Paralemanea annulata (Kützing) M.L.Vis & R.G.Sheath
Paralemanea annulata:
Lemanea annulata 

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1 Record


Thalli grow in bunches and form tufts or small lawns. Each plant is typically about 1-2 cm, but under the right conditions they can grow to 10 cm or more. To the naked eye they appear unbranched and are usually very dark green or brown (sometimes nearly black). You cannot distinguish Lemanea and Parelemanea in the field without at least a hand lens and microscopic confirmation is typically necessary.

Where To Find

Members of the Lemaneaceae can be found attached to hard substrata in cold, clear, flowing water. In most habitats, this species is more conspicuous during the winter than in the summer.

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Source: Wikipedia

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