King's Hairstreak Satyrium kingi (Klots & Clench, 1952)G3G4 (Globally vulnerable)  -  Endangered (MD)  -  S1 (Highly state rare)  -  Vulnerable    Synonyms: Hodges #4284.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Lepidoptera   >   Family Lycaenidae   >   Genus Satyrium   


King's Hairstreak (Satyrium kingi) is a southeastern species, at the northern limit of its range in Maryland. This butterfly is highly local and vulnerable in Maryland, as its host plant, Common Sweetleaf, is found only in wooded swamps in a relatively small area of the eastern shore. It flies from late June to late July in Maryland (Butterflies of Maryland: A Biological Summary and Checklist by Lynn Davidson & Richard Smith; Brock & Kaufman 2003).


King's Hairstreak utilizes Common Sweetleaf (Symplocos tinctoria) as a larval host.

There are 19 records in the project database.

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A King's Hairstreak found in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/15/2007). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

King's Hairstreak in Worcester Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Bill Hubick, all rights reserved. Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

A King's Hairstreak in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/5/2015). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

King's Hairstreak in Worcester Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Bill Hubick, all rights reserved. Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

King's Hairstreak in Worcester Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) sharonforsyth, all rights reserved. Photo by sharonforsyth via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

King's Hairstreak in Worcester Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) sharonforsyth, all rights reserved. Photo by sharonforsyth via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

A King's Hairstreak in Worcester Co., Maryland (6/19/2019). Photo by Daniel Taylor. (MBP list)

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