Map Snapshot

5 Records
Maryland has one historical record of this species from Worcester County (8/22/1976) (fide R. Orr, 2013) and a more recent photo record from Dorchester County. Recent sightings from Cape May, New Jersey suggest that additional records of wanderers along the coast are possible.
Seasonality Snapshot
Use of media featured on Maryland Biodiversity Project is only permitted with express permission of the photographer.
Striped Saddlebags in Dorchester Co., Maryland (9/29/2021). (c) richard crook, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC).
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Media by
rwcrook via iNaturalist.
A female Striped Saddlebags in Matagorda Co., Texas (4/2012).
Media by
Troy Hibbitts.
Maryland has one historical record from Worcester County (8/22/1976). Recent vagrant records in the region might suggest additional records on the coast are possible. Here is a male Striped Saddlebags in Hidalgo Co., Texas (10/2011).
Media by
Troy Hibbitts.