Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana), also known as false dragonhead, is a showy member of the Mint Family that grows throughout eastern and central North America. Its common name comes from the unusual tendency of each individual flower, if pushed in any one direction, to stay temporarily in its new position. Obedient Plant is native but infrequent, growing on riverbanks and in damp thickets. Because it is commonly cultivated, some populations in wild habitats are most likely escapes.
Look for Obedient Plant in open, shrubby swales along streambanks and in damp thickets.
Obedient Plant’s most important pollinators are bumblebees, but other long-tongued bees and Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds occasionally visit, seeking nectar. Like other members of the Mint family, Obedient Plant is probably not a favored food of mammalian herbivores.
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