Fowler's Toad | Anaxyrus | fowleri | | 1 | Amphibians | Bufonidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
Marbled Salamander | Ambystoma | opacum | | 1 | Amphibians | Ambystomatidae | Caudata | Amphibia | Animalia |
Marbled Orbweaver | Araneus | marmoreus | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Yellow Garden Spider | Argiope | aurantia | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Barn Spider | Neoscona | crucifera | | 1 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Bowl and Doily Weaver | Frontinella | pyramitela | | 1 | Spiders | Linyphiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gladicosa | pulchra | | 1 | Spiders | Lycosidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Dotted Wolf Spider | Rabidosa | punctulata | | 1 | Spiders | Lycosidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Rabid Wolf Spider | Rabidosa | rabida | | 2 | Spiders | Lycosidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dolomedes | tenebrosus | | 2 | Spiders | Pisauridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Emerald Jumper | Paraphidippus | aurantius | | 1 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Euryopis | funebris | | 3 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Northern Black Widow | Latrodectus | variolus | | 1 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Whitebanded Crab Spider | Misumenoides | formosipes | | 1 | Spiders | Thomisidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Elegant Crab Spider | Xysticus | elegans | | 1 | Spiders | Thomisidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax | nycticorax | | 1 | Birds | Ardeidae | Pelecaniformes | Aves | Animalia |
No Common Name | Carabus | vinctus | | 2 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Ground Beetle | Chlaenius | sericeus | | 1 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Punctured Tiger Beetle | Cicindelidia | punctulata punctulata | | 1 | Tiger Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Galerita | bicolor | | 2 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Banded Hickory Borer | Knulliana | cincta cincta | | 1 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leptorhabdium | pictum | | 2 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rustic Borer | Xylotrechus | colonus | | 1 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle | Harmonia | axyridis | | 2 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Naupactus | leucoloma | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Monocrepidius | lividus | | 1 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-spotted Fungus Beetle | Ischyrus | quadripunctatus | | 1 | Pleasing Fungus Beetles | Erotylidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neopyrochroa | femoralis | | 1 | Fire-colored Beetles | Pyrochroidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Margined Shiny Leaf Chafer | Anomala | marginata | | 1 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grapevine Beetle | Pelidnota | punctata | | 1 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Haplandrus | fulvipes | | 1 | Darkling Beetles | Tenebrionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Liriomyza | eupatorii | | 1 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Bee Fly | Anthrax | georgicus | | 1 | Bee Flies | Bombyliidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Macrocera | sp. | | 1 | Predatory Fungus Gnat | Keroplatidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Bittacomorpha | clavipes | | 1 | Phantom Crane Flies | Ptychopteridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Golden-backed Snipe Fly | Chrysopilus | thoracicus | | 1 | Snipe Flies | Rhagionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Iridescent Bromeliad Fly | Copestylum | vesicularium | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Virginia Giant Hover Fly | Milesia | virginiensis | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Calligrapher | Toxomerus | geminatus | | 1 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Saddleback Leafhopper | Colladonus | clitellarius | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Erythroneura | diva | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eutettix | sp. | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gyponana | gladia | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Scaphytopius | sp. | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tylozygus | bifidus | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pharaoh Cicada | Magicicada | septendecim | | 1 | Cicadas | Cicadidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Bothriocera | cognita | | 1 | Planthoppers | Cixiidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-crossed Seed Bug | Neacoryphus | bicrucis | | 1 | Seed Bugs | Lygaeidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Milkweed Bug | Oncopeltus | fasciatus | | 4 | Seed Bugs | Lygaeidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cyrtolobus | vau | | 2 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Stictocephala | lutea | | 1 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Telamona | reclivata | | 1 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Stink Bug | Chinavia | hilaris | | 2 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Corsair | Melanolestes | picipes | | 2 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Sirthenea | carinata | | 1 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Arcane Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | arcanella | | 4 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Panama Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | panamae | | 4 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | plumifrontella | | 2 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | popeanella | | 11 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Walsingham's Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | propinqua | | 2 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Texas Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | texanella | | 9 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ridings' Fairy Moth | Adela | ridingsella | | 1 | Moths | Adelidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Juniper Seed Moth | Argyresthia | alternatella | | 1 | Moths | Argyresthiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Argyresthia | calliphanes | | 1 | Moths | Argyresthiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Apple Fruit Moth | Argyresthia | conjugella | | 4 | Moths | Argyresthiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speckled Argyresthia Moth | Argyresthia | subreticulata | | 1 | Moths | Argyresthiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gerdana | caritella | | 1 | Moths | Autostichidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Glyphidocera | lithodoxa | | 1 | Moths | Autostichidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Sceptea | aequepulvella | | 1 | Moths | Autostichidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Holcocera | immaculella | | 1 | Moths | Blastobasidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Metallic Coleophora Moth | Coleophora | mayrella | | 2 | Moths | Coleophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Clover Casebearer Moth | Coleophora | trifolii | | 2 | Moths | Coleophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cosmopterix | magophila | | 2 | Moths | Cosmopterigidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Beautiful Cosmopterix Moth | Cosmopterix | pulchrimella | | 1 | Moths | Cosmopterigidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eteobalea | sexnotella | | 3 | Moths | Cosmopterigidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Shy Cosmet Moth | Limnaecia | phragmitella | | 5 | Moths | Cosmopterigidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melanocinclis | lineigera | | 1 | Moths | Cosmopterigidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melanocinclis | sparsa | | 1 | Moths | Cosmopterigidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Stilbosis | tesquella | | 1 | Moths | Cosmopterigidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Little Carpenterworm Moth | Prionoxystus | macmurtrei | | 1 | Moths | Cossidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Carpenterworm Moth | Prionoxystus | robiniae | | 1 | Moths | Cossidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Garden Webworm Moth | Achyra | rantalis | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aethiophysa | invisalis | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lesser Vagabond Sod Webworm | Agriphila | ruricolella | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Vagabond Crambus Moth | Agriphila | vulgivagella | | 9 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth | Anageshna | primordialis | | 3 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anania | plectilis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Quebec Phlyctaenia Moth | Anania | quebecensis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Milky Urola Moth | Argyria | gonogramma | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix Moth | Blepharomastix | ranalis | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth | Chalcoela | iphitalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chrysendeton | imitabilis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Topiary Grass-veneer Moth | Chrysoteuchia | topiarius | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Double-banded Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | agitatellus | | 21 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small White Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | albellus | | 10 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Crambus | braunellus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Girard's Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | girardellus | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | laqueatellus | | 3 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | praefectellus | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pasture Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | saltuellus | | 3 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Young's Grass-veneer | Crambus | youngellus | | 11 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Angelic Crocidophora Moth | Crocidophora | serratissimalis | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale-winged Crocidophora Moth | Crocidophora | tuberculalis | | 13 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grape Leaffolder Moth | Desmia | funeralis | | 6 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-headed Grape Leaffolder Moth | Desmia | maculalis | | 5 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Darker Diacme Moth | Diacme | adipaloides | | 13 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Diasemiodes | janassialis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-spotted Orange Moth | Diastictis | argyralis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Diastictis | pseudargyralis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Recondite Webworm Moth | Diathrausta | reconditalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Julia's Dicymolomia Moth | Dicymolomia | julianalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Donacaula | dispersellus | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Long-beaked Donacaula Moth | Donacaula | longirostrallus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Donacaula | melinellus | | 5 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Donacaula | sp. quadrisella | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Donacaula | unipunctellus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Elophila | faulalis | | 9 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Waterlily Borer Moth | Elophila | gyralis | | 12 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pondside Pyralid Moth | Elophila | icciusalis | | 8 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Waterlily Leafcutter Moth | Elophila | obliteralis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wainscot Grass-veneer Moth | Eoreuma | densellus | | 6 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Epina | alleni | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Epipagis | fenestralis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eudonia | heterosalis | | 8 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Striped Eudonia Moth | Eudonia | strigalis | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Peppergrass Moth | Eustixia | pupula | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Purple-backed Cabbageworm Moth | Evergestis | pallidata | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Changeable Grass-veneer Moth | Fissicrambus | mutabilis | | 6 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Glaphyria Moth | Glaphyria | glaphyralis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hahncappsia | marculenta | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hahncappsia | sp. | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Peppered Haimbachia Moth | Haimbachia | placidellus | | 6 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scaled Haimbachia Moth | Haimbachia | squamulella | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Serpentine Webworm Moth | Herpetogramma | aeglealis | | 9 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Herpetogramma | aquilonalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Beet Webworm Moth | Herpetogramma | bipunctalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greater Sweetpotato Webworm Moth | Herpetogramma | fluctuosalis | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bold-feathered Grass Moth | Herpetogramma | pertextalis | | 7 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dusky Herpetogramma | Herpetogramma | phaeopteralis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Beet Webworm Moth | Hymenia | perspectalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bog Lygropia Moth | Lygropia | rivulalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gold-stripe Grass-veneer Moth | Microcrambus | biguttellus | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elegant Grass-veneer Moth | Microcrambus | elegans | | 21 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Kimball's Grass-Veneer | Microcrambus | kimballi | | 6 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Minor Grass-Veneer | Microcrambus | minor | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Streaked Orange Moth | Nascia | acutellus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mottled Grass-veneer Moth | Neodactria | luteolellus | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neodactria | zeellus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lucerne Moth | Nomophila | nearctica | | 7 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Palpita | aenescentalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Freeman's Palpita Moth | Palpita | freemanalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Splendid Palpita Moth | Palpita | magniferalis | | 7 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scarce Straw Pearl | Paracorsia | repandalis | | 3 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bluegrass Webworm Moth | Parapediasia | teterrellus | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Obscure Pondweed Moth | Parapoynx | obscuralis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Herbivorous Patania Moth | Patania | silicalis | | 13 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sod Webworm Moth | Pediasia | trisecta | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Titian Peale's Pyralid Moth | Perispasta | caeculalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Canadian Petrophila Moth | Petrophila | canadensis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Feather-edged Petrophila | Petrophila | fulicalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mint-loving Pyrausta Moth | Pyrausta | acrionalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bicolored Pyrausta Moth | Pyrausta | bicoloralis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pyrausta | homonymalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-fringed Pyrausta Moth | Pyrausta | niveicilialis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Variable Reddish Pyrausta Moth | Pyrausta | rubricalis | | 4 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Raspberry Pyrausta Moth | Pyrausta | signatalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Coffee-loving Pyrausta Moth | Pyrausta | tyralis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Diminutive Grass-veneer Moth | Raphiptera | argillaceellus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth | Saucrobotys | futilalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Many-spotted Scoparia Moth | Scoparia | basalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Double-striped Scoparia Moth | Scoparia | biplagialis | | 32 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dark-brown Scoparia Moth | Scoparia | penumbralis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greenish-yellow Sitochroa Moth | Sitochroa | palealis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth | Spoladea | recurvalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Thaumatopsis | solutellus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Celery Leaftier Moth | Udea | rubigalis | | 8 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Snowy Urola Moth | Urola | nivalis | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Straight-lined Vaxi Moth | Vaxi | critica | | 3 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Xubida | panalope | | 2 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Agonopterix | pulvipennella | | 6 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Walsingham's Agonopterix Moth | Agonopterix | walsinghamella | | 1 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dotted Antaeotricha Moth | Antaeotricha | humilis | | 2 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Gray Bird-dropping Moth | Antaeotricha | leucillana | | 9 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Schlaeger's Fruitworm Moth | Antaeotricha | schlaegeri | | 5 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bog Bibarrambla Moth | Bibarrambla | allenella | | 1 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gold-striped Leaftier Moth | Machimia | tentoriferella | | 5 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Leaftier Moth | Psilocorsis | quercicella | | 1 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dotted Leaftier Moth | Psilocorsis | reflexella | | 6 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Scythropiodes | issikii | | 7 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Arched Hooktip Moth | Drepana | arcuata | | 2 | Moths | Drepanidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rose Hooktip Moth | Oreta | rosea | | 1 | Moths | Drepanidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tufted Thyatirid Moth | Pseudothyatira | cymatophoroides | | 3 | Moths | Drepanidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
False Underwing Moth | Allotria | elonympha | | 7 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Velvetbean Caterpillar Moth | Anticarsia | gemmatalis | | 20 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Anna Tiger Moth | Apantesis | anna | | 4 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Carlotta's Tiger Moth | Apantesis | carlotta | | 8 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Figured Tiger Moth | Apantesis | figurata | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Nais Tiger Moth | Apantesis | nais | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Parthenice Tiger Moth | Apantesis | parthenice | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Harnessed Tiger Moth | Apantesis | phalerata | | 15 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Phyllira Tiger Moth | Apantesis | phyllira | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Virgin Tiger Moth | Apantesis | virgo | | 11 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Watson's Arugisa Moth | Arugisa | latiorella | | 7 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Arugisa Moth | Arugisa | lutea | | 6 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bent-winged Owlet Moth | Bleptina | caradrinalis | | 3 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Bleptina | inferior | | 4 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Vetch Looper Moth | Caenurgia | chloropha | | 8 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clover Looper Moth | Caenurgina | crassiuscula | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sweetheart Underwing Moth | Catocala | amatrix | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Charming Underwing Moth | Catocala | blandula | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scarlet Underwing Moth | Catocala | coccinata | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ilia Underwing Moth | Catocala | ilia | | 4 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bride Underwing Moth | Catocala | neogama | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Penitent Underwing Moth | Catocala | piatrix | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ultronia Underwing Moth | Catocala | ultronia | | 7 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Widow Underwing Moth | Catocala | vidua | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Bit Moth | Celiptera | frustulum | | 4 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morbid Owlet Moth | Chytolita | morbidalis | | 13 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-collared Scape Moth | Cisseps | fulvicollis | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Kentucky Lichen Moth | Cisthene | kentuckiensis | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Packard's Lichen Moth | Cisthene | packardii | | 7 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lead-colored Lichen Moth | Cisthene | plumbea | | 11 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Little White Lichen Moth | Clemensia | albata | | 18 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dark Gray Lichen Moth | Crambidia | lithosioides | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Lichen Moth | Crambidia | pallida | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Uniform Lichen Moth | Crambidia | uniformis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Crambidia | xanthocorpa | | 8 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oregon Cycnia Moth | Cycnia | oregonensis | | 4 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Delicate Cycnia Moth | Cycnia | tenera | | 12 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dasychira | atrivenosa | | 6 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-based Tussock Moth | Dasychira | basiflava | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tephra Tussock Moth | Dasychira | tephra | | 9 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dyspyralis | nigellus | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Salt Marsh Moth | Estigmene | acrea | | 4 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Everlasting Bud Moth | Eublemma | minima | | 3 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Milkweed Tussock Moth | Euchaetes | egle | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Locust Underwing Moth | Euparthenos | nubilis | | 3 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gabara | distema | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Banded Tussock Moth | Halysidota | tessellaris | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clymene Moth | Haploa | clymene | | 8 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Leconte's Haploa Moth | Haploa | lecontei | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-lined Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | abalienalis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Baltimore Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | baltimoralis | | 9 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Deceptive Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | deceptalis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | madefactalis | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Flowing-line Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | manalis | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mottled Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | palparia | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Cloverworm Moth | Hypena | scabra | | 27 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sordid Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | sordidula | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Hypenodes Moth | Hypenodes | caducus | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Franclemont's Hypenodes Moth | Hypenodes | franclemonti | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hypenodes | sp. 1 aff. fractilinea | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hypenopsis | calusa | | 7 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Giant Leopard Moth | Hypercompe | scribonia | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-spotted Graylet Moth | Hyperstrotia | flaviguttata | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dotted Graylet Moth | Hyperstrotia | pervertens | | 6 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hyperstrotia | villificans | | 3 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fall Webworm Moth | Hyphantria | cunea | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Painted Lichen Moth | Hypoprepia | fucosa | | 12 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth | Hypoprepia | miniata | | 4 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Idia Moth | Idia | aemula | | 8 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Idia Moth | Idia | americalis | | 14 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Toothed Idia Moth | Idia | denticulalis | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Idia | forbesii | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Idia | julia | | 17 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Glossy Black Idia Moth | Idia | lubricalis | | 13 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rotund Idia Moth | Idia | rotundalis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Smoky Idia Moth | Idia | scobialis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ambiguous Moth | Lascoria | ambigualis | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lost Owlet Moth | Ledaea | perditalis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hickory Tussock Moth | Lophocampa | caryae | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Twin-dotted Macrochilo Moth | Macrochilo | hypocritalis | | 3 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown-lined Owlet Moth | Macrochilo | litophora | | 4 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bronzy Macrochilo Moth | Macrochilo | orciferalis | | 7 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Fungus Moth | Metalectra | discalis | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-spotted Fungus Moth | Metalectra | quadrisignata | | 9 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Richards' Fungus Moth | Metalectra | richardsi | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Mocis Moth | Mocis | latipes | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Texas Mocis Moth | Mocis | texana | | 8 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Thin-winged Owlet Moth | Nigetia | formosalis | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Definite Tussock Moth | Orgyia | definita | | 6 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fir Tussock Moth | Orgyia | detrita | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-marked Tussock Moth | Orgyia | leucostigma | | 13 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dark-spotted Palthis Moth | Palthis | angulalis | | 9 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Faint-spotted Palthis Moth | Palthis | asopialis | | 14 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Decorated Owlet Moth | Pangrapta | decoralis | | 4 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-lined Panopoda Moth | Panopoda | rufimargo | | 6 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Masked Parahypenodes Moth | Parahypenodes | quadralis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maple Looper Moth | Parallelia | bistriaris | | 10 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dark-banded Owlet Moth | Phalaenophana | pyramusalis | | 6 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dark Phalaenostola Moth | Phalaenostola | eumelusalis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-banded Owlet Moth | Phalaenostola | larentioides | | 12 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Phalaenostola Moth | Phalaenostola | metonalis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink-bordered Yellow Moth | Phytometra | rhodarialis | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Moonseed Moth | Plusiodonta | compressipalpis | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Isabella Tiger Moth | Pyrrharctia | isabella | | 8 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speckled Renia Moth | Renia | adspergillus | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Discolored Renia Moth | Renia | discoloralis | | 11 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fraternal Renia Moth | Renia | fraternalis | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Chocolate Renia Moth | Renia | nemoralis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sober Renia Moth | Renia | sobrialis | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Grass Moth | Rivula | propinqualis | | 12 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Deadwood Borer Moth | Scolecocampa | liburna | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Six-spotted Gray Moth | Spargaloma | sexpunctata | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Moon-lined Moth | Spiloloma | lunilinea | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Agreeable Tiger Moth | Spilosoma | congrua | | 11 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink-legged Tiger Moth | Spilosoma | latipennis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Virginian Tiger Moth | Spilosoma | virginica | | 6 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Florida Tetanolita Moth | Tetanolita | floridana | | 3 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Smoky Tetanolita Moth | Tetanolita | mynesalis | | 11 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange Holomelina Moth | Virbia | aurantiaca | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tawny Holomelina Moth | Virbia | opella | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green-dusted Zale Moth | Zale | aeruginosa | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bethune's Zale Moth | Zale | bethunei | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Zale | buchholzi | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Zale | clandestina | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Zale | confusa | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pine False Looper Moth | Zale | duplicata | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maple Zale Moth | Zale | galbanata | | 6 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown-spotted Zale Moth | Zale | helata | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lunate Zale Moth | Zale | lunata | | 50 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Zale | metata | | 8 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Washed-out Zale Moth | Zale | metatoides | | 5 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Colorful Zale Moth | Zale | minerea | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Zale | submediana | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Early Zanclognatha Moth | Zanclognatha | cruralis | | 6 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellowish Zanclognatha Moth | Zanclognatha | marcidilinea | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dark Zanclognatha Moth | Zanclognatha | obscuripennis | | 7 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grayish Zanclognatha Moth | Zanclognatha | pedipilalis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Chinquapin Leaf-miner Moth | Dyseriocrania | griseocapitella | | 2 | Moths | Eriocraniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dark Marathyssa Moth | Marathyssa | inficita | | 1 | Moths | Euteliidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aproaerema | palpilineella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Arcutelphusa | talladega | | 3 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aristotelia | pudibundella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clover Aristotelia Moth | Aristotelia | roseosuffusella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aristotelia | rubidella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Stripe-backed Moth | Arogalea | cristifasciella | | 5 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Battaristis | nigratomella | | 3 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Battaristis | sp. 1 aff. vittella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange Stripe-backed Moth | Battaristis | vittella | | 3 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chionodes | cacula | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eye-ringed Chionodes Moth | Chionodes | discoocellella | | 2 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chionodes | fuscomaculella | | 2 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chionodes | lactans | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-smudged Chionodes Moth | Chionodes | mediofuscella | | 6 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chionodes | tarmes | | 3 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chionodes | thoraceochrella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Coleotechnites Flower Moth | Coleotechnites | florae | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Coleotechnites | quercivorella | | 2 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Coleotechnites | sp. | | 4 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dichomeris | agonia | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cream-edged Dichomeris Moth | Dichomeris | flavocostella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Indented Dichomeris Moth | Dichomeris | inserrata | | 2 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Inversed Dichomeris | Dichomeris | inversella | | 2 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dichomeris | isa | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dichomeris | juncidella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Kimball's Dichomeris Moth | Dichomeris | kimballi | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Palmerworm Moth | Dichomeris | ligulella | | 5 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Least Dichomeris Moth | Dichomeris | siren | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pine Needleminer Moth | Exoteleia | pinifoliella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Fascista | bimaculella | | 2 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Filatima | serotinella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Glauce | sp. 1 aff. pectenalaeella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lanceolate Helcystogramma Moth | Helcystogramma | hystricella | | 2 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Isophrictis | anteliella | | 3 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Five-spotted Twirler Moth | Monochroa | quinquepunctella | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Polyhymno Moth | Polyhymno | luteostrigella | | 2 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Sinoe | chambersi | | 2 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Sinoe | robiniella | | 3 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Streaked Spinitibia | Spinitibia | hodgesi | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Stereomita | andropogonis | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Trypanisma | prudens | | 1 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-barred Gray Moth | Aethalura | intertexta | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Gray Moth | Anavitrinella | pampinaria | | 26 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Straw Besma Moth | Besma | endropiaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Besma Moth | Besma | quercivoraria | | 6 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Peppered Moth | Biston | betularia | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Beauty Moth | Campaea | perlata | | 5 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray Spruce Looper Moth | Caripeta | divisata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scallop Moth | Cepphis | armataria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Blackberry Looper Moth | Chlorochlamys | chloroleucaria | | 8 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Angle-winged Emerald Moth | Chloropteryx | tepperaria | | 4 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mottled Gray Carpet | Cladara | limitaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bent-line Carpet Moth | Costaconvexa | centrostrigaria | | 12 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Packard's Wave Moth | Cyclophora | packardi | | 6 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sweetfern Geometer Moth | Cyclophora | pendulinaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Showy Emerald Moth | Dichorda | iridaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Faint-spotted Angle Moth | Digrammia | ocellinata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Badwing Moth | Dyspteris | abortivaria | | 4 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Engrailed Moth | Ectropis | crepuscularia | | 10 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tulip-tree Beauty Moth | Epimecis | hortaria | | 14 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-banded Toothed Carpet Moth | Epirrhoe | alternata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Beggar Moth | Eubaphe | mendica | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Deep Yellow Euchlaena Moth | Euchlaena | amoenaria | | 5 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ochre Euchlaena Moth | Euchlaena | marginaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Muzaria Euchlaena Moth | Euchlaena | muzaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Obtuse Euchlaena Moth | Euchlaena | obtusaria | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Saw-wing Moth | Euchlaena | serrata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Powder Moth | Eufidonia | notataria | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lesser Grapevine Looper Moth | Eulithis | diversilineata | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greater Grapevine Looper Moth | Eulithis | gracilineata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sharp-angled Carpet Moth | Euphyia | intermediata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eupithecia | columbiata | | 5 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eupithecia | fletcherata | | 6 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eupithecia | indistincta | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Larch Pug Moth | Eupithecia | lariciata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Eupithecia Moth | Eupithecia | miserulata | | 20 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Pine Looper Moth | Eupithecia | palpata | | 4 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Peck's Pug Moth | Eupithecia | peckorum | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eupithecia | russeliata | | 7 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Confused Eusarca Moth | Eusarca | confusaria | | 9 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Curve-toothed Geometer Moth | Eutrapela | clemataria | | 14 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fine-lined Gray Moth | Exelis | pyrolaria | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dotted Gray Moth | Glena | cribrataria | | 9 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Texas Gray Moth | Glenoides | texanaria | | 10 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gueneria | similaria | | 9 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Spring Moth | Heliomata | cycladata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Three-patched Bigwing Moth | Heterophleps | refusaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Three-spotted Fillip Moth | Heterophleps | triguttaria | | 4 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pistachio Emerald Moth | Hethemia | pistasciaria | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Homochlodes Moth | Homochlodes | fritillaria | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Bark Carpet Moth | Horisme | intestinata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Unadorned Carpet Moth | Hydrelia | inornata | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-dashed Hydriomena Moth | Hydriomena | divisaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Transfigured Hydriomena Moth | Hydriomena | transfigurata | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Esther Moth | Hypagyrtis | esther | | 5 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
One-spotted Variant Moth | Hypagyrtis | unipunctata | | 15 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Umber Moth | Hypomecis | umbrosaria | | 7 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-bordered Wave Moth | Idaea | demissaria | | 4 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Straw Wave Moth | Idaea | eremiata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rippled Wave Moth | Idaea | obfusaria | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-dotted Ruddy Moth | Ilexia | intractata | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown-shaded Gray Moth | Iridopsis | defectaria | | 20 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Purplish Gray Moth | Iridopsis | humaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bent-line Gray Moth | Iridopsis | larvaria | | 5 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Purplish Gray Moth | Iridopsis | vellivolata | | 5 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Curve-lined Looper Moth | Lambdina | fervidaria | | 16 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Drab Brown Wave Moth | Lobocleta | ossularia | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White Spring Moth | Lomographa | vestaliata | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Angle Moth | Macaria | aemulataria | | 10 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bicolored Angle Moth | Macaria | bicolorata | | 4 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-headed Inchworm Moth | Macaria | bisignata | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hemlock Angle Moth | Macaria | fissinotata | | 6 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Granite Moth | Macaria | granitata | | 15 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Minor Angle Moth | Macaria | minorata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Birch Angle Moth | Macaria | notata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White Pine Angle Moth | Macaria | pinistrobata | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Promiscuous Angle Moth | Macaria | promiscuata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth | Macaria | pustularia | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Canadian Melanolophia Moth | Melanolophia | canadaria | | 31 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Signate Melanolophia Moth | Melanolophia | signataria | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-ribboned Carpet Moth | Mesoleuca | ruficillata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Metanema Moth | Metanema | inatomaria | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Metarranthis | amyrisaria | | 4 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Angled Metarranthis Moth | Metarranthis | angularia | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Purplish Metarranthis Moth | Metarranthis | homuraria | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Metarranthis Moth | Metarranthis | hypochraria | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Metarranthis Moth | Metarranthis | indeclinata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-washed Metarranthis Moth | Metarranthis | obfirmaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Refracted Metarranthis Moth | Metarranthis | refractaria | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Horned Spanworm Moth | Nematocampa | resistaria | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-fringed Emerald Moth | Nemoria | bistriaria | | 12 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-bordered Emerald Moth | Nemoria | lixaria | | 10 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-fringed Emerald Moth | Nemoria | mimosaria | | 6 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
July Pine Looper Moth | Nepytia | sp. 1 | | 7 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gem Moth | Orthonama | obstipata | | 7 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Juniper Geometer Moth | Patalene | olyzonaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Honest Pero Moth | Pero | honestaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morrison's Pero Moth | Pero | morrisonaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pero | zalissaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Petrophora Moth | Petrophora | divisata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Beauty Moth | Phaeoura | quernaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Toothed Phigalia Moth | Phigalia | denticulata | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Phigalia Moth | Phigalia | strigataria | | 3 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Half-wing Moth | Phigalia | titea | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hollow-spotted Plagodis Moth | Plagodis | alcoolaria | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lemon Plagodis Moth | Plagodis | serinaria | | 4 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Tan Wave Moth | Pleuroprucha | insulsaria | | 12 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Maple Spanworm Moth | Prochoerodes | lineola | | 14 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Virgin Moth | Protitame | virginalis | | 5 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Porcelain Gray Moth | Protoboarmia | porcelaria | | 10 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Barberry Geometer Moth | Rheumaptera | meadii | | 4 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ferguson's Scallop Shell Moth | Rheumaptera | prunivorata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Soft-lined Wave Moth | Scopula | inductata | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Lace-bordered Moth | Scopula | limboundata | | 8 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wavy-lined Emerald Moth | Synchlora | aerata | | 6 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White Slant-line Moth | Tetracis | cachexiata | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cross-lined Wave Moth | Timandra | amaturaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red Twin-spot Moth | Xanthorhoe | ferrugata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Toothed Brown Carpet Moth | Xanthorhoe | lacustrata | | 5 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maple Caloptilia | Caloptilia | bimaculatella | | 3 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Caloptilia | porphyretica | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sumac Leafblotch Miner Moth | Caloptilia | rhoifoliella | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Caloptilia | superbifrontella | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Caloptilia | violacella | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maple Leafblotch Miner Moth | Cameraria | aceriella | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gregarious Oak Leafminer Moth | Cameraria | cincinnatiella | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cameraria | sp. | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Marmara | viburnella | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Locust Digitate Leafminer Moth | Parectopa | robiniella | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Parornix | preciosella | | 3 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phyllonorycter | rileyella | | 1 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sachem | Atalopedes | huron | | 2 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Silver-spotted Skipper | Epargyreus | clarus | | 1 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Horace's Duskywing | Erynnis | horatius | | 1 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dot-lined White Moth | Artace | cribrarius | | 7 | Moths | Lasiocampidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth | Malacosoma | americana | | 4 | Moths | Lasiocampidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Martyringa | latipennis | | 2 | Moths | Lecithoceridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Saddleback Caterpillar Moth | Acharia | stimulea | | 3 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Long-horned Slug Moth | Adoneta | bicaudata | | 1 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Purple-crested Slug Moth | Adoneta | spinuloides | | 2 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-collared Slug Moth | Apoda | y-inversum | | 1 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spiny Oak-slug Moth | Euclea | delphinii | | 2 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spun Glass Slug Moth | Isochaetes | beutenmuelleri | | 7 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth | Lithacodes | fasciola | | 1 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elegant Tailed Slug Moth | Packardia | elegans | | 1 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Smaller Parasa Moth | Parasa | chloris | | 3 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Skiff Moth | Prolimacodes | badia | | 3 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Early Button Slug Moth | Tortricidia | testacea | | 3 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-banded Hairstreak | Calycopis | cecrops | | 2 | Butterflies | Lycaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-waved Flannel Moth | Megalopyge | crispata | | 8 | Moths | Megalopygidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Flannel Moth | Megalopyge | opercularis | | 11 | Moths | Megalopygidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White Flannel Moth | Norape | cretata | | 1 | Moths | Megalopygidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Apatelodes Moth | Apatelodes | torrefacta | | 2 | Moths | Mimallonidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Circumscript Mompha Moth | Mompha | circumscriptella | | 1 | Moths | Momphidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-streaked Mompha Moth | Mompha | eloisella | | 1 | Moths | Momphidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mompha | passerella | | 1 | Moths | Momphidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mompha | rufocristatella | | 1 | Moths | Momphidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greater Red Dart Moth | Abagrotis | alternata | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cupid Dart Moth | Abagrotis | cupida | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Distinct Quaker Moth | Achatia | distincta | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Birch Dagger Moth | Acronicta | betulae | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Exiled Dagger Moth | Acronicta | exilis | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fragile Dagger Moth | Acronicta | fragilis | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Funerary Dagger Moth | Acronicta | funeralis | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speared Dagger Moth | Acronicta | hasta | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Frosted Dagger Moth | Acronicta | hastulifera | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Heitzman's Dagger Moth | Acronicta | heitzmani | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Medium Dagger Moth | Acronicta | immodica | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-haired Dagger Moth | Acronicta | impleta | | 5 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Oak Moth | Acronicta | increta | | 13 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Unmarked Dagger Moth | Acronicta | innotata | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pleasant Dagger Moth | Acronicta | laetifica | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Streaked Dagger Moth | Acronicta | lithospila | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greater Oak Dagger Moth | Acronicta | lobeliae | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hesitant Dagger Moth | Acronicta | modica | | 8 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Smeared Dagger Moth | Acronicta | oblinita | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Radcliffe's Dagger Moth | Acronicta | radcliffei | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sad Dagger Moth | Acronicta | tristis | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Triton Dagger Moth | Acronicta | tritona | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale-banded Dart Moth | Agnorisma | badinodis | | 11 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Agnorisma | bollii | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Swordsman Dart Moth | Agrotis | gladiaria | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ipsilon Dart Moth | Agrotis | ipsilon | | 18 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Unspotted Looper Moth | Allagrapha | aerea | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Feeble Grass Moth | Amolita | fessa | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Copper Underwing Moth | Amphipyra | pyramidoides | | 34 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Arches Moth | Anaplectoides | prasina | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Snowy Dart Moth | Anicla | illapsa | | 5 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Cutworm Moth | Anicla | infecta | | 31 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Apamea | cariosa | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bordered Apamea Moth | Apamea | sordens | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Clouded Brindle | Apamea | unanimis | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Apamea Moth | Apamea | vulgaris | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Airy Apamea Moth | Apamea | vultuosa | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Slowpoke Moth | Athetis | tarda | | 14 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Looper Moth | Autographa | precationis | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Obtuse Yellow Moth | Azenia | obtusa | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-blotched Balsa Moth | Balsa | labecula | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Three-lined Balsa Moth | Balsa | tristrigella | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-tailed Diver Moth | Bellura | gortynoides | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cattail Borer Moth | Bellura | obliqua | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Silver-spotted Fern Moth | Callopistria | cordata | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink-shaded Fern Moth | Callopistria | mollissima | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Silky Sallow Moth | Chaetaglaea | sericea | | 21 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Laugher Moth | Charadra | deridens | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bent-line Dart Moth | Choephora | fungorum | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Soybean Looper Moth | Chrysodeixis | includens | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cloaked Marvel Moth | Chytonix | palliatricula | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Goldenrod Stowaway Moth | Cirrhophanus | triangulifer | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellowhorn Moth | Colocasia | flavicornis | | 7 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Closebanded Yellowhorn Moth | Colocasia | propinquilinea | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Confederate Moth | Condica | confederata | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cobbler Moth | Condica | sutor | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dusky Groundling Moth | Condica | vecors | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-dotted Groundling Moth | Condica | videns | | 5 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Verbena Moth | Crambodes | talidiformis | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown-hooded Owlet Moth | Cucullia | convexipennis | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bog Lithacodia Moth | Deltote | bellicula | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dichagyris | acclivis | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Alternate Woodling Moth | Egira | alternans | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Chalcedony Midget Moth | Elaphria | chalcedonia | | 5 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grateful Midget Moth | Elaphria | grata | | 20 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Variegated Midget Moth | Elaphria | versicolor | | 7 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sloping Sallow Moth | Epiglaea | decliva | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scalloped Sallow Moth | Eucirroedia | pampina | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Beautiful Wood-nymph Moth | Eudryas | grata | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pearly Wood-nymph Moth | Eudryas | unio | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
American Angle Shades Moth | Euplexia | benesimilis | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Franclemont's Sallow Moth | Eupsilia | cirripalea | | 61 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morrison's Sallow Moth | Eupsilia | morrisoni | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Straight-toothed Sallow Moth | Eupsilia | vinulenta | | 62 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Reaper Dart Moth | Euxoa | messoria | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tessellate Dart Moth | Euxoa | tessellata | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fleece-winged Dart Moth | Euxoa | velleripennis | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Violet Dart Moth | Euxoa | violaris | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Master's Dart Moth | Feltia | herilis | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dingy Cutworm Moth | Feltia | jaculifera | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Subterranean Dart Moth | Feltia | subterranea | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Confused Dart Moth | Feltia | tricosa | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wedgling Moth | Galgula | partita | | 24 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oblong Sedge Borer Moth | Globia | oblonga | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Harris's Three-spot Moth | Harrisimemna | trisignata | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Corn Earworm Moth | Helicoverpa | zea | | 5 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lupatus Straw Moth | Heliocheilus | lupatus | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Wedge-spot Moth | Homophoberia | apicosa | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Waterlily Owlet Moth | Homophoberia | cristata | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Hyppa Moth | Hyppa | xylinoides | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-eyed Borer Moth | Iodopepla | u-album | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Laudable Arches Moth | Lacinipolia | laudabilis | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bridled Arches Moth | Lacinipolia | lorea | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Thinker Moth | Lacinipolia | meditata | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bristly Cutworm Moth | Lacinipolia | renigera | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Adjutant Wainscot Moth | Leucania | adjuta | | 25 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Linda Wainscot Moth | Leucania | linda | | 29 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scirpus Wainscot Moth | Leucania | scirpicola | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Leuconycta Moth | Leuconycta | diphteroides | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Marbled-green Leuconycta Moth | Leuconycta | lepidula | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Mossy Lithacodia Moth | Lithacodia | musta | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ashen Pinion Moth | Lithophane | antennata | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bethune's Pinion Moth | Lithophane | bethunei | | 5 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dashed Gray Pinion Moth | Lithophane | disposita | | 7 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grote's Pinion Moth | Lithophane | grotei | | 51 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dimorphic Pinion Moth | Lithophane | patefacta | | 76 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wanton Pinion Moth | Lithophane | petulca | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Signate Pinion Moth | Lithophane | signosa | | 12 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Dashed Gray Pinion | Lithophane | sp. 1 aff. disposita | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dowdy Pinion Moth | Lithophane | unimoda | | 15 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Green Pinion Moth | Lithophane | viridipallens | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orbed Narrow-winged Moth | Magusa | divaricata | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-dotted Lithacodia Moth | Maliattha | synochitis | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-bordered Lemon Moth | Marimatha | nigrofimbria | | 18 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Multicolored Sedgeminer Moth | Meropleon | diversicolor | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Broken-lined Brocade Moth | Mesapamea | fractilinea | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Unsated Sallow Moth | Metaxaglaea | inulta | | 5 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Footpath Sallow Moth | Metaxaglaea | semitaria | | 15 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Roadside Sallow Moth | Metaxaglaea | viatica | | 38 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Holly Sallow Moth | Metaxaglaea | violacea | | 17 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Confused Woodgrain Moth | Morrisonia | confusa | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bicolored Woodgrain Moth | Morrisonia | evicta | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fluid Arches Moth | Morrisonia | latex | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Armyworm Moth | Mythimna | unipuncta | | 13 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray Half-spot Moth | Nedra | ramosula | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bronzed Cutworm Moth | Nephelodes | minians | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hops Angleshade | Niphonyx | segregata | | 15 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Flame-shouldered Dart Moth | Ochropleura | implecta | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Pinkband Moth | Ogdoconta | cinereola | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-banded Brocade Moth | Oligia | modica | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cynical Quaker Moth | Orthodes | cynica | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Disparaged Arches Moth | Orthodes | detracta | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rustic Quaker Moth | Orthodes | majuscula | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth | Orthosia | hibisci | | 6 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Subdued Quaker Moth | Orthosia | revicta | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Zigzag Moth | Panthea | acronyctoides | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Panthea Moth | Panthea | furcilla | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Indigo Stem Borer Moth | Papaipema | baptisiae | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Burdock Borer Moth | Papaipema | cataphracta | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Variegated Cutworm Moth | Peridroma | saucia | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Olive Angle Shades Moth | Phlogophora | iris | | 3 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Phosphila Moth | Phosphila | miselioides | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Turbulent Phosphila Moth | Phosphila | turbulenta | | 10 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hebrew Moth | Polygrammate | hebraeicum | | 10 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Olive-shaded Bird-dropping Moth | Ponometia | candefacta | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Mossy Lithacodia Moth | Protodeltote | muscosula | | 14 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown-collared Dart Moth | Protolampra | brunneicollis | | 5 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Miranda Moth | Proxenus | miranda | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Figure-eight Sallow Moth | Psaphida | resumens | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink-barred Lithacodia Moth | Pseudeustrotia | carneola | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mustard Sallow Moth | Pyreferra | hesperidago | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Arcigera Flower Moth | Schinia | arcigera | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lynx Flower Moth | Schinia | lynx | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Three-lined Flower Moth | Schinia | trifascia | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Variable Sallow Moth | Sericaglaea | signata | | 40 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Otter Spiramater Moth | Spiramater | lutra | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fall Armyworm Moth | Spodoptera | frugiperda | | 14 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth | Spodoptera | ornithogalli | | 13 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bicolored Sallow Moth | Sunira | bicolorago | | 31 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scribbled Sallow Moth | Sympistis | perscripta | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Striped Garden Caterpillar Moth | Trichordestra | legitima | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sheathed Quaker Moth | Ulolonche | culea | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ulolonche | modesta | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lesser Black-letter Dart Moth | Xestia | c-nigrum | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dull Reddish Dart Moth | Xestia | dilucida | | 6 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Variable Dart Moth | Xestia | elimata | | 10 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eyed Baileya Moth | Baileya | ophthalmica | | 2 | Moths | Nolidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Confused Meganola Moth | Meganola | minuscula | | 4 | Moths | Nolidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Coastal Plain Meganola Moth | Meganola | phylla | | 7 | Moths | Nolidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sorghum Webworm Moth | Nola | cereella | | 11 | Moths | Nolidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sweet Pepperbush Nola Moth | Nola | clethrae | | 8 | Moths | Nolidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sharp-blotched Nola Moth | Nola | pustulata | | 3 | Moths | Nolidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Forgotten Frigid Owlet Moth | Nycteola | metaspilella | | 2 | Moths | Nolidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wavy-lined Prominent Moth | Cecrita | biundata | | 11 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Saddled Prominent Moth | Cecrita | guttivitta | | 11 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sigmoid Prominent Moth | Clostera | albosigma | | 1 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Angle-lined Prominent Moth | Clostera | inclusa | | 1 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Unicorn Caterpillar Moth | Coelodasys | unicornis | | 5 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-spotted Prominent Moth | Dasylophia | anguina | | 6 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray-patched Prominent Moth | Dasylophia | thyatiroides | | 2 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Angus's Datana Moth | Datana | angusii | | 5 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Contracted Datana Moth | Datana | contracta | | 7 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Walnut Caterpillar Moth | Datana | integerrima | | 4 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth | Datana | ministra | | 6 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Datana | sp. | | 4 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray Furcula Moth | Furcula | cinerea | | 1 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Gluphisia Moth | Gluphisia | septentrionis | | 5 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oblique Heterocampa Moth | Heterocampa | obliqua | | 8 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Heterocampa | pulverea | | 8 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink Prominent Moth | Hyparpax | aurora | | 4 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-streaked Prominent Moth | Ianassa | lignicolor | | 5 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Double-lined Prominent Moth | Lochmaeus | bilineata | | 1 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth | Lochmaeus | manteo | | 10 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mottled Prominent Moth | Macrurocampa | marthesia | | 4 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Drab Prominent Moth | Misogada | unicolor | | 1 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-dotted Prominent Moth | Nadata | gibbosa | | 12 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-humped Caterpillar Moth | Oedemasia | concinna | | 2 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-blotched Prominent Moth | Oedemasia | leptinoides | | 1 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-washed Prominent Moth | Oedemasia | semirufescens | | 2 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Georgian Prominent Moth | Paraeschra | georgica | | 3 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Angulose Prominent Moth | Peridea | angulosa | | 3 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oval-based Prominent Moth | Peridea | basitriens | | 2 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bordelon's Peridea | Peridea | bordeloni | | 2 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morning-glory Prominent Moth | Schizura | ipomaeae | | 3 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-headed Prominent Moth | Symmerista | albifrons | | 2 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Symmerista | albifrons group | | 9 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-humped Oakworm Moth | Symmerista | canicosta | | 6 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-humped Mapleworm Moth | Symmerista | leucitys | | 2 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Monarch | Danaus | plexippus | | 3 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Appalachian Brown | Lethe | appalachia | | 1 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pearl Crescent | Phyciodes | tharos | | 1 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red Admiral | Vanessa | atalanta | | 1 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-banded Epicallima Moth | Callima | argenticinctella | | 5 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Reticulated Decantha Moth | Decantha | boreasella | | 1 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eido | trimaculella | | 1 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Chalky Inga Moth | Inga | cretacea | | 1 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-marked Inga Moth | Inga | sparsiciliella | | 4 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mathildana | flipria | | 1 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Newman's Mathildana Moth | Mathildana | newmanella | | 1 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Suzuki's Promalactis Moth | Promalactis | suzukiella | | 3 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Zebra Swallowtail | Eurytides | marcellus | | 1 | Butterflies | Papilionidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sleepy Orange | Abaeis | nicippe | | 2 | Butterflies | Pieridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clouded Sulphur | Colias | philodice | | 2 | Butterflies | Pieridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cabbage White | Pieris | rapae | | 2 | Butterflies | Pieridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Diamondback Moth | Plutella | xylostella | | 4 | Moths | Plutellidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Bagworm Moth | Psyche | casta | | 1 | Moths | Psychidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Evergreen Bagworm Moth | Thyridopteryx | ephemeraeformis | | 2 | Moths | Psychidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morning-glory Plume Moth | Emmelina | monodactyla | | 2 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Baccharis Borer Plume Moth | Hellinsia | balanotes | | 1 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elliot's Plume Moth | Hellinsia | elliottii | | 2 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Glenn's Plume Moth | Hellinsia | glenni | | 1 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Goldenrod Plume Moth | Hellinsia | kellicottii | | 1 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mousy Plume Moth | Lioptilodes | albistriolatus | | 6 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hickory Leafstem Borer Moth | Acrobasis | angusella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Birch Tubemaker Moth | Acrobasis | betulella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hickory Shoot Borer Moth | Acrobasis | caryae | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pecan Leaf Casebearer Moth | Acrobasis | juglandis | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mantled Acrobasis Moth | Acrobasis | palliolella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acrobasis | stigmella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tupelo Leaffolder Moth | Actrix | nyssaecolella | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grease Moth | Aglossa | cuprina | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink-masked Pyralid Moth | Aglossa | disciferalis | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
The Bee Moth | Aphomia | sociella | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Posturing Arta Moth | Arta | statalis | | 5 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Evergreen Coneworm Moth | Dioryctria | abietivorella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dimorphic Macalla Moth | Epipaschia | superatalis | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Broad-banded Eulogia Moth | Eulogia | ochrifrontella | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Euzophera | habrella | | 3 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Root Collar Borer Moth | Euzophera | ostricolorella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Goya | stictella | | 3 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Homoeosoma | deceptorium | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-fringed Dolichomia Moth | Hypsopygia | olinalis | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Cactus-boring Moth | Melitara | prodenialis | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Paler Moodna Moth | Moodna | pallidostrinella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Myelopsis | subtetricella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asimina Webworm Moth | Omphalocera | munroei | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-tufted Oneida Moth | Oneida | lunulalis | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Carmine Snout Moth | Peoria | approximella | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Peoria | bipartitella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Long-palps Peoria Moth | Peoria | longipalpella | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-edged Phycitodes Moth | Phycitodes | mucidella | | 3 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Aspen Webworm Moth | Pococera | aplastella | | 8 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maple Webworm Moth | Pococera | asperatella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Striped Oak Webworm Moth | Pococera | expandens | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sycamore Webworm Moth | Pococera | militella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pine Webworm Moth | Pococera | robustella | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lespedeza Webworm Moth | Pococera | scortealis | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Engel's Salebriaria Moth | Salebriaria | engeli | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Salebriaria | fasciata | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Salebriaria | turpidella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Locust Leafroller Moth | Sciota | subcaesiella | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Striped Sumac Leafroller Moth | Sciota | subfuscella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sweetgum Leafroller Moth | Sciota | uvinella | | 7 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Sciota | vetustella | | 1 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-spotted Leafroller Moth | Sciota | virgatella | | 3 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dimorphic Tosale Moth | Tosale | oviplagalis | | 4 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Luna Moth | Actias | luna | | 22 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-tipped Oakworm Moth | Anisota | senatoria | | 1 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spiny Oakworm Moth | Anisota | stigma | | 10 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink-striped Oakworm Moth | Anisota | virginiensis | | 2 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Polyphemus Moth | Antheraea | polyphemus | | 5 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Io Moth | Automeris | io | | 14 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tulip-tree Silkmoth | Callosamia | angulifera | | 6 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pine Devil Moth | Citheronia | sepulcralis | | 1 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rosy Maple Moth | Dryocampa | rubicunda | | 18 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Imperial Moth | Eacles | imperialis | | 10 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cecropia Moth | Hyalophora | cecropia | | 1 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Nessus Sphinx | Amphion | floridensis | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Catalpa Sphinx | Ceratomia | catalpae | | 5 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Waved Sphinx | Ceratomia | undulosa | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Azalea Sphinx | Darapsa | choerilus | | 2 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Virginia Creeper Sphinx | Darapsa | myron | | 2 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lettered Sphinx | Deidamia | inscriptum | | 4 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pawpaw Sphinx | Dolba | hyloeus | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Achemon Sphinx | Eumorpha | achemon | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Pine Sphinx | Lapara | coniferarum | | 11 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Five-spotted Hawkmoth | Manduca | quinquemaculatus | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Carolina Sphinx | Manduca | sexta | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Big Poplar Sphinx | Pachysphinx | modesta | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Huckleberry Sphinx | Paonias | astylus | | 2 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Blinded Sphinx | Paonias | excaecata | | 8 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small-eyed Sphinx | Paonias | myops | | 3 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Abbott's Sphinx | Sphecodina | abbottii | | 2 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Franck's Sphinx | Sphinx | franckii | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Apple Sphinx | Sphinx | gordius | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tersa Sphinx | Xylophanes | tersa | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Homosetia | fasciella | | 1 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Homostinea | curviliniella | | 7 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Monopis | marginistrigella | | 2 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European House Moth | Niditinea | fuscella | | 2 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pelecystola | nearctica | | 1 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Scardia | anatomella | | 1 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tinea | carnariella | | 2 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tineidae gen. 1 | sp. 1 | | 1 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clemens' Bark Moth | Xylesthia | pruniramiella | | 5 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Coptotriche | citrinipennella | | 1 | Moths | Tischeriidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Coptotriche | zelleriella | | 1 | Moths | Tischeriidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Blotch Miner Moth | Tischeria | quercitella | | 1 | Moths | Tischeriidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acleris | cervinana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lesser Maple Leafroller Moth | Acleris | chalybeana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acleris | comandrana | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Blueberry Leaftier Moth | Acleris | curvalana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Multiform Leafroller Moth | Acleris | flavivittana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Stained-back Leafroller Moth | Acleris | maculidorsana | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speckled Acleris Moth | Acleris | negundana | | 8 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-headed Birch Leaffolder | Acleris | placidana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Robinson's Acleris Moth | Acleris | robinsoniana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acleris | semiannula | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bent-wing Acleris | Acleris | subnivana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Viburnum Acleris Moth | Acleris | viburnana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Silver-bordered Aethes | Aethes | argentilimitana | | 17 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aethes | baloghi | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aethes | matheri | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aethes | promptana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Razowski's Aethes Moth | Aethes | razowskii | | 7 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aethes | sexdentata | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-lined Leafroller Moth | Amorbia | humerosana | | 8 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ancylis | apicana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Leaffolder Moth | Ancylis | burgessiana | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Strawberry Leafroller Moth | Ancylis | comptana | | 6 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow Birch Leaffolder Moth | Ancylis | discigerana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Two-toned Ancylis Moth | Ancylis | divisana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ancylis | fuscociliana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ancylis | laciniana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-headed Ancylis | Ancylis | muricana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Little Cloud Ancylis Moth | Ancylis | nubeculana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sycamore Leaffolder Moth | Ancylis | platanana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray Archips Moth | Archips | grisea | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ivana Leafroller Moth | Argyrotaenia | ivana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray-banded Leafroller Moth | Argyrotaenia | mariana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-winged Oak Leafroller Moth | Argyrotaenia | quercifoliana | | 7 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-banded Leafroller Moth | Argyrotaenia | velutinana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Bactra | furfurana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Javelin Moth | Bactra | verutana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cagiva | cephalanthana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maple Trumpet Skeletonizer Moth | Catastega | aceriella | | 10 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Trumpet Skeletonizer Moth | Catastega | timidella | | 7 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Celypha Moth | Celypha | cespitana | | 9 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Reticulated Fruitworm Moth | Cenopis | reticulatana | | 9 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chimoptesis | gerulae | | 16 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Broken-banded Leafroller Moth | Choristoneura | fractivittana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spruce Budworm Moth | Choristoneura | fumiferana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Parallel-banded Leafroller Moth | Choristoneura | parallela | | 9 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Jack Pine Budworm Moth | Choristoneura | pinus | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth | Choristoneura | rosaceana | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-patched Clepsis Moth | Clepsis | melaleucana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Garden Tortrix Moth | Clepsis | peritana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Clepsis | virescana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cochylichroa | bucera | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hoffman's Cochylid Moth | Cochylis | hoffmanana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
The Batman Moth | Coelostathma | discopunctana | | 5 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Corticivora | parva | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hickory Shuckworm Moth | Cydia | caryana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Filbertworm Moth | Cydia | latiferreana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cydia | marita | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Decodes | basiplagana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dichrorampha | bittana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Locust Twig Borer Moth | Ecdytolopha | insiticiana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Verbena Bud Moth | Endothenia | hebesana | | 6 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Solidago Root Moth | Ephippiphora | eclipsana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brighton's Epiblema Moth | Epiblema | brightonana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Epiblema | desertana | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Epiblema | glenni | | 6 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Epiblema | mandana | | 13 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Epiblema | minutana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bidens Borer Moth | Epiblema | otiosana | | 5 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ragweed Borer Moth | Epiblema | strenuana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Epinotia | rectiplicana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sumac Leaftier Moth | Episimus | argutanus | | 6 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maple Tip Borer Moth | Episimus | tyrius | | 5 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Shortleaf Pinecone Borer Moth | Eucopina | cocana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red Pinecone Borer Moth | Eucopina | monitorana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White Pinecone Borer Moth | Eucopina | tocullionana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eucosma | ambodaidaleia | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eucosma | baggetti | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eucosma | kiscana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale-headed Phaneta Moth | Eucosma | ochrocephala | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Buff-tipped Eucosma Moth | Eucosma | ochroterminana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Olivaceous Eucosma Moth | Eucosma | olivaceana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eucosma | parmatana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eucosma | radiatana | | 7 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Reddish Eucosma Moth | Eucosma | raracana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Striated Eucosma Moth | Eucosma | striatana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Aster-head Eucosma Moth | Eucosma | tomonana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Two-spotted Carolella Moth | Eugnosta | bimaculana | | 6 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ferruginous Eulia Moth | Eulia | ministrana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sculptured Moth | Eumarozia | malachitana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spiraea Leaftier Moth | Evora | hemidesma | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Arrowhead Moth | Gretchena | deludana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dotted Ecdytolopha Moth | Gymnandrosoma | punctidiscanum | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-spotted Hedya Moth | Hedya | chionosema | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink-washed Leafroller Moth | Hedya | separatana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hulda | impudens | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Doubleday's Notocelia Moth | Notocelia | rosaecolana | | 6 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Serviceberry Leafroller Moth | Olethreutes | appendiceum | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
The Astronomer | Olethreutes | astrologana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Olethreutes | fagigemmeana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Banded Olethreutes | Olethreutes | fasciatana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Olethreutes | ferrolineana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wooly-backed Moth | Olethreutes | furfuranum | | 8 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Olethreutes | hamameliana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lacuna Moth | Olethreutes | lacunana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Olethreutes | melanomesum | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mysterious Olethreutes Moth | Olethreutes | mysteriana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Variable Nigranum Moth | Olethreutes | nigranum | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Raspberry Leafroller Moth | Olethreutes | permundana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Olethreutes | sericoranum | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Olethreutes | troglodanum | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dusky Leafroller Moth | Orthotaenia | undulana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Woodgrain Leafroller Moth | Pandemis | lamprosana | | 5 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Three-lined Leafroller Moth | Pandemis | limitata | | 5 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tulip Tree Leaftier Moth | Paralobesia | liriodendrana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Solidago Pelochrista Moth | Pelochrista | cataclystiana | | 5 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Derelict Pelochrista Moth | Pelochrista | derelicta | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Triangle-backed Pelochrista Moth | Pelochrista | dorsisignatana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pelochrista | similiana | | 6 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pelochrista | zomonana | | 5 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Macrame Moth | Phaecasiophora | confixana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Labyrinth Moth | Phaecasiophora | niveiguttana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phtheochroa | riscana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Exasperating Platynota Moth | Platynota | exasperatana | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-shaded Platynota Moth | Platynota | flavedana | | 14 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tufted Apple Budmoth | Platynota | idaeusalis | | 15 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pristerognatha | agilana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maple Twig Borer Moth | Proteoteras | aesculana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Boxelder Twig Borer Moth | Proteoteras | crescentana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Boxelder Twig Borer Moth | Proteoteras | willingana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudexentera | costomaculana | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudexentera | haracana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudexentera | vaccinii | | 8 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pitch Twig Moth | Retinia | comstockiana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wenzel's Pitch-blister Moth | Retinia | virginiana | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Rhopobota | dietziana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Rhopobota | finitimana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Pine Shoot Moth | Rhyacionia | buoliana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Jack Pine Tip Moth | Rhyacionia | granti | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pitch Pine Tip Moth | Rhyacionia | rigidana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Rolandylis | fusca | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speckled Sereda Moth | Sereda | tautana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Sonia | ferruginana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hebrew Sonia Moth | Sonia | paraplesiana | | 2 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth | Sparganothis | sulfureana | | 8 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lentiginos Moth | Sparganothoides | lentiginosana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speckled Talponia Moth | Talponia | plummeriana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Holland's Cochylid Moth | Thyraylia | hollandana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Broken-line Zomaria Moth | Zomaria | interruptolineana | | 4 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Scallopwing Moth | Calledapteryx | dryopterata | | 3 | Moths | Uraniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray Scallopwing Moth | Callizzia | amorata | | 2 | Moths | Uraniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ailanthus Webworm Moth | Atteva | aurea | | 7 | Moths | Yponomeutidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Swammerdamia | caesiella | | 1 | Moths | Yponomeutidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-patched Smoky Moth | Pyromorpha | dimidiata | | 4 | Moths | Zygaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Earwig Scorpionfly | Merope | tuber | | 2 | Scorpionflies Hangingflies and Snowflies | Meropeidae | Mecoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spring Fishfly | Chauliodes | rastricornis | | 1 | Alderflies Dobsonflies and Fishflies | Corydalidae | Megaloptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-spotted Owlfly | Ululodes | quadripunctatus | | 2 | Owlflies | Myrmeleontidae | Neuroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Jumping Bush Cricket | Orocharis | saltator | | 1 | Crickets | Gryllidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-sided Pygmy Grasshopper | Tettigidea | laterale | | 1 | Grasshoppers | Tetrigidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Walkingstick | Diapheromera | femorata | | 1 | Walkingsticks | Diapheromeridae | Phasmida | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Watersnake | Nerodia | sipedon sipedon | | 1 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Fence Lizard | Sceloporus | undulatus | | 1 | Reptiles | Phrynosomatidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Common Five-lined Skink | Plestiodon | fasciatus | | 2 | Reptiles | Scincidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Box Turtle | Terrapene | carolina carolina | | 1 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Mud Turtle | Kinosternon | subrubrum | | 1 | Reptiles | Kinosternidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Trailing Arbutus | Epigaea | repens | | 1 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mountain Laurel | Kalmia | latifolia | | 1 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Downy Rattlesnake Plantain | Goodyera | pubescens | | 1 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |