Forget-me-not sp.
Myosotis discolor/stricta
Forget-me-not sp.:

Map Snapshot

1 Record


Status is hard to gauge because of the difficulty in differentiating between Changing Forget-me-not, Strict Forget-me-not, and Field Forget-me-not. Public opinion, which is most likely false, has always been that Strict Forget-me-not is the de facto small Myosotis of open weedy areas in Maryland.


Both Changing Forget-me-not and Strict Forget-me-not have fruiting pedicels that are shorter than the calyx, compared to Field Forget-me-not that has pedicels that are equal to, or longer than the calyx.

Identification between Changing Forget-me-not and Strict Forget-me-not is challenging. The mericarps of Changing Forget-me-not are shorter than the styles, compared to Strict Forget-me-not that has mericarps that are longer than the styles. Changing Forget-me-not has flowers from mid-stem and up, compared with Strict Forget-me-not that has flowers along the base to the top of the stem. Changing Forget-me-not lacks uncinate (hook-tipped) hairs on the lower surface of the leaf along the mid-vein, compared to Strict Forget-me-not which does have uncinate hairs along the mid-vein of the lower leaf surface.

Immature plants can not be safely identified to species.

Where To Find

Open weedy areas with full sun and short grass; roadside edges, edges of parking lots, and field edges.

Use of media featured on Maryland Biodiversity Project is only permitted with express permission of the photographer.

Source: Wikipedia

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