Maleberry Lyonia ligustrina (Linnaeus) De Candolle    Synonyms: Arsenococcus frondosus, Arsenococcus ligustrinus, He-Huckleberry, Lyonia ligustrina var. foliosiflora, Xolisma ligustrina, Xolisma ligustrina var. foliosiflora.
Kingdom Plantae   >   Division Tracheophyta   >   Class Magnoliopsida   >   Order Ericales   >   Family Ericaceae   >   Genus Lyonia   


Found in swamps, moist forests, and open areas throughout Maryland (J. Hill/MNPS, 2014).


Note this species' distinctive dried, round fruit capsules, which persist into the following year.


Host plant for various moth species including Major Datana Moth (Miller et al., 2018), and Sharp-blotched Nola Moth.

There are 172 records in the project database.

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[View seasonality details]
Maleberry blooming in Worcester Co., Maryland (6/15/2014). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Maleberry in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/1/2014). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Maleberry growing in Montgomery Co., Maryland (5/25/2015). Photo by Jim Wilkinson. (MBP list)

Maleberry in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/9/2015). Photo by Bill Harms. (MBP list)

Persisting Maleberry seedpods in Worcester Co., Maryland (5/5/2013). Photo by Jim Brighton. (MBP list)

Maleberry in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/18/2014). Photo by Dwight Johnson. (MBP list)

Maleberry (previous year's fruit capsules) in Frederick Co., Maryland (4/12/2015). Photo by Jane Hill. (MBP list)

Maleberry in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (c) Bill Hubick, all rights reserved. Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

Maleberry in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/4/2011). Photo by Bill Harms. (MBP list)

Maleberry in Prince George's Co., Maryland (7/4/2020). (c) Jane Hill, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC). Photo by Jane Hill. (MBP list)

Maleberry in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Photo by Bill Hubick. (MBP list)

Maleberry in Prince George's Co., Maryland (10/28/2018). (c) Dwight Johnson, all rights reserved. Photo by Dwight Johnson. (MBP list)

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