Six-spotted Fishing Spider | Dolomedes | triton | | 1 | Spiders | Pisauridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Black Cherry Leaf Gall Mite | Eriophyes | cerasicrumena | | 1 | Mites | Eriophyidae | Trombidiformes | Arachnida | Animalia |
Wild Turkey | Meleagris | gallopavo | | 2 | Birds | Phasianidae | Galliformes | Aves | Animalia |
Common Gallinule | Gallinula | galeata | | 1 | Birds | Rallidae | Gruiformes | Aves | Animalia |
Glossy Ibis | Plegadis | falcinellus | | 1 | Birds | Threskiornithidae | Pelecaniformes | Aves | Animalia |
Margined Leatherwing | Chauliognathus | marginatus | | 1 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pseudoedophrys | hilleri | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ocellate Gall Midge | Acericecis | ocellaris | | 1 | Gall and Wood Midges | Cecidomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Asteromyia | carbonifera | | 1 | Gall and Wood Midges | Cecidomyiidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acanalonia | conica | | 1 | Planthoppers | Acanaloniidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Rugosana | querci | | 1 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Atymna | querci | | 1 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cyrtolobus | tuberosus | | 1 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Stink Bug | Chinavia | hilaris | | 2 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wheel Bug | Arilus | cristatus | | 2 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neuroterus | quercusirregularis | | 1 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Panama Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | panamae | | 1 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | plumifrontella | | 1 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elegant Grass-veneer Moth | Microcrambus | elegans | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bluegrass Webworm Moth | Parapediasia | teterrellus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Thatch Pearl | Sclerocona | acutellus | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Celery Leaftier Moth | Udea | rubigalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Snowy Urola Moth | Urola | nivalis | | 1 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morbid Owlet Moth | Chytolita | morbidalis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Baltimore Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | baltimoralis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Cloverworm Moth | Hypena | scabra | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Idia Moth | Idia | aemula | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ambiguous Moth | Lascoria | ambigualis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Faint-spotted Palthis Moth | Palthis | asopialis | | 2 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Isabella Tiger Moth | Pyrrharctia | isabella | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Early Zanclognatha Moth | Zanclognatha | cruralis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grayish Zanclognatha Moth | Zanclognatha | pedipilalis | | 1 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Faint-spotted Angle Moth | Digrammia | ocellinata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
One-spotted Variant Moth | Hypagyrtis | unipunctata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rippled Wave Moth | Idaea | obfusaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-dotted Ruddy Moth | Ilexia | intractata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-bordered Emerald Moth | Nemoria | lixaria | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Barberry Geometer Moth | Rheumaptera | meadii | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Lace-bordered Moth | Scopula | limboundata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wavy-lined Emerald Moth | Synchlora | aerata | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sachem | Atalopedes | huron | | 1 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Peck's Skipper | Polites | peckius | | 1 | Butterflies | Hesperiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scalloped Sack-bearer Moth | Lacosoma | chiridota | | 1 | Moths | Mimallonidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Corn Earworm Moth | Helicoverpa | zea | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Leuconycta Moth | Leuconycta | diphteroides | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cadbury's Lichen Moth | Polygrammate | cadburyi | | 1 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-dotted Prominent Moth | Nadata | gibbosa | | 1 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hackberry Emperor | Asterocampa | celtis | | 1 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-spotted Purple | Limenitis | arthemis astyanax | | 2 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Little Wood Satyr | Megisto | cymela | | 1 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pearl Crescent | Phyciodes | tharos | | 1 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Comma | Polygonia | comma | | 1 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red Admiral | Vanessa | atalanta | | 1 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail | Pterourus | glaucus | | 2 | Butterflies | Papilionidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cabbage White | Pieris | rapae | | 1 | Butterflies | Pieridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morning-glory Plume Moth | Emmelina | monodactyla | | 1 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Luna Moth | Actias | luna | | 1 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Carolina Sphinx | Manduca | sexta | | 1 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-lined Leafroller Moth | Amorbia | humerosana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-winged Oak Leafroller Moth | Argyrotaenia | quercifoliana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Filbertworm Moth | Cydia | latiferreana | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tufted Apple Budmoth | Platynota | idaeusalis | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ailanthus Webworm Moth | Atteva | aurea | | 1 | Moths | Yponomeutidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Familiar Bluet | Enallagma | civile | | 1 | Damselflies | Coenagrionidae | Odonata | Insecta | Animalia |
Carolina Grasshopper | Dissosteira | carolina | | 1 | Grasshoppers | Acrididae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Differential Grasshopper | Melanoplus | differentialis | | 1 | Grasshoppers | Acrididae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common True Katydid | Pterophylla | camellifolia | | 1 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Cottontail | Sylvilagus | floridanus | | 2 | Mammals | Leporidae | Lagomorpha | Mammalia | Animalia |
Northern Watersnake | Nerodia | sipedon sipedon | | 1 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Dekay's Brownsnake | Storeria | dekayi | | 1 | Reptiles | Colubridae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Fence Lizard | Sceloporus | undulatus | | 1 | Reptiles | Phrynosomatidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Common Five-lined Skink | Plestiodon | fasciatus | | 1 | Reptiles | Scincidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Snapping Turtle | Chelydra | serpentina | | 1 | Reptiles | Chelydridae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Eastern Box Turtle | Terrapene | carolina carolina | | 2 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
Mountain Laurel Leaf Spot | Mycosphaerella | colorata | | 1 | Fungi | Mycosphaerellaceae | Capnodiales | Dothideomycetes | Fungi |
Cardinal Flower | Lobelia | cardinalis | | 1 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Garlic Mustard | Alliaria | petiolata | | 1 | Mustard Family | Brassicaceae | Brassicales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Springbeauty | Claytonia | virginica | | 1 | Montia Family | Montiaceae | Caryophyllales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Nakedflower Tick-trefoil | Hylodesmum | nudiflorum | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Crownvetch | Securigera | varia | | 1 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Orange Jewelweed | Impatiens | capensis | | 1 | Touch-me-not Family | Balsaminaceae | Geraniales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Virginia Bluebells | Mertensia | virginica | | 1 | Borage Family | Boraginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Annual Toadflax | Linaria | canadensis | | 1 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bird's-eye Speedwell | Veronica | persica | | 1 | Plantain Family | Plantaginaceae | Lamiales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pickerelweed | Pontederia | cordata | | 1 | Water-Hyacinth Family | Pontederiaceae | Liliales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Dutchman's Breeches | Dicentra | cucullaria | | 1 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Bloodroot | Sanguinaria | canadensis | | 1 | Poppy Family | Papaveraceae | Papaverales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Carolina Horsenettle | Solanum | carolinense | | 1 | Potato Family | Solanaceae | Solanales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |