Battaristis sp. 1 aff. vittella
Battaristis sp. 1 aff. vittella:
Battaristis n. sp.  Battaristis sp. 1  Battaristis sp. aff. vittella  Hodges #2229.96 

Map Snapshot

14 Records


This undescribed species is similar in appearance to the common Orange Stripe-backed Moth. Adults can be distinguished by forewing pattern: an orange costal stripe joining an orange transverse stripe, two black dots in the cell, an orange area on the basal half of the inner margin, and a whiter ground color. Its barcode BIN BOLD:AAG0003 is most closely related to that of the Orange Stripe-backed Moth, BOLD:AAB5649.

Where To Find

Larval host plants are unknown.

Use of media featured on Maryland Biodiversity Project is only permitted with express permission of the photographer.

Source: Wikipedia

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