Umber Shadowdragon Neurocordulia obsoleta (Say, 1839)S3 (Watch list)    
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Odonata   >   Family Corduliidae   >   Genus Neurocordulia   


Umber Shadowdragon (Neurocordulia obsoleta) is a member of an often frustrating genus of emeralds, well-known for their crepuscular activity and elusiveness. Due to their unusual diel activity pattern, adult shadowdragons are generally dragonflies for which a specific effort is required to see them in nature. They can be abundant at times, but usually spend the daylight hours perched high in trees. They have a period of great activity from sunset to twilight, when the true propulation can be more adequately appreciated. Exuviae surveys are often the best way to determine their presence and population level (B. Coulter, pers. obs.). This species generally prefers rockier creeks and rivers, usually with faster current (Paulson, 2011). In Maryland, it is found over a large portion of the state, and is considered common by Orr (Richard Orr's The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Maryland and the District of Columbia), though it is ranked S3 (watch list) for Maryland.

There are 23 records in the project database.

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An Umber Shadowdragon caught in Harford Co., Maryland (6/24/2018). Determined by Rick Cheicante. Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

An Umber Shadowdragon from Penobscott Co., Maine (6/26/2010). Photo by Steve Collins. (MBP list)

An Umber Shadowdragon (right) with the very similar Stygian Shadowdragon (left) in Harford Co., Maryland (6/24/2018). Determined by Rick Cheicante. Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

Four cast skins found by Richard Orr along the Patapsco River established new records for Baltimore and Howard Counties (6/1/2013). Photo by Richard Orr. (MBP list)

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