Canada Thistle Cirsium arvense (Linnaeus) ScopoliNon-native  -  Invasive    Synonyms: Carduus arvensis, Creeping Thistle.
Kingdom Plantae   >   Division Tracheophyta   >   Class Magnoliopsida   >   Order Asterales   >   Family Asteraceae   >   Genus Cirsium   


Canada Thistle is a native of Europe, where it is known as Creeping Thistle because it springs from creeping roots.


Hairless, much-branched, with small, numerous, often clustered flower heads, which are fragrant and pale lilac. The bracts are sepal-like and appressed.

Where to find:

A common thistle that grows in pastures, fields, and along roadsides.

There are 772 records in the project database.

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Canada Thistle in Caroline Co., Maryland (6/5/2016). Photo by Wayne Longbottom. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (7/5/2016). Photo by Wayne Longbottom. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Howard Co., Maryland (5/22/2010). Photo by Bill Harms. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle blooming in Somerset Co., Maryland (6/2013). Photo by Lance Biechele. (MBP list)

Blooming Canada Thistle in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/23/2013). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle blooming in Calvert Co., Maryland (6/14/2014). Photo by John Hall. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle blooming in Frederick Co., Maryland (6/25/2016). Photo by Richard Orr. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Baltimore City, Maryland (6/14/2020). Photo by Kirsten Johnson. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Montgomery Co., Maryland (9/22/2020). (c) Emily Summerbell, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Emily Summerbell, Ph.D. via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Montgomery Co., Maryland (9/22/2020). (c) Emily Summerbell, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Emily Summerbell, Ph.D. via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle blooming in Harford Co., Maryland (6/9/2018). Photo by Josh Emm. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle blooming in Allegany Co., Maryland (6/30/2013). Photo by Kimberly Booth. (MBP list)

The basal leaves of Canada Thistle in Kent Co., Maryland (4/3/2016). Photo by Nancy Martin. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/28/1981). Photo by Jim Stasz. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Baltimore City, Maryland (6/30/2020). (c) dangitmimi, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by dangitmimi via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Kent Co., Maryland (7/10/2017). (c) dansmall, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Dan Small. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Baltimore Co., Maryland (7/16/2020). (c) ebrown5813, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by ebrown5813 via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle blooming in Carroll Co., Maryland (6/26/1994). Photo by Bob Ringler. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Dorchester Co., Maryland (9/8/2018). (c) Judy Gallagher, some rights reserved (CC BY). Photo by Judy Gallagher. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Montgomery Co., Maryland (8/10/2019). (c) Manoli Strecker, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Manoli Strecker via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Frederick Co., Maryland (6/19/2019). (c) Steve Dudrow, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Steve Dudrow via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Baltimore City, Maryland (5/17/2019). (c) Brett M, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Brett M via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Baltimore City, Maryland (5/17/2019). (c) Brett M, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Brett M via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/25/2020). (c) Ashley M Bradford, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Ashley Bradford. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Washington Co., Maryland (9/25/2020). (c) smuller, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Sue Muller. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Montgomery Co., Maryland (11/7/2020). (c) bugzilla, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by bugzilla via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Montgomery Co., Maryland (11/7/2020). (c) bugzilla, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by bugzilla via iNaturalist. (MBP list)

Canada Thistle in Caroline Co., Maryland (6/1/2024). (c) Frode Jacobsen, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Frode Jacobsen. (MBP list)

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