Skillet Clubtail Gomphurus ventricosus (Walsh, 1863)Extirpated  -  G3 (Globally rare/local)  -  SH (Historical)    Synonyms: Gomphus ventricosus.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Odonata   >   Family Gomphidae   >   Genus Gomphurus   


Skillet Clubtail (Gomphurus ventrocosus) is generally an uncommon to rare species across much of its range, and it has not been recorded from Maryland in over a century. It is said to favor medium to large rocky rivers with good water quality and intact riparian corridors (Paulson, 2011). This clubtail was recorded from the Virginia side of the Potomac at Great Falls in the early 1900s, but the river channel at that location is considered to be within the state of Maryland (Richard Orr's The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Maryland and the District of Columbia). Due to a complete lack of recent records, this species is currently considered to be extirpated from the state.

There are 4 records in the project database.

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A Skillet Clubtail from Russell Co., Virginia (5/25/2008). Photo by Steve Collins. (MBP list)

A Skillet Clubtail from Russell Co., Virginia (5/25/2008). There are only two historical records of Skillet Clubtail in Maryland from the Potomac River in Montgomery County. Photo by Steve Collins. (MBP list)

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