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26 Records
Slender Baskettail (Epitheca costalis) is a widespread species across much of the Mississippi valley and coastal plain, but appears absent from the Appalachians. It breeds in sandy ponds or streams, and is more likely to occur on streams than several similar baskettails (Paulson, 2011). This species is considered highly state rare (S1) in Maryland. E. costalis has been recorded from four counties in central Maryland (Richard Orr's The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Maryland and the District of Columbia).
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A male Slender Baskettail in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/1/2016).
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Media by
Richard Orr.
A Slender Baskettail in Tangipahoa Parrish, Louisiana (3/24/2012).
Media by
Steve Collins.
A Slender Baskettail in Howard Co., Maryland (6/4/2013).
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Media by
Bonnie Ott.
A Slender Baskettail in Tangipahoa Parrish, Louisiana (3/24/2012). Slender Baskettail is highly state rare (S1) in Maryland. They have only been recorded in Howard, Prince George's, Anne Arundel, and Queen Anne's Counties.
Media by
Steve Collins.