Map Snapshot

17 Records
Found solitary or in groups on ground in hardwood forests.
Cap: White/cream to cinnamon-brown; dry, sticky when wet; convex to nearly flat, funnel-shaped in age; flesh white, brittle initially becoming spongy with yellowish tones in age; odor fishy/unpleasant. Gills: White, stain reddish-brown; close to subdistant; often forked near stalk. Stalk: White, stains reddish-brown; dry; smooth; cylindrical but flared near top; hollow in age (J. Solem, pers. comm.).
Seasonality Snapshot
Eating mushrooms can be dangerous. One should do so only with expert advice and great care. MBP accepts no liability for injury sustained in consuming fungi or other biodiversity. Use of media featured on Maryland Biodiversity Project is only permitted with express permission of the photographer.
Compact Russula in Prince George's Co., Maryland (7/29/2019). Determined by Jo Solem.
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Media by
Anne Looker.
Compact Russula (gills showing staining) in Howard Co., Maryland (8/30/2009).
Media by
Joanne Solem.
Compact Russula in Prince George's Co., Maryland (7/29/2019). Determined by Jo Solem.
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Media by
Anne Looker.
Compact Russula in Howard Co., Maryland (8/30/2009). (c) Joanne and Robert Solem, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC).
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Media by
Joanne Solem.
Spores collected from a Compact Russula specimen in Howard Co., Maryland (8/30/2009). Ellipsoid with blunt conic warts up to 1.2 microns; measured 8.4-9.1 X 6.0-7.3 microns.
Media by
Robert Solem.