Edwards' Hairstreak Satyrium edwardsii (Grote and Robinson, 1867)Endangered (MD)  -  S1 (Highly state rare)  -  Vulnerable    Synonyms: Hodges #4281.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Lepidoptera   >   Family Lycaenidae   >   Genus Satyrium   


Edwards' Hairstreak (Satyrium edwardsii) populations are in decline, and this species is considered endangered and vulnerable in Maryland. There are now fewer than five populations known in the state, and consequently, this species has been assigned a ranking of S1 (highly-state-rare) by the Maryland Heritage Program. Edwards' Hairstreaks prefer dry rocky barrens with an abundance of Bear Oak. Loss of suitable habitat is one of the main reasons for this species decline.


The preferred host plant for Edwards' Hairstreak is Bear Oak (Quercus ilicifolia). In some parts of the range, it may also use Black Oak (Quercus velutina) or Blackjack Oak (Quercus marilandica) (Allen 1997).

There are 55 records in the project database.

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Edwards' Hairstreak in Frederick Co., Maryland (6/28/2020). Photo by Jim Moore. (MBP list)

An Edwards' Hairstreak in Carroll Co., Maryland (7/11/2008). Highly state rare (S1) and state endangered. A localized specialist of scrubby barrens with low-growing oaks such as Bear Oak. Photo by Steve Collins. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreak in Maryland (7/1/2009). Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreak in Maryland (7/1/2009). Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

An Edwards' Hairstreak and Crownvetch in Frederick Co., Maryland (7/8/2014). Photo by Richard Orr. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreak in Frederick Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) jugbayjs, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by jugbayjs via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreak in Frederick Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Kyle Klotz, all rights reserved. Photo by Kyle Klotz. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreak in Frederick Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) rborchelt, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by rborchelt via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreak in Frederick Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) apistopanchax, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreak in Frederick Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) rborchelt, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by rborchelt via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreak in Frederick Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Jim Brighton, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreak in Frederick Co., Maryland (7/3/2022). Photo by Lydia Fravel. (MBP list)

Edwards' Hairstreaks mating in Frederick Co., Maryland (Date obscured). (c) Kyle Klotz, all rights reserved. Photo by Kyle Klotz. (MBP list)

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