Lyrate Rockcress
Arabidopsis lyrata (Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Zhehbaz ssp. lyrata
Lyrate Rockcress:
Arabis lyrata 

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284 Records


Lyrate Rockcress is found in suitable habitats across Maryland. Habitats vary, but lack on competing ground cover is essential for Lyrate Rockcress to thrive. Lyrate Rockcress can be found growing on cliff faces, shale, and serpentine barrens. On the Eastern Shore where Lyrate Rockcress is rare, it is found in open woods often dominated by Virginia Pine, and growing on ancient shell middens.


Lyrate Rockcress can be differentiated from all other mustards by the lyrate shape of the basal leaves. Closely resembles Mouse-eared Cress. Mouse-eared Cress has basal leaves that are entire.

Where To Find

Soldiers Delight Serpentine Barrens.

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Source: Wikipedia

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