Rapids Clubtail Phanogomphus quadricolor (Walsh, 1863)G3G4 (Globally vulnerable)  -  In need of conservation  -  S2 (State rare)    Synonyms: Gomphus quadricolor.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Odonata   >   Family Gomphidae   >   Genus Phanogomphus   


Rapids Clubtail (Phanogomphus quadricolor) is a small, northeastern Phanogomphus of rocky or gravelly creeks or rivers. (Paulson, 2011). Rapids Clubtail is recorded from a number of counties from the mountains to the piedmont in Maryland, but is generally regarded as uncommon to rare (Richard Orr's The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Maryland and the District of Columbia), and considered S2 (state rare).

There are 54 records in the project database.

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A Rapids Clubtail in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/19/2012). Photo by Dave Czaplak. (MBP list)

A Rapids Clubtail in Allegany Co., Maryland (6/10/2007). Photo by Steve Collins. (MBP list)

A Rapids Clubtail in Harford Co., Maryland (6/9/2018). Determined by Rick Cheicante. Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

A Rapids Clubtail in Harford Co., Maryland (6/9/2018). Determined by Rick Cheicante. Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

A Rapids Clubtail in Harford Co., Maryland (6/9/2018). Determined by Rick Cheicante. Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

Rapids Clubtail in Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Rick Cheicante, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Rick Cheicante. (MBP list)

Rapids Clubtail in Harford Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Josh Emm, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

The male cerci of a Rapids Clubtail in Allegany Co., Maryland (6/10/2007). Photo by Steve Collins. (MBP list)

Rapids Clubtail in Harford Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Josh Emm, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

Rapids Clubtail in Carroll Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Matthew Beziat, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Matthew Beziat. (MBP list)

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