Splendid Clubtail
Gomphurus lineatifrons (Calvert, 1921)
Splendid Clubtail: https://marylandbiodiversity.com/species/646
Gomphus lineatifrons 

Map Snapshot

17 Records


Splendid Clubtail (Gomphurus lineatifrons) is very large clubtail species of rocky upland creeks and rivers (Paulson, 2011). In Maryland, it appears to be restricted to the upper Potomac and several larger tributaries (Richard Orr's The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Maryland and the District of Columbia). This species is indeed quite a splendid sight! It often selects very large prey relative to body size, including other dragonflies. it is ranked as S1 (highly state rare).

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Source: Wikipedia

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