White-footed Slime | Diachea | leucopodia | | 1 | Slime Molds | Didymiaceae | Physarales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Badhamia | sp. | | 1 | Slime MOlds | Physaraceae | Physarales | Myxomycetes | Amoebozoa |
Grass Spider Hidden Taxon | Agelenopsis | sp. | | 2 | Spiders | Agelenidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Barronopsis | texana | | 1 | Spiders | Agelenidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hibana | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Anyphaenidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Marbled Orbweaver | Araneus | marmoreus | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Sixspotted Orbweaver | Araniella | displicata | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Longlegged Sac Spider Hidden Taxon | Cheiracanthium | sp. | | 2 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Conical Trashline Orbweaver | Cyclosa | conica | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Humped Trashline Orbweaver | Cyclosa | turbinata | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Humpbacked Orbweaver | Eustala | anastera | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Eustala | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gea | heptagon | | 4 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Larinia | directa | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Basilica Orbweaver | Mecynogea | lemniscata | | 2 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Spined Micrathena | Micrathena | gracilis | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
White Micrathena | Micrathena | mitrata | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Arrowshaped Micrathena | Micrathena | sagittata | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Arabesque Orbweaver | Neoscona | arabesca | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Barn Spider | Neoscona | crucifera | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Spotted Orbweaver | Neoscona | domiciliorum | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Broad-Faced Sac Spider | Trachelas | tranquillus | | 1 | Spiders | Corinnidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Woodlouse Hunter | Dysdera | crocata | | 1 | Spiders | Dysderidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eutichuridae gen. | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Eutichuridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Florinda | coccinea | | 1 | Spiders | Linyphiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Bowl and Doily Weaver | Frontinella | pyramitela | | 2 | Spiders | Linyphiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tapinopa | bilineata | | 1 | Spiders | Linyphiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tennesseellum | formica | | 1 | Spiders | Linyphiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Allocosa | sp. | | 2 | Spiders | Lycosidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Thinlegged Wolf Spider | Pardosa | sp. | | 3 | Spiders | Lycosidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tigrosa | helluo | | 1 | Spiders | Lycosidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Pirate Spider | Mimetus | puritanus | | 1 | Spiders | Mimetidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Oecobius | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Oecobiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Striped Lynx Spider | Oxyopes | salticus | | 0 | Spiders | Oxyopidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Philodromus | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Philodromidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Tailed Daddy Longleg | Crossopriza | lyoni | | 0 | Spiders | Pholcidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pholcus | manueli | | 1 | Spiders | Pholcidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phrurotimpus | sp. | | 2 | Spiders | Phrurolithidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Dolomedes | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Pisauridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Six-spotted Fishing Spider | Dolomedes | triton | | 2 | Spiders | Pisauridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Nursery Web Spider | Pisaurina | mira | | 1 | Spiders | Pisauridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hentzia | mitrata | | 2 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Marpissa | lineata | | 2 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Ribbon Jumping Spider | Metacyrba | taeniola | | 5 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Naphrys | pulex | | 1 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Emerald Jumper | Paraphidippus | aurantius | | 2 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Peckhamia | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Peppered Jumper | Pelegrina | galathea | | 0 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Bold Jumper | Phidippus | audax | | 1 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phidippus | putnami | | 1 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Flat Jumper | Platycryptus | undatus | | 2 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Synageles | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tutelina | elegans | | 2 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Glenognatha | foxi | | 1 | Spiders | Tetragnathidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Orchard Orbweaver | Leucauge | venusta | | 2 | Spiders | Tetragnathidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Tetragnatha | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Tetragnathidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anelosimus | studiosus | | 1 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Euryopis | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Southern Black Widow | Latrodectus | mactans | | 0 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Common House Spider | Parasteatoda | tepidariorum | | 1 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Theridion | frondeum | | 1 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Theridion | sp. | | 2 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Theridula | opulenta | | 1 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Mecaphesa | sp. | | 2 | Spiders | Thomisidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Whitebanded Crab Spider | Misumenoides | formosipes | | 1 | Spiders | Thomisidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Misumessus | oblongus | | 2 | Spiders | Thomisidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Synema | parvulum | | 1 | Spiders | Thomisidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Xysticus | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Thomisidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Featherlegged Orbweaver | Uloborus | glomosus | | 2 | Spiders | Uloboridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Uloborus | sp. | | 1 | Spiders | Uloboridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phalangium | opilio | | 3 | Harvestmen | Phalangiidae | Opiliones | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leiobunum | nigropalpi | | 0 | Harvestmen | Sclerosomatidae | Opiliones | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leiobunum | politum | | 0 | Harvestmen | Sclerosomatidae | Opiliones | Arachnida | Animalia |
Whirligig Mite sp. | Anystidae gen. | sp. | | 1 | Mites | Anystidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Whirligig Mite | Anystis | sp. | | 2 | Mites | Anystidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Unidentified | sp. | | 1 | Mites | Bdellidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Concrete Mite sp. | Balaustium | sp. | | 3 | Mites | Erythraeidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Winter Grain Mite | Penthaleus | major | | 1 | Mites | Penthaleidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Rhagidiidae gen. | sp. | | 1 | Mites | Rhagidiidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Red-tailed Hawk | Buteo | jamaicensis | | 2 | Birds | Accipitridae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Bald Eagle | Haliaeetus | leucocephalus | | 0 | Birds | Accipitridae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Turkey Vulture | Cathartes | aura | | 1 | Birds | Cathartidae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Black Vulture | Coragyps | atratus | | 1 | Birds | Cathartidae | Accipitriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Mallard | Anas | platyrhynchos | | 0 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Ring-billed Gull | Larus | delawarensis | | 1 | Birds | Laridae | Charadriiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Laughing Gull | Leucophaeus | atricilla | | 0 | Birds | Laridae | Charadriiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Mourning Dove | Zenaida | macroura | | 1 | Birds | Columbidae | Columbiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Northern Cardinal | Cardinalis | cardinalis | | 3 | Birds | Cardinalidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Blue Jay | Cyanocitta | cristata | | 1 | Birds | Corvidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) | Junco | hyemalis | | 2 | Birds | Emberizidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
White-throated Sparrow | Zonotrichia | albicollis | | 1 | Birds | Emberizidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
American Goldfinch | Spinus | tristis | | 1 | Birds | Fringillidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Gray Catbird | Dumetella | carolinensis | | 1 | Birds | Mimidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Northern Mockingbird | Mimus | polyglottos | | 1 | Birds | Mimidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Common Yellowthroat | Geothlypis | trichas | | 1 | Birds | Parulidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
House Sparrow | Passer | domesticus | | 2 | Birds | Passeridae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Corthylio | calendula | | 1 | Birds | Regulidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
American Robin | Turdus | migratorius | | 2 | Birds | Turdidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Great Blue Heron | Ardea | herodias | | 0 | Birds | Ardeidae | Pelecaniformes | Aves | Animalia |
Northern Flicker | Colaptes | auratus | | 1 | Birds | Picidae | Piciformes | Aves | Animalia |
Downy Woodpecker | Dryobates | pubescens | | 1 | Birds | Picidae | Piciformes | Aves | Animalia |
Double-crested Cormorant | Nannopterum | auritum | | 0 | Birds | Phalacrocoracidae | Suliformes | Aves | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Strigamia | sp. | | 1 | Centipedes | Linotaeniidae | Geophilomorpha | Chilopoda | Animalia |
Brown Centipede | Lithobius | forficatus | | 1 | Centipedes | Lithobiidae | Lithobiomorpha | Chilopoda | Animalia |
Stone Centipede (Lithobiidae) Hidden Taxon | Unidentified | sp. | | 0 | Centipedes | Lithobiidae | Lithobiomorpha | Chilopoda | Animalia |
House Centipede | Scutigera | coleoptrata | | 2 | Centipedes | Scutigeridae | Scutigeromorpha | Chilopoda | Animalia |
No Common Name | Americabrya | arida | | 1 | Springtails | Entomobryidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Entomobrya | atrocincta | | 1 | Springtails | Entomobryidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Entomobrya | multifasciata | | 1 | Springtails | Entomobryidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
Cotton Springtail | Entomobrya | unostrigata | | 1 | Springtails | Entomobryidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Homidia | sauteri | | 1 | Springtails | Entomobryidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Homidia | socia | | 4 | Springtails | Entomobryidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lepidocyrtus | paradoxus | | 0 | Springtails | Entomobryidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Willowsia | nigromaculata | | 3 | Springtails | Entomobryidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Isotoma | delta | | 0 | Springtails | Isotomidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Isotomurus | bimus | | 2 | Springtails | Isotomidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pogonognathellus | nigritus | | 1 | Springtails | Tomoceridae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tomocerus | minor | | 1 | Springtails | Tomoceridae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ophyiulus | pilosus | | 1 | Millipedes | Julidae | Julida | Diplopoda | Animalia |
No Common Name | Polydesmus | sp. | | 1 | Millipedes | Polydesmidae | Polydesmida | Diplopoda | Animalia |
No Common Name | Narceus | americanus-annularis | | 0 | Millipedes | Spirobolidae | Spirobolida | Diplopoda | Animalia |
Leopard Slug | Limax | maximus | | 1 | Slugs | Limacidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
American Cockroach | Periplaneta | americana | | 2 | Cockroaches | Blattidae | Blattodea | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pachyschelus | nicolayi | | 1 | Jewel Beetles | Buprestidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Margined Leatherwing | Chauliognathus | marginatus | | 1 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Goldenrod Soldier Beetle | Chauliognathus | pensylvanicus | | 0 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ditemnus | sp. | | 0 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Trypherus | sp. | | 1 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chlaenius | tricolor tricolor | | 1 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Elaphropus | sp. | | 1 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Harpalus | sp. | | 1 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Heavy Ochre Harp Ground Beetle | Stenolophus | ochropezus | | 1 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ecyrus | dasycerus | | 1 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spined Oak Borer | Elaphidion | mucronatum | | 1 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Longhorn Beetle | Hyperplatys | aspersa | | 1 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lepturges | confluens | | 2 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Locust Borer | Megacyllene | robiniae | | 1 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rustic Borer | Xylotrechus | colonus | | 1 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Striped Cucumber Beetle | Acalymma | vittatum | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Althaeus | sp. | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Brachypnoea | sp. | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chaetocnema | sp. | | 3 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Colaspis | sp. | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cryptocephalus | badius | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Cucumber Beetle | Diabrotica | undecimpunctata | | 4 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pigweed Flea Beetle | Disonycha | glabrata | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Redbud Bruchid | Gibbobruchus | mimus | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
False Potato Beetle | Leptinotarsa | juncta | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large-horned Cube Beetle | Megacerus | cubiculus | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red Megacerus | Megacerus | discoidus | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Locust Leaf Miner | Odontota | dorsalis | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ophraella | sp. | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Paria | sp. | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Psylliodes | sp. | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-spotted Lady Beetle | Brachiacantha | ursina | | 1 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Lady Beetle | Coleomegilla | maculata lengi | | 0 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Polished Lady Beetle | Cycloneda | munda | | 1 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Whitefly Predator | Delphastus | pusillus | | 1 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle | Harmonia | axyridis | | 1 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Convergent Lady Beetle | Hippodamia | convergens | | 0 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle | Propylea | quatuordecimpunctata | | 1 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Twenty-spotted Lady Beetle | Psyllobora | vigintimaculata | | 1 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acanthoscelidius | acephalus | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cossonus | platalea | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Naupactus | leucoloma | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Two-banded Weevil | Pseudocneorhinus | bifasciatus | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cocklebur Weevil | Rhodobaenus | quinquepunctatus | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clover Root Weevil | Sitona | lepidus | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anthrenus | isabellinus | | 1 | Carpet Beetles | Dermestidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Anthrenus | sp. | | 2 | Carpet Beetles | Dermestidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aeolus | mellillus | | 1 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eyed Click Beetle | Alaus | oculatus | | 1 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melanotus | communis complex | | 1 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Melanotus | sp. | | 1 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Monocrepidius | bellus | | 1 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tobacco Wireworm | Monocrepidius | vespertinus | | 1 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Slender Lizard Beetle | Acropteroxys | gracilis | | 1 | Pleasing Fungus Beetles | Erotylidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Deltometopus | amoenicornis | | 1 | False Click Beetles | Eucnemidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Photuris | sp. | | 1 | Fireflies | Lampyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pyropyga | sp. | | 1 | Fireflies | Lampyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Reddish-brown Stag Beetle | Lucanus | capreolus | | 1 | Scarab Beetles | Lucanidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Attalus | scincetus | | 1 | Soft-winged Flower Beetles | Melyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melyrodes | cribrata | | 2 | Soft-winged Flower Beetles | Melyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mordella | marginata | | 1 | Tumbling Flower Beetles | Mordellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mordellina | pustulata | | 1 | Tumbling Flower Beetles | Mordellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mordellistena | cervicalis | | 1 | Tumbling Flower Beetles | Mordellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mordellistena | masoni | | 1 | Tumbling Flower Beetles | Mordellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mordellistena | trifasciata | | 1 | Tumbling Flower Beetles | Mordellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Obscure Sap Beetle | Conotelus | obscurus | | 2 | Sap-feeding Beetles | Nitidulidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Glischrochilus | fasciatus | | 1 | Sap-feeding Beetles | Nitidulidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Stelidota | sp. | | 1 | Sap-feeding Beetles | Nitidulidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Patent Leather Beetle | Odontotaenius | disjunctus | | 1 | Scarab Beetles | Passalidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Shining Flower Beetle species | Phalacridae gen. | sp. | | 1 | Shining Flower Beetles | Phalacridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Macrosiagon | limbata | | 1 | Wedge-shaped Beetles | Ripiphoridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oriental Beetle | Anomala | orientalis | | 1 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ataenius | sp. | | 1 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Masked Chafer species Hidden Taxon | Cyclocephala | sp. | | 1 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Phyllophaga | sp. | | 1 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Beetle | Popillia | japonica | | 1 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Platydracus | maculosus | | 1 | Rove Beetles | Staphylinidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Quedius | sp. | | 1 | Rove Beetles | Staphylinidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Rugilus | sp. | | 1 | Rove Beetles | Staphylinidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Synchroa | punctata | | 1 | Synchroa Bark Beetles | Synchroidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neomida | bicornis | | 1 | Darkling Beetles | Tenebrionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Earwig | Forficula | auricularia | | 2 | Earwigs | Forficulidae | Dermaptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Calycomyza | sp. | | 1 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Liriomyza | blechi | | 1 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melanagromyza | sp. | | 1 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anthomyia | illocata | | 0 | Root-Maggot Flies | Anthomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Delia | sp. | | 1 | Root-Maggot Flies | Anthomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eutrichota | frigida/lipsia/tarsata | | 1 | Root-Maggot Flies | Anthomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Atomosia | sp. | | 1 | Robber Flies | Asilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-faced Micropanther | Cerotainia | macrocera | | 1 | Robber Flies | Asilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Bibio | femoratus | | 1 | March Flies | Bibionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Bibio | sp. | | 1 | March Flies | Bibionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Dilophus | sp. | | 0 | March Flies | Bibionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tiger Bee Fly | Xenox | tigrinus | | 2 | Bee Flies | Bombyliidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oriental Latrine Fly | Chrysomya | megacephala | | 1 | Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Secondary Screwworm Fly | Cochliomyia | macellaria | | 2 | Blow Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Blue-green Bottle Fly | Lucilia | coeruleiviridis | | 2 | Blow Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lucilia | coeruleiviridis/cluvia | | 1 | Blow Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bronze Bottle Fly | Lucilia | cuprina | | 1 | Blow Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Green Bottle Fly | Lucilia | sericata | | 5 | Blow Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lucilia | sp. | | 2 | Blow Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pollenia | sp. | | 2 | Blow Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ablabesmyia | sp. | | 1 | Common Midges | Chironomidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cricotopus | sp. | | 2 | Common Midges | Chironomidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Polypedilum | scalaenum | | 2 | Common Midges | Chironomidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Procladius | sp. | | 1 | Midges | Chironomidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Meromyza | sp. | | 1 | Frit Flies | Chloropidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Thaumatomyia | pulla | | 1 | Frit Flies | Chloropidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Thaumatomyia | sp. | | 3 | Frit Flies | Chloropidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Physocephala | sagittaria | | 0 | Thick-headed Flies | Conopidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Thecophora | sp. | | 1 | Thick-headed Flies | Conopidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Zodion | sp. | | 1 | Thick-headed Flies | Conopidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asian Tiger Mosquito | Aedes | albopictus | | 1 | Mosquitoes | Culicidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Culex | restuans | | 1 | Mosquitoes | Culicidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Psorophora | ferox | | 1 | Mosquitoes | Culicidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elephant Mosquito | Toxorhynchites | rutilus | | 0 | Mosquitoes | Culicidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Condylostylus | patibulatus | | 1 | Longlegged Flies | Dolichopodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Condylostylus | sipho | | 1 | Longlegged Flies | Dolichopodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Condylostylus | sp. | | 2 | Longlegged Flies | Dolichopodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dolichopus | comatus | | 1 | Longlegged Flies | Dolichopodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Medetera | sp. | | 1 | Longlegged Flies | Dolichopodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Drosophila | busckii | | 1 | Vinegar Flies | Drosophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Drosophila | repleta | | 1 | Vinegar Flies | Drosophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted-winged Drosophila | Drosophila | suzukii | | 2 | Vinegar Flies | Drosophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leucophenga | maculosa | | 1 | Vinegar Flies | Drosophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leucophenga | varia | | 1 | Vinegar Flies | Drosophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Scaptomyza | sp. | | 1 | Vinegar Flies | Drosophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
African Fig Fly | Zaprionus | indianus | | 1 | Vinegar Flies | Drosophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hemerodromia | superstitiosa | | 1 | Dance Flies | Empididae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Paralimna | punctipennis | | 2 | Shore Flies | Ephydridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Suillia | sp. | | 0 | Sun Flies | Heleomyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gonomyia | sulphurella | | 1 | Crane Flies | Limoniidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Rainieria | antennaepes | | 1 | Stilt-legged Flies | Micropezidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Taeniaptera | trivittata | | 1 | Stilt-legged Flies | Micropezidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Desmometopa | sp. | | 1 | Freeloader Flies | Milichiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Atherigona | sp. | | 1 | House Flies | Muscidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Stable Fly | Stomoxys | calcitrans | | 0 | House Flies | Muscidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neoempheria | sp. | | 1 | Fungus Gnats | Mycetophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Platypeza | sp. | | 1 | Flat-footed Flies | Platypezidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Rivellia | sp. | | 1 | Signal Flies | Platystomatidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Loxocera | sp. | | 1 | Rust Flies | Psilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Filter Fly | Clogmia | albipunctata | | 1 | Moth and Sand Flies | Psychodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chrysopilus | modestus | | 2 | Snipe Flies | Rhagionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melanophora | roralis | | 1 | Woodlouse Flies | Rhinophoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Golden Dung Fly | Scathophaga | stercoraria | | 0 | Dung Flies | Scathophagidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Soldier Fly | Hermetia | illucens | | 1 | Soldier Flies | Stratiomyidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Microchrysa | sp. | | 1 | Soldier Flies | Stratiomyidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ptecticus | trivittatus | | 2 | Soldier Flies | Stratiomyidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oblique Stripetail | Allograpta | obliqua | | 2 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Iridescent Bromeliad Fly | Copestylum | vesicularium | | 2 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eurasian Drone Fly | Eristalis | arbustorum | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-shouldered Drone Fly | Eristalis | dimidiata | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Drone Fly | Eristalis | tenax | | 2 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Transverse Flower Fly | Eristalis | transversa | | 3 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Eumerus | sp. | | 2 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eupeodes | americanus/pomus | | 2 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Eupeodes | sp. | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Narrow-headed Marsh Fly | Helophilus | fasciatus | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Narcissus Bulb Fly | Merodon | equestris | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wavy Mucksucker | Orthonevra | nitida | | 2 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Grass Skimmer | Paragus | haemorrhous | | 2 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Platycheirus | sp. | | 2 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tufted Globetail | Sphaerophoria | contigua | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Sphaerophoria | sp. | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Hornet Fly | Spilomyia | longicornis | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Peg-legged Compost Fly | Syritta | flaviventris | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Compost Fly | Syritta | pipiens | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Syrphus | sp. | | 0 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Calligrapher | Toxomerus | geminatus | | 3 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Margined Calligrapher | Toxomerus | marginatus | | 4 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Horse Fly | Tabanus | atratus | | 1 | Deer and Horse Flies | Tabanidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Archytas | analis complex | | 1 | Tachinid Flies | Tachinidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Clausicella | geniculata | | 1 | Tachinid Flies | Tachinidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cordyligaster | septentrionalis | | 0 | Tachinid Flies | Tachinidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cylindromyia | sp. | | 0 | Tachinid Flies | Tachinidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gymnosoma | sp. | | 1 | Tachinid Flies | Tachinidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Juriniopsis | adusta | | 1 | Tachinid Flies | Tachinidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dioxyna | picciola | | 1 | Fruit Flies | Tephritidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sunflower Seed Maggot | Neotephritis | finalis | | 1 | Fruit Flies | Tephritidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Stiletto Fly sp. | Therevidae gen. | sp. | | 1 | Stiletto Flies | Therevidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Nephrotoma | ferruginea | | 1 | Crane Flies | Tipulidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Trichocera | sp. | | 1 | Crane Flies | Trichoceridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chaetopsis | sp. | | 1 | Picture-winged Flies | Ulidiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Delphinia | picta | | 3 | Picture-winged Flies | Ulidiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acanalonia | conica | | 1 | Planthoppers | Acanaloniidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Acanalonia | sp. | | 1 | Planthoppers | Acanaloniidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Xylocoris | sp. | | 1 | Minute Pirate Bugs | Anthocoridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Drepanaphis | sp. | | 2 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Purple-spotted Lily Aphid | Macrosiphum | lilii | | 1 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tinocallis | sp. | | 0 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Uroleucon | sp. | | 1 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Flat Bug species | Aradidae gen. | sp. | | 1 | Flat Bugs | Aradidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aradus | robustus | | 2 | Flat Bugs | Aradidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Jalysus | sp. | | 1 | Stilt Bugs | Berytidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Meadow Spittlebug | Philaenus | spumarius | | 1 | Spittlebugs | Cercopidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Two-lined Spittlebug | Prosapia | bicincta | | 1 | Spittlebugs | Cercopidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-spotted Clover Leafhopper | Agallia | quadripunctata | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Golden Leafhopper | Alebra | aurea | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Amblysellus | curtisii | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Anoscopus | sp. | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Balclutha | sp. | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Saddleback Leafhopper | Colladonus | clitellarius | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Deltocephalus | sp. | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Draeculacephala | antica | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Potato Leafhopper | Empoasca | fabae | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Empoasca | sp. | | 3 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Eratoneura | sp. | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Erythroneura | bistrata | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Erythroneura | elegans | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Privet Leafhopper | Fieberiella | florii | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Forcipata | sp. | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Graminella | sp. | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-banded Leafhopper | Graphocephala | coccinea | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Graphocephala | versuta | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gyponana | geminata | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gyponana | gladia | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Maple Leafhopper | Japananus | hyalinus | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Jikradia | olitoria | | 6 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Broad-headed Sharpshooter | Oncometopia | orbona | | 3 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Leafhopper | Orientus | ishidae | | 5 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Osbornellus | clarus | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Paraphlepsius | collitus | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Irrorate Leafhopper | Paraphlepsius | irroratus | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speckled Sharpshooter | Paraulacizes | irrorata | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ponana | pectoralis | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ponana | puncticollis | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Scaphoideus | sp. | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Sibovia | occatoria | | 3 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Spangbergiella | quadripunctata | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tylozygus | geometricus | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Swamp Cicada | Neotibicen | tibicen | | 1 | Cicadas | Cicadidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cixiid Planthopper species | Cixiidae gen. | sp. | | 0 | Planthoppers | Cixiidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melanoliarus | placitus | | 1 | Planthoppers | Cixiidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sunflower Spittlebug | Clastoptera | xanthocephala | | 1 | Spittlebugs | Clastopteridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ceroplastes | sp. | | 0 | Scale Insects | Coccidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anasa | armigera | | 1 | Leaf-footed Bugs | Coreidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chariesterus | antennator | | 1 | Leaf-footed Bugs | Coreidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Leaf-footed Bug | Leptoglossus | phyllopus | | 1 | Leaf-footed Bugs | Coreidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Piezogaster | calcarator | | 0 | Leaf-footed Bugs | Coreidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-margined Burrower Bug | Sehirus | cinctus | | 2 | Burrowing Bugs | Cydnidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Delphacodes | puella | | 3 | Planthoppers | Delphacidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ornate Planthopper | Liburniella | ornata | | 1 | Planthoppers | Delphacidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Omolicna | uhleri | | 0 | Planthoppers | Derbidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Flatid Planthopper | Flatormenis | proxima | | 1 | Planthoppers | Flatidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Citrus Flatid Planthopper | Metcalfa | pruinosa | | 2 | Planthoppers | Flatidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Enchenopa | sp. | | 1 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Entylia | carinata | | 1 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Honey Locust Treehopper | Micrutalis | calva | | 1 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Telamona | reclivata | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ceratocapsus | sp. | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yucca Plant Bug | Halticotoma | valida | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tarnished Plant Bug | Lygus | lineolaris | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lygus | sp. | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Garden Fleahopper | Microtechnites | bractatus | | 3 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Neolygus | sp. | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Neurocolpus | sp. | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-lined Plant Bug | Poecilocapsus | lineatus | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Polymerus | basalis | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Reuteria | sp. | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Two-spotted Grass Bug | Stenotus | binotatus | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Broken-backed Bug | Taylorilygus | apicalis | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nabis | sp. | | 1 | Damsel Bugs | Nabidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-humped Stink Bug | Brochymena | quadripustulata | | 2 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Florida Predatory Stink Bug | Euthyrhynchus | floridanus | | 2 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug | Halyomorpha | halys | | 1 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Harlequin Bug | Murgantia | histrionica | | 1 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Podisus | sp. | | 1 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-shouldered Stink Bug | Thyanta | custator | | 2 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Kudzu Bug | Megacopta | cribraria | | 0 | Plataspididae | Plataspididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Spanioneura | fonscolombii | | 1 | Psyllids | Psyllidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wheel Bug | Arilus | cristatus | | 1 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Jagged Ambush Bug sp. Hidden Taxon | Phymata | sp. | | 1 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pselliopus | sp. | | 2 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Green Assassin Bug | Zelus | luridus | | 1 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Arhyssus | lateralis | | 1 | Scentless Plant Bugs | Rhopalidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Boxelder Bug | Boisea | trivittata | | 1 | Scentless Plant Bugs | Rhopalidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Harmostes | reflexulus | | 2 | Scentless Plant Bugs | Rhopalidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Harmostes | sp. | | 1 | Scentless Plant Bugs | Rhopalidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-shouldered Bug | Jadera | haematoloma | | 1 | Scentless Plant Bugs | Rhopalidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Louisiana Scentless Plant Bug | Niesthrea | louisianica | | 2 | Scentless Plant Bugs | Rhopalidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Umbrose Seed Bug | Atrazonotus | umbrosus | | 1 | Dirt-colored Seed Bugs | Rhyparochromidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Long-necked Seed Bug | Myodocha | serripes | | 2 | Dirt-colored Seed Bugs | Rhyparochromidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neopamera | bilobata | | 1 | Dirt-colored Seed Bugs | Rhyparochromidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hawthorn Lace Bug | Corythucha | cydoniae | | 2 | Lace Bugs | Tingidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Azalea Lace Bug | Stephanitis | pyrioides | | 1 | Lace Bugs | Tingidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Andrena | sp. | | 1 | Bees | Andrenidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aphelinidae gen. | sp. | | 1 | Chalcidid Wasps | Aphelinidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hairy-footed Flower Bee | Anthophora | villosula | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Honey Bee | Apis | mellifera | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-and-gold Bumble Bee | Bombus | auricomus | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lemon Cuckoo Bumble Bee | Bombus | citrinus | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown-belted Bumble Bee | Bombus | griseocollis | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Eastern Bumble Bee | Bombus | impatiens | | 4 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Bumble Bee | Bombus | pensylvanicus | | 2 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spurred Ceratina | Ceratina | calcarata | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ceratina | sp. | | 2 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Nimble Ceratina | Ceratina | strenua | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Epeolus | bifasciatus | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Two-spotted Long-horned Bee | Melissodes | bimaculatus | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melissodes | trinodis | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melitoma | taurea | | 2 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nomada | sp. | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hibiscus Bee | Ptilothrix | bombiformis | | 6 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Triepeolus | lunatus | | 2 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pruinose Squash Bee | Xenoglossa | pruinosa | | 2 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Carpenter Bee | Xylocopa | virginica | | 3 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Spathius | sp. | | 1 | Braconid Wasps | Braconidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hedychrum | sp. | | 0 | Cuckoo Wasps and Allies | Chrysididae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudomalus | auratus | | 1 | Cuckoo Wasps and Allies | Chrysididae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hylaeus | affinis | | 1 | Bees | Colletidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-faced Bee | Hylaeus | modestus | | 1 | Bees | Colletidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Bembix | sp. | | 0 | Sand Wasps | Crabronidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-banded Stink Bug Wasp | Bicyrtes | quadrifasciatus | | 1 | Sand Wasps | Crabronidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Crossocerus | impressifrons | | 1 | Sand Wasps | Crabronidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ectemnius | scaber | | 1 | Sand Wasps | Crabronidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pemphredon | sp. | | 1 | Sand Wasps | Crabronidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Humped Beewolf | Philanthus | gibbosus | | 2 | Sand Wasps | Crabronidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Cicada Killer | Sphecius | speciosus | | 1 | Sand Wasps | Crabronidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-headed Pine Sawfly | Neodiprion | lecontei | | 1 | Symphyta | Diprionidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Encyrtus | sp. | | 1 | Chalcidid Wasps | Encyrtidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eupelmus | sp. | | 1 | Chalcidid Wasps | Eupelmidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Eurytoma | sp. | | 1 | Chalcidid Wasps | Eurytomidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ensign Wasp species | Evaniidae gen. | sp. | | 3 | Ensign Wasps | Evaniidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aphaenogaster | picea | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Chestnut Carpenter Ant | Camponotus | castaneus | | 1 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red Carpenter Ant | Camponotus | chromaiodes | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Camponotus | nearcticus | | 1 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Carpenter Ant | Camponotus | pennsylvanicus | | 1 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Crematogaster | atkinsoni | | 2 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Formica | pallidefulva | | 1 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lasius | americanus | | 2 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Smaller Yellow Ant | Lasius | claviger | | 3 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Monomorium | minimum | | 1 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Monomorium | sp. | | 1 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Nylanderia | flavipes | | 1 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
False Honey Ant | Prenolepis | imparis | | 1 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Thief Ant | Solenopsis | molesta | | 1 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Odorous House Ant | Tapinoma | sessile | | 2 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Immigrant Pavement Ant | Tetramorium | immigrans | | 2 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Agapostemon | sp. | | 1 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Agapostemon | splendens | | 1 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Agapostemon | texanus | | 1 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Agapostemon | virescens | | 3 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pure Green Augochlora | Augochlora | pura | | 2 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Halictus | confusus | | 1 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Halictus | ligatus/poeyi | | 0 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Halictus | tectus | | 3 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lasioglossum | imitatum | | 5 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lasioglossum | pilosum | | 1 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lasioglossum | sp. | | 2 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lasioglossum | zephyrus | | 1 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Coelichneumon | navus | | 1 | Ichneumonid Wasps | Ichneumonidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Megarhyssa | macrurus | | 0 | Ichneumonid Wasps | Ichneumonidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ophion | sp. | | 2 | Ichneumonid Wasps | Ichneumonidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Setanta | compta | | 1 | Ichneumonid Wasps | Ichneumonidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wool Carder Bee | Anthidium | manicatum | | 1 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anthidium | oblongatum | | 2 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Say's Cuckoo-leaf-cutter | Coelioxys | sayi | | 1 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hostile Leaf-cutter Bee | Megachile | inimica | | 1 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Flat-tailed Leaf-cutter Bee | Megachile | mendica | | 2 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pugnacious Leaf-cutter Bee | Megachile | pugnata | | 1 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Carpenter-mimic Leaf-cutter Bee | Megachile | xylocopoides | | 1 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudomethoca | frigida | | 0 | Velvet Ants | Mutillidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudomethoca | simillima | | 0 | Velvet Ants | Mutillidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Timulla | vagans | | 1 | Velvet Ants | Mutillidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Asaphes | sp. | | 1 | Chalcidid Wasps | Pteromalidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Double-banded Scoliid | Scolia | bicincta | | 0 | Scoliid Wasps | Scoliidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Blue-winged Wasp | Scolia | dubia | | 1 | Scoliid Wasps | Scoliidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Noble Scoliid Wasp | Scolia | nobilitata | | 1 | Scoliid Wasps | Scoliidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ammophila | pictipennis | | 1 | Thread-waisted Wasps | Sphecidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eremnophila | aureonotata | | 0 | Thread-waisted Wasps | Sphecidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Prionyx | sp. | | 0 | Thread-waisted Wasps | Sphecidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black and Yellow Mud Dauber | Sceliphron | caementarium | | 1 | Thread-waisted Wasps | Sphecidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Great Golden Digger Wasp | Sphex | ichneumoneus | | 1 | Thread-waisted Wasps | Sphecidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Katydid Wasp | Sphex | nudus | | 1 | Thread-waisted Wasps | Sphecidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Great Black Wasp | Sphex | pensylvanicus | | 1 | Thread-waisted Wasps | Sphecidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bristly Rose Sawfly | Cladius | pectinicornis | | 1 | Symphyta | Tenthredinidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Columbine Sawfly | Pristiphora | rufipes | | 1 | Symphyta | Tenthredinidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Torymus | sp. | | 1 | Torymid Wasps | Torymidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Tube Wasp | Ancistrocerus | gazella | | 2 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bald-faced Hornet | Dolichovespula | maculata | | 1 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eumenes | fraternus | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Euodynerus | hidalgo boreoorientalis | | 2 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-toothed Mason Wasp | Monobia | quadridens | | 1 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Paper Wasp | Polistes | dominula | | 1 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Paper Wasp | Polistes | exclamans | | 1 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Paper Wasp | Polistes | fuscatus | | 2 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Yellowjacket | Vespula | maculifrons | | 1 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Yellowjacket | Vespula | squamosa | | 1 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Zethus | spinipes variegatus | | 1 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Panama Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | panamae | | 1 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | popeanella | | 1 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Acorn Moth | Blastobasis | glandulella | | 4 | Moths | Blastobasidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Agriphila | sp. | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth | Chalcoela | iphitalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grape Leaffolder Moth | Desmia | funeralis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-patched Glaphyria Moth | Glaphyria | fulminalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bold-feathered Grass Moth | Herpetogramma | pertextalis | | 3 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Beet Webworm Moth | Hymenia | perspectalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gold-stripe Grass-veneer Moth | Microcrambus | biguttellus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elegant Grass-veneer Moth | Microcrambus | elegans | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lucerne Moth | Nomophila | nearctica | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Inornate Pyrausta Moth | Pyrausta | inornatalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange Mint Moth | Pyrausta | orphisalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth | Spoladea | recurvalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Celery Leaftier Moth | Udea | rubigalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Snowy Urola Moth | Urola | nivalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | |