Dreamy Duskywing Erynnis icelus (Scudder & Burgess, 1870)    Synonyms: Hodges #3945.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Lepidoptera   >   Family Hesperiidae   >   Genus Erynnis   


Host plants include various trees and shrubs including Poplars, Willows, and Birches. Various Oaks may also be used (Cech and Tudor, 2005).

There are 131 records in the project database.

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A Dreamy Duskywing in Washington Co., Maryland (5/14/2015). Photo by Richard Orr. (MBP list)

A Dreamy Duskywing in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/23/2014). Photo by Richard Orr. (MBP list)

A Dreamy Duskywing in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/6/2017). Photo by Kevin Heffernan. (MBP list)

A Dreamy Duskywing in Allegany Co., Maryland (5/3/2013). Photo by Annette Allor. (MBP list)

A Dreamy Duskywing in Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania (5/17/2008). Photo by Steve Collins. (MBP list)

A Dreamy Duskywing in Frederick Co., Maryland (5/8/2016). Determined by Richard Smith/BAMONA. Photo by Mark Etheridge. (MBP list)

Dreamy Duskywing in Allegany Co., Maryland (5/31/2021). (c) Jim Moore (Maryland), some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jim Moore. (MBP list)

A Dreamy Duskywing in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/29/2020). Determined by Cliff Ivy/BugGuide. Photo by William Blauvelt. (MBP list)

Dreamy Duskywing in Allegany Co., Maryland (5/24/2014). (c) treichard, all rights reserved. Photo by Timothy Reichard. (MBP list)

Dreamy Duskywing in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/29/2020). (c) Bill Blauvelt, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Bill Blauvelt via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A Dreamy Duskywing collected in Frederick Co., Maryland (5/25/2000). Photo by Mark Etheridge. (MBP list)

A Dreamy Duskywing in Allegany Co., Maryland (6/18/2017). Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

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