Columbine Sawfly Pristiphora rufipes Serville, 1823    Synonyms: Pristiphora aquilegiae, Small Gooseberry Sawfly.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Hymenoptera   >   Family Tenthredinidae   >   Genus Pristiphora   


Native to Europe. Widespread in North America.

There are 7 records in the project database.

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Columbine Sawfly in Montgomery Co., Maryland (6/3/2020). (c) A van den Beemt, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Adrienne van den Beemt. (MBP list)

Columbine Sawfly in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/11/2011). (c) Ashley Rodeheaver, all rights reserved. Photo by Ashley Rodeheaver. (MBP list)

Columbine Sawfly larva in Montgomery Co., Maryland (6/3/2020). (c) A van den Beemt, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Adrienne van den Beemt. (MBP list)

Columbine Sawfly in Howard Co., Maryland (5/25/2024). Photo by Richard Orr. (MBP list)

A Columbine Sawfly in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/29/2014). Photo by Jesse Christopherson. (MBP list)

Columbine Sawfly larvae in Carroll Co., Maryland (5/11/2018). Photo by Anna Letaw. (MBP list)

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