Moustached Clubtail
Hylogomphus adelphus (Selys, 1858)
Moustached Clubtail:
Gomphus adelphus 

Map Snapshot

1 Record


Moustached Clubtail (Hylogomphus adelphus) is a northernly representative of a relatively small genus of a half-dozen smaller gomphids with fairly prominent clubs. Its common name refers to the conspicuous dark markings at the sutures on the face, which distinguishes it from a similar species. Moustached is a riverine species found most often at creeks and rivers with sandy substrates and rocky riffles (Paulson, 2011). In Maryland, this northern species has been recorded only from Garrett Co., and is ranked as S1 (highly state rare) (Richard Orr's The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Maryland and the District of Columbia).

Use of media featured on Maryland Biodiversity Project is only permitted with express permission of the photographer.

Source: Wikipedia

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