Yellow Jewelweed Impatiens pallida Nuttall    Synonyms: Impatiens aurea, Pale Jewelweed, Pale Touch-me-not, Yellow Touch-me-not.
Kingdom Plantae   >   Division Tracheophyta   >   Class Magnoliopsida   >   Order Geraniales   >   Family Balsaminaceae   >   Genus Impatiens   


Yellow Jewelweed is less common than the very similar Orange Jewelweed. Yellow Jewelweed, like Orange Jewelweed, is an annual plant and occurs along muddy borders of ponds and streams (especially in wooded areas) and in swamps and moist deciduous woodlands.


Yellow Jewelweed is a paler version of Orange Jewelweed, with a shorter spur. As in Orange Jewelweed, ripe seedpods explode when touched.

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Yellow Jewelweed blooming in Montgomery Co., Maryland (8/31/2014). Photo by Ashley Bradford. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed blooming in Allegany Co., Maryland (7/2/2013). Photo by Kimberly Booth. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Howard Co., Maryland (8/10/2010). Photo by Bill Harms. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Harford Co., Maryland (8/24/2017). Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed blooming in Frostburg, Maryland (9/5/2013). Photo by Matt Tillett. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Garrett Co., Maryland (9/15/2017). Photo by Bill Harms. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/27/2017). Photo by Wayne Longbottom. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed blooming in Harford Co., Maryland (9/27/2014). Photo by Bill Keim. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed blooming in Washington Co., Maryland (8/28/2020). Photo by Jim Stasz. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed blooming in Harford Co., Maryland (9/4/2013). Photo by Jim Stasz. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed being visited by a Zabulon Skipper in Howard Co., Maryland (8/16/2014). Photo by Richard Orr. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Washington Co., Maryland (8/4/2014). Photo by Jim Stasz. (MBP list)

A Yellow Jewelweed blooming in Garrett Co., Maryland (8/25/2014). Photo by Matt Tillett. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed blooming in Baltimore Co., Maryland (9/19/2015). Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

Pale Jewelweed blooming in Washington Co., Maryland (9/13/2013). Photo by Amy Allen. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Frederick Co., Maryland (8/18/2020). (c) smuller, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Sue Muller. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Harford Co., Maryland (8/28/2016). Photo by Kirsten Johnson. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in bloom in Montgomery Co., Maryland (9/2/2016). Photo by Jane Hill. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed (on the right in this photo) blooming in Allegany Co., Maryland (9/15/2018). Orange jewelweed on the left. Photo by Mark Eanes. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Harford Co., Maryland (9/27/2020). (c) tomfeild, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Tom Feild. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Harford Co., Maryland (9/27/2020). (c) tomfeild, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Tom Feild. (MBP list)

Yellow Jewelweed in Harford Co., Maryland (9/26/2020). Photo by Dave Webb. (MBP list)

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