Eastern Fox Squirrel Sciurus niger niger Linnaeus, 1758    
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Chordata   >   Class Mammalia   >   Order Rodentia   >   Family Sciuridae   >   Genus Sciurus   


There are two subspecies found in Maryland. The nominate subspecies can be found in central and western Maryland. Delmarva Fox Squirrel is a Loblolly Pine specialist on the Eastern Shore.


Eastern Fox Squirrels are fairly easy to distinguish from Eastern Gray Squirrels by their larger size, a bushier tail that is heavily tinged with orange, and a lumbering gait. Whereas Grays have white fur on their bellies, the Eastern Fox Squirrel's belly has dark fur that ranges from orange to black.

Where to find:

Eastern Fox Squirrels are generally found in western Maryland east to Montgomery County. Delmarva Fox Squirrels are found on the Eastern Shore.

There are 113 records in the project database.

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Eastern Fox Squirrel in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/22/2009). (c) Bill Hubick, all rights reserved. Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

A Eastern Fox Squirrel in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/21/2014). Photo by Jared Fisher. (MBP list)

An Eastern Fox Squirrel in Washington Co., Maryland (10/14/2013). Photo by Mark Johnson. (MBP list)

An Eastern Fox Squirrel in Montgomery Co., Maryland (12/4/2020). (c) Ron Wertz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA). Photo by Ron Wertz via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

An Eastern Fox Squirrel in Washington Co., Maryland (10/14/2013). Photo by Mark Johnson. (MBP list)

An Eastern Fox Squirrel in Frederick Co., Maryland (8/21/2018). Photo by Mark Johnson. (MBP list)

Eastern Fox Squirrel in Garrett Co., Maryland (11/6/2012). (c) Ashley Rodeheaver, all rights reserved. Photo by Ashley Rodeheaver. (MBP list)

An Eastern Fox Squirrel in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/24/2018). Photo by Kimberly Booth. (MBP list)

An Eastern Fox Squirrel in Washington Co., Maryland (8/25/2018). Photo by Frode Jacobsen. (MBP list)

An Eastern Fox Squirrel in Montgomery Co., Maryland (12/12/2015). Photo by Mike Ostrowski. (MBP list)

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