Eastern Cricket Frog
Acris crepitans (Baird, 1854) crepitans
Eastern Cricket Frog: https://marylandbiodiversity.com/species/441
Northern Cricket Frog 

Map Snapshot

987 Records

Eastern Cricket Frog in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/14/2020). (c) Heather Stiltner, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). - Heather Stiltner via iNaturalist.

Eastern Cricket Frog in Caroline Co., Maryland (6/27/2010). (c) Bill Hubick, all rights reserved. - Bill Hubick.

Eastern Cricket Frog in Prince George's Co., Maryland (5/4/2019). No rights reserved. - Lori B via iNaturalist.

Eastern Cricket Frog in Harford Co., Maryland (5/2/2022). (c) melcaudill, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). - melcaudill via iNaturalist.


Eastern Cricket Frog (Acris crepitans crepitans) is the smallest species of frog in Maryland, and in fact, one of the smallest vertebrates in North America. This tiny, warty treefrog species is relatively short-legged, lacks enlarged toe pads, and doesn't climb. This frog favors sunny, shallow areas of permanent water bodies, including slow sections of running water. The specific epithet crepitans, Latin for crackling, refers to its call, which sounds rather like a spray paint can being shaken, or two small stones being repeatedly struck together. The call tends to accelerate as it progresses, and continues for 20-30 clicks or more (Conant & Collins, 1998). In Maryland, this frog is found through much of the state, except the western edge (Maryland DNR site).

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