Donacaula sp. linealis
Donacaula sp. linealis:
Donacaula n. sp. 3  Donacaula n. sp. linealis 

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This species was described in Edda Martinez' unpublished revision of the genus Donacaula (Martinez, 2010). Paratypes have localities in many eastern states including North Carolina, Ohio, and Massachusetts, and it can be expected to be found in Maryland. Adults of the species are best identified by dissection and are externally similar to Donacaula dispersellus and D. microlinealis.


Larval host plants are unknown but are expected to be grasses (Poaeceae) and sedges (Cyperaceae) in wetlands (Martinez, 2010).

Use of media featured on Maryland Biodiversity Project is only permitted with express permission of the photographer.

Source: Wikipedia

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