Northern Oak Hairstreak
Satyrium favonius (W. H. Edwards, 1868) ontario
Northern Oak Hairstreak:
Fixsenia favonius  Hodges #4331 

Map Snapshot

22 Records


Northern Oak Hairstreak (Satyrium favonius ontario), the widespread northern form of this species, occurs rarely in Maryland, and is considered state-endangered, with a state ranking of S1/S2 (highly-state-rare/state-rare). This lovely butterfly is generally observed along edges of open oak forest, where its host plants are common, and flies in mid-June (Butterflies of Maryland: A Biological Summary and Checklist by Lynn Davidson & Richard Smith; Brock & Kaufman, 2003).


As its name suggests, the larvae feed on oaks (Quercus sp.) Known to utilize White Oak (Quercus alba), Black Oak (Quercus velutina), Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra), Post Oak (Quercus stellata), and possibly Bear Oak (Quercus ilicifolia) (Allen 1997).

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