Pheidole bicarinata Mayr, 1870    
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Hymenoptera   >   Family Formicidae   >   Genus Pheidole   


Found in open habitats, especially dry, disturbed areas including open woods, sand dune, and ridge habitats semi-open sandy areas, old fields, corn fields, grasslands, lawns, and road shoulders (see Frye et al., 2014).

There are 9 records in the project database.

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Pheidole bicarinata specimen. Contributed by unknown photographer. Photo by AntWeb Data. (MBP list)

Pheidole bicarinata major specimen. Contributed by unknown photographer. Photo by AntWeb Data. (MBP list)

A Pheidole bicarinata in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (8/2/2014). Determined by James C. Trager. Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

Pheidole bicarinata in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). Photo by Tim Foard. (MBP list)

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