Silky Laphria Laphria sericea Say, 1823    
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Diptera   >   Family Asilidae   >   Genus Laphria   


Laphria sericea is part of a complex of large, orange eastern species that are difficult to identify in the field. This complex also includes Laphria aktis, and an undescribed species discovered by Stephen Bullington. Males are distinguishable from genitalia, and can even be determined from a sharp macrophotograph, but females require a specimen. This species can be quite common in deciduous forests.

There are 8 records in the project database.

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A Silky Laphria with prey in Frederick Co., Maryland (6/9/2013). Photo by Richard Orr. (MBP list)

A Silky Laphria preying on a scorpionfly (Panorpa helena) in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/7/2014). Photo by Matt Tillett. (MBP list)

A pair of Silky Laphrias, with prey, in Frederick Co., Maryland (6/6/2020). Photo by Rick Borchelt. (MBP list)

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