White Elfin Saddle Helvella crispa (Scopoli) Fries    Synonyms: Fluted White Helvella, White Saddle Fungus.
Kingdom Fungi   >   Phylum Ascomycota   >   Class Pezizomycetes   >   Order Pezizales   >   Family Helvellaceae   >   Genus Helvella   


Found solitary or in groups on ground or on very well-rotted wood; pine or hardwood forests (J. Solem, pers. comm.). Can be at least locally common on the lower Eastern Shore, fruiting both in the summer and fall (L. Biechele, pers. comm.).


Fruiting body: Saddle-shaped with lobes bent toward stalk; margin smooth or slightly torn; flesh white and brittle. Stalk: White to pinkish-buff; deeply pitted or ribbed with internal chambers; ribs extend onto lower surface of cap. (J. Solem, pers. comm.) The ascospores are located on the surface of the hymenium or saddle (L. Biechele, pers. comm.).

There are 11 records in the project database.

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White Elfin Saddle in Worcester Co., Maryland (10/16/2014). These specimens were particularly large and found on a woodland road with scattered bits of oyster shell. Photo by Lance Biechele. (MBP list)

White Elfin Saddle in Worcester Co., Maryland (10/16/2014). These specimens were particularly large and found on a woodland road with scattered bits of oyster shell. Photo by Lance Biechele. (MBP list)

White Elfin Saddle in Howard Co., Maryland (6/5/2018). (c) Joanne and Robert Solem, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Joanne Solem. (MBP list)

White Elfin Saddle (fruiting body) in Howard Co., Maryland (6/5/2018). Photo by Joanne Solem. (MBP list)

Spores of White Elfin Saddle in Howard Co., Maryland (6/5/2018). (c) Joanne and Robert Solem, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Joanne Solem. (MBP list)

Spores collected from a White Elfin Saddle specimen in Howard Co., Maryland (6/5/2018). Photo by Robert Solem. (MBP list)

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