Map Snapshot
10 Records
Found solitary on ground or on well-rotted wood in hardwood or mixed forests.
Cap: According to Bessette, Bessette and Fischer p. 354, this species "...has a slightly smaller cap [than S. strobilaceus], up to 4 3/4" (12 cm) wide, with smaller, erect, often stiff and pointed scales." Light ground color covered with prominent gray/black scales, flattened or erect; convex to flat in age; may have veil remnants along margin; light flesh quickly stains red/orange, then black. Pores: White, then gray, finally black in age; stain reddish, then black. Stalk: Grayish/black; lower portion shaggy; may have one or more rings or ring zones; stains reddish, then black. (J. Solem, pers. comm.)
Compare S. strobilaceus. See also Old Man of the Woods genus page.