Oriental Loach | Misgurnus | anguillicaudatus | | 2 | Fish | Cobitidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Goldfish | Carassius | auratus | | 70 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Grass Carp | Ctenopharyngodon | idella | | 0 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Common Carp | Cyprinus | carpio | | 128 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Amur Carp | Cyprinus | rubrofuscus | | 13 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Ide | Leuciscus | idus | | 1 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Fathead Minnow | Pimephales | promelas | | 23 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Rudd | Scardinius | erythropthalmus | | 0 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Tench | Tinca | tinca | | 1 | Fish | Cyprinidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Mimic Shiner | Paranotropis | volucellus | | 8 | Fish | Leuciscidae | Cypriniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Northern Snakehead | Channa | argus | | 154 | Fish | Channidae | Perciformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Giant Snakehead | Channa | micropeltes | | 2 | Fish | Channidae | Perciformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Banded Darter | Etheostoma | zonale | | 9 | Fish | Percidae | Perciformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Lake Herring | Coregonus | artedii | | 0 | Fish | Salmonidae | Salmoniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Cutthroat Trout | Oncorhynchus | clarkii | | 0 | Fish | Salmonidae | Salmoniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Rainbow Trout | Oncorhynchus | mykiss | | 124 | Fish | Salmonidae | Salmoniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Brown Trout | Salmo | trutta | | 80 | Fish | Salmonidae | Salmoniformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Blue Catfish | Ictalurus | furcatus | | 84 | Fish | Ictaluridae | Siluriformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Flathead Catfish | Pylodictis | olivaris | | 12 | Fish | Ictaluridae | Siluriformes | Actinopterygii | Animalia |
Orange-striped Green Anemone | Diadumene | lineata | | 3 | Sea Anemones | Diadumenidae | Actinaria | Anthozoa | Animalia |
Black Lace Weaver | Amaurobius | ferox | | 41 | Spiders | Amaurobiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cheiracanthium | mildei | | 2 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Jorō Spider | Trichonephila | clavata | | 6 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Woodlouse Hunter | Dysdera | crocata | | 37 | Spiders | Dysderidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cicurina | japonica | | 1 | Spiders | Hahniidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Rustic Wolf Spider | Trochosa | ruricola | | 2 | Spiders | Lycosidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Tailed Daddy Longleg | Crossopriza | lyoni | | 1 | Spiders | Pholcidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Shortbodied Cellar Spider | Spermophora | senoculata | | 1 | Spiders | Pholcidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hakka | himeshimensis | | 4 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Half-edged Wall Jumping Spider | Menemerus | semilimbatus | | 0 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Pantropical Jumper | Plexippus | paykulli | | 2 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Asian Wall Jumper | Sitticus | fasciger | | 16 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Common Candy-striped Spider | Enoplognatha | ovata | | 2 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Brown Widow | Latrodectus | geometricus | | 2 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
False Black Widow | Steatoda | grossa | | 8 | Spiders | Theridiidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Octonoba | sinensis | | 2 | Spiders | Uloboridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Asian Longhorned Tick | Haemaphysalis | longicornis | | 3 | Ticks | Ixodidae | Ixodida | Arachnida | Animalia |
Honey Bee Varroa Mite | Varroa | destructor | | 0 | Mites | Varroidae | Mesostigmata | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phalangium | opilio | | 42 | Harvestmen | Phalangiidae | Opiliones | Arachnida | Animalia |
Goji Mite | Aceria | kuko | | 1 | Mites | Eriophyidae | Prostigmata | Arachnida | Animalia |
Bamboo Mite | Stigmaeopsis | celarius | | 2 | Mites | Tetranychidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Mute Swan | Cygnus | olor | | 216 | Birds | Anatidae | Anseriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Rock Pigeon | Columba | livia | | 679 | Birds | Columbidae | Columbiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Eurasian Collared-Dove | Streptopelia | decaocto | | 45 | Birds | Columbidae | Columbiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Ring-necked Pheasant | Phasianus | colchicus | | 59 | Birds | Phasianidae | Galliformes | Aves | Animalia |
House Sparrow | Passer | domesticus | | 1734 | Birds | Passeridae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
European Starling | Sturnus | vulgaris | | 1589 | Birds | Sturnidae | Passeriformes | Aves | Animalia |
Zebra Mussel | Dreissena | polymorpha | | 3 | False Mussels | Dreissenidae | Myida | Bivalvia | Animalia |
Dark False Mussel | Mytilopsis | leucophaeata | | 31 | False Mussels | Dreissenidae | Myida | Bivalvia | Animalia |
Asian Clam | Corbicula | fluminea | | 204 | Freshwater Bivalves | Corbinculidae | Veneroida | Bivalvia | Animalia |
Atlantic Rangia | Rangia | cuneata | | 114 | Freshwater Bivalves | Mactridae | Veneroida | Bivalvia | Animalia |
Brown Centipede | Lithobius | forficatus | | 5 | Centipedes | Lithobiidae | Lithobiomorpha | Chilopoda | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cryptops | hortensis | | 1 | Centipedes | Cryptoidae | Scolopendromorpha | Chilopoda | Animalia |
House Centipede | Scutigera | coleoptrata | | 131 | Centipedes | Scutigeridae | Scutigeromorpha | Chilopoda | Animalia |
No Common Name | Microscolex | dubius | | 1 | Earthworms | Acanthodrilidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Allolobophora | chlorotica | | 17 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Allolobophora | longa | | 1 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aporrectodea | caliginosa | | 3 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aporrectodea | rosea | | 1 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aporrectodea | trapezoides | | 1 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dendrobaena | octaedra | | 9 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dendrodrilus | rubidus | | 2 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
Red Wiggler | Eisenia | foetida | | 4 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lumbricus | castaneus | | 12 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lumbricus | friendi | | 2 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
Red Earthworm | Lumbricus | rubellus | | 23 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
Common Earthworm | Lumbricus | terrestris | | 13 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Octolasion | cyaneum | | 2 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Octolasion | lacteum | | 3 | Earthworms | Lumbricidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Amynthas | corticis | | 1 | Earthworms | Megascolecidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Amynthas | hilgendorfi | | 2 | Earthworms | Megascolecidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Amynthas | hupeiensis | | 2 | Earthworms | Megascolecidae | Haplotaxida | Clitellata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Homidia | socia | | 10 | Springtails | Entomobryidae | Entomobryomorpha | Collembola | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ophyiulus | pilosus | | 17 | Millipedes | Julidae | Julida | Diplopoda | Animalia |
Greenhouse Millipede | Oxidus | gracilis | | 143 | Millipedes | Paradoxosomatidae | Polydesmida | Diplopoda | Animalia |
Salt Marsh Snail | Myosotella | myosotis | | 0 | Land Snails | Ellobiidae | Archaeopulmonata | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Chinese Mystery Snail | Cipangopaludina | chinensis | | 11 | Freshwater Snails | Viviparidae | Architaenioglossa | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Japanese Mystery Snail | Cipangopaludina | japonica | | 8 | Freshwater Snails | Viviparidae | Architaenioglossa | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Atlantic Assiminea | Assiminea | succinea | | 0 | Freshwater Snails | Assimineidae | Neotaenioglossa | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Mud Bithynia | Bithynia | tentaculata | | 4 | Freshwater Snails | Bithyniidae | Neotaenioglossa | Gastropoda | Animalia |
New Zealand Mud Snail | Potamopyrgus | antipodarum | | 1 | Freshwater Snails | Hydrobiidae | Neotaenioglossa | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Common Periwinkle Snail | Littorina | littorea | | 0 | Marine Snails | Littorinidae | Neotaenioglossa | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Milky Slug | Deroceras | reticulatum | | 20 | Slugs | Agriolimacidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Hedgehog Slug | Arion | intermedius | | 12 | Slugs | Arionidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Dusky Arion | Arion | subfuscus | | 36 | Slugs | Arionidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Rounded Snail | Discus | rotundatus | | 11 | Land Snails | Discidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Maritime Garden Snail | Cernuella | cisalpina | | 1 | Land Snails | Geomitridae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Grove Snail | Cepaea | nemoralis | | 11 | Land Snails | Helicidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Leopard Slug | Limax | maximus | | 542 | Slugs | Limacidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Greenhouse Slug | Milax | gagates | | 1 | Slugs | Milacidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
Dark-bodied Glass-snail | Oxychilus | draparnaudi | | 2 | Land Snails | Oxychilidae | Stylommatophora | Gastropoda | Animalia |
No Common Name | Trigoniophthalmus | alternatus | | 6 | Jumping Bristletails | Machilidae | Archaeognatha | Insecta | Animalia |
Oriental Cockroach | Blatta | orientalis | | 13 | Cockroaches | Blattidae | Blattodea | Insecta | Animalia |
American Cockroach | Periplaneta | americana | | 7 | Cockroaches | Blattidae | Blattodea | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anthribus | nebulosus | | 8 | Weevils | Anthribidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rice Water Weevil | Lissorhoptrus | oryzophilus | | 1 | Weevils | Brachyceridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Perapion | curtirostre | | 3 | Weevils | Brentidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Emerald Ash Borer | Agrilus | planipennis | | 134 | Jewel Beetles | Buprestidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Cedar Longhorn Beetle | Callidiellum | rufipenne | | 2 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Bruchidius | terrenus | | 4 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Broom Seed Beetle | Bruchidius | villosus | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Cowpea Weevil | Callosobruchus | chinensis | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cassida | piperata | | 11 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chaetocnema | breviuscula | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asparagus Beetle | Crioceris | asparagi | | 6 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Demotina | modesta | | 15 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Western Corn Rootworm | Diabrotica | vergifera | | 3 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Knotweed Leaf Beetle | Gastrophysa | polygoni | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Monoxia | obesula | | 1 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cereal Leaf Beetle | Oulema | melanopus | | 24 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Imported Willow Leaf Beetle | Plagiodera | versicolora | | 9 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Viburnum Leaf Beetle | Pyrrhalta | viburni | | 14 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elm Leaf Beetle | Xanthogaleruca | luteola | | 5 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Heather Lady Beetle | Chilocorus | bipustulatus | | 1 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle | Coccinella | septempunctata | | 757 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mealybug Destroyer | Cryptolaemus | montrouzieri | | 0 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle | Harmonia | axyridis | | 1263 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Variegated Lady Beetle | Hippodamia | variegata | | 3 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle | Propylea | quatuordecimpunctata | | 67 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Twobanded Japanese Weevil | Callirhopalus | bifasciatus | | 11 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cabbage Seedpod Weevil | Ceutorhynchus | obstrictus | | 2 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cionus | scrophulariae | | 2 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Camphor Shoot Borer | Cnestus | mutilatus | | 5 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asiatic Oak Weevil | Cyrtepistomus | castaneus | | 342 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Alfalfa Weevil | Hypera | postica | | 2 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hypera | rumicis | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Blunt Knapweed Flower Weevil | Larinus | obtusus | | 17 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Canada Thistle Bud Weevil | Larinus | planus | | 60 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Larinus | turbinatus | | 88 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Vegetable Weevil | Listroderes | difficilis | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Stem Miner Weevil | Mecinus | pyraster | | 5 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mecinus | sp. | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Naupactus | leucoloma | | 173 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Naupactus | peregrinus | | 2 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ligustrum Weevil | Ochyromera | ligustri | | 10 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Elm Flea Weevil | Orchestes | steppensis | | 3 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Vine Weevil | Otiorhynchus | sulcatus | | 46 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Walnut Twig Beetle | Pityophthorus | juglandis | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Two-banded Weevil | Pseudocneorhinus | bifasciatus | | 155 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudoedophrys | hilleri | | 267 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mile-a-minute Weevil | Rhinoncomimus | latipes | | 9 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Elm Bark Beetle | Scolytus | multistriatus | | 0 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Banded Elm Bark Beetle | Scolytus | schevyrewi | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clover Root Weevil | Sitona | obsoletus | | 11 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pine Shoot Beetle | Tomicus | piniperda | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Clover Seed Weevil | Tychius | picirostris | | 6 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Granulate Ambrosia Beetle | Xylosandrus | crassiusculus | | 8 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Stem Borer | Xylosandrus | germanus | | 8 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anthrenus | isabellinus | | 21 | Carpet Beetles | Dermestidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Varied Carpet Beetle | Anthrenus | verbasci | | 125 | Carpet Beetles | Dermestidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Carpet Beetle | Attagenus | unicolor | | 2 | Carpet Beetles | Dermestidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Odd Beetle | Thylodrias | contractus | | 1 | Carpet Beetles | Dermestidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eurasian Red-and-black Melyrid | Anthocomus | equestris | | 22 | Soft-winged Flower Beetles | Melyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Typhaea | stercorea | | 2 | Hairy Fungus Beetles | Mycetophagidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Hive Beetle | Aethina | tumida | | 4 | Sap-feeding Beetles | Nitidulidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oriental Beetle | Anomala | orientalis | | 502 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aphodius | pseudolividus | | 32 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asiatic Garden Beetle | Maladera | castanea | | 56 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Nipponoserica | peregrina | | 54 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Beetle | Popillia | japonica | | 861 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Aleochara | lata | | 2 | Rove Beetles | Staphylinidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Callicerus | obscurus | | 1 | Rove Beetles | Staphylinidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maritime Earwig | Anisolabis | maritima | | 29 | Earwigs | Carcinophoridae | Dermaptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Earwig | Forficula | auricularia | | 85 | Earwigs | Forficulidae | Dermaptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Daylily Leafminer | Ophiomyia | kwansonis | | 34 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phytomyza | crassiseta | | 3 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Onion Leafminer | Phytomyza | gymnostoma | | 6 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phytomyza | plantaginis | | 17 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phytomyza | spinaciae | | 9 | Leaf Miner Flies | Agromyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anthomyia | illocata | | 9 | Root-Maggot Flies | Anthomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hydrophoria | lancifer | | 1 | Root-Maggot Flies | Anthomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Longhorn Robber | Dioctria | hyalipennis | | 3 | Robber Flies | Asilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hairy Maggot Blowfly | Chrysomya | rufifacies | | 3 | Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pollenia | rudis | | 1 | Blow Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Boxwood Leafminer | Monarthropalpus | flavus | | 33 | Gall and Wood Midges | Cecidomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leucopis | sp. | | 1 | Chamaemyiid Flies | Chamaemyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asian Tiger Mosquito | Aedes | albopictus | | 60 | Mosquitoes | Culicidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Culiseta | annulata | | 1 | Mosquitoes | Culicidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asian Rock Pool Mosquito | Ochlerotatus | japonicus | | 29 | Mosquitoes | Culicidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted-winged Drosophila | Drosophila | suzukii | | 25 | Vinegar Flies | Drosophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
African Fig Fly | Zaprionus | indianus | | 10 | Vinegar Flies | Drosophilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Homoneura | unguiculata | | 66 | Beach Flies | Lauxaniidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bermudagrass Stem Maggot | Atherigona | reversura | | 21 | House Flies | Muscidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Atherigona | sp. | | 12 | House Flies | Muscidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Face Fly | Musca | autumnalis | | 7 | House Flies | Muscidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
House Fly | Musca | domestica | | 5 | House Flies | Muscidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Opomyza | petrei | | 1 | Acalyptrate Flies | Opomyzidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Setomima | nitida | | 5 | Moth and Sand Flies | Psychodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Microchrysa | flaviventris | | 19 | Soldier Flies | Stratiomyidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eurasian Drone Fly | Eristalis | arbustorum | | 56 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Drone Fly | Eristalis | tenax | | 169 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Narcissus Bulb Fly | Merodon | equestris | | 67 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Compost Fly | Syritta | pipiens | | 128 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Canada Thistle Gall Fly | Urophora | cardui | | 17 | Fruit Flies | Tephritidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Urophora | quadrifasciata | | 2 | Fruit Flies | Tephritidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Physiphora | alceae | | 2 | Picture-winged Flies | Ulidiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid | Adelges | abietis | | 5 | Plant-parasitic Hemipterans | Adelgidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid | Adelges | tsugae | | 107 | Plant-parasitic Hemipterans | Adelgidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Amphiareus | obscuriceps | | 3 | Minute Pirate Bugs | Anthocoridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oleander Aphid | Aphis | nerii | | 325 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cabbage Aphid | Brevicoryne | brassicae | | 1 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pine Needle Aphid | Eulachnus | rileyi | | 1 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Garlic Mustard Aphid | Lipaphis | alliariae | | 1 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Purple-spotted Lily Aphid | Macrosiphum | lilii | | 5 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asian Woolly Hackberry Aphid | Shivaphis | celti | | 11 | Aphids | Aphididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Holcocranum | saturejae | | 73 | Artheneid Bugs | Artheneidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Alebra | wahlbergi | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anoscopus | serratulae | | 12 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Balclutha | punctata | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Conosanus | obsoletus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Privet Leafhopper | Fieberiella | florii | | 39 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Maple Leafhopper | Japananus | hyalinus | | 114 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Leafhopper | Orientus | ishidae | | 263 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Paramesus | major | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tautoneura | polymitusa | | 2 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Indian Wax Scale | Ceroplastes | ceriferus | | 9 | Scale Insects | Coccidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Fruit Lecanium | Parthenolecanium | corni | | 3 | Scale Insects | Coccidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
False Oleander Scale | Pseudaulacaspis | cockerelli | | 1 | Scale Insects | Diaspididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Elm Scale | Gossyparia | spuria | | 1 | Scale Insects | Eriococcidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Lanternfly | Lycorma | delicatula | | 2099 | Planthoppers | Fulgoridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elm Seed Bug | Arocatus | melanocephalus | | 0 | Seed Bugs | Lygaeidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Parapsallus | vitellinus | | 1 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cottony Cushion Scale | Icerya | purchasi | | 0 | Scale Insects | Monophlebidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug | Halyomorpha | halys | | 1609 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Harlequin Bug | Murgantia | histrionica | | 375 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Southern Green Stink Bug | Nezara | viridula | | 5 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Kudzu Bug | Megacopta | cribraria | | 104 | Plataspididae | Plataspididae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Spanioneura | fonscolombii | | 2 | Psyllids | Psyllidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Masked Hunter | Reduvius | personatus | | 5 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Andromeda Lace Bug | Stephanitis | takeyai | | 4 | Lace Bugs | Tingidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Kallitaxila | sp. | | 1 | Tropiduchid Planthoppers | Tropiduchidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hairy-footed Flower Bee | Anthophora | villosula | | 327 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Honey Bee | Apis | mellifera | | 1408 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elm Zigzag Sawfly | Aproceros | leucopoda | | 7 | Symphyta | Argidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chrysis | angolensis | | 9 | Cuckoo Wasps and Allies | Chrysididae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mossy Rose Gall Wasp | Diplolepis | rosae | | 1 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Liposthenes | glechomae | | 15 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Catsear Gall Wasp | Phanacis | hypochoeridis | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tachinaephagus | zealandicus | | 2 | Chalcidid Wasps | Encyrtidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asian Needle Ant | Brachyponera | chinensis | | 13 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lasius | americanus | | 30 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Nylanderia | flavipes | | 23 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Immigrant Pavement Ant | Tetramorium | immigrans | | 36 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Vollenhovia | emeryi | | 2 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Halictus | tectus | | 32 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wool Carder Bee | Anthidium | manicatum | | 197 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anthidium | oblongatum | | 97 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Heriades | truncorum | | 1 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hoplitis | anthocopoides | | 2 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elegant Leaf-cutter Bee | Megachile | concinna | | 7 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee | Megachile | rotundata | | 23 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Giant Resin Bee | Megachile | sculpturalis | | 200 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Osmia | caerulescens | | 6 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hornfaced Bee | Osmia | cornifrons | | 44 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Osmia | taurus | | 72 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudoanthidium | nanum | | 9 | Bees | Megachilidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Samurai Wasp | Trissolcus | japonicus | | 4 | Scelionid Wasps | Platygastridae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acroclisoides | sinicus | | 1 | Chalcidid Wasps | Pteromalidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Theocolax | ingens | | 1 | Chalcidid Wasps | Pteromalidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ropronia | garmani | | 3 | Roproniid Wasps | Roproniidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Asian Horntail | Eriotremex | formosanus | | 7 | Symphyta | Siricidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Curled Rose Sawfly | Allantus | cinctus | | 1 | Symphyta | Tenthredinidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rose Sawfly | Allantus | viennensis | | 1 | Symphyta | Tenthredinidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Imported Currantworm | Euura | ribesii | | 1 | Symphyta | Tenthredinidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Halidamia | affinis | | 5 | Symphyta | Tenthredinidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Monostegia | abdominalis | | 1 | Symphyta | Tenthredinidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Tube Wasp | Ancistrocerus | gazella | | 22 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Paper Wasp | Polistes | dominula | | 69 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Hornet | Vespa | crabro | | 514 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
German Yellowjacket | Vespula | germanica | | 28 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Linden Bark-borer Moth | Chrysoclista | linneella | | 3 | Moths | Agonoxenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Apple Fruit Moth | Argyresthia | conjugella | | 15 | Moths | Argyresthiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Coleophora | limosipennella | | 9 | Moths | Coleophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wood Leopard Moth | Zeuzera | pyrina | | 70 | Moths | Cossidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Diatraea | evanescens | | 11 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Pepper Moth | Duponchelia | fovealis | | 5 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scarce Straw Pearl | Paracorsia | repandalis | | 22 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Thatch Pearl | Sclerocona | acutellus | | 32 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greenish-yellow Sitochroa Moth | Sitochroa | palealis | | 85 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Purple Carrot-seed Moth | Depressaria | depressana | | 2 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Scythropiodes | issikii | | 337 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Apple Pith Moth | Blastodacna | atra | | 1 | Moths | Elachistidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Perittia | herrichiella | | 4 | Moths | Elachistidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dinumma | deponens | | 14 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spongy Moth | Lymantria | dispar | | 213 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hibiscus-leaf Caterpillar Moth | Rusicada | privata | | 89 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orache Leafminer Moth | Chrysoesthia | sexguttella | | 35 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Larch Pug Moth | Eupithecia | lariciata | | 8 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bruce Spanworm Moth | Operophtera | bruceata | | 35 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Pug Moth | Pasiphila | rectangulata | | 66 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Porphyrosela | minuta | | 145 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Skipper | Thymelicus | lineola | | 149 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Norway Maple Seedminer | Ectoedemia | sericopeza | | 3 | Moths | Nepticulidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Stigmella | multispicata | | 9 | Moths | Nepticulidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Clouded Brindle | Apamea | unanimis | | 2 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Toadflax Brocade Moth | Calophasia | lunula | | 9 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Mottled Willow Moth | Caradrina | clavipalpis | | 5 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Double Lobed Moth | Lateroligia | ophiogramma | | 4 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hops Angleshade | Niphonyx | segregata | | 165 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Yellow Underwing Moth | Noctua | pronuba | | 601 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lunar Underwing | Omphaloscelis | lunosa | | 94 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Wainscot Moth | Rhizedra | lutosa | | 6 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Ringlet | Coenonympha | california | | 3 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Suzuki's Promalactis Moth | Promalactis | suzukiella | | 446 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cabbage White | Pieris | rapae | | 2945 | Butterflies | Pieridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Diamondback Moth | Plutella | xylostella | | 487 | Moths | Plutellidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Snailcase Bagworm Moth | Apterona | helix | | 2 | Moths | Psychidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Bagworm Moth | Psyche | casta | | 91 | Moths | Psychidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Stored Grain Moth | Aglossa | caprealis | | 44 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Tabby Moth | Aglossa | pinguinalis | | 8 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
The Bee Moth | Aphomia | sociella | | 210 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Almond Moth | Cadra | cautella | | 2 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mediterranean Flour Moth | Ephestia | kuehniella | | 15 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greater Wax Moth | Galleria | mellonella | | 34 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Indian Meal Moth | Plodia | interpunctella | | 54 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Meal Moth | Pyralis | farinalis | | 95 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Scythris | sinensis | | 2 | Moths | Scythrididae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Monopis | longella | | 53 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European House Moth | Niditinea | fuscella | | 22 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Scardia | amurensis | | 4 | Moths | Tineidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oriental Fruit Moth | Grapholita | molesta | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Pine Shoot Moth | Rhyacionia | buoliana | | 21 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eye-spotted Bud Moth | Spilonota | ocellana | | 3 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Euonymous Defoliator Moth | Pryeria | sinica | | 65 | Moths | Zygaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Mantis | Mantis | religiosa | | 13 | Mantids | Mantidae | Mantodea | Insecta | Animalia |
Asian Jumping Mantis | Statilia | maculata | | 16 | Mantids | Mantidae | Mantodea | Insecta | Animalia |
Narrow-winged Mantis | Tenodera | angustipennis | | 54 | Mantids | Mantidae | Mantodea | Insecta | Animalia |
Chinese Mantis | Tenodera | sinensis | | 251 | Mantids | Mantidae | Mantodea | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Burrowing Cricket | Velarifictorus | micado | | 297 | Crickets | Gryllidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greenhouse Camel Cricket | Diestrammena | asynamora | | 530 | Crickets | Rhaphidophoridae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Camel Cricket | Diestrammena | japanica | | 21 | Crickets | Rhaphidophoridae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Drumming Katydid | Meconema | thalassinum | | 17 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-legged Meadow Katydid | Orchelimum | nigripes | | 6 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Roesel's Katydid | Roeseliana | roeselii | | 7 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Stimulopalpus | japonicus | | 22 | Tropical Barklice | Amphientomidae | Psocodea | Insecta | Animalia |
Large-winged Psocid | Ectopsocopsis | cryptomeriae | | 4 | Lice | Ectopsocidae | Psocodea | Insecta | Animalia |
F-winged Barklouse | Graphopsocus | cruciatus | | 85 | Narrow Barklice | Stenopsocidae | Psocodea | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Caprella | scaura | | 1 | Amphipods | Caprellidae | Amphipoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
No Common Name | Platorchestia | platensis | | 3 | Amphipods | Talitridae | Amphipoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Rusty Crayfish | Faxonius | rusticus | | 17 | Crayfish | Cambaridae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Virile Crayfish | Faxonius | virilis | | 41 | Crayfish | Cambaridae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Little Brown Mudbug | Lacunicambarus | thomai | | 2 | Crayfish | Cambaridae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Red Swamp Crayfish | Procambarus | clarkii | | 51 | Crayfish | Cambaridae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Southern White River Crayfish | Procambarus | zonangulus | | 4 | Crayfish | Cambaridae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Oriental Shrimp | Palaemon | macrodactylus | | 10 | Shrimp | Palaemonidae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Green Crab | Carcinus | maenas | | 18 | Crabs | Portunidae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Chinese Mitten Crab | Eriocheir | sinensis | | 2 | Crabs | Varunidae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Asian Shore Crab | Hemigrapsus | sanguineus | | 13 | Crabs | Varunidae | Decapoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Common Pill Bug | Armadillidium | vulgare | | 76 | Isopods | Armadillidiidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Common Driftclinger | Armadilloniscus | ellipticus | | 1 | Isopods | Detonidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
No Common Name | Synidotea | laevidorsalis/laticauda | | 6 | Isopods | Idoteidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
European Sowbug | Oniscus | asellus | | 23 | Isopods | Oniscidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
No Common Name | Philoscia | muscorum | | 103 | Isopods | Philosciidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Common Rough Woodlouse | Porcellio | scaber | | 79 | Isopods | Porcellionidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
No Common Name | Trachelipus | rathkii | | 95 | Isopods | Trachelipodidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
No Common Name | Haplophthalmus | danicus | | 25 | Isopods | Trichoniscidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Sika Deer | Cervus | nippon | | 327 | Mammals | Cervidae | Artiodactyla | Mammalia | Animalia |
Domestic Cat | Felis | catus | | 251 | Mammals | Felidae | Carnivora | Mammalia | Animalia |
Black-tailed Jackrabbit | Lepus | californicus | | 3 | Mammals | Leporidae | Lagomorpha | Mammalia | Animalia |
Feral Horse | Equus | caballus | | 380 | Mammals | Equidae | Perissodactyla | Mammalia | Animalia |
House Mouse | Mus | musculus | | 161 | Mammals | Muridae | Rodentia | Mammalia | Animalia |
Norway Rat | Rattus | norvegicus | | 112 | Mammals | Muridae | Rodentia | Mammalia | Animalia |
Nutria | Myocastor | coypus | | 28 | Mammals | Myocastoridae | Rodentia | Mammalia | Animalia |
No Common Name | Loxothylacus | panopaei | | 2 | Barnacles | Sacculinidae | Kentrogonida | Maxillopoda | Animalia |
Mediterranean Gecko | Hemidactylus | turcicus | | 42 | Reptiles | Gekkonidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Green Iguana | Iguana | iguana | | 0 | Reptiles | Iguanidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Ouachita Map Turtle | Graptemys | ouachitensis | | 2 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
False Map Turtle | Graptemys | pseudogeographica | | 8 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Red-eared Slider | Trachemys | scripta elegans | | 1866 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Yellow-bellied Slider | Trachemys | scripta scripta | | 117 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
No Common Name | Bipalium | kewense | | 2 | Flatworms | Geoplanidae | Neoophora | Trepaxonemata | Animalia |
No Common Name | Bipalium | pennsylvanicum | | 23 | Flatworms | Geoplanidae | Neoophora | Trepaxonemata | Animalia |
Didymo | Didymosphenia | geminata | | 0 | Freshwater Algae | Cymbellaceae | Cymbellales | Bacillariophyceae | Chromista |
Death Cap | Amanita | phalloides | | 9 | Fungi | Amanitaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Golden Oyster Mushroom | Pleurotus | citrinopileatus | | 3 | Fungi | Pleurotaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Asian Beauty | Radulomyces | copelandii | | 240 | Fungi | Pterulaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Radulomyces | paumanokensis | | 11 | Fungi | Pterulaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Lantern Stinkhorn | Lysurus | mokusin | | 9 | Fungi | Phallaceae | Phallales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
European Pear Rust | Gymnosporangium | sabinae | | 68 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
No Common Name | Puccinia | liliacearum | | 9 | Fungi | Pucciniaceae | Pucciniales | Pucciniomycetes | Fungi |
Palm-Tree Moss | Plagiomnium | undulatum | | 1 | Mosses | Mniaceae | Bryales | Bryopsida | Plantae |
Sweetflag | Acorus | calamus | | 75 | Sweetflag Family | Acoraceae | Acorales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bishop's Goutweed | Aegopodium | podagraria | | 28 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dill | Anethum | graveolens | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Burr Chervil | Anthriscus | caucalis | | 12 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Chervil | Anthriscus | sylvestris | | 18 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Celery | Apium | graveolens | | 3 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Bishop | Bifora | testiculata | | 1 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lanceleaf Thorough-wax | Bupleurum | lancifolium | | 1 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Roundleaf Thorough-wax | Bupleurum | odontites | | 1 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hare's Ear | Bupleurum | rotundifolium | | 1 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Caraway | Carum | carvi | | 2 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Poison Hemlock | Conium | maculatum | | 138 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coriander | Coriandrum | sativum | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Parsley | Cyclospermum | leptophyllum | | 2 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Queen Anne's Lace | Daucus | carota | | 1026 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Eryngo | Eryngium | campestre | | 5 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Fennel | Foeniculum | vulgare | | 12 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Giant Hogweed | Heracleum | mantegazzianum | | 4 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Masterwort | Imperatoria | ostruthium | | 1 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Water Celery | Oenanthe | javanica | | 3 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Parsnip | Pastinaca | sativa | | 100 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Solid-stemmed Burnet Saxifrage | Pimpinella | saxifraga | | 2 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Moon-carrot | Seseli | libanotis | | 1 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spreading Hedge-parsley | Torilis | arvensis | | 13 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Erect Hedge-parsley | Torilis | japonica | | 1 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Knotted Hedge-parsley | Torilis | nodosa | | 0 | Carrot Family | Apiaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Aralia | Aralia | elata | | 20 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Five-leaf Aralia | Eleutherococcus | sieboldianus | | 14 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
English Ivy | Hedera | helix | | 73 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
English/Irish Ivy | Hedera | helix/hibernica | | 269 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Irish Ivy | Hedera | hibernica | | 0 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lawn Marsh Pennywort | Hydrocotyle | sibthorpioides | | 31 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Castor Oil Tree | Kalopanax | septemlobus | | 38 | Ginseng Family | Araliaceae | Apiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Italian Arum | Arum | italicum ssp. italicum | | 107 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dotted Duckmeat | Landoltia | punctata | | 5 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swollen Duckweed | Lemna | gibba | | 1 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crow Dipper | Pinellia | ternata | | 9 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Water Lettuce | Pistia | stratiotes | | 12 | Arum Family | Araceae | Arales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Chives | Allium | schoenoprasum | | 2 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Garlic | Allium | vineale | | 340 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Snowdrop | Galanthus | nivalis | | 60 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Summer Snowflake | Leucojum | aestivum | | 25 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rush Daffodil | Narcissus | jonquilla | | 0 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Poet's Daffodil | Narcissus | poeticus | | 8 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Daffodil | Narcissus | pseudonarcissus | | 49 | Amaryllis Family | Amaryllidaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Asparagus | Asparagus | officinalis | | 186 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Atlantic Camas | Camassia | scilloides | | 2 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Lily of the Valley | Convallaria | majalis | | 22 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Hosta | Hosta | ventricosa | | 18 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Lilyturf | Liriope | spicata | | 8 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Grape Hyacinth | Muscari | botryoides | | 38 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Starch Grape Hyacinth | Muscari | neglectum | | 34 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Drooping Star of Bethlehem | Ornithogalum | nutans | | 143 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Star of Bethlehem | Ornithogalum | umbellatum | | 500 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Weakleaf Yucca | Yucca | flaccida | | 11 | Asparagus Family | Asparagaceae | Asparagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sneezewort | Achillea | ptarmica | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tropical Whiteweed | Ageratum | conyzoides | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lanceleaf Ragweed | Ambrosia | bidentata | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stinking Chamomile | Anthemis | cotula | | 31 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greater Burdock | Arctium | lappa | | 6 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Burdock | Arctium | minus | | 179 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Woolly Burdock | Arctium | tomentosum | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Wormwood | Artemisia | abrotanum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Absinthe Wormwood | Artemisia | absinthium | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Wormwood | Artemisia | annua | | 31 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Sagebrush | Artemisia | ludoviciana | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red-stemmed Wormwood | Artemisia | scoparia | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dusty Miller | Artemisia | stelleriana | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Wormwood | Artemisia | vulgaris | | 279 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tatarian Aster | Aster | tataricus | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Schaffner's Bahia | Bahia | schaffneri | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lawn Daisy | Bellis | perennis | | 11 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Midwestern Beggarticks | Bidens | aristosa | | 35 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Beggarticks | Bidens | pilosa | | 11 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slimlobe Beggarticks | Bidens | tenuisecta | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Three-lobed Beggarticks | Bidens | tripartita | | 34 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spiny Plumeless Thistle | Carduus | acanthoides | | 36 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Curly Plumeless Thistle | Carduus | crispus | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nodding Plumeless Thistle | Carduus | nutans ssp. macrolepis | | 124 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blessed Thistle | Centaurea | benedicta | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Star-Thistle | Centaurea | calcitrapa | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Cornflower | Centaurea | cyanus | | 98 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Low Cornflower | Centaurea | depressa | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brown-rayed Knapweed | Centaurea | jacea | | 18 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Knapweed | Centaurea | nigra | | 4 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tyrol Knapweed | Centaurea | nigrescens | | 17 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Star-thistle | Centaurea | solstitialis | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spotted Knapweed | Centaurea | stoebe ssp. micranthos | | 188 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rush Skeletonweed | Chondrilla | juncea | | 51 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chicory | Cichorium | intybus | | 994 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canada Thistle | Cirsium | arvense | | 812 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bull Thistle | Cirsium | vulgare | | 367 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large-flowered Tickseed | Coreopsis | grandiflora | | 5 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lanceleaf Tickseed | Coreopsis | lanceolata | | 31 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Tickseed | Coreopsis | tinctoria | | 64 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southwestern Cosmos | Cosmos | parviflorus | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Cosmos | Cosmos | sulphureus | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Chamomile | Cota | tinctoria | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Hawksbeard | Crepis | capillaris | | 6 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small-flowered Hawksbeard | Crepis | pulchra | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Hawksbeard | Crepis | tectorum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cymophora | Cymophora | accedens | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fetid Marigold | Dyssodia | papposa | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pale Purple Coneflower | Echinacea | pallida | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Purple Coneflower | Echinacea | purpurea | | 48 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hemp-agrimony | Eupatorium | cannabinum | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Cottonrose | Filago | vulgaris | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clustered Yellowtops | Flaveria | trinervia | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Blanket | Gaillardia | pulchella var. pulchella | | 5 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Gallant Soldier | Galinsoga | parviflora | | 11 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shaggy Soldier | Galinsoga | quadriradiata | | 185 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pennsylvania Everlasting | Gamochaeta | pensylvanica | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Cudweed | Gnaphalium | uliginosum | | 5 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wax Goldenweed | Grindelia | ciliata | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrowleaf Gumweed | Grindelia | lanceolata | | 11 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Curly-cupped Gumweed | Grindelia | squarrosa | | 4 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ramtilla | Guizotia | abyssinica | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Sneezeweed | Helenium | amarum var. amarum | | 4 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Sunflower | Helianthus | annuus | | 16 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cucumberleaf Sunflower | Helianthus | debilis ssp. cucumerifolius | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Saw-toothed Sunflower | Helianthus | grosseserratus | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Maximilian Sunflower | Helianthus | maximiliani | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ashy Sunflower | Helianthus | mollis | | 15 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stiff Sunflower | Helianthus | pauciflorus | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jerusalem Artichoke | Helianthus | tuberosus | | 63 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wingpetal | Heterosperma | pinnatum | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Camphorweed | Heterotheca | subaxillaris | | 112 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orange Hawkweed | Hieracium | aurantiacum | | 39 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow Hawkweed | Hieracium | caespitosum | | 73 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mouse-ear Hawkweed | Hieracium | pilosella | | 13 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Hawkweed | Hieracium | piloselloides | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Cat's-ear | Hypochaeris | radicata | | 161 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Elecampane | Inula | helenium | | 9 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Opposite-leaved Dwarf Dandelion | Krigia | cespitosa | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Willow-leaved Lettuce | Lactuca | saligna | | 8 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Lettuce | Lactuca | serriola | | 88 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Nipplewort | Lapsana | communis | | 23 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bristly Hawkbit | Leontodon | hispidus | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Hawkbit | Leontodon | saxatilis ssp. saxatilis | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oxeye Daisy | Leucanthemum | vulgare | | 310 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Summer Ragwort | Ligularia | dentata | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coast Tarweed | Madia | sativa | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
German Chamomile | Matricaria | chamomilla | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Disc Mayweed | Matricaria | discoidea | | 141 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Blackfoot | Melampodium | sericeum | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bog Aster | Oclemena | nemoralis | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scotch Cottonthistle | Onopordum | acanthium | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Santa Maria Feverfew | Parthenium | hysterophorus | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hawkweed Oxtongue | Picris | hieracioides | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow False Fleabane | Pulicaria | dysenterica | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black-eyed Susan (pulcherrima) | Rudbeckia | hirta var. pulcherrima | | 5 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mexican Creeping Zinnia | Sanvitalia | procumbens | | 5 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pinnate False Threadleaf | Schkuhria | pinnata | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fall Dandelion | Scorzoneroides | autumnalis | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Groundsel | Senecio | vulgaris | | 532 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blessed Milkthistle | Silybum | marianum | | 3 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Bush Sunflower | Simsia | lagascaeformis | | 4 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Sow-thistle | Sonchus | arvensis | | 15 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spiny Sow-thistle | Sonchus | asper | | 179 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Sow-thistle | Sonchus | oleraceus | | 28 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Aztec Marigold | Tagetes | erecta | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Cone Marigold | Tagetes | minuta | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Marigold | Tagetes | pusilla | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Balsam Herb | Tanacetum | balsamita | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Feverfew | Tanacetum | parthenium | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Tansy | Tanacetum | vulgare | | 14 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red-seeded Dandelion | Taraxacum | erythrospermum | | 257 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Dandelion | Taraxacum | officinale ssp. officinale | | 603 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Salsify | Tragopogon | dubius | | 116 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Salsify | Tragopogon | porrifolius | | 2 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow Salsify | Tragopogon | pratensis | | 10 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
False Mayweed | Tripleurospermum | maritimum ssp. maritimum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coltsfoot | Tussilago | farfara | | 318 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Crownbeard | Verbesina | encelioides | | 4 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Arkansas Ironweed | Vernonia | arkansana | | 1 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spiny Cocklebur | Xanthium | spinosum | | 7 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Cocklebur | Xanthium | strumarium | | 347 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oriental False Hawkweed | Youngia | japonica | | 108 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall False Hawkweed | Youngia | thunbergiana | | 22 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rampion Bellflower | Campanula | rapunculoides | | 12 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garlic Mustard | Alliaria | petiolata | | 1288 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pale Madwort | Alyssum | alyssoides | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mouse-eared Cress | Arabidopsis | thaliana | | 193 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Horse Radish | Armoracia | rustincana | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Basket of Gold | Aurinia | saxatilis | | 2 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Early Yellowrocket | Barbarea | verna | | 149 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Yellowrocket | Barbarea | vulgaris | | 201 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hoary Alyssum | Berteroa | incana | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
India Mustard | Brassica | juncea | | 10 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rapeseed | Brassica | napus | | 3 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Mustard | Brassica | nigra | | 7 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cabbage | Brassica | oleracea | | 3 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Mustard | Brassica | rapa | | 116 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Searocket | Cakile | maritima | | 5 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Ballmustard | Calepina | irregularis | | 22 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Littlepod False Flax | Camelina | microcarpa | | 10 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Largeseed False Flax | Camelina | sativa | | 2 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shepherd's Purse | Capsella | bursa-pastoris | | 341 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Bittercress | Cardamine | hirsuta | | 711 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrowleaf Bittercress | Cardamine | impatiens | | 96 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hidden Bittercress | Cardamine | occulta | | 68 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Star-mustard | Coincya | monensis | | 2 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hare's Ear Mustard | Conringia | orientalis | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Western Tansymustard | Descurainia | pinnata ssp. pinnata | | 0 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Flixweed | Descurainia | sophia | | 2 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cone-hair Wallrocket | Diplotaxis | siifolia | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Perennial Wallrocket | Diplotaxis | tenuifolia | | 2 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Whitlow Grass | Draba | verna | | 351 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rocketsalad | Eruca | vesicaria | | 2 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Dog-mustard | Erucastrum | gallicum | | 2 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wormseed Wallflower | Erysimum | cheiranthoides | | 13 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spreading Wallflower | Erysimum | repandum | | 11 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dames Rocket | Hesperis | matronalis | | 227 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Pepperweed | Lepidium | campestre | | 168 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prairie Pepperweed | Lepidium | didymum | | 4 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hoarycress | Lepidium | draba | | 8 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Grassleaf Pepperweed | Lepidium | graminifolium | | 4 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hyssopleaf Pepperweed | Lepidium | hyssopifolium | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Veiny Pepperweed | Lepidium | oblongum | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clasping Pepperweed | Lepidium | perfoliatum | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Roadside Pepperweed | Lepidium | ruderale | | 2 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Alyssum | Lobularia | maritima | | 3 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Honesty | Lunaria | annua | | 60 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Perennial Honesty | Lunaria | rediviva | | 3 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clasp-leaved Pennycress | Microthlaspi | perfoliatum | | 66 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Watercress | Nasturtium | officinale | | 94 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Radish | Raphanus | raphanistrum | | 22 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cultivated Radish | Raphanus | sativus | | 22 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spreading Yellowcress | Rorippa | sinuata | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Yellowcress | Rorippa | sylvestris | | 22 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Mustard | Sinapis | alba | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Charlock Mustard | Sinapis | arvensis | | 5 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Tumble-mustard | Sisymbrium | altissimum | | 12 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Tumbleweed-mustard | Sisymbrium | loeselii | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hedge Mustard | Sisymbrium | officinale | | 25 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bare-stemmed Teesdalia | Teesdalia | nudicaulis | | 112 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Roadside Pennycress | Thlaspi | alliaceum | | 367 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Pennycress | Thlaspi | arvense | | 100 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spiderflower | Cleome | hassleriana | | 11 | Spiderplant Family | Cleomaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bird Spiderflower | Cleome | ornithopodioides | | 1 | Spiderplant Family | Cleomaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Asian Spiderflower | Cleome | viscosa | | 5 | Spiderplant Family | Cleomaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Mignonette | Reseda | lutea | | 10 | Mignonette Family | Resedaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dyer's Rocket | Reseda | luteola | | 2 | Mignonette Family | Resedaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Devil's Horsewhip | Achyranthes | aspera var. pubescens | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Calicoplant | Alternanthera | ficoidea var. bettzichiana | | 7 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Alligator Weed | Alternanthera | philoxeroides | | 8 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Khakiweed | Alternanthera | pungens | | 8 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dwarf Copperleaf | Alternanthera | sessilis | | 1 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prostrate Pigweed | Amaranthus | albus | | 13 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mat Amaranth | Amaranthus | blitoides | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Amaranth | Amaranthus | blitum | | 8 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Amaranth | Amaranthus | cruentus | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large-fruited Amaranth | Amaranthus | deflexus | | 2 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carelessweed | Amaranthus | palmeri | | 7 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Redroot Amaranth | Amaranthus | retroflexus | | 48 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spiny Amaranth | Amaranthus | spinosus | | 34 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wheelscale Saltbush | Atriplex | elegans var. elegans | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Orache | Atriplex | hortensis | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Grassleaf Orache | Atriplex | littoralis | | 1 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spear Saltbush | Atriplex | patula | | 13 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Triangle Orache | Atriplex | prostrata | | 62 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tumbling Saltweed | Atriplex | rosea | | 2 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Smotherweed | Bassia | hirsuta | | 4 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mock-cypress | Bassia | scoparia | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Beet | Beta | vulgaris ssp. vulgaris | | 1 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Silver Cock's Comb | Celosia | argentea | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nettle-leaved Goosefoot | Chenopodiastrum | murale | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Missouri Lambsquarters | Chenopodium | album | | 195 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Perennial Goosefoot | Chenopodium | bonus-henricus | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ridged Goosefoot | Chenopodium | carnosulum | | 1 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oak-leaved Goosefoot | Chenopodium | glaucum var. glaucum | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrowleaf Goosefoot | Chenopodium | leptophyllum | | 1 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Largeseed Goosefoot | Chenopodium | macrospermum | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Gray Goosefoot | Chenopodium | opulifolium | | 4 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Many-seeded Goosefoot | Chenopodium | polyspermum | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Desert Goosefoot | Chenopodium | pratericola | | 4 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stinking Goosefoot | Chenopodium | vulvaria | | 5 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winged Pigweed | Cycloloma | atriplicifolium | | 13 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mexican Tea | Dysphania | ambrosioides | | 60 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jerusalem Oak Goosefoot | Dysphania | botrys | | 4 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dwarf-flower | Dysphania | plantaginella | | 1 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clammy Goosefoot | Dysphania | pumilio | | 2 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Plains Snakecotton | Froelichia | floridana var. floridana | | 55 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Snakecotton | Froelichia | gracilis | | 44 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Globe Amaranth | Gomphrena | globosa | | 2 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prostrate Globe Amaranth | Gomphrena | serrata | | 4 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Matweed | Guilleminea | densa var. aggregata | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Guineaflower | Hermbstaedtia | odorata | | 1 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Giant Needleleaf | Polycnemum | majus | | 1 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Saltwort (pontica) | Salsola | kali ssp. pontica | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Saltwort | Salsola | kali | | 28 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Saltwort (kali) | Salsola | kali ssp. kali | | 0 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Russian Thistle | Salsola | tragus | | 4 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Herbaceous Seepweed | Suaeda | maritima | | 3 | Amaranth Family | Amaranthaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Corncockle | Agrostemma | githago | | 15 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Sandwort | Arenaria | leptoclados | | 1 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thyme-leaved Sandwort | Arenaria | serpyllifolia | | 122 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Chickweed | Cerastium | arvense | | 53 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Chickweed (arvense) | Cerastium | arvense ssp. arvense | | 1 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Mouse-eared Chickweed | Cerastium | fontanum ssp. vulgare | | 86 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sticky Chickweed | Cerastium | glomeratum | | 103 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Chickweed | Cerastium | pumilum | | 1 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Five-stamened Chickweed | Cerastium | semidecandrum | | 3 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Deptford Pink | Dianthus | armeria | | 563 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet William | Dianthus | barbatus | | 13 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Feathered Pink | Dianthus | plumarius | | 2 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Baby's-breath | Gypsophila | paniculata | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Turkish Baby's-breath | Gypsophila | pilosa | | 2 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Rupturewort | Herniaria | glabra | | 1 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Rupturewort | Herniaria | hirsuta var. cinerea | | 5 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jagged Chickweed | Holosteum | umbellatum | | 155 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Erect Chickweed | Moenchia | erecta ssp. erecta | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Giant Chickweed | Myosoton | aquaticum | | 58 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Childing Pink | Petrorhagia | prolifera | | 12 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dwarf Pearlwort | Sagina | apetala | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bouncing Bet | Saponaria | officinalis | | 196 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
German Knotgrass | Scleranthus | annuus | | 305 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet William Silene | Silene | armeria | | 2 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rose Campion | Silene | coronaria | | 10 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Balkan Catchfly | Silene | csereii | | 1 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Forked Catchfly | Silene | dichotoma | | 1 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Catchfly | Silene | dioica | | 3 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ragged Robin | Silene | flos-cuculi | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bladder Campion | Silene | latifolia | | 335 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Night-flowering Silene | Silene | noctiflora | | 7 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Maiden's-tears | Silene | vulgaris | | 159 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Corn Spurry | Spergula | arvensis | | 6 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Morrison's Spurry | Spergula | morisonii | | 5 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greater Seaspurry | Spergularia | media | | 0 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Sandspurry | Spergularia | rubra | | 3 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Grass-like Starwort | Stellaria | graminea | | 36 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Chickweed | Stellaria | media | | 455 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cow Soapwort | Vaccaria | hispanica | | 6 | Pink Family | Caryophyllaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thread-leaved Sundew | Drosera | filiformis | | 7 | Carnivorous Plants | Droseraceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Carpetweed | Mollugo | gracillima | | 2 | Carpet-weed Family | Molluginaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nakedstem Carpetweed | Mollugo | nudicaulis | | 1 | Carpet-weed Family | Molluginaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Green Carpetweed | Mollugo | verticillata | | 216 | Carpet-weed Family | Molluginaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Minerslettuce | Montia | linearis | | 21 | Montia Family | Montiaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Boerhavia | Boerhavia | coccinea | | 2 | Four o'clock Family | Nyctaginaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Erect Boerhavia | Boerhavia | erecta | | 1 | Four o'clock Family | Nyctaginaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Four o'clock | Mirabilis | jalapa | | 7 | Four o'clock Family | Nyctaginaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Heart-leaved Four o'clock | Mirabilis | nyctaginea | | 54 | Four o'clock Family | Nyctaginaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Pokeweed | Phytolacca | bogotensis | | 1 | Pokeweed Family | Phytolaccaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tropical Pokeweed | Phytolacca | icosandra | | 2 | Pokeweed Family | Phytolaccaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Buckwheat | Fagopyrum | esculentum | | 14 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Bindweed | Fallopia | convolvulus | | 24 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Far-eastern Smartweed | Persicaria | extremiorientalis | | 15 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Asian Jumpseed | Persicaria | filiformis | | 13 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marshpepper Knotweed | Persicaria | hydropiper | | 23 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oriental Smartweed | Persicaria | longiseta | | 220 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spotted Ladysthumb | Persicaria | maculosa | | 101 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Asiatic Tearthumb | Persicaria | perfoliata | | 981 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prostrate Knotweed | Polygonum | aviculare | | 164 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bellard's Knotweed | Polygonum | bellardii | | 0 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Douglas's Knotweed | Polygonum | douglasii | | 1 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Knotweed | Reynoutria | japonica | | 669 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Giant Knotweed | Reynoutria | sachalinense | | 42 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Sheep Sorrel | Rumex | acetosella | | 285 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Curly Dock | Rumex | crispus | | 292 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bitter Dock | Rumex | obtusifolius | | 151 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Patience Dock | Rumex | patientia | | 1 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fiddle Dock | Rumex | pulcher | | 13 | Buckwheat Family | Polygonaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Paraguayan Purslane | Portulaca | amilis | | 20 | Purslane Family | Portulacaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Race Moss | Portulaca | grandiflora | | 0 | Purslane Family | Portulacaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Little Hogweed | Portulaca | oleracea | | 154 | Purslane Family | Portulacaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smallflower Tamarisk | Tamarix | parviflora | | 0 | Tamarisk Family | Tamaricaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Saltcedar | Tamarix | ramosissima | | 0 | Tamarisk Family | Tamaricaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Holly | Ilex | crenata | | 12 | Holly Family | Aquifoliaceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oriental Bittersweet | Celastrus | orbiculatus | | 914 | Bittersweet Family | Celastraceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winged Euonymus | Euonymus | alatus | | 239 | Bittersweet Family | Celastraceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Spindle | Euonymus | europaeus | | 3 | Bittersweet Family | Celastraceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winter Creeper | Euonymus | fortunei var. radicans | | 325 | Bittersweet Family | Celastraceae | Celastrales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Dayflower | Commelina | caroliniana | | 1 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Asiatic Dayflower | Commelina | communis | | 515 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Climbing Dayflower | Commelina | diffusa | | 7 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wart-removing Herb | Murdannia | keisak | | 220 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Glaucous Spiderwort | Tradescantia | ohiensis | | 5 | Spiderwort Family | Commelinaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Richard's Yellow-eyed Grass | Xyris | jupicai | | 7 | Yellow-eyed Grass Family | Xyridaceae | Commelinales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bog Asphodel | Narthecium | americanum | | 0 | Bog-asphodel Family | Nartheciaceae | Dioscoreales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Linden Arrowwood | Viburnum | dilatatum | | 37 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wayfaring Tree | Viburnum | lantana | | 2 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Cranberrybush | Viburnum | opulus var. opulus | | 14 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Snowball | Viburnum | plicatum | | 23 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tea Viburnum | Viburnum | setigerum | | 6 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Siebold's Arrowwwod | Viburnum | sieboldii | | 7 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fuller's Teasel | Dipsacus | fullonum | | 197 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cut-leaved Teasel | Dipsacus | laciniatus | | 17 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Teasel | Dipsacus | sativus | | 2 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Honeysuckle | Lonicera | fragrantissima | | 8 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Honeysuckle | Lonicera | japonica | | 1250 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Amur Honeysuckle | Lonicera | maackii | | 350 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Morrow's Honeysuckle | Lonicera | morrowii | | 145 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Standish's Honeysuckle | Lonicera | standishii | | 3 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tatarian Honeysuckle | Lonicera | tatarica | | 36 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Fly-honeysuckle | Lonicera | xylosteum | | 3 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Snowberry (laevigatus) | Symphoricarpos | albus var. laevigatus | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Snowberry | Symphoricarpos | occidentalis | | 1 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coralberry | Symphoricarpos | orbiculatus | | 92 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lewiston Cornsalad | Valerianella | locusta | | 87 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Coastal Doghobble | Leucothoe | axillaris | | 3 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Highland Doghobble | Leucothoe | fontanesiana | | 9 | Heath Family | Ericaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Little Silverbells | Halesia | carolina | | 3 | Storax Family | Styracaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Silverbells | Halesia | tetraptera | | 1 | Storax Family | Styracaceae | Ericales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Pachysandra | Pachysandra | terminalis | | 104 | Boxwood Family | Buxaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dyer's Croton | Chrozophora | tinctoria | | 2 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bonpland's Croton | Croton | bonplandianus | | 9 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hogwort | Croton | capitatus var. capitatus | | 2 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Croton | Croton | glandulosus var. septentrionalis | | 131 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Poinsettia | Euphorbia | cyathophora | | 5 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cypress Spurge | Euphorbia | cyparissias | | 90 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
David's Spurge | Euphorbia | davidii | | 5 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Toothed Spurge | Euphorbia | dentata | | 31 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Leafy Spurge | Euphorbia | esula | | 4 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sickle Spurge | Euphorbia | falcata | | 2 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sun Spurge | Euphorbia | helioscopia | | 99 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greek Spurge | Euphorbia | herniarifolia | | 1 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Asthma Weed | Euphorbia | hirta | | 3 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Graceful Sandmat | Euphorbia | hypericifolia | | 11 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hyssopleaf Sandmat | Euphorbia | hyssopifolia | | 4 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Caper Spurge | Euphorbia | lathyris | | 23 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Snow on the Mountain | Euphorbia | marginata | | 3 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Petty Spurge | Euphorbia | peplus | | 1 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prostrate Sandmat | Euphorbia | prostrata | | 12 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Russian Leafy Spurge | Euphorbia | virgata | | 0 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Mercury | Mercurialis | annua | | 2 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Castor Oil Plant | Ricinus | communis | | 1 | Spurge Family | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Jointvetch | Aeschynomene | americana | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Silktree | Albizia | julibrissin | | 454 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Peanut | Arachis | hypogaea | | 3 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Milkvetch | Astragalus | hamosus | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pigeonpea | Cajanus | cajan | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Showy Pigeonpea | Cajanus | scarabaeoides | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Siberian Peashrub | Caragana | arborescens | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chickpea | Cicer | arietinum | | 4 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Low Rattlebox | Crotalaria | pumila | | 3 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scotch Broom | Cytisus | scoparius | | 19 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fort Bowie Prairie Clover | Dalea | brachystachya | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cartagena Prairie Clover | Dalea | carthagenensis | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Professor-weed | Galega | officinalis | | 8 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Soybean | Glycine | max | | 17 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Threeleaf Indigo | Indigofera | trifoliata | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Korean Clover | Kummerowia | stipulacea | | 61 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Clover | Kummerowia | striata | | 100 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Pea | Lathyrus | aphaca | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Caley Pea | Lathyrus | hirsutus | | 26 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Inconspicuous Pea | Lathyrus | inconspicuus | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Perennial Pea | Lathyrus | latifolius | | 103 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Grass Pea | Lathyrus | sativus | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Flat Pea | Lathyrus | sylvestris | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lentil | Lens | culinaris | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shrub Lespedeza | Lespedeza | bicolor | | 65 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sericea Lespedeza | Lespedeza | cuneata | | 835 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thunberg's Lespedeza | Lespedeza | thunbergii | | 3 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bird's-foot Trefoil | Lotus | corniculatus | | 135 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrowleaf Bird's-foot Trefoil | Lotus | tenuis | | 65 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bigleaf Lupine | Lupinus | polyphyllus | | 0 | Pea-Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Heldreich's Alfalfa | Medicago | heldreichii | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Medick | Medicago | lupulina | | 303 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Little Bur-clover | Medicago | minima | | 5 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Medick | Medicago | monspeliaca | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blackdisk Medick | Medicago | orbicularis | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Alfalfa | Medicago | sativa | | 81 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Snail Medick | Medicago | scutellata | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Sweetclover | Melilotus | albus | | 418 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Sweetclover | Melilotus | officinalis | | 379 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shameplant | Mimosa | pudica | | 3 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spiny Restharrow | Ononis | campestris | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Restharrow | Ononis | repens | | 3 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Kidney Bean | Phaseolus | vulgaris | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tawny Pea | Pisum | fulvum | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Pea | Pisum | sativum | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Kudzu | Pueraria | montana var. lobata | | 138 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clammy Locust | Robinia | viscosa | | 5 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cretan Crownvetch | Securigera | cretica | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crownvetch | Securigera | varia | | 566 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Twinleaf Senna | Senna | bauhinioides | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Port Royal Senna | Senna | italica | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Java-bean | Senna | obtusifolia | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bigpod Sesbania | Sesbania | herbacea | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small-flowered Woolly Bean | Strophostyles | leiosperma | | 8 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Pagoda Tree | Styphnolobium | japonicum | | 6 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fishpoison | Tephrosia | purpurea | | 3 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Aaron's Rod | Thermopsis | villosa | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rabbitfoot Clover | Trifolium | arvense | | 383 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Clover | Trifolium | aureum | | 64 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Clover | Trifolium | campestre | | 291 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Suckling Clover | Trifolium | dubium | | 225 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Strawberry Clover | Trifolium | fragiferum | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Alsike Clover | Trifolium | hybridum | | 124 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crimson Clover | Trifolium | incarnatum | | 96 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Zigzag Clover | Trifolium | medium | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Clover | Trifolium | pratense | | 1226 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Clover | Trifolium | repens | | 1135 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Persian Clover | Trifolium | resupinatum | | 3 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Fenugreek | Trigonella | caerulea | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sicklefruit Fenugreek | Trigonella | foenum-graecum | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Whitethorn Acacia | Vachellia | constricta | | 5 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bird Vetch | Vicia | cracca | | 104 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fava Bean | Vicia | faba | | 3 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Big-flowered Vetch | Vicia | grandiflora | | 245 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tiny Vetch | Vicia | hirsuta | | 55 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spring Vetch | Vicia | lathyroides | | 95 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Broad Vetch | Vicia | narbonensis | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wandering Vetch | Vicia | peregrina | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Vetch | Vicia | sativa ssp. sativa | | 505 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lentil Vetch | Vicia | tetrasperma | | 32 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shaggy Vetch | Vicia | villosa | | 70 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winter Vetch | Vicia | villosa var. varia | | 11 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Shaggy Vetch | Vicia | villosa var. villosa | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Gram | Vigna | mungo | | 2 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cowpea | Vigna | unguiculata | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Wisteria | Wisteria | floribunda | | 15 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Wisteria | Wisteria | frutescens | | 19 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Wisteria | Wisteria | sinensis | | 31 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European White Birch | Betula | pubescens | | 0 | Birch Family | Betulaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sawtooth Oak | Quercus | acutissima | | 112 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bigleaf Periwinkle | Vinca | major | | 50 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Periwinkle | Vinca | minor | | 403 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Swallow-wort | Vincetoxicum | nigrum | | 8 | Milkweed Family | Apocynaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Centaury | Centaurium | erythraea | | 1 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Branched Centaury | Centaurium | pulchellum | | 53 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spiked Centaury | Schenkia | spicata | | 0 | Gentian Family | Gentianaceae | Gentianales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Jewelweed | Impatiens | balsamina | | 1 | Touch-me-not Family | Balsaminaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red-stemmed Storksbill | Erodium | cicutarium | | 306 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Long-stalked Cranesbill | Geranium | columbinum | | 22 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cut-leaved Cranesbill | Geranium | dissectum | | 80 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dove's-foot Cranesbill | Geranium | molle | | 364 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small-flowered Cranesbill | Geranium | pusillum | | 11 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Roundleaf Geranium | Geranium | rotundifolium | | 1 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Siberian Cranesbill | Geranium | sibiricum | | 3 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thunberg's Geranium | Geranium | thunbergii | | 9 | Geranium Family | Geraniaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Woodsorrel | Oxalis | corniculata | | 27 | Wood-sorrel Family | Oxalidaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Parrot Feather Watermilfoil | Myriophyllum | aquaticum | | 163 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eurasian Watermilfoil | Myriophyllum | spicatum | | 47 | Water Milfoil Family | Haloragaceae | Haloragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brazilian Waterweed | Egeria | densa | | 6 | Tape-grass Family | Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hydrilla | Hydrilla | verticillata | | 85 | Tape-grass Family | Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brittle Waternymph | Najas | minor | | 36 | Tape-grass Family | Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pecan | Carya | illinoinensis | | 31 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Walnut | Juglans | ailantifolia | | 0 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Catalpa | Catalpa | bignonioides | | 27 | Trumpet-creeper Family | Bignoniaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Catalpa | Catalpa | speciosa | | 59 | Trumpet-creeper Family | Bignoniaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Bugloss | Anchusa | arvensis | | 1 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Italian Bugloss | Anchusa | azurea | | 1 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Siberian Bugloss | Brunnera | macrophylla | | 6 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Corn Gromwell | Buglossoides | arvensis | | 176 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Comfrey | Cynoglossum | officinale | | 6 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Italian Viper's Bugloss | Echium | italicum | | 1 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Viper's Bugloss | Echium | vulgare | | 100 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Salt Heliotrope | Heliotropium | curassavicum | | 6 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Heliotrope | Heliotropium | europaeum | | 16 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Heliotrope | Heliotropium | indicum | | 3 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fourspike Heliotrope | Heliotropium | procumbens | | 1 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Stickseed | Lappula | squarrosa | | 1 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Forget-me-not | Myosotis | arvensis | | 7 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Changing Forget-me-not | Myosotis | discolor | | 11 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
True Forget-me-not | Myosotis | scorpioides | | 35 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Strict Forget-me-not | Myosotis | stricta | | 96 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bristly Nama | Nama | hispida | | 2 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Comfrey | Symphytum | officinale | | 12 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Bugle | Ajuga | chamaepitys | | 1 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Bugle | Ajuga | genevensis | | 2 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Bugle | Ajuga | reptans | | 154 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Horehound | Ballota | nigra | | 2 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Beautyberry | Callicarpa | dichotoma | | 24 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lion's Tail | Chaiturus | marrubiastrum | | 3 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Calamint | Clinopodium | calamintha | | 11 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brittle-stemmed Hempnettle | Galeopsis | tetrahit | | 16 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ground Ivy | Glechoma | hederacea | | 1093 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Archangel | Lamiastrum | galeobdolon | | 84 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Deadnettle | Lamium | album | | 4 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Henbit | Lamium | amplexicaule | | 933 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spotted Henbit | Lamium | maculatum | | 3 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Deadnettle | Lamium | purpureum | | 1840 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Motherwort | Leonurus | cardiaca | | 82 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Bugleweed | Lycopus | europaeus | | 10 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Horehound | Marrubium | vulgare | | 3 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lemon Balm | Melissa | officinalis | | 25 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Water Mint | Mentha | aquatica | | 8 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Longleaf Spearmint | Mentha | longifolia | | 2 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Pennyroyal | Mentha | pulegium | | 2 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spearmint | Mentha | spicata | | 66 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Apple Mint | Mentha | suaveolens | | 6 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Mosla | Mosla | scabra | | 1 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Catnip | Nepeta | cataria | | 95 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oregano | Origanum | vulgare | | 13 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Beefsteak Plant | Perilla | frutescens | | 780 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cutleaf Selfheal | Prunella | laciniata | | 1 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eurasian Selfheal | Prunella | vulgaris ssp. vulgaris | | 11 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Kitchen Sage | Salvia | officinalis | | 3 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow Sage | Salvia | pratensis | | 1 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lanceleaf Sage | Salvia | reflexa | | 6 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Clary Sage | Salvia | verbenacea | | 1 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Woolly Hedgenettle | Stachys | byzantina | | 5 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Longspike Hedgenettle | Stachys | longispicata | | 2 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Marsh Hedgenettle | Stachys | palustris | | 12 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lacy Germander | Teucrium | laciniatum | | 1 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lemon Thyme | Thymus | pulegioides | | 0 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Beach Vitex | Vitex | rotundifolia | | 4 | Mint Family | Lamiaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Louisiana Devil's-claw | Proboscidea | louisianica | | 1 | Devil's-claw Family | Martyniaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Mazus | Mazus | pumilus | | 81 | Mazus Family | Mazaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Broomrape | Orobanche | minor | | 42 | Broom-rape Family | Orobanchaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rosy Owl's-clover | Orthocarpus | bracteosus | | 0 | Broom-rape Family | Orobanchaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Princess Tree | Paulownia | tomentosa | | 419 | Paulownia Family | Paulowniaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mudmat | Glossostigma | cleistanthum | | 11 | Phrymas Family | Phrymaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dwarf Snapdragon | Chaenorhinum | minus ssp. minus | | 13 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Kenilworth Ivy | Cymbalaria | muralis | | 76 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Foxglove | Digitalis | purpurea | | 9 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sharp-leaved Cancerwort | Kickxia | elatine | | 15 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrowleaf Paleseed | Leucospora | multifida | | 2 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Butter and Eggs | Linaria | vulgaris | | 219 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Climbing Snapdragon | Maurandya | antirrhiniflora | | 1 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large-bracted Plantain | Plantago | aristata | | 169 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Narrow-leaved Plantain | Plantago | lanceolata | | 684 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Plantain | Plantago | major | | 120 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Green Field Speedwell | Veronica | agrestis | | 28 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Water Speedwell | Veronica | anagallis-aquatica | | 50 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Corn Speedwell | Veronica | arvensis | | 494 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Germander Speedwell | Veronica | chamaedrys | | 60 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thread-stalked Speedwell | Veronica | filiformis | | 15 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ivy-leaved Speedwell | Veronica | hederifolia | | 631 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Speedwell | Veronica | longifolia | | 2 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Speedwell | Veronica | officinalis | | 301 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purslane Speedwell | Veronica | peregrina ssp. peregrina | | 126 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bird's-eye Speedwell | Veronica | persica | | 1404 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Gray Field Speedwell | Veronica | polita | | 65 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thyme-leaved Speedwell | Veronica | serpyllifolia var. serpyllifolia | | 347 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prairie Verbena | Glandularia | bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida | | 2 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Texas Frogfruit | Phyla | nodiflora | | 2 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purpletop Vervain | Verbena | bonariensis | | 5 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prostrate Vervain | Verbena | bracteata | | 3 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brazilian Vervain | Verbena | brasiliensis | | 0 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Herb of the Cross | Verbena | officinalis | | 1 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sandpaper Vervain | Verbena | scabra | | 1 | Verbena Family | Verbenaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Eastern Sweetshrub | Calycanthus | floridus | | 12 | Strawberry-shrub Family | Calycanthaceae | Laurales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spring Crocus | Crocus | vernus | | 12 | Iris Family | Iridaceae | Lilales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orange Day Lily | Hemerocallis | fulva | | 271 | Asphodel Family | Asphodelaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Day Lily | Hemerocallis | lilioasphodelus | | 2 | Asphodel Family | Asphodelaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Yam | Dioscorea | polystachya | | 121 | Yam Family | Dioscoreaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blackberry Lily | Iris | domestica | | 14 | Iris Family | Iridaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
German Iris | Iris | germanica | | 2 | Iris Family | Iridaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pale Yellow Iris | Iris | pseudacorus | | 195 | Iris Family | Iridaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Giant Lily | Cardiocrinum | cordatum | | 3 | Lily Family | Liliaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tiger Lily | Lilium | lancifolium | | 5 | Lily Family | Liliaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Tulip | Tulipa | sylvestris | | 6 | Lily Family | Liliaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cuneate Trillium | Trillium | cuneatum | | 54 | Bunchflower Family | Melanthiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Trillium | Trillium | luteum | | 21 | Bunchflower Family | Melanthiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Water Hyacinth | Pontederia | crassipes | | 20 | Water-Hyacinth Family | Pontederiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Flax | Linum | usitatissimum | | 22 | Flax Family | Linaceae | Linales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Magnolia | Magnolia | grandiflora | | 71 | Magnolia Family | Magnoliaceae | Magnoliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Big-leaved Magnolia | Magnolia | macrophylla | | 26 | Magnolia Family | Magnoliaceae | Magnoliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Okra | Abelmoschus | esculentus | | 0 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Velvetleaf | Abutilon | theophrasti | | 239 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hollyhock | Alcea | rosea | | 2 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Russian Hollyhock | Alcea | rugosa | | 0 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crested Anoda | Anoda | cristata | | 120 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Upland Cotton | Gossypium | hirsutum | | 1 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rose of Sharon | Hibiscus | syriacus | | 89 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Flower of an Hour | Hibiscus | trionum | | 61 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Musk Mallow | Malva | moschata | | 27 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Mallow | Malva | neglecta | | 102 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cheeseweed Mallow | Malva | parviflora | | 3 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
High Mallow | Malva | sylvestris | | 5 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chocolateweed | Melochia | corchorifolia | | 2 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Bristlemallow | Modiola | caroliniana | | 4 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Heartleaf Fanpetals | Sida | cordata | | 1 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Arrowleaf Fanpetals | Sida | rhombifolia | | 2 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Fanpetals | Sida | spinosa | | 100 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Copper Globemallow | Sphaeralcea | angustifolia | | 1 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small-leaved Linden | Tilia | cordata | | 3 | Mallow Family | Malvaceae | Malvales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crape Myrtle | Lagerstroemia | indica | | 3 | Loosestrife Family | Lythraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hyssop Loosestrife | Lythrum | hyssopifolia | | 2 | Loosestrife Family | Lythraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Loosestrife | Lythrum | salicaria | | 226 | Loosestrife Family | Lythraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Water Chestnut | Trapa | natans | | 29 | Loosestrife Family | Lythraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Willowherb | Epilobium | hirsutum | | 13 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Flower Willowherb | Epilobium | parviflorum | | 2 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large-flower Primrose-willow | Ludwigia | hexapetala | | 7 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Angle-stemmed Primrose-willow | Ludwigia | leptocarpa | | 3 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Floating Primrose-willow | Ludwigia | peploides var. glabrescens | | 61 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cleland's Evening Primrose | Oenothera | clelandii | | 1 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Showy Evening Primrose | Oenothera | grandis | | 2 | Evening Primrose Family | Onagraceae | Myrtales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Curly Pondweed | Potamogeton | crispus | | 66 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Floating Pondweed | Potamogeton | natans | | 4 | Pondweed Family | Potamogetonaceae | Najadales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Pitcherplant | Sarracenia | flava | | 2 | Carnivorous Plants | Sarraceniaceae | Nepenthales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Fanwort | Cabomba | caroliniana | | 10 | Water-shield Family | Cabombaceae | Nymphaeales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hyacinth Orchid | Bletilla | striata | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broadleaf Helleborine | Epipactis | helleborine | | 70 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bluestem Pricklypoppy | Argemone | albiflora | | 2 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mexican Pricklypoppy | Argemone | mexicana | | 6 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greater Celandine | Chelidonium | majus | | 215 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Incised Fumewort | Corydalis | incisa | | 78 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Drug Fumitory | Fumaria | officinalis | | 19 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Hornpoppy | Glaucium | flavum | | 4 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nodding Hypecoum | Hypecoum | pendulum | | 1 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Long Pricklyhead Poppy | Papaver | argemone | | 2 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blindeyes | Papaver | dubium | | 68 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Corn Poppy | Papaver | rhoeas | | 2 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Celandine Poppy | Stylophorum | diphyllum | | 57 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Birthwort | Aristolochia | clematitis | | 9 | Birthwort Family | Aristolochiaceae | Piperales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Hairsedge | Bulbostylis | hispidula | | 1 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Pond Sedge | Carex | acutiformis | | 11 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sand Sedge | Carex | arenaria | | 3 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Sedge | Carex | austrina | | 3 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Distant Sedge | Carex | distans | | 2 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Separated Sedge | Carex | divisa | | 8 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Long-bracted Sedge | Carex | extensa | | 60 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hammock Sedge | Carex | fissa var. fissa | | 5 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Heavy Sedge | Carex | gravida | | 7 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hammer Sedge | Carex | hirta | | 8 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Sedge | Carex | kobomugi | | 3 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Leavenworth's Sedge | Carex | leavenworthii | | 38 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Paira's Sedge | Carex | muricata | | 2 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oklahoma Sedge | Carex | oklahomensis | | 42 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Round Sedge | Carex | rotundata | | 0 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prickly Sedge | Carex | spicata | | 6 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Texas Sedge | Carex | texensis | | 4 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pasture Spikesedge | Cyperus | brevifolioides | | 107 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Baldwin's Flatsedge | Cyperus | croceus | | 8 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smallflower Umbrella Sedge | Cyperus | difformis | | 42 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White-edge Flatsedge | Cyperus | flavicomus | | 14 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brown Flatsedge | Cyperus | fuscus | | 7 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ricefield Flatsedge | Cyperus | iria | | 176 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nutgrass | Cyperus | rotundus | | 6 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bog Bulrush | Schoenoplectiella | mucronata | | 41 | Sedge Family | Cyperaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Round-headed Rush | Juncus | validus | | 22 | Rush Family | Juncaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Barbed Goatgrass | Aegilops | triuncialis | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Colonial Bentgrass | Agrostis | capillaris | | 14 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Elliott's Bentgrass | Agrostis | elliottiana | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Redtop | Agrostis | gigantea | | 66 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Bentgrass | Agrostis | stolonifera | | 27 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Silver Hairgrass | Aira | caryophyllea | | 59 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Silver Hairgrass | Aira | elegans | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Hairgrass | Aira | praecox | | 13 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Summergrass | Alloteropsis | cimicina | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Short-awn Foxtail | Alopecurus | aequalis | | 6 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Water Foxtail | Alopecurus | geniculatus | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Meadow Foxtail | Alopecurus | myosuroides | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow Foxtail | Alopecurus | pratensis | | 7 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Vernalgrass | Anthoxanthum | odoratum | | 459 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Loose Silkybent | Apera | spica-venti | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mauritian Grass | Apluda | mutica | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sixweeks Threeawn | Aristida | adscensionis | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Oatgrass (bulbosum) | Arrhenatherum | elatius var. bulbosum | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Oatgrass (elatius) | Arrhenatherum | elatius var. elatius | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Oatgrass | Arrhenatherum | elatius | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Carpgrass | Arthraxon | hispidus | | 336 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Giant Reed | Arundo | donax | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Wild Oat | Avena | fatua | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Oats | Avena | sativa | | 12 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pitted Beardgrass | Bothriochloa | pertusa | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Needle Grama | Bouteloua | aristidoides | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sixweeks Grama | Bouteloua | barbata | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Little Quakinggrass | Briza | minor | | 19 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Brome | Bromus | arvensis | | 12 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Awnless Brome | Bromus | briziformis | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rescue Brome | Bromus | catharticus | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow Brome | Bromus | commutatus | | 48 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Great Brome | Bromus | diandrus | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Soft Brome | Bromus | hordeaceus | | 39 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Brome | Bromus | inermis | | 35 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Brome | Bromus | japonicus | | 21 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bald Brome | Bromus | racemosus | | 32 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rye Brome | Bromus | secalinus | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Poverty Brome | Bromus | sterilis | | 27 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cheatgrass | Bromus | tectorum | | 25 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Beachgrass | Calamagrostis | arenaria | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Sandbur | Cenchrus | echinatus | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Fountain Grass | Cenchrus | purpurascens | | 217 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pearl Millet | Cenchrus | spicatus | | 8 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tumble Windmill Grass | Chloris | verticillata | | 8 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Feather Fingergrass | Chloris | virgata | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Bermudagrass | Cynodon | dactylon | | 123 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crested Dogstail Grass | Cynosurus | cristatus | | 1 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bristly Dogstail Grass | Cynosurus | echinatus | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orchard Grass | Dactylis | glomerata | | 528 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Egyptian Grass | Dactyloctenium | aegyptium | | 9 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sudan Crowfoot Grass | Dactyloctenium | geminatum | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Low Woollygrass | Dasyochloa | pulchella | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Obovate Beakgrain | Diarrhena | obovata | | 11 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smooth Crabgrass | Digitaria | ischaemum | | 58 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Crabgrass | Digitaria | longiflora | | 1 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Crabgrass | Digitaria | sanguinalis | | 75 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Viper Grass | Dinebra | retroflexa | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Green Spangletop | Diplachne | dubia | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Malabar Spangletop | Diplachne | fusca | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jungle Rice | Echinochloa | colona | | 7 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Barnyard Grass | Echinochloa | crus-galli | | 177 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Gulf Cockspur Grass | Echinochloa | crus-pavonis | | 1 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Billion-dollar Grass | Echinochloa | frumentacea | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small-spiked Barnyard Grass (microstachya) | Echinochloa | muricata var. microstachya | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Goosegrass | Eleusine | indica | | 289 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Quackgrass | Elymus | repens | | 17 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nine-awn Pappusgrass | Enneapogon | desvauxii | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mediterranean Lovegrass | Eragrostis | barrelieri | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stinkgrass | Eragrostis | cilianensis | | 57 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Weeping Lovegrass | Eragrostis | curvula | | 19 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cylinderflower Lovegrass | Eragrostis | cylindriflora | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairyflower Lovegrass | Eragrostis | trichophora | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Lovegrass | Eragrostis | unioloides | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tapertip Cutgrass | Eriochloa | acuminata | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Louisiana Cutgrass | Eriochloa | punctata | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Fescue | Festuca | filiformis | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Fescue | Festuca | rubra | | 31 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hard Fescue | Festuca | trachyphylla | | 8 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Waxy Mannagrass | Glyceria | declinata | | 1 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pitscale Grass | Hackelochloa | granularis | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Velvetgrass | Holcus | lanatus | | 215 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Foxtail Barley | Hordeum | jubatum | | 9 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seaside Barley | Hordeum | marinum | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mouse Barley | Hordeum | murinum | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Barley | Hordeum | vulgare | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Murainagrass | Ischaemum | indicum | | 1 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ribbed Murainagrass | Ischaemum | rugosum | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Junegrass | Koeleria | macrantha | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Fescue | Lolium | arundinaceum | | 48 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Perennial Ryegrass | Lolium | perenne | | 47 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Meadow Ryegrass | Lolium | pratense | | 54 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Darnel Ryegrass | Lolium | temulentum | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rose Natal Grass | Melinis | repens | | 6 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Stiltgrass | Microstegium | vimineum | | 500 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Silvergrass | Miscanthus | sinensis | | 186 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Signalgrass | Moorochloa | eruciformis | | 6 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scratch Grass | Muhlenbergia | asperifolia | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wavy-leaved Basketgrass | Oplismenus | undulatifolius | | 243 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Swamp Panicgrass | Panicum | paludosum | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Little Millet | Panicum | sumatrense | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Curved Sicklegrass | Parapholis | incurva | | 8 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Latin American Crowngrass | Paspalum | convexum | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dallisgrass | Paspalum | dilatatum | | 200 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Knotgrass | Paspalum | distichum | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Circular Paspalum | Paspalum | orbiculatum | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ricegrass Paspalum | Paspalum | scrobiculatum | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Canarygrass | Phalaris | canariensis | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hood Canarygrass | Phalaris | paradoxa | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Timothy | Phleum | pratense | | 135 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Italian Timothy | Phleum | subulatum | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Reed | Phragmites | australis ssp. australis | | 500 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Bamboo | Phyllostachys | aurea | | 12 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Groove Bamboo | Phyllostachys | aureosulcata | | 43 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Timber Bamboo | Phyllostachys | bambusoides | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Bamboo | Phyllostachys | nigra | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smilograss | Piptatherum | miliaceum | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pygmy Bamboo | Pleioblastus | pygmaeus | | 1 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Bluegrass | Poa | annua | | 319 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Canada Bluegrass | Poa | compressa | | 85 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Iconium Bluegrass | Poa | iconia var. iconia | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Woods Bluegrass | Poa | nemoralis | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Bluegrass | Poa | trivialis | | 41 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Rabbitsfoot Grass | Polypogon | monspeliensis | | 84 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Arrow Bamboo | Pseudosasa | japonica | | 18 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Spreading Alkaligrass | Puccinellia | distans | | 1 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mediterranean Hairgrass | Rostraria | cristata | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Hardgrass | Sclerochloa | dura | | 7 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cereal Rye | Secale | cereale | | 17 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Bristlegrass | Setaria | faberi | | 500 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Grisebach's Bristlegrass | Setaria | grisebachii | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Foxtail Bristlegrass | Setaria | italica | | 7 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Foxtail | Setaria | pumila | | 57 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hooked Bristlegrass | Setaria | verticillata | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Barbed Bristlegrass | Setaria | verticilliformis | | 0 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Green Bristlegrass | Setaria | viridis | | 85 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sorghum | Sorghum | bicolor ssp. bicolor | | 18 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Johnsongrass | Sorghum | halepense | | 106 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Madagascar Dropseed | Sporobolus | coromandelianus | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Smutgrass | Sporobolus | indicus | | 120 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Whorled Dropseed | Sporobolus | pyramidatus | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seashore Dropseed | Sporobolus | virginicus | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Christmas Grass | Themeda | arguens | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stalked Bur Grass | Tragus | racemosus | | 7 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ravennagrass | Tripidium | ravennae | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Wheat | Triticum | aestivum | | 17 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Seaoats | Uniola | paniculata | | 8 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tropical Signal Grass | Urochloa | distachya | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Para Grass | Urochloa | mutica | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Liveseed Grass | Urochloa | panicoides | | 5 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Plantain Signalgrass | Urochloa | plantaginea | | 1 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broadleaf Signalgrass | Urochloa | platyphylla | | 70 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dixie Signalgrass | Urochloa | ramosa | | 4 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sprawling Signalgrass | Urochloa | reptans | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Texas Signalgrass | Urochloa | texana | | 33 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Signalgrass | Urochloa | villosa | | 2 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rat-tail Fescue | Vulpia | myuros | | 38 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Corn | Zea | mays | | 15 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Manila Grass | Zoysia | matrella | | 3 | Grasses | Poaceae | Poales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scarlet Pimpernel | Lysimachia | arvensis | | 260 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Pimpernel | Lysimachia | foemina | | 3 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Yellow Loosestrife | Lysimachia | japonica | | 1 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Jenny | Lysimachia | nummularia | | 211 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large Yellow Loosestrife | Lysimachia | punctata | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garden Yellow Loosestrife | Lysimachia | vulgaris | | 8 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cowslip | Primula | veris | | 0 | Primrose Family | Primulaceae | Primulales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Barberry | Berberis | thunbergii | | 696 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Barberry | Berberis | vulgaris | | 4 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Leatherleaf Mahonia | Mahonia | bealei | | 376 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Heavenly Bamboo | Nandina | domestica | | 9 | Barberry Family | Berberidaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chocolate Vine | Akebia | quinata | | 46 | Lardizabala Family | Lardizabalaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Autumn Virginsbower | Clematis | terniflora | | 439 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Evergreen Clematis | Clematis | vitalba | | 1 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Doubtful Knight's-spur | Consolida | ajacis | | 13 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winter Aconite | Eranthis | hyemalis | | 35 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lesser Celandine | Ficaria | verna | | 1461 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Green Hellebore | Helleborus | viridis | | 1 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Helleborus | x hybridus | | 7 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ragged Lady | Nigella | damascena | | 0 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Buttercup | Ranunculus | acris | | 33 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bulbous Buttercup | Ranunculus | bulbosus | | 280 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small-flowered Buttercup | Ranunculus | parviflorus | | 86 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Buttercup | Ranunculus | repens | | 17 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Buttercup | Ranunculus | sardous | | 5 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellowroot | Xanthorhiza | simplicissima | | 1 | Buttercup Family | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Showy Stonecrop | Hylotelephium | telephium | | 1 | Stonecrop Family | Crassulaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Goldmoss Stonecrop | Sedum | acre | | 14 | Stonecrop Family | Crassulaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stringy Stonecrop | Sedum | sarmentosum | | 39 | Stonecrop Family | Crassulaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Russian Olive | Elaeagnus | angustifolia | | 34 | Oleaster Family | Elaeagnaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Silverberry | Elaeagnus | commutata | | 3 | Oleaster Family | Elaeagnaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thorny Olive | Elaeagnus | pungens | | 7 | Oleaster Family | Elaeagnaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Autumn Olive | Elaeagnus | umbellata | | 275 | Oleaster Family | Elaeagnaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Deutzia | Deutzia | gracilis | | 4 | Hydrangea Family | Hydrangeaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fuzzy Deutzia | Deutzia | scabra | | 5 | Hydrangea Family | Hydrangeaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Mock-orange | Philadelphus | coronarius | | 5 | Hydrangea Family | Hydrangeaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Mock-orange | Philadelphus | hirsutus | | 1 | Hydrangea Family | Hydrangeaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Scentless Mock-orange | Philadelphus | inodorus | | 1 | Hydrangea Family | Hydrangeaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hoary Mock-orange | Philadelphus | pubescens | | 0 | Hydrangea Family | Hydrangeaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Glossy Buckthorn | Frangula | alnus | | 21 | Buckthorn Family | Rhamnaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Buckthorn | Frangula | caroliniana | | 1 | Buckthorn Family | Rhamnaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dahurian Buckthorn | Rhamnus | davurica | | 0 | Buckthorn Family | Rhamnaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Slender Parsley Piert | Aphanes | australis | | 97 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Quince | Chaenomeles | japonica | | 4 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Flowering Quince | Chaenomeles | speciosa | | 9 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Quince | Cydonia | oblonga | | 2 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Pearlbush | Exochorda | racemosa | | 3 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Plumleaf Crab Apple | Malus | prunifolia | | 11 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Paradise Apple | Malus | pumila | | 11 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Toringo Crab Apple | Malus | toringo | | 2 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oriental Photinia | Photinia | villosa | | 7 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Silver Cinquefoil | Potentilla | argentea | | 4 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Indian Strawberry | Potentilla | indica | | 636 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Downy Cinquefoil | Potentilla | intermedia | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sulphur Cinquefoil | Potentilla | recta | | 214 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Creeping Cinquefoil | Potentilla | reptans | | 14 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Brook Cinquefoil | Potentilla | rivalis | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Prairie Burnet | Poterium | annuum | | 2 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Small Burnet | Poterium | sanguisorba ssp. muricatum | | 18 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweet Cherry | Prunus | avium | | 56 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sour Cherry | Prunus | cerasus | | 9 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Plum | Prunus | domestica | | 1 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hortulan Plum | Prunus | hortulana | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mahaleb Cherry | Prunus | mahaleb | | 4 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Peach | Prunus | persica | | 23 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Goose Plum | Prunus | rivularis | | 1 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blackthorn | Prunus | spinosa | | 1 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nanking Cherry | Prunus | tomentosa | | 1 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Firethorn | Pyracantha | coccinea | | 5 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bradford Pear | Pyrus | calleryana | | 356 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Pear | Pyrus | communis | | 14 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Pear | Pyrus | pyrifolia | | 3 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jetbead | Rhodotypos | scandens | | 114 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Macartney Rose | Rosa | bracteata | | 0 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dog Rose | Rosa | canina | | 6 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sweetbriar Rose | Rosa | eglanteria | | 5 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Gallic Rose | Rosa | gallica | | 5 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Multiflora Rose | Rosa | multiflora | | 808 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rugosa Rose | Rosa | rugosa | | 15 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Himalayan Berry | Rubus | bifrons | | 9 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
American Red Raspberry | Rubus | idaeus var. strigosus | | 7 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cut-leaved Blackberry | Rubus | laciniatus | | 12 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wineberry | Rubus | phoenicolasius | | 1302 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Three-toothed Cinquefoil | Sibbaldiopsis | tridentata | | 3 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Mountain Ash | Sorbus | aucuparia | | 3 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Spiraea | Spiraea | japonica | | 92 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bridalwreath Spiraea | Spiraea | prunifolia | | 47 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Thunberg's Spiraea | Spiraea | thunbergii | | 4 | Rose Family | Rosaceae | Rosales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lamark's Bedstraw | Galium | anglicum | | 1 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Woodruff | Galium | arvense | | 1 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hedge Bedstraw | Galium | mollugo | | 71 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Piedmont Bedstraw | Galium | pedemontanum | | 132 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Roughfruit Corn Bedstraw | Galium | tricornutum | | 1 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Spring Bedstraw | Galium | verum | | 18 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Southern Bluets | Houstonia | micrantha | | 20 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Rough Mexican Clover | Richardia | scabra | | 1 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Fieldmadder | Sherardia | arvensis | | 219 | Madder Family | Rubiaceae | Rubiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Poplar | Populus | alba | | 97 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Lombardy Poplar | Populus | nigra | | 1 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Willow | Salix | alba | | 2 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Weeping Willow | Salix | babylonica | | 28 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large Gray Willow | Salix | cinerea | | 5 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crack Willow | Salix | fragilis | | 4 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Laurel Willow | Salix | pentandra | | 1 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purpleosier Willow | Salix | purpurea | | 2 | Willow Family | Salicaceae | Salicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinaberry | Melia | azedarach | | 1 | Mahogany Family | Meliaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Toon | Toona | sinensis | | 1 | Mahogany Family | Meliaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Amur Corktree | Phellodendron | amurense | | 17 | Citrus Family | Rutaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hardy Orange | Poncirus | trifoliata | | 56 | Citrus Family | Rutaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bee-bee Tree | Tetradium | daniellii | | 4 | Citrus Family | Rutaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Maple | Acer | palmatum | | 36 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Norway Maple | Acer | platanoides | | 232 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sycamore Maple | Acer | pseudoplatanus | | 4 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Buckeye | Aesculus | flava | | 16 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Horse-chestnut | Aesculus | hippocastanum | | 9 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bottlebrush Buckeye | Aesculus | parviflora | | 23 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Goldenrain Tree | Koelreuteria | paniculata | | 55 | Maple Family | Sapindaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tree of Heaven | Ailanthus | altissima | | 585 | Quassia Family | Simaroubaceae | Sapindales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Golden Currant | Ribes | aureum | | 1 | Gooseberry Family | Grossulariaceae | Saxifragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Red Currant | Ribes | rubrum | | 0 | Gooseberry Family | Grossulariaceae | Saxifragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Gooseberry | Ribes | uva-crispa | | 1 | Gooseberry Family | Grossulariaceae | Saxifragales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Weeping Forsythia | Forsythia | suspensa | | 18 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Greenstem Forsythia | Forsythia | viridissima | | 5 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Privet | Ligustrum | japonicum | | 0 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Glossy Privet | Ligustrum | lucidum | | 1 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Border Privet | Ligustrum | obtusifolium var. obtusifolium | | 31 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
California Privet | Ligustrum | ovalifolium | | 9 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Waxyleaf Privet | Ligustrum | quihoui | | 1 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Privet | Ligustrum | sinense | | 8 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Privet | Ligustrum | vulgare | | 41 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Holly Osmanthus | Osmanthus | heterophyllus | | 27 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Lilac | Syringa | vulgaris | | 35 | Olive Family | Oleaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orange-eye Butterfly-bush | Buddleja | davidii | | 51 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Moth Mullein | Verbascum | blattaria | | 404 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Mullein | Verbascum | lychnitis | | 3 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orange Mullein | Verbascum | phlomoides | | 9 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wavy-leaved Mullein | Verbascum | sinuatum | | 11 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Mullein | Verbascum | thapsus | | 516 | Figwort Family | Scrophulariaceae | Scrophulariales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese False Bindweed | Calystegia | pubescens | | 2 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hedge False Bindweed | Calystegia | sepium | | 346 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Short-stalked False Bindweed | Calystegia | silvatica ssp. fraterniflora | | 6 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Field Bindweed | Convolvulus | arvensis | | 68 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cusp Dodder | Cuscuta | cuspidata | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fringed Dodder | Cuscuta | suaveolens | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Kidneyweed | Dichondra | micrantha | | 0 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Threadfoot Dwarf Morning-glory | Evolvulus | filipes | | 1 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Morning-glory | Ipomoea | nil | | 1 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tall Morning-glory | Ipomoea | purpurea | | 106 | Morning-glory Family | Convolvulaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow Floatingheart | Nymphoides | peltata | | 8 | Buckbean Family | Menyanthaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Standing-cypress | Ipomopsis | rubra | | 0 | Phlox Family | Polemoniaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Granite Prickly Phlox | Linanthus | pungens | | 1 | Phlox Family | Polemoniaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Phlox | Phlox | drummondii | | 4 | Phlox Family | Polemoniaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Midget Petunia | Calibrachoa | parviflora | | 19 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cayenne Pepper | Capsicum | annuum | | 1 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pricklyburr | Datura | inoxia | | 2 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Oak Leaf Datura | Datura | quercifolia | | 4 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jimsonweed | Datura | stramonium | | 511 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sacred Thorn-apple | Datura | wrightii | | 4 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Henbane | Hyocyamus | niger | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Jaltomata | Jaltomata | procumbens | | 2 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Matrimony Vine | Lycium | barbarum | | 29 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Matrimony VIne | Lycium | chinense | | 3 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Apple of Peru | Nicandra | physalodes | | 7 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winged Tobacco | Nicotiana | alata | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tree Tobacco | Nicotiana | glauca | | 1 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Desert Tobacco | Nicotiana | obtusifolia | | 2 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tex-Mex Tobacco | Nicotiana | plumbaginifolia | | 1 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Cultivated Tobacco | Nicotiana | tabacum | | 2 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Violetflower Petunia | Petunia | integrifolia | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Large White Petunia | Petunia | x atkinsiana | | 3 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winter Cherry | Physalis | alkekengi | | 4 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Mexican Groundcherry | Physalis | philadelphica | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Husk Tomato (integrifolia) | Physalis | pubescens var. integrifolia | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ascending Nightshade | Solanum | adscendens | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Sonoita Nightshade | Solanum | deflexum | | 1 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Climbing Nightshade | Solanum | dulcamara | | 212 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Silverleaf Nightshade | Solanum | elaeagnifolium | | 2 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tomato | Solanum | lycopersicum | | 22 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Black Nightshade | Solanum | nigrum | | 86 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hoe Nightshade | Solanum | physalifolium | | 2 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Buffalobur Nightshade | Solanum | rostratum | | 12 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Turkeyberry | Solanum | torvum | | 1 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Potato | Solanum | tuberosum | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Nightshade | Solanum | villosum | | 0 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Yellow-fruit Nightshade | Solanum | virginianum | | 3 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Tutsan | Hypericum | androsaemum | | 1 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common St. Johnswort | Hypericum | perforatum | | 264 | St. Johnswort Family | Hypericaceae | Theales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Wild Hemp | Cannabis | sativa | | 14 | Hemp Family | Cannabaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Hops | Humulus | japonicus | | 192 | Hemp Family | Cannabaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Hops | Humulus | lupulus | | 32 | Hemp Family | Cannabaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Paper Mulberry | Broussonetia | papyrifera | | 128 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Hairy Crabweed | Fatoua | villosa | | 42 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Common Fig | Ficus | carica | | 0 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Osage Orange | Maclura | pomifera | | 271 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
White Mulberry | Morus | alba | | 470 | Mulberry Family | Moraceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Winged Elm | Ulmus | alata | | 3 | Elm Family | Ulmaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Chinese Elm | Ulmus | parvifolia | | 10 | Elm Family | Ulmaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Siberian Elm | Ulmus | pumila | | 25 | Elm Family | Ulmaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Horehound-leaf Nettle | Urtica | ballotifolia | | 1 | Nettle Family | Urticaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stinging Nettle | Urtica | dioica | | 151 | Nettle Family | Urticaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Ctenolepis | Ctenolepis | cerasiformis | | 1 | Cucumber Family | Cucurbitaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Fetid Passionflower | Passiflora | foetida | | 1 | Passionflower Family | Passifloraceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Purple Passionflower | Passiflora | incarnata | | 128 | Passionflower Family | Passifloraceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Field Pansy | Viola | arvensis | | 271 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Johnny Jump-up | Viola | tricolor | | 13 | Violet Family | Violaceae | Violales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Porcelain Berry | Ampelopsis | glandulosa | | 647 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bushkiller | Causonis | japonica | | 4 | Grape Family | Vitaceae | Vitales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Warty Caltrop | Kallstroemia | parviflora | | 0 | Caltrop Family | Zygophyllaceae | Zygophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bullhead | Tribulus | terrestris | | 2 | Caltrop Family | Zygophyllaceae | Zygophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
European Larch | Larix | decidua | | 1 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Longleaf Pine | Pinus | palustris | | 0 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Red Pine | Pinus | resinosa | | 9 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Scots Pine | Pinus | sylvestris var. sylvestris | | 4 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Black Pine | Pinus | thunbergii | | 24 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |
American Hart's-tongue Fern | Asplenium | scolopendrium var. americanum | | 0 | Ferns | Aspleniaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Japanese Holly Fern | Cyrtomium | fortunei | | 3 | Ferns | Dryopteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Southern Maidenhair Fern | Adiantum | capillus-veneris | | 1 | Ferns | Pteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Cretan Brake | Pteris | cretica | | 0 | Ferns | Pteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Spider Brake | Pteris | multifida | | 2 | Ferns | Pteridaceae | Polypodiales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
European Waterclover | Marsilea | quadrifolia | | 2 | Ferns | Marsileaceae | Salviniales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
American Pillowrt | Pilularia | americana | | 0 | Ferns | Marsileaceae | Salviniales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Mosquitofern | Azolla | caroliniana | | 110 | Ferns | Salviniaceae | Salviniales | Polypodiopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name | Codium | fragile ssp. tomentosoides | | 24 | Marine Macroalgae | Codiaceae | Bryopsidales | Ulvophyceae | Plantae |