Spring Beauty Andrena Andrena erigeniae Robertson, 1891    Synonyms: Spring Beauty Miner, Spring Beauty Miner Bee, Springbeauty Andrena.
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Hymenoptera   >   Family Andrenidae   >   Genus Andrena   

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A Spring Beauty Andrena in Montgomery Co., Maryland (5/10/2020). Determined by John Ascher/BugGuide. Photo by Jim Moore. (MBP list)

Spring Beauty Andrena in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/3/2021). (c) Sergei Drovetski, all rights reserved. Photo by Sergei Drovetski. (MBP list)

A female Spring Beauty Andrena in Baltimore City, Maryland (4/21/2009). Determined by John S. Ascher/BugGuide. Photo by Thomas Wilson. (MBP list)

A female Spring Beauty Andrena in Baltimore City, Maryland (4/21/2009). Photo by Thomas Wilson. (MBP list)

Spring Beauty Andrena in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/19/2020). (c) Timothy Reichard, all rights reserved. Photo by Timothy Reichard. (MBP list)

Spring Beauty Andrena in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/30/2020). (c) Ashley Rodeheaver, all rights reserved. Photo by Ashley Rodeheaver. (MBP list)

Spring Beauty Andrena in Caroline Co., Maryland (4/13/2021). (c) tomfeild, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Tom Feild. (MBP list)

A Spring Beauty Andrena in Garrett Co., Maryland (4/26/2013). Determined by Sam Droege/USGS. Photo by Boyer and McDowell. (MBP list)

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