Spring Peeper | Pseudacris | crucifer crucifer | | 0 | Amphibians | Hylidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
American Bullfrog | Lithobates | catesbeianus | | 0 | Amphibians | Ranidae | Anura | Amphibia | Animalia |
No Common Name | Coras | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Agelenidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Acanthepeira | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Araneus | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Eustala | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Larinioides | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
White Micrathena | Micrathena | mitrata | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
Arabesque Orbweaver | Neoscona | arabesca | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Neoscona | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Tigrosa | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Lycosidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dolomedes | tenebrosus | | 0 | Spiders | Pisauridae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Colonus | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hentzia | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Peckhamia | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Salticidae | Araneae | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leiobunum | verrucosum | | 0 | Harvestmen | Sclerosomatidae | Opiliones | Arachnida | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leiobunum | vittatum | | 0 | Harvestmen | Sclerosomatidae | Opiliones | Arachnida | Animalia |
Eastern Screech-Owl | Megascops | asio | | 0 | Birds | Strigidae | Strigiformes | Aves | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Strigamia | sp. | | 0 | Centipedes | Linotaeniidae | Geophilomorpha | Chilopoda | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Mangora | sp. | | 0 | Spiders | Araneidae | Araneae | Insecta | Animalia |
Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach | Parcoblatta | pennsylvanica | | 0 | Cockroaches | Ectobiidae | Blattodea | Insecta | Animalia |
Wood Cockroach sp. Hidden Taxon | Parcoblatta | sp. | | 0 | Cockroaches | Ectobiidae | Blattodea | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Elonus | sp. | | 0 | Ant-like Leaf Beetles | Aderidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Timberworm | Arrenodes | minutus | | 0 | Weevils | Brentidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Agrilus | sp. | | 0 | Jewel Beetles | Buprestidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Margined Leatherwing | Chauliognathus | marginatus | | 0 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Podabrus | rugosulus | | 0 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Podabrus | sp. | | 0 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Trypherus | sp. | | 0 | Soldier Beetles | Cantharidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Agonum | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Bembidion | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Bradycellus | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chlaenius | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle | Cicindela | sexguttata | | 0 | Tiger Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Punctured Tiger Beetle | Cicindelidia | punctulata punctulata | | 0 | Tiger Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Clivina | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Dicaelus | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Elaphropus | xanthopus | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Harpalus | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pterostichus | permundus | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pterostichus | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Heavy Ochre Harp Ground Beetle | Stenolophus | ochropezus | | 1 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Stenolophus | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Tachys | sp. | | 0 | Ground Beetles | Carabidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Elderberry Borer | Desmocerus | palliatus | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spined Oak Borer | Elaphidion | mucronatum | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Banded Graphisurus | Graphisurus | fasciatus | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Metacmaeops | vittata | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Round-headed Apple Tree Borer | Saperda | candida | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Sternidius | sp. | | 0 | Long-horned Beetles | Cerambycidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Capraita | sexmaculata | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chaetocnema | sp. | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dogbane Beetle | Chrysochus | auratus | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Dibolia | sp. | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Locust Leaf Miner | Odontota | dorsalis | | 0 | Leaf Beetles | Chrysomelidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle | Coccinella | septempunctata | | 0 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Lady Beetle | Coleomegilla | maculata lengi | | 0 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle | Harmonia | axyridis | | 0 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle | Propylea | quatuordecimpunctata | | 0 | Lady Beetles | Coccinellidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Cambium Curculio | Conotrachelus | anaglypticus | | 0 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Canada Thistle Bud Weevil | Larinus | planus | | 1 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Rhubarb Weevil | Lixus | concavus | | 0 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Myrmex | myrmex | | 0 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Phyrdenus | divergens | | 0 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Xyleborus | bispinatus | | 0 | Weevils | Curculionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Copelatus | sp. | | 0 | Predaceous Diving Beetles | Dytiscidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eyed Click Beetle | Alaus | oculatus | | 0 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Conoderus | sp. | | 0 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Melanotus | sp. | | 1 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Monocrepidius | lividus | | 0 | Click Beetles | Elateridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Stenelmis | sp. | | 0 | Riffle Beetles | Elmidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tropicus | pusillus | | 0 | Variegated Mud-loving Beetles | Heteroceridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Laemophloeus | fasciatus | | 0 | Lined Flat Bark Beetles | Laemophloeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Photuris | sp. | | 0 | Fireflies | Lampyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pyropyga | sp. | | 0 | Fireflies | Lampyridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Reddish-brown Stag Beetle | Lucanus | capreolus | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Lucanidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Mycetophagus | serrulatus | | 0 | Hairy Fungus Beetles | Mycetophagidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Mycetophagus | sp. | | 0 | Hairy Fungus Beetles | Mycetophagidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Amphicrossus | ciliatus | | 0 | Sap-feeding Beetles | Nitidulidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Epuraea | rufa | | 0 | Sap-feeding Beetles | Nitidulidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Omosita | nearctica | | 0 | Sap-feeding Beetles | Nitidulidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Glowworm Beetle sp. | Phengodes | sp. | | 0 | Glowworm Beetles | Phengodidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ptilodactyla | sp. | | 0 | Toe-winged Beetles | Ptilodactylidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Dendroides | sp. | | 1 | Fire-colored Beetles | Pyrochroidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ataenius | sp. | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Copris | sp. | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Phyllophaga | sp. | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Beetle | Popillia | japonica | | 0 | Scarab Beetles | Scarabaeidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nicrophorus | sp. | | 0 | Carrion Beetles | Silphidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ridged Carrion Beetle | Oiceoptoma | inaequale | | 0 | Carrion Beetles | Silphidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pinophilus | sp. | | 0 | Rove Beetles | Staphylinidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Siagonium | americanum | | 0 | Rove Beetles | Staphylinidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
False Mealworm Beetle | Alobates | pensylvanica | | 0 | Darkling Beetles | Tenebrionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neomida | bicornis | | 0 | Darkling Beetles | Tenebrionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Statira | sp. | | 0 | Darkling Beetles | Tenebrionidae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Colydium | lineola | | 0 | Ironclad Beetles | Zopheridae | Coleoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
European Earwig | Forficula | auricularia | | 0 | Earwigs | Forficulidae | Dermaptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Yellow-backed Laphria | Laphria | thoracica | | 0 | Robber Flies | Asilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lucilia | sp. | | 0 | Blow Flies | Calliphoridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Chaoborus | punctipennis | | 0 | Phantom Midges | Chaoboridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chaoborus | sp. | | 0 | Phantom Midges | Chaoboridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ablabesmyia | sp. | | 0 | Common Midges | Chironomidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chironomus | sp. | | 0 | Common Midges | Chironomidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Polypedilum | sp. | | 0 | Common Midges | Chironomidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Stenochironomus | sp. | | 0 | Common Midges | Chironomidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Culex | sp. | | 0 | Mosquitoes | Culicidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Psorophora | ferox | | 0 | Mosquitoes | Culicidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chrysotus | sp. | | 0 | Longlegged Flies | Dolichopodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Condylostylus | sp. | | 0 | Longlegged Flies | Dolichopodidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Rhamphomyia | sp. | | 0 | Dance Flies | Empididae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Minettia | sp. | | 0 | Beach Flies | Lauxaniidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Epiphragma | sp. | | 0 | Crane Flies | Limoniidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Erioptera | septemtrionis | | 0 | Crane Flies | Limoniidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Gnophomyia | tristissima | | 0 | Crane Flies | Limoniidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Teucholabis | sp. | | 0 | Crane Flies | Limoniidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Lonchaea | sp. | | 0 | Lance Flies | Lonchaeidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Toxonevra | superba | | 0 | Flutter Flies | Pallopteridae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tricyphona | sp. | | 0 | Crane Flies | Pediciidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Rivellia | sp. | | 0 | Signal Flies | Platystomatidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Loxocera | sp. | | 0 | Rust Flies | Psilidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Golden-backed Snipe Fly | Chrysopilus | thoracicus | | 0 | Snipe Flies | Rhagionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Rhagio | sp. | | 0 | Snipe Flies | Rhagionidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Sargus | decorus | | 0 | Soldier Flies | Stratiomyidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Transverse Flower Fly | Eristalis | transversa | | 0 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Calligrapher | Toxomerus | geminatus | | 0 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Margined Calligrapher | Toxomerus | marginatus | | 0 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Maize Calligrapher | Toxomerus | politus | | 0 | Syrphid Flies | Syrphidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chrysops | sp. | | 0 | Deer and Horse Flies | Tabanidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Tabanus | sp. | | 0 | Deer and Horse Flies | Tabanidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nephrotoma | sp. | | 1 | Crane Flies | Tipulidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dialysis | sp. | | 0 | Xylophagid Flies | Xylophagidae | Diptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Leucrocuta | hebe | | 0 | Mayflies | Heptageniidae | Ephemeroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Leucrocuta | sp. | | 0 | Mayflies | Heptageniidae | Ephemeroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Stenacron | interpunctatum | | 0 | Mayflies | Heptageniidae | Ephemeroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Stenacron | sp. | | 0 | Mayflies | Heptageniidae | Ephemeroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acanalonia | conica | | 0 | Planthoppers | Acanaloniidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Diamondback Spittlebug | Lepyronia | quadrangularis | | 0 | Spittlebugs | Aphrophoridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Jalysus | sp. | | 0 | Stilt Bugs | Berytidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Two-lined Spittlebug | Prosapia | bicincta | | 0 | Spittlebugs | Cercopidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Alebra | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Saddleback Leafhopper | Colladonus | clitellarius | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Dikrella | cruentata | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sharpheaded Sharpshooter | Draeculacephala | robinsoni | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Empoa | aureotecta | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Empoa | casta | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Empoa | querci | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Empoa | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Empoa | vestita | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Potato Leafhopper | Empoasca | fabae | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Painted Leafhopper | Endria | inimicus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eratoneura | osborni | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Erythridula | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eupteryx | flavoscuta | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eutettix | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Evacanthus | nigramericanus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Extrusanus | extrusus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Graphocephala | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Graphocephala | versuta | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Hymetta | balteata | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Japanese Maple Leafhopper | Japananus | hyalinus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Jikradia | olitoria | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Limotettix | anthracinus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Macrosteles | lepidus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Broad-headed Sharpshooter | Oncometopia | orbona | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Osbornellus | clarus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ossiannilssonola | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Speckled Sharpshooter | Paraulacizes | irrorata | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ponana | aenea | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ponana | pectoralis | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ponana | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Scaphoideus | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Tylozygus | geometricus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Tylozygus | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Xestocephalus | sp. | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Xestocephalus | superbus | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White Apple Leafhopper | Zonocyba | pomaria | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Swamp Cicada | Neotibicen | tibicen | | 0 | Cicadas | Cicadidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Melanoliarus | placitus | | 0 | Planthoppers | Cixiidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pecan Spittlebug | Clastoptera | achatina | | 0 | Spittlebugs | Clastopteridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Alder Spittlebug | Clastoptera | obtusa | | 0 | Spittlebugs | Clastopteridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Sunflower Spittlebug | Clastoptera | xanthocephala | | 0 | Spittlebugs | Clastopteridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Acanthocephala | terminalis | | 0 | Leaf-footed Bugs | Coreidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Piezogaster | calcarator | | 0 | Leaf-footed Bugs | Coreidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Muellerianella | laminalis | | 0 | Planthoppers | Delphacidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Pissonotus | marginatus | | 0 | Planthoppers | Delphacidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Stenocranus | sp. | | 0 | Planthoppers | Delphacidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Anotia | uhleri | | 0 | Planthoppers | Derbidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Lanternfly | Lycorma | delicatula | | 0 | Planthoppers | Fulgoridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Thionia | bullata | | 0 | Planthoppers | Issidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Atymna | querci | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cyrtolobus | fuscipennis | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cyrtolobus | maculifrontis | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cyrtolobus | pallidifrontis | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cyrtolobus | tuberosus | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Cyrtolobus | vau | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Entylia | carinata | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Glossonotus | acuminatus | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Microcentrus | perditus | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Honey Locust Treehopper | Micrutalis | calva | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Treehopper | Platycotis | vittata | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Stictocephala | brevitylus | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Stictocephala | sp. | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Telamona | collina | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Telamona | decorata | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Telamona | excelsa | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Locust Treehopper | Vanduzea | arquata | | 0 | Treehoppers | Membracidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Amblytylus | nasutus | | 0 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Paraproba | capitata | | 0 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Phytocoris | sp. | | 0 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Plagiognathus | sp. | | 0 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | insecta | Animalia |
Two-spotted Grass Bug | Stenotus | binotatus | | 0 | Plant Bugs | Miridae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Stink Bug | Chinavia | hilaris | | 0 | Stink Bugs | Pentatomidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wheel Bug | Arilus | cristatus | | 0 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Corsair | Melanolestes | picipes | | 0 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pnirontis | sp. | | 0 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Sinea | sp. | | 0 | Assassin Bugs | Reduviidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Long-necked Seed Bug | Myodocha | serripes | | 0 | Dirt-colored Seed Bugs | Rhyparochromidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neopamera | albocincta | | 0 | Dirt-colored Seed Bugs | Rhyparochromidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Corythucha | sp. | | 0 | Lace Bugs | Tingidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ampulex | canaliculata | | 0 | Cockroach Wasps | Ampulicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Andrena | sp. | | 0 | Bees | Andrenidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown-belted Bumble Bee | Bombus | griseocollis | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Eastern Bumble Bee | Bombus | impatiens | | 0 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Bombus | sp. | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Northern Carpenter Bee | Xylocopa | virginica | | 1 | Bees | Apidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Abia | sp. | | 0 | Symphyta | Cimbicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Amphibolips Gall Wasp sp. Hidden Taxon | Amphibolips | sp. | | 0 | Gall Wasps | Cynipidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Camponotus | nearcticus | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Camponotus | sp. | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bearded Carpenter Ant | Camponotus | subbarbatus | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Crematogaster | cerasi | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Crematogaster | sp. | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Formica | sp. | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lasius | sp. | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Odorous House Ant | Tapinoma | sessile | | 0 | Ants | Formicidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lasioglossum | sp. | | 0 | Bees | Halictidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bald-faced Hornet | Dolichovespula | maculata | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Four-toothed Mason Wasp | Monobia | quadridens | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Paper Wasp | Polistes | exclamans | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
German Yellowjacket | Vespula | germanica | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Vespula | sp. | | 0 | Vespid Wasps | Vespidae | Hymenoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Walsingham's Grass Tubeworm Moth | Acrolophus | propinqua | | 0 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Acrolophus | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Acrolophidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Argyresthia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Argyresthiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Shy Cosmet Moth | Limnaecia | phragmitella | | 0 | Moths | Cosmopterigidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Carpenterworm Moth | Prionoxystus | robiniae | | 0 | Moths | Cossidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth | Anageshna | primordialis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Checkered Apogeshna Moth | Apogeshna | stenialis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | laqueatellus | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pasture Grass-veneer Moth | Crambus | saltuellus | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Crambus | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale-winged Crocidophora Moth | Crocidophora | tuberculalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Desmia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Waterlily Leafcutter Moth | Elophila | obliteralis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Elophila | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Eudonia | heterosalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Herpetogramma | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lucerne Moth | Nomophila | nearctica | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Feather-edged Petrophila | Petrophila | fulicalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pyrausta | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Rupela | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Celery Leaftier Moth | Udea | rubigalis | | 0 | Moths | Crambidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Psilocorsis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Scythropiodes | issikii | | 0 | Moths | Depressariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
False Underwing Moth | Allotria | elonympha | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Anna Tiger Moth | Apantesis | anna | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Apantesis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Caenurgina | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ultronia Underwing Moth | Catocala | ultronia | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black Bit Moth | Celiptera | frustulum | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morbid Owlet Moth | Chytolita | morbidalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Packard's Lichen Moth | Cisthene | packardii | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Little White Lichen Moth | Clemensia | albata | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Lichen Moth | Crambidia | pallida | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Cycnia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Delicate Cycnia Moth | Cycnia | tenera | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Baltimore Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | baltimoralis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth | Hypena | madefactalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Green Cloverworm Moth | Hypena | scabra | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hypena | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hypenodes | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Painted Lichen Moth | Hypoprepia | fucosa | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Necklace Moth | Hypsoropha | hormos | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Idia Moth | Idia | aemula | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spongy Moth | Lymantria | dispar | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gold-lined Melanomma Moth | Melanomma | auricinctaria | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Fungus Moth | Metalectra | discalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Texas Mocis Moth | Mocis | texana | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Orgyia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Aerial Brown Moth | Ozarba | aeria | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Faint-spotted Palthis Moth | Palthis | asopialis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Panopoda Moth | Panopoda | carneicosta | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-lined Panopoda Moth | Panopoda | rufimargo | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-banded Owlet Moth | Phalaenostola | larentioides | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Isabella Tiger Moth | Pyrrharctia | isabella | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Renia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spotted Grass Moth | Rivula | propinqualis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Virginian Tiger Moth | Spilosoma | virginica | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Smoky Tetanolita Moth | Tetanolita | mynesalis | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Virbia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Zanclognatha | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Erebidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Chionodes | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Coleotechnites | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Exoteleia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Holophysis | emblemella | | 0 | Moths | Gelechiidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Gray Moth | Anavitrinella | pampinaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pale Beauty Moth | Campaea | perlata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bent-line Carpet Moth | Costaconvexa | centrostrigaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Packard's Wave Moth | Cyclophora | packardi | | 2 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tulip-tree Beauty Moth | Epimecis | hortaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Beggar Moth | Eubaphe | mendica | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Deep Yellow Euchlaena Moth | Euchlaena | amoenaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Least-marked Euchlaena Moth | Euchlaena | irraria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Powder Moth | Eufidonia | notataria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grapevine Looper Moth species | Eulithis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Curve-toothed Geometer Moth | Eutrapela | clemataria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Chickweed Geometer Moth | Haematopis | grataria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Hypagyrtis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bent-line Gray Moth | Iridopsis | larvaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Lytrosis Moth | Lytrosis | unitaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Angle Moth | Macaria | aemulataria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Red-headed Inchworm Moth | Macaria | bisignata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Granite Moth | Macaria | granitata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Minor Angle Moth | Macaria | minorata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Many-lined Angle Moth | Macaria | multilineata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Macaria | sp. | | 1 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Melanolophia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Horned Spanworm Moth | Nematocampa | resistaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nemoria | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Oak Beauty Moth | Phaeoura | quernaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Tan Wave Moth | Pleuroprucha | insulsaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Maple Spanworm Moth | Prochoerodes | lineola | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Porcelain Gray Moth | Protoboarmia | porcelaria | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Lace-bordered Moth | Scopula | limboundata | | 0 | Moths | Geometridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Phyllocnistis | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Gracillariidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth | Malacosoma | americana | | 0 | Moths | Lasiocampidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lappet Moth | Phyllodesma | americana | | 0 | Moths | Lasiocampidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Saddleback Caterpillar Moth | Acharia | stimulea | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Shagreened Slug Moth | Apoda | biguttata | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-collared Slug Moth | Apoda | y-inversum | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Spiny Oak-slug Moth | Euclea | delphinii | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth | Lithacodes | fasciola | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Nason's Slug Moth | Natada | nasoni | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Smaller Parasa Moth | Parasa | chloris | | 0 | Moths | Limacodidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Megalopyge | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Megalopygidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Scalloped Sack-bearer Moth | Lacosoma | chiridota | | 0 | Moths | Mimallonidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Medium Dagger Moth | Acronicta | immodica | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Greater Oak Dagger Moth | Acronicta | lobeliae | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Acronicta | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ipsilon Dart Moth | Agrotis | ipsilon | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Looper Moth | Autographa | precationis | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Laugher Moth | Charadra | deridens | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grateful Midget Moth | Elaphria | grata | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Elaphria | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Bristly Cutworm Moth | Lacinipolia | renigera | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lacinipolia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Leucania | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Small Mossy Lithacodia Moth | Lithacodia | musta | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-bordered Lemon Moth | Marimatha | nigrofimbria | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Yellow Underwing Moth | Noctua | pronuba | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Hebrew Moth | Polygrammate | hebraeicum | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Large Mossy Lithacodia Moth | Protodeltote | muscosula | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pink-barred Lithacodia Moth | Pseudeustrotia | carneola | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Ragweed Flower Moth | Schinia | rivulosa | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Xestia | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Noctuidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Wavy-lined Prominent Moth | Cecrita | biundata | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Unicorn Caterpillar Moth | Coelodasys | unicornis | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White Furcula Moth | Furcula | borealis | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Gluphisia Moth | Gluphisia | septentrionis | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Heterocampa | pulverea | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-streaked Prominent Moth | Ianassa | lignicolor | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Mottled Prominent Moth | Macrurocampa | marthesia | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-dotted Prominent Moth | Nadata | gibbosa | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Georgian Prominent Moth | Paraeschra | georgica | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Symmerista | albifrons group | | 0 | Moths | Notodontidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Silvery Checkerspot | Chlosyne | nycteis | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Monarch | Danaus | plexippus | | 0 | Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Reticulated Decantha Moth | Decantha | boreasella | | 0 | Moths | Oecophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Morning-glory Plume Moth | Emmelina | monodactyla | | 0 | Moths | Pterophoridae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Grease Moth | Aglossa | cuprina | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dimorphic Macalla Moth | Epipaschia | superatalis | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Homoeosoma | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Yellow-fringed Dolichomia Moth | Hypsopygia | olinalis | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Pine Webworm Moth | Pococera | robustella | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Pococera | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Dimorphic Tosale Moth | Tosale | oviplagalis | | 0 | Moths | Pyralidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Io Moth | Automeris | io | | 0 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Tulip-tree Silkmoth | Callosamia | angulifera | | 0 | Moths | Saturniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Catalpa Sphinx | Ceratomia | catalpae | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Waved Sphinx | Ceratomia | undulosa | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Laurel Sphinx | Sphinx | kalmiae | | 0 | Moths | Sphingidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
White-lined Leafroller Moth | Amorbia | humerosana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
The Batman Moth | Coelostathma | discopunctana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Locust Twig Borer Moth | Ecdytolopha | insiticiana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Three-lined Leafroller Moth | Pandemis | limitata | | 1 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Platynota | sp. | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
One-lined Sparganothis Moth | Sparganothis | unifasciana | | 0 | Moths | Tortricidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Brown Scallopwing Moth | Calledapteryx | dryopterata | | 0 | Moths | Uraniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Gray Scallopwing Moth | Callizzia | amorata | | 0 | Moths | Uraniidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Orange-patched Smoky Moth | Pyromorpha | dimidiata | | 0 | Moths | Zygaenidae | Lepidoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Neohermes | concolor | | 0 | Alderflies Dobsonflies and Fishflies | Corydalidae | Megaloptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lomamyia | sp. | | 0 | Lacewings | Berothidae | Neuroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Black-horned Green Lacewing | Chrysopa | nigricornis | | 0 | Lacewings | Chrysopidae | Neuroptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Carolina Grasshopper | Dissosteira | carolina | | 0 | Grasshoppers | Acrididae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Ceuthophilus | sp. | | 0 | Crickets | Rhaphidophoridae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Amblycorypha | sp. | | 0 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Atlanticus | sp. | | 0 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lesser Meadow Katydid sp. Hidden Taxon | Conocephalus | sp. | | 0 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Lesser Anglewing | Microcentrum | retinerve | | 0 | Katydids | Tettigoniidae | Orthoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Valenzuela | pinicola | | 0 | Lizard Barklice | Caeciliusidae | Psocodea | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name | Ectopsocus | californicus | | 0 | Lice | Ectopsocidae | Psocodea | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Macrostemum | sp. | | 0 | Caddisflies | Hydrosychidae | Trichoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lepidostoma | sp. | | 0 | Caddisflies | Lepidostomatidae | Trichoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Nectopsyche | sp. | | 0 | Caddisflies | Leptoceridae | Trichoptera | Insecta | Animalia |
Common Pill Bug | Armadillidium | vulgare | | 0 | Isopods | Armadillidiidae | Isopoda | Malacostraca | Animalia |
Eastern Fence Lizard | Sceloporus | undulatus | | 0 | Reptiles | Phrynosomatidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Common Five-lined Skink | Plestiodon | fasciatus | | 0 | Reptiles | Scincidae | Squamata | Reptilia | Animalia |
Northern Red-bellied Turtle | Pseudemys | rubriventris | | 0 | Reptiles | Emydidae | Testudines | Reptilia | Animalia |
No Common Name | Empoa | latifasciata | | 0 | Leafhoppers | Cicadellidae | Hemiptera | Insecta | Animalians |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Amanita | sp. | | 0 | Fungi | Amanitaceae | Agaricales | Agaricomycetes | Fungi |
Rattlesnake Weed | Hieracium | venosum | | 0 | Aster Family | Asteraceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Clasping Venus Looking-glass | Triodanis | perfoliata | | 0 | Bellflower Family | Campanulaceae | Asterales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blackhaw | Viburnum | prunifolium | | 0 | Moschatel Family | Adoxaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
No Common Name Hidden Taxon | Lonicera | sp. | | 0 | Honeysuckle Family | Caprifoliaceae | Dipsacales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Blue Wild indigo | Baptisia | australis | | 0 | Pea Family | Fabaceae | Fabales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Northern Red Oak | Quercus | rubra | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Post Oak | Quercus | stellata | | 0 | Oak Family | Fagaceae | Fagales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pignut Hickory | Carya | glabra | | 0 | Walnut Family | Juglandaceae | Juglandales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Broadleaf Helleborine | Epipactis | helleborine | | 0 | Orchids | Orchidaceae | Orchidales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Stinging Nettle | Urtica | dioica | | 0 | Nettle Family | Urticaceae | Urticales | Magnoliopsida | Plantae |
Pitch Pine | Pinus | rigida | | 0 | Pine Family | Pinaceae | Pinales | Pinopsida | Plantae |