Brackenfern | Pteridium | aquilinum | | 0 | Ferns | Dennstaedtiaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Glade Fern | Diplaziopsis | pycnocarpa | | 0 | Ferns | Diplaziopsidaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Spinulose Woodfern | Dryopteris | carthusiana | | 0 | Ferns | Dryopteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Log Fern | Dryopteris | celsa | | 0 | Ferns | Dryopteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Crested Woodfern | Dryopteris | cristata | | 0 | Ferns | Dryopteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Intermediate Woodfern | Dryopteris | intermedia | | 0 | Ferns | Dryopteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Marginal Woodfern | Dryopteris | marginalis | | 0 | Ferns | Dryopteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Christmas Fern | Polystichum | acrostichoides | | 0 | Ferns | Dryopteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Ostrich Fern | Matteuccia | struthiopteris | | 0 | Ferns | Onocleaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Sensitive Fern | Onoclea | sensibilis | | 0 | Ferns | Onocleaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Cinnamon Fern (cinnamomeum) | Osmundastrum | cinnamomeum var. cinnamomeum | | 0 | Ferns | Osmundaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Common Polypody | Polypodium | virginianum | | 0 | Ferns | Polypodiaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Northern Maidenhair Fern | Adiantum | pedatum | | 0 | Ferns | Pteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
New York Fern | Parathelypteris | noveboracensis | | 0 | Ferns | Thelypteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Broad Beechfern | Phegopteris | hexagonoptera | | 0 | Ferns | Thelypteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Marsh Fern | Thelypteris | palustris var. pubescens | | 0 | Ferns | Thelypteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Blunt-lobed Woodsia | Woodsia | obtusa ssp. obtusa | | 0 | Ferns | Woodsiaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Nardoo Hidden Taxon | Marsilea | mutica | | 0 | Ferns | Marsileaceae | Salviniales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Mosquitofern | Azolla | caroliniana | | 0 | Ferns | Salviniaceae | Salviniales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
American Climbing Fern | Lygodium | palmatum | | 0 | Ferns | Lygodiaceae | Schizaeales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Slender Starburst Moss | Atrichum | angustatum | | 0 | Mosses | Polytrichaceae | Polytrichales | Polytrichopsida | Plantae |
Pennsylvania Pogonatum Moss | Pogonatum | pensilvanicum | | 0 | Mosses | Polytrichaceae | Polytrichales | Polytrichopsida | Plantae |
Common Haircap Moss | Polytrichum | commune | | 0 | Mosses | Polytrichaceae | Polytrichales | Polytrichopsida | Plantae |
Juniper Polytrichum Moss | Polytrichum | juniperinum | | 0 | Mosses | Polytrichaceae | Polytrichales | Polytrichopsida | Plantae |
Rattlesnake Fern | Botrypus | virginianus | | 0 | Ferns | Ophioglossaceae | Ophioglossales | Psilotopsida | Plantae |
Southern Adderstongue Fern | Ophioglossum | vulgatum | | 0 | Ferns | Ophioglossaceae | Ophioglossales | Psilotopsida | Plantae |
Cutleaf Grapefern | Sceptridium | dissectum | | 0 | Ferns | Ophioglossaceae | Ophioglossales | Psilotopsida | Plantae |
Prairie Sphagnum | Sphagnum | palustre | | 0 | Mosses | Sphagnaceae | Sphagnales | Sphagnopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Acanthosphaera | zachariasii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Chlorellaceae | Chlorellales | Trebouxiophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Geminella | sp. | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Chlorellaceae | Chlorellales | Trebouxiophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Mucidosphaerium | pulchellum | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Chlorellaceae | Chlorellales | Trebouxiophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Eremosphaera | viridis | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Oocystaceae | Chlorellales | Trebouxiophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Botryococcus | braunii | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Botryococcaceae | Trebouxiales | Trebouxiophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Bryopsis | plumosa | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Bryopsidaceae | Bryopsidales | Ulvophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Codium | fragile ssp. tomentosoides | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Codiaceae | Bryopsidales | Ulvophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Cladophora | glomerata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Cladophoraceae | Cladophorales | Ulvophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Gayralia | oxysperma | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Gayraliaceae | Ulotrichales | Ulvophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Ulva | flexuosa | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Ulvaceae | Ulvales | Ulvophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Ulva | lactuca | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Ulvaceae | Ulvales | Ulvophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ulva | sp. | | 0 | Marine Macroalgae | Ulvaceae | Ulvales | Ulvophyceae | Plantae |
No Common Name | Trachelomonas | armata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Euglenaceae | Euglenales | Euglenophyceae | Protozoa |
No Common Name | Trachelomonas | volvocina | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Euglenaceae | Euglenales | Euglenophyceae | Protozoa |
No Common Name | Lepocinclis | spirogyroides | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Phacaceae | Euglenales | Euglenophyceae | Protozoa |
No Common Name | Phacus | longicauda | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Phacaceae | Euglenales | Euglenophyceae | Protozoa |
No Common Name | Phacus | pleuronectes | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Phacaceae | Euglenales | Euglenophyceae | Protozoa |
No Common Name | Stentor | sp. | | 0 | Ciliates | Stentoridae | Heterotrichida | Heterotrichea | Protozoa |
No Common Name | Spongomonas | splendida | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Spongomonadidae | Spongomonadida | Imbricatea | Protozoa |
No Common Name | Ophrydium | versatile | | 0 | Ciliates | Ophrydiidae | Peritrichida | Oligohymenophorea | Protozoa |
Rose rosette emaravirus | Emaravirus | rosae | | 0 | Viruses | Fimoviridae | Bunyavirales | Ellioviricetes | Viruses and viroids |