Beaked Hazelnut
Corylus cornuta Marshall var. cornuta
Beaked Hazelnut:
Corylus rostrata 

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11 Records


In Beaked Hazelnut, the involucral bracts (the covering of the nut) are densely bristly, closely surround the nut, and are prolonged into a slender tubular beak that is cut into narrow lobes at the tip (Brown and Brown, 1972). The beak is 2 to 4 times the length of the nut.

Where To Find

Beaked Hazelnut is chiefly a plant of the mountains. It occurs in thickets, clearings, and along roadsides and borders of wooded areas, in contrast to American Hazelnut (Corylus americana), which is frequently found in moist soil at lower elevations.


Host plant for various moth species including Banded Tussock Moth (Database of World's Lepidopteran Host Plants).

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