Calycomyza malvae (Burgess, 1880)    
Kingdom Animalia   >   Phylum Arthropoda   >   Class Insecta   >   Order Diptera   >   Family Agromyzidae   >   Genus Calycomyza   


Larvae use plants in the mallow family (Malvaceae) as hosts. Leaf mines have been documented in Maryland on Velvetleaf and Common Mallow.

There are 9 records in the project database.

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Calycomyza malvae leaf mines on Common Mallow in Baltimore City, Maryland (7/6/2018). Verified by Charley Eiseman/BugGuide. Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

Leaf mines of Calycomyza malvae on Velvetleaf in Carroll Co., Maryland (8/20/2020). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

A Calycomyza malvae mine in Frederick Co., Maryland (7/25/2020). Photo by Mark Etheridge. (MBP list)

A Calycomyza malvae leaf mine in Velvetleaf in Baltimore City, Maryland (7/18/2015). Determined by Charley Eiseman/BugGuide. Photo by Thomas Wilson. (MBP list)

Calycomyza malvae in Frederick Co., Maryland (7/30/2017). Verified by Charley Eiseman/BugGuide. Photo by Mark Etheridge. (MBP list)

Calycomyza malvae in Frederick Co., Maryland (9/5/2021). (c) Mark Etheridge, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Mark Etheridge. (MBP list)

A male Calycomyza malvae in Hampshire Co., Massachusetts (7/14/2013). Verified by Owen Lonsdale/BugGuide. Photo by Charley Eiseman. (MBP list)

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