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114 Records
In Maryland Sugar Maple is more common at high elevations than in other parts of the state. It is commonly cultivated in parks and yards.
The leaves tend to be narrower than those of Norway Maple. The fruits (samaras) are about 1 inch long, with wings that are at 90-degree angles (or less) from each other. The fruits ripen in the fall, and the wings turn brown while the seeds are still green (Sibley, 2009).
Host plant for various moth species including Maple Tip Borer Moth, Variable Nigranum Moth, Serviceberry Leafroller Moth, Olethreutes glaciana, Maple Bud Borer Moth, Maple Trumpet Skeletonizer Moth, American Dagger Moth, Pale Beauty Moth, Banded Tussock Moth, and Oval-based Prominent Moth (Database of World's Lepidopteran Host Plants, Miller et al., 2018, Gilligan, Wright, & Gibson, 2008).