Mollisia sp. (Fr.) P.Karst. (1871)
Mollisia sp.:

Map Snapshot

6 Records


This genus of more than 40 species is difficult and poorly understood (J. Solem, pers. comm.).


Dense clusters on variety of plant hosts, frequently on damp, rotting hardwoods. Fruiting body: Tiny (to 1/16"), round/cup-shaped becoming flat or distorted in age; sometimes anchored on clear/brownish mycelium. Fertile (interior) surface of varying colors from white, yellow, blue, and gray to almost black; white edge when young. Infertile (exterior) surface: Grayish to brownish, covered with down. Stalkless. (J. Solem, pers. comm.)

Eating mushrooms can be dangerous. One should do so only with expert advice and great care. MBP accepts no liability for injury sustained in consuming fungi or other biodiversity. Use of media featured on Maryland Biodiversity Project is only permitted with express permission of the photographer.

Source: Wikipedia

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