Delta-spotted Spiketail
Zoraena diastatops (Selys, 1854)
Delta-spotted Spiketail:

Map Snapshot

63 Records


Delta-spotted Spiketail (Zoraena diastatops) is distributed mostly to the north of Maryland. Its distribution in the state is curiously disjunct, with a population in the western mountains of Garrett and Allegany Counties (where it is considered uncommon), and records from Queen Anne's and Worcester Counties, on the Eastern Shore (where it is rare) (Richard Orr's Dragonflies and Damselflies of Maryland and District of Columbia). The species breeds in small forested seeps and tiny streams through wet meadows, and often forages in open areas within forests. It is closely-related to Brown Spiketail (Zoraena bilineata), and the two species appear to intergrade where their ranges overlap (Paulson, 2011). This dragonfly is on the watch list (S3) in Maryland.

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