Gilled Bracket
Lenzites betulinus (Linnaeus) Fries
Gilled Bracket:
Birch Mazegill  Gilled Polypore  Lenzites betulina (orth. var.) Lenzites flaccida (orth. var.) Lenzites flaccidus  Multicolor Gilled Polypore  Trametes betulina 

Map Snapshot

404 Records


Found solitary or in groups on decaying hardwoods, occasionally conifers.


Fruiting body: Color variable (white/pink/gray/yellow/brown/green (colored by algae); velvety, hairy; semicircular/fan-shaped; stalkless; pronounced odor. Pores: white/creamy, gill-like radiating from point of attachment, sometimes forking, occasionally elongated pores near margin (J. Solem, pers. comm.).

Seasonality Snapshot

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Source: Wikipedia

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